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Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter Namespace Reference

Counter for Kokkos::deep_copy calls. More...


void start ()
 Start the deep_copy counter. More...
void reset ()
 Reset the deep_copy counter. More...
void stop ()
 Stop the deep_copy counter. More...
size_t get_count_same_space ()
 Query the deep_copy counter for copies in the same space. More...
size_t get_count_different_space ()
 Query the deep_copy counter for copies between different spaces. More...

Detailed Description

Counter for Kokkos::deep_copy calls.

Function Documentation

void Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::start ( )

Start the deep_copy counter.

Definition at line 76 of file Tpetra_Details_KokkosCounter.cpp.

void Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::reset ( )

Reset the deep_copy counter.

Definition at line 81 of file Tpetra_Details_KokkosCounter.cpp.

void Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::stop ( )

Stop the deep_copy counter.

Definition at line 86 of file Tpetra_Details_KokkosCounter.cpp.

size_t Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::get_count_same_space ( )

Query the deep_copy counter for copies in the same space.

Definition at line 90 of file Tpetra_Details_KokkosCounter.cpp.

size_t Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::get_count_different_space ( )

Query the deep_copy counter for copies between different spaces.

Definition at line 94 of file Tpetra_Details_KokkosCounter.cpp.