Multi-dimensional, distributed data structures
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
|\CDomi::MDVector< Scalar >Multi-dimensional distributed vector
|\CDomi::SubcommunicatorErrorSubcommunicator Error exception type
|\CDomi::InvalidArgumentInvalid argument exception type
|oCDomi::MDIterator< MDARRAY >Iterator class suitable for multi-dimensional arrays
|\CDomi::MDRevIterator< MDARRAY >Reverse iterator class suitable for multi-dimensional arrays
oCDomi::MDArray< T >Memory-safe templated multi-dimensional array class
oCDomi::MDArrayRCP< T >Memory-safe, reference-counted, templated, multi-dimensional array class
oCDomi::MDArrayRCP< Scalar >
oCDomi::MDArrayView< T >Memory-safe templated multi-dimensional array view class
oCDomi::MDArrayView< Scalar >
oCDomi::MDCommMulti-dimensional communicator object
oCDomi::MDMapMulti-dimensional map
|\CDomi::RangeErrorRange Error exception type
oCDomi::remove_const< T >Provide capability to declare a variable as non-const, even if template parameter is const
oCDomi::remove_const< const T >Specialization of remove_const when template parameter is already const
|oCDomi::BoundsErrorBounds Error exception type
|oCDomi::MapOrdinalErrorMap Ordinal Error exception type
|oCDomi::MDMapErrorMDMap Error exception type
|oCDomi::MDMapNoncontiguousErrorMDMap Error exception type
|\CDomi::TypeErrorType Error exception type
\CDomi::SliceA Slice contains a start, stop, and step index, describing a subset of an ordered container
 \CDomi::ConcreteSliceA ConcreteSlice is a Slice that does not accept Default or negative start or stop values

Generated on Wed Mar 12 2025 09:28:15 for Domi by doxygen 1.8.5