Compadre  1.2.0
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4 #include "Compadre_Config.h"
5 #include "Compadre_Typedefs.hpp"
7 namespace Compadre {
10 void getMidpointFromCellVertices(const member_type& teamMember, scratch_vector_type midpoint_storage, scratch_matrix_right_type cell_coordinates, const int cell_num, const int dim=3) {
11 Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
12  auto num_nodes = cell_coordinates.extent(1)/dim;
13  for (int j=0; j<dim; ++j) {
14  midpoint_storage(j) = 0;
15  for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i) {
16  midpoint_storage(j) += cell_coordinates(cell_num, i*dim + j) / (double)(num_nodes);
17  }
18  }
19 });
20 }
22 template <typename view_type_1, typename view_type_2>
24 double getAreaFromVectors(const member_type& teamMember, view_type_1 v1, view_type_2 v2) {
25  if (v1.extent(0)==3) {
26  double area = 0;
27  double val = v1[1]*v2[2] - v1[2]*v2[1];
28  area += val*val;
29  val = v1[2]*v2[0] - v1[0]*v2[2];
30  area += val*val;
31  val = v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0];
32  area += val*val;
33  return std::sqrt(area);
34  } else if (v1.extent(0)==2) {
35  double area = 0;
36  double val = v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0];
37  area += val*val;
38  return std::sqrt(area);
39  } else {
40  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(false && "v1 in getAreaFromVectors has length != 2 or 3");
41  return 0.0;
42  }
43 }
45 template <typename output_memory_space, typename view_type_input_data, typename output_array_layout = typename view_type_input_data::array_layout, typename index_type=int>
46 Kokkos::View<int*, output_array_layout, output_memory_space> // shares layout of input by default
47  filterViewByID(view_type_input_data input_data_host_or_device, index_type filtered_value) {
49  // Make view on the host (does nothing if already on the host)
50  auto input_data_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(input_data_host_or_device);
51  Kokkos::deep_copy(input_data_host, input_data_host_or_device);
52  Kokkos::fence();
54  // Count the number of elements in the input view that match the desired value
55  int num_count = 0;
56  auto this_filtered_value = filtered_value;
58  // call device functor here
60  for (size_t i=0; i<input_data_host.extent(0); i++) {
61  if (input_data_host(i) == this_filtered_value) {
62  num_count++;
63  }
64  }
65  Kokkos::fence();
67  // Create a new view living on device
68  Kokkos::View<int*, output_array_layout, output_memory_space> filtered_view("filterd view", num_count);
69  // Gather up the indices into the new view
70  int filtered_index = 0;
71  for (size_t i=0; i<input_data_host.extent(0); i++) {
72  if (input_data_host(i) == this_filtered_value) {
73  filtered_view(filtered_index) = i;
74  filtered_index++;
75  }
76  }
77  Kokkos::fence();
79  // Then copy it back out - either to host or device space based on user's request
80  typedef Kokkos::View<int*, output_array_layout, output_memory_space> output_view_type;
81  output_view_type filtered_view_output("output filtered view", num_count);
82  Kokkos::deep_copy(filtered_view_output, filtered_view);
83  Kokkos::fence();
85  return filtered_view_output;
86 }
88 struct Extract {
90  template <typename output_memory_space, typename view_type_input_data, typename view_type_index_data,
92  ||std::is_same<typename view_type_input_data::data_type, int**>::value, int> = 0>
93  static Kokkos::View<typename view_type_input_data::data_type, typename view_type_input_data::array_layout, output_memory_space> // shares layout of input by default
94  extractViewByIndex(view_type_input_data input_data_host_or_device, view_type_index_data index_data_host_or_device) {
96  typedef typename view_type_input_data::data_type output_data_type;
97  typedef typename view_type_input_data::array_layout output_array_layout;
99  // Make view on the host for input data (does nothing if already on the host)
100  auto input_data_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(input_data_host_or_device);
101  Kokkos::deep_copy(input_data_host, input_data_host_or_device);
102  Kokkos::fence();
104  // Make view on the host for index data (does nothing if already on the host)
105  auto index_data_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(index_data_host_or_device);
106  Kokkos::deep_copy(index_data_host, index_data_host_or_device);
107  Kokkos::fence();
109  // Create a new view to extract out the rows that belong to the filtered index
110  Kokkos::View<output_data_type, output_array_layout, output_memory_space> extracted_view("extracted view",
111  index_data_host.extent(0), input_data_host.extent(1));
113  // Loop through all the entries of index data
114  for (size_t i=0; i<index_data_host.extent(0); i++) {
115  for (size_t j=0; j<input_data_host.extent(1); j++) {
116  extracted_view(i, j) = input_data_host(index_data_host(i), j);
117  }
118  }
120  // Then copy it back out - either to host or device space based on user's request
121  typedef Kokkos::View<output_data_type, output_array_layout, output_memory_space> output_view_type;
122  output_view_type extracted_view_output("output extracted view", extracted_view.extent(0), extracted_view.extent(1));
123  Kokkos::deep_copy(extracted_view_output, extracted_view);
124  Kokkos::fence();
126  return extracted_view_output;
127  }
129  template <typename output_memory_space, typename view_type_input_data, typename view_type_index_data,
131  ||std::is_same<typename view_type_input_data::data_type, int*>::value, int> = 0>
132  static Kokkos::View<double*, typename view_type_input_data::array_layout, output_memory_space> // shares layout of input by default
133  extractViewByIndex(view_type_input_data input_data_host_or_device, view_type_index_data index_data_host_or_device) {
135  typedef typename view_type_input_data::data_type output_data_type;
136  typedef typename view_type_input_data::array_layout output_array_layout;
138  // Make view on the host for input data (does nothing if already on the host)
139  auto input_data_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(input_data_host_or_device);
140  Kokkos::deep_copy(input_data_host, input_data_host_or_device);
141  Kokkos::fence();
143  // Make view on the host for index data (does nothing if already on the host)
144  auto index_data_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(index_data_host_or_device);
145  Kokkos::deep_copy(index_data_host, index_data_host_or_device);
146  Kokkos::fence();
148  // Create a new view to extract out the rows that belong to the filtered index
149  Kokkos::View<output_data_type, output_array_layout, output_memory_space> extracted_view("extracted view",
150  index_data_host.extent(0));
152  // Loop through all the entries of index data
153  for (size_t i=0; i<index_data_host.extent(0); i++) {
154  extracted_view(i) = input_data_host(index_data_host(i));
155  }
157  // Then copy it back out - either to host or device space based on user's request
158  typedef Kokkos::View<output_data_type, output_array_layout, output_memory_space> output_view_type;
159  output_view_type extracted_view_output("output extracted view", extracted_view.extent(0));
160  Kokkos::deep_copy(extracted_view_output, extracted_view);
161  Kokkos::fence();
163  return extracted_view_output;
164  }
166 };
168 // template <typename output_memory_space, typename view_type_input_data, typename output_array_layout = typename view_type_input_data::array_layout, typename index_type=int>
169 // Kokkos::View<int*, output_array_layout, output_memory_space> // shares layout of input by default
170 // filterViewByID(view_type_input_data input_data_host_or_device, index_type filtered_value) {
171 //
172 // // Make view on the device (does nothing if already on the device)
173 // auto input_data_device = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(
174 // device_memory_space(), input_data_host_or_device);
175 // Kokkos::deep_copy(input_data_device, input_data_host_or_device);
176 // Kokkos::fence();
177 //
178 // // Count the number of elements in the input view that match the desired value
179 // int num_count = 0;
180 // auto this_filtered_value = filtered_value;
181 //
182 // // call device functor here
183 //
184 // for (int i=0; i<input_data_device.extent(0); i++) {
185 // input_data_device(i)++;
186 // // if (input_data_device(i) == this_filtered_value) {
187 // // if (input_data_device(i) == 1) {
188 // // num_count++;
189 // // }
190 // }
191 // Kokkos::fence();
192 //
193 // // Create a new view living on device
194 // Kokkos::View<int*, output_array_layout> filtered_view("filterd view", num_count);
195 // // // Gather up the indices into the new view
196 // // int filtered_index = 0;
197 // // for (int i=0; i<input_data_device.extent(0); i++) {
198 // // if (input_data_device(i) == filtered_value) {
199 // // filtered_view(filtered_index) = i;
200 // // filtered_index++;
201 // // }
202 // // }
203 // // Kokkos::fence();
204 //
205 // // Then copy it back out - either to host or device space based on user's request
206 // typedef Kokkos::View<int*, output_array_layout, output_memory_space> output_view_type;
207 // output_view_type filtered_view_output("output filtered view", num_count);
208 // Kokkos::deep_copy(filtered_view_output, filtered_view);
209 // Kokkos::fence();
210 //
211 // return filtered_view_output;
212 // }
214 } // Compadre namespace
216 #endif
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void getMidpointFromCellVertices(const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type midpoint_storage, scratch_matrix_right_type cell_coordinates, const int cell_num, const int dim=3)
team_policy::member_type member_type
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAreaFromVectors(const member_type &teamMember, view_type_1 v1, view_type_2 v2)
Kokkos::View< int *, output_array_layout, output_memory_space > filterViewByID(view_type_input_data input_data_host_or_device, index_type filtered_value)
static Kokkos::View< typename view_type_input_data::data_type, typename view_type_input_data::array_layout, output_memory_space > extractViewByIndex(view_type_input_data input_data_host_or_device, view_type_index_data index_data_host_or_device)
typename std::enable_if< B, T >::type enable_if_t
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_matrix_right_type
Kokkos::View< double *, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_vector_type
static Kokkos::View< double *, typename view_type_input_data::array_layout, output_memory_space > extractViewByIndex(view_type_input_data input_data_host_or_device, view_type_index_data index_data_host_or_device)
#define compadre_kernel_assert_debug(condition)