Multi-dimensional, distributed data structures
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 oCInvalidArgumentInvalid argument exception type
 oCRangeErrorRange Error exception type
 oCSubcommunicatorErrorSubcommunicator Error exception type
 oCMapOrdinalErrorMap Ordinal Error exception type
 oCMDMapErrorMDMap Error exception type
 oCMDMapNoncontiguousErrorMDMap Error exception type
 oCTypeErrorType Error exception type
 oCBoundsErrorBounds Error exception type
 oCMDArrayMemory-safe templated multi-dimensional array class
 oCMDArrayRCPMemory-safe, reference-counted, templated, multi-dimensional array class
 oCMDArrayViewMemory-safe templated multi-dimensional array view class
 oCMDCommMulti-dimensional communicator object
 oCMDIteratorIterator class suitable for multi-dimensional arrays
 oCMDMapMulti-dimensional map
 oCMDRevIteratorReverse iterator class suitable for multi-dimensional arrays
 oCMDVectorMulti-dimensional distributed vector
 oCSliceA Slice contains a start, stop, and step index, describing a subset of an ordered container
 oCConcreteSliceA ConcreteSlice is a Slice that does not accept Default or negative start or stop values
 oCremove_constProvide capability to declare a variable as non-const, even if template parameter is const
 \Cremove_const< const T >Specialization of remove_const when template parameter is already const

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