Tpetra parallel linear algebra  Version of the Day
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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Tpetra: Templated Linear Algebra Services Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2008 NTESS and the Tpetra contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
13 // Needed by DistributionLowerTriangularBlock
14 #include "Tpetra_Distributor.hpp"
16 // Needed by LowerTriangularBlock operator
17 #include "Tpetra_Core.hpp"
18 #include "Tpetra_Map.hpp"
19 #include "Tpetra_Operator.hpp"
20 #include "Tpetra_Vector.hpp"
21 #include "Tpetra_CrsMatrix.hpp"
23 namespace Tpetra
24 {
27 template <typename gno_t, typename scalar_t>
28 class DistributionLowerTriangularBlock : public Distribution<gno_t,scalar_t> {
29 // Seher Acer's lower-triangular block decomposition for triangle counting
30 // See also: LowerTriangularBlockOperator below that allows this distribution
31 // to be used in Tpetra SpMV.
32 //
33 // Requirements:
34 // Matrix must be square (undirected graph)
35 // Number of processors np = q(q+1)/2 for some q.
36 //
37 // Only the lower triangular portion of the matrix is stored.
38 // Processors are arranged logically as follows:
39 // 0
40 // 1 2
41 // 3 4 5
42 // ...
43 //
44 // The lower triangular part of the matrix is stored in a 2D distribution.
45 // For example, the dense 7x7 lower triangular matrix below would be assigned
46 // to processors according to numbers shown as follows:
47 // 0 | |
48 // 00| |
49 // ---------
50 // 11|2 |
51 // 11|22 |
52 // 11|222|
53 // ---------
54 // 33|444|5
55 // 33|444|55
56 // ...
57 // (Note that we expect the matrix to be sparse. For dense matrices,
58 // CrsMatrix is the wrong tool.)
59 //
60 // Matrix rows are assigned to processor rows greedily to roughly balance
61 // (# nonzeros in processor row / # processors in processor row)
62 // across processor rows.
63 // The same cuts are used to divide rows and columns among processors
64 // (that is, all processors have a square block).
65 //
66 // The lower triangular algorithm:
67 // 1. distribute all matrix entries via 1D linear distribution
68 // (this initial distribution is needed to avoid storing the entire
69 // matrix on one processor, while providing info about the nonzeros per row
70 // needed in step 2.
71 // 2. (optional) sort rows in decreasing order wrt the number of nonzeros
72 // per row
73 // 3. find "chunk cuts": divisions in row assignments such that
74 // (# nonzeros in processor row / # processors in processor row) is
75 // roughly equal for all processor rows
76 // 4. send nonzeros to their new processor assignment
77 //
78 // Known issues: (TODO)
79 // - The sorting in Step 2 and computation of chunk cuts in step 3 are
80 // currently done in serial and requires O(number of rows) storage each
81 // processor. More effort could parallelize this computation, but parallel
82 // load balancing algorithms are more appropriate in Zoltan2 than Tpetra.
83 // - The sorting in Step 2 renumbers the rows (assigns new Global Ordinals to
84 // the rows) to make them contiguous, as needed in Acer's triangle counting
85 // algorithm.
86 // (Acer's algorithm relies on local indexing from the chunk boundaries to
87 // find neighbors needed for communication.)
88 // The class currently provides a permutation matrix P describing the
89 // reordering. Thus, the matrix stored in the lower triangular block
90 // distribution is actually P A P -- the row and column permutation of
91 // matrix A in the Matrix Market file.
92 // The fact that a permuted matrix is stored complicates use of the matrix
93 // in algorithms other than Acer's triangle counting. For SpMV with the
94 // vector numbered according to the MatrixMarket numbering, for example,
95 // P^T must be applied to the vector before SpMV, and P^T must be applied to
96 // the result of SpMV. See LowerTriangularBlockOperator to see how this
97 // permutation matrix is used.
98 //
99 // Before addressing these issues, we will decide (TODO)
100 // - Is this Distribution general enough to be in Tpetra?
101 // - Should we, instead, have a separate package for distributions (that could
102 // use Zoltan2 and Tpetra without circular dependence)?
103 // - Or should we allow users (such as the triangle counting algorithm) to
104 // provide their own distributions (e.g., LowerTriangularBlock) that
105 // inherit from Tpetra's Distribution class?
106 // For now, we will push this Distribution into Tpetra, but we will revisit
107 // this decision.
109 public:
110  using Distribution<gno_t,scalar_t>::me;
111  using Distribution<gno_t,scalar_t>::np;
112  using Distribution<gno_t,scalar_t>::comm;
113  using Distribution<gno_t,scalar_t>::nrows;
114  using typename Distribution<gno_t,scalar_t>::NZindex_t;
115  using typename Distribution<gno_t,scalar_t>::LocalNZmap_t;
117  using map_t = Tpetra::Map<>;
118  using matrix_t = Tpetra::CrsMatrix<scalar_t>;
120  DistributionLowerTriangularBlock(size_t nrows_,
121  const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > &comm_,
122  const Teuchos::ParameterList &params) :
123  Distribution<gno_t,scalar_t>(nrows_, comm_, params),
124  initialDist(nrows_, comm_, params),
125  sortByDegree(false), permMatrix(Teuchos::null),
126  redistributed(false), chunksComputed(false), nChunks(0)
127  {
128  int npnp = 2 * np;
129  nChunks = int(std::sqrt(float(npnp)));
130  while (nChunks * (nChunks + 1) < npnp) nChunks++;
132  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(nChunks * (nChunks+1) != npnp, std::logic_error,
133  "Number of processors np = " << np <<
134  " must satisfy np = q(q+1)/2 for some q" <<
135  " for LowerTriangularBlock distribution");
136  nChunksPerRow = double(nChunks) / double(nrows);
138  const Teuchos::ParameterEntry *pe = params.getEntryPtr("sortByDegree");
139  if (pe != NULL) sortByDegree = pe->getValue<bool>(&sortByDegree);
141  pe = params.getEntryPtr("readPerProcess");
142  if (pe != NULL) redistributed = pe->getValue<bool>(&redistributed);
144  if (me == 0) std::cout << "\n LowerTriangularBlock Distribution: "
145  << "\n np = " << np
146  << "\n nChunks = " << nChunks
147  << std::endl;
148  }
150  enum DistributionType DistType() { return LowerTriangularBlock; }
152  bool areChunksComputed() {return chunksComputed; }
154  Teuchos::Array<gno_t> getChunkCuts() {
155  if(chunksComputed)
156  return chunkCuts;
157  else {
158  throw std::runtime_error("Error: Requested chunk cuts have not been computed yet.");
159  }
160  }
162  // Return whether this rank owns vector entry i.
163  // TODO: for now, use same vector dist as 1DLinear;
164  // TODO: think about best distribution of Vectors
165  inline bool VecMine(gno_t i) { return initialDist.VecMine(i); }
167  // Return whether this rank owns nonzero (i,j)
168  // Vector map and row map are the same in 1D distribution.
169  // But keep only the lower Triangular entries
170  bool Mine(gno_t i, gno_t j) {
171  if (redistributed) {
172  if (j > i) return false; // Don't keep any upper triangular entries
173  else return (procFromChunks(i,j) == me);
174  }
175  else
176  return initialDist.Mine(i,j);
177  }
179  inline bool Mine(gno_t i, gno_t j, int p) {return Mine(i,j);}
181  // How to redistribute according to chunk-based row distribution
182  void Redistribute(LocalNZmap_t &localNZ)
183  {
184  // Going to do chunking and sorting serially for now;
185  // need to gather per-row information from each processor
186  // TODO: think about a parallel implementation
188  gno_t myFirstRow = initialDist.getFirstRow(me);
189  gno_t nMyRows = initialDist.getNumRow(me);
190  Teuchos::Array<gno_t> nnzPerRow(nMyRows, 0);
192  Teuchos::Array<int> rcvcnt(np);
193  Teuchos::Array<int> disp(np);
194  for (int sum = 0, p = 0; p < np; p++) {
195  int prows = initialDist.getNumRow(p);
196  rcvcnt[p] = prows;
197  disp[p] = sum;
198  sum += prows;
199  }
201  // If desire sortByDegree, first need to sort with respect to ALL entries
202  // in matrix (not lower-triangular entries);
203  // decreasing sort by number of entries per row in global matrix.
204  // Generate permuteIndex for the sorted rows
206  Teuchos::Array<gno_t> permuteIndex; // This is the inverse permutation
207  Teuchos::Array<gno_t> sortedOrder; // This is the original permutation
209  Teuchos::Array<gno_t> globalRowBuf;
210  // TODO Dunno why there isn't a Teuchos::gatherAllv;
211  // TODO for now, compute and broadcast
212  if (me == 0) {
213  globalRowBuf.resize(nrows, 0); // TODO: Ick! Need parallel
214  }
216  if (sortByDegree) {
217  // Compute nnzPerRow; distribution is currently 1D and includes all nz
218  for (auto it = localNZ.begin(); it != localNZ.end(); it++) {
219  gno_t I = it->first.first;
220  nnzPerRow[I-myFirstRow]++;
221  }
223  Teuchos::gatherv<int,gno_t>(nnzPerRow.getRawPtr(), nMyRows,
224  globalRowBuf.getRawPtr(),
225  rcvcnt.getRawPtr(), disp.getRawPtr(),
226  0, *comm);
228  permuteIndex.resize(nrows); // TODO: Ick! Need parallel
229  sortedOrder.resize(nrows); // TODO: Ick! Need parallel
231  if (me == 0) { // TODO: do on all procs once have allgatherv
233  for (size_t i = 0 ; i != nrows; i++) sortedOrder[i] = i;
235  std::sort(sortedOrder.begin(), sortedOrder.end(),
236  [&](const size_t& a, const size_t& b) {
237  return (globalRowBuf[a] > globalRowBuf[b]);
238  }
239  );
241  // Compute inverse permutation; it is more useful for our needs
242  for (size_t i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
243  permuteIndex[sortedOrder[i]] = i;
244  }
245  }
247  Teuchos::broadcast<int,gno_t>(*comm, 0, permuteIndex(0,nrows));
248  // Ick! Use a directory TODO
250  // Sorting is changing the global IDs associated
251  // with rows/columns. To make this distribution applicable beyond
252  // triangle counting (e.g., in a Tpetra operator), we need a way
253  // to map from the original global IDs and back again.
254  // Create a permutation matrix for use in the operator; use
255  // default Tpetra layout.
256  Teuchos::Array<gno_t> myRows;
257  for (size_t i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
258  if (VecMine(i)) myRows.push_back(i);
259  }
261  Tpetra::global_size_t dummy =
262  Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<Tpetra::global_size_t>::invalid();
263  Teuchos::RCP<const map_t> permMap =
264  rcp(new map_t(dummy, myRows(), 0, comm));
266  permMatrix = rcp(new matrix_t(permMap, 1)); // one nz / row in permMatrix
268  Teuchos::Array<gno_t> cols(1);
269  Teuchos::Array<scalar_t> vals(1); vals[0] = 1.;
271  for (size_t i = 0; i < permMap->getLocalNumElements(); i++) {
272  gno_t gid = permMap->getGlobalElement(i);
273  cols[0] = permuteIndex[gid];
274  permMatrix->insertGlobalValues(gid, cols(), vals());
275  }
277  permMatrix->fillComplete(permMap, permMap);
278  }
280  // Now, to determine the chunks, we care only about the number of
281  // nonzeros in the lower triangular matrix.
282  // Compute nnzPerRow; distribution is currently 1D
283  nnzPerRow.assign(nMyRows, 0);
284  size_t nnz = 0;
285  for (auto it = localNZ.begin(); it != localNZ.end(); it++) {
286  gno_t I = (sortByDegree ? permuteIndex[it->first.first]
287  : it->first.first);
288  gno_t J = (sortByDegree ? permuteIndex[it->first.second]
289  : it->first.second);
290  if (J <= I) {// Lower-triangular part
291  nnzPerRow[it->first.first - myFirstRow]++;
292  nnz++;
293  }
294  }
296  // TODO Dunno why there isn't a Teuchos::gatherAllv;
297  // TODO for now, compute and broadcast
299  Teuchos::gatherv<int,gno_t>(nnzPerRow.getRawPtr(), nMyRows,
300  globalRowBuf.getRawPtr(),
301  rcvcnt.getRawPtr(), disp.getRawPtr(),
302  0, *comm);
304  Teuchos::Array<int>().swap(rcvcnt); // no longer needed
305  Teuchos::Array<int>().swap(disp); // no longer needed
307  size_t gNnz;
308  Teuchos::reduceAll(*comm, Teuchos::REDUCE_SUM, 1, &nnz, &gNnz);
310  chunkCuts.resize(nChunks+1, 0);
313  if (me == 0) { // TODO: when have allgatherv, can do on all procs
314  // TODO: or better, implement parallel version
316  // Determine chunk cuts
317  size_t target = gNnz / np; // target nnz per processor
318  size_t targetRunningTotal = 0;
319  size_t currentRunningTotal = 0;
320  gno_t I = gno_t(0);
321  for (int chunkCnt = 0; chunkCnt < nChunks; chunkCnt++) {
322  targetRunningTotal = (target * (chunkCnt+1));
323  currentRunningTotal = 0;
324  while (I < static_cast<gno_t>(nrows)) {
325  size_t nextNnz = (sortByDegree ? globalRowBuf[sortedOrder[I]]
326  : globalRowBuf[I]);
327  if (currentRunningTotal + nextNnz <= targetRunningTotal) {
328  currentRunningTotal += nextNnz;
329  I++;
330  }
331  else
332  break;
333  }
334  chunkCuts[chunkCnt+1] = I;
335  }
336  chunkCuts[nChunks] = static_cast<gno_t>(nrows);
337  }
339  // Free memory associated with globalRowBuf
340  Teuchos::Array<gno_t>().swap(globalRowBuf);
342  Teuchos::broadcast<int,gno_t>(*comm, 0, chunkCuts(0,nChunks+1));
343  chunksComputed = true;
345  // Determine new owner of each nonzero; buffer for sending
346  Kokkos::View<gno_t*, Kokkos::HostSpace> iOut("iOut", localNZ.size());
347  Kokkos::View<gno_t*, Kokkos::HostSpace> jOut("jOut", localNZ.size());
348  Kokkos::View<scalar_t*, Kokkos::HostSpace> vOut("vOut", localNZ.size());
349  Teuchos::Array<int> pOut(localNZ.size());
351  size_t sendCnt = 0;
352  for (auto it = localNZ.begin(); it != localNZ.end(); it++) {
353  iOut[sendCnt] = (sortByDegree ? permuteIndex[it->first.first]
354  : it->first.first);
355  jOut[sendCnt] = (sortByDegree ? permuteIndex[it->first.second]
356  : it->first.second);
357  if (jOut[sendCnt] <= iOut[sendCnt]) { // keep only lower diagonal entries
358  vOut[sendCnt] = it->second;
359  pOut[sendCnt] = procFromChunks(iOut[sendCnt], jOut[sendCnt]);
361  sendCnt++;
362  }
363  }
365  // Free memory associated with localNZ and permuteIndex
366  LocalNZmap_t().swap(localNZ);
367  if (sortByDegree) Teuchos::Array<gno_t>().swap(permuteIndex);
369  // Use a Distributor to send nonzeros to new processors.
370  Tpetra::Distributor plan(comm);
371  size_t nrecvs = plan.createFromSends(pOut(0,sendCnt));
372  Kokkos::View<gno_t*, Kokkos::HostSpace> iIn("iIn", nrecvs);
373  Kokkos::View<gno_t*, Kokkos::HostSpace> jIn("jIn", nrecvs);
374  Kokkos::View<scalar_t*, Kokkos::HostSpace> vIn("vIn", nrecvs);
376  // TODO: With more clever packing, could do only one round of communication
377  auto sendIndices = std::make_pair(static_cast<size_t>(0), sendCnt);
378  plan.doPostsAndWaits(Kokkos::subview(iOut, sendIndices), 1, iIn);
379  plan.doPostsAndWaits(Kokkos::subview(jOut, sendIndices), 1, jIn);
380  plan.doPostsAndWaits(Kokkos::subview(vOut, sendIndices), 1, vIn);
382  // Put received nonzeros in map
383  for (size_t n = 0; n < nrecvs; n++) {
384  NZindex_t nz(iIn[n], jIn[n]);
385  localNZ[nz] = vIn[n];
386  }
388  redistributed = true;
389  }
391  Teuchos::RCP<matrix_t> getPermutationMatrix() const { return permMatrix; }
393 private:
394  // Initially distribute nonzeros with a 1D linear distribution
395  Distribution1DLinear<gno_t,scalar_t> initialDist;
397  // Flag indicating whether matrix should be reordered and renumbered
398  // in decreasing sort order of number of nonzeros per row in full matrix
399  bool sortByDegree;
401  // Column permutation matrix built only when sortByDegree = true;
402  Teuchos::RCP<matrix_t> permMatrix;
404  // Flag whether redistribution has occurred yet
405  // This is true
406  // i) after Tpetra performs the redistribution or
407  // ii) when Tpetra reads already-distributed nonzeros by readPerProcess function
408  bool redistributed;
410  // If we read the already-distributed nonzeros from per-process files,
411  // this will remain false until a triangle counting code actually computes
412  // the chunks when the need arises.
413  bool chunksComputed;
415  int nChunks; // in np = q(q+1)/2 layout, nChunks = q
416  double nChunksPerRow;
417  Teuchos::Array<gno_t> chunkCuts;
419  int findIdxInChunks(gno_t I) {
420  int m = I * nChunksPerRow;
421  while (I < chunkCuts[m]) m--;
422  while (I >= chunkCuts[m+1]) m++;
423  return m;
424  }
426  int procFromChunks(gno_t I, gno_t J) {
427  int m = findIdxInChunks(I);
428  int n = findIdxInChunks(J);
429  int p = m*(m+1)/2 + n;
430  return p;
431  }
432 };
436 // Tpetra::Operator that works with the DistributionLowerTriangularBlock
438 template <typename scalar_t,
439  class Node = ::Tpetra::Details::DefaultTypes::node_type>
440 class LowerTriangularBlockOperator :
441  public Tpetra::Operator<scalar_t, Tpetra::Map<>::local_ordinal_type,
442  Tpetra::Map<>::global_ordinal_type,
443  Node>
444 {
445 public:
446  using lno_t = Tpetra::Map<>::local_ordinal_type;
448  using map_t = Tpetra::Map<>;
449  using import_t = Tpetra::Import<>;
450  using export_t = Tpetra::Export<>;
451  using vector_t = Tpetra::Vector<scalar_t>;
452  using mvector_t = Tpetra::MultiVector<scalar_t>;
454  using dist_t = Tpetra::DistributionLowerTriangularBlock<gno_t, scalar_t>;
456  LowerTriangularBlockOperator(
457  const Teuchos::RCP<const matrix_t> &lowerTriangularMatrix_,
458  const dist_t &dist)
459  : lowerTriangularMatrix(lowerTriangularMatrix_),
460  permMatrix(dist.getPermutationMatrix())
461  {
462  // LowerTriangularBlockOperator requires the range map and domain map
463  // to be the same. Check it here.
465  !lowerTriangularMatrix->getRangeMap()->isSameAs(
466  *lowerTriangularMatrix->getDomainMap()),
467  std::logic_error,
468  "The Domain and Range maps of the LowerTriangularBlock matrix "
469  "must be the same");
471  // Extract diagonals
473  vector_t diagByRowMap(lowerTriangularMatrix->getRowMap());
474  lowerTriangularMatrix->getLocalDiagCopy(diagByRowMap);
475  diag = Teuchos::rcp(new vector_t(lowerTriangularMatrix->getRangeMap()));
476  Tpetra::Export<> exporter(lowerTriangularMatrix->getRowMap(),
477  lowerTriangularMatrix->getRangeMap());
478  diag->doExport(diagByRowMap, exporter, Tpetra::ADD);
479  }
481  void apply(const mvector_t &x, mvector_t &y, Teuchos::ETransp mode,
482  scalar_t alpha, scalar_t beta) const
483  {
484  scalar_t ZERO = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<scalar_t>::zero();
485  scalar_t ONE = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<scalar_t>::one();
486  if (alpha == ZERO) {
487  if (beta == ZERO) y.putScalar(ZERO);
488  else y.scale(beta);
489  return;
490  }
492  if (permMatrix == Teuchos::null) {
494  // Multiply lower triangular
495  lowerTriangularMatrix->apply(x, y, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, alpha, beta);
497  // Multiply upper triangular
498  lowerTriangularMatrix->apply(x, y, Teuchos::TRANS, alpha, ONE);
500  // Subtract out duplicate diagonal terms
501  y.elementWiseMultiply(-alpha, *diag, x, ONE);
502  }
503  else {
505  // With sorting, the LowerTriangularBlock distribution stores (P^T A P)
506  // in the CrsMatrix, for permutation matrix P.
507  // Thus, apply must compute
508  // y = P (beta (P^T y) + alpha (P^T A P) (P^T x))
510  vector_t xtmp(x.getMap(), x.getNumVectors());
511  vector_t ytmp(y.getMap(), y.getNumVectors());
513  permMatrix->apply(x, xtmp, Teuchos::TRANS);
514  if (beta != ZERO) permMatrix->apply(y, ytmp, Teuchos::TRANS);
516  // Multiply lower triangular
517  lowerTriangularMatrix->apply(xtmp, ytmp, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, alpha, beta);
519  // Multiply upper triangular
520  lowerTriangularMatrix->apply(xtmp, ytmp, Teuchos::TRANS, alpha, ONE);
522  // Subtract out duplicate diagonal terms
523  ytmp.elementWiseMultiply(-alpha, *diag, xtmp, ONE);
525  permMatrix->apply(ytmp, y, Teuchos::NO_TRANS);
526  }
527  }
529  Teuchos::RCP<const map_t> getDomainMap() const {
530  return lowerTriangularMatrix->getDomainMap();
531  }
533  Teuchos::RCP<const map_t> getRangeMap() const {
534  return lowerTriangularMatrix->getRangeMap();
535  }
537  bool hasTransposeApply() const {return true;} // Symmetric matrix
539 private:
540  const Teuchos::RCP<const matrix_t > lowerTriangularMatrix;
541  const Teuchos::RCP<const matrix_t > permMatrix;
542  Teuchos::RCP<vector_t> diag;
543 };
546 }
547 #endif
Communication plan for data redistribution from a uniquely-owned to a (possibly) multiply-owned distr...
LocalOrdinal local_ordinal_type
The type of local indices.
Sparse matrix that presents a row-oriented interface that lets users read or modify entries...
GlobalOrdinal global_ordinal_type
The type of global indices.
One or more distributed dense vectors.
virtual void apply(const MultiVector< scalar_t, Tpetra::Map<>::local_ordinal_type, Tpetra::Map<>::global_ordinal_type, Node > &X, MultiVector< scalar_t, Tpetra::Map<>::local_ordinal_type, Tpetra::Map<>::global_ordinal_type, Node > &Y, Teuchos::ETransp mode=Teuchos::NO_TRANS, scalar_talpha=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< scalar_t >::one(), scalar_tbeta=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< scalar_t >::zero()) const =0
Computes the operator-multivector application.
void sort(View &view, const size_t &size)
Convenience wrapper for std::sort for host-accessible views.
size_t global_size_t
Global size_t object.
Abstract interface for operators (e.g., matrices and preconditioners).
Communication plan for data redistribution from a (possibly) multiply-owned to a uniquely-owned distr...
Functions for initializing and finalizing Tpetra.
Sets up and executes a communication plan for a Tpetra DistObject.
Sum new values.
Replace old values with zero.
A parallel distribution of indices over processes.
A distributed dense vector.