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Tpetra_Details_KokkosCounter.hpp File Reference

Declaration of various tools for counting Kokkos calls of various types using the Kokkos Profiling Library. More...

#include <string>
#include <Teuchos_FancyOStream.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Namespace Tpetra contains the class and methods constituting the Tpetra library.
 Nonmember function that computes a residual Computes R = B - A * X.
 Counter for Kokkos::deep_copy calls.
 Counter for Kokkos::fence calls.
 Counter for Kokkos regions representing third-party library usage.


void Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::start ()
 Start the deep_copy counter. More...
void Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::reset ()
 Reset the deep_copy counter. More...
void Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::stop ()
 Stop the deep_copy counter. More...
size_t Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::get_count_same_space ()
 Query the deep_copy counter for copies in the same space. More...
size_t Tpetra::Details::DeepCopyCounter::get_count_different_space ()
 Query the deep_copy counter for copies between different spaces. More...
void Tpetra::Details::FenceCounter::start ()
 Start the fence counter. More...
void Tpetra::Details::FenceCounter::reset ()
 Reset the fence counter. More...
void Tpetra::Details::FenceCounter::stop ()
 Stop the fence counter. More...
size_t Tpetra::Details::FenceCounter::get_count_instance (const std::string &device)
 Query the fence counter for given device, for an exec_space_instance.fence() More...
size_t Tpetra::Details::FenceCounter::get_count_global (const std::string &device)
 Query the fence counter for given device, for an Kokkos::fence() More...
void Tpetra::Details::KokkosRegionCounter::start ()
 Start the counter. More...
void Tpetra::Details::KokkosRegionCounter::reset ()
 Reset the counter. More...
void Tpetra::Details::KokkosRegionCounter::stop ()
 Stop the counter. More...
size_t Tpetra::Details::KokkosRegionCounter::get_count_region_contains (const std::string &substr)
 How many regions containing substr have been seen. More...
void Tpetra::Details::KokkosRegionCounter::dump_regions (std::ostream &os)
 Print all observed region labels, separated by newline. More...

Detailed Description

Declaration of various tools for counting Kokkos calls of various types using the Kokkos Profiling Library.

Definition in file Tpetra_Details_KokkosCounter.hpp.