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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Stokhos Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2009 NTESS and the Stokhos contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
10 #include <iostream>
12 // PCE scalar type
15 // Kokkos CrsMatrix
16 #include "KokkosSparse_CrsMatrix.hpp"
17 #include "KokkosSparse_spmv.hpp"
21 // Stokhos
26 // Utilities
27 #include "Kokkos_Timer.hpp"
29 template< typename IntType >
30 inline
31 IntType map_fem_graph_coord( const IntType & N ,
32  const IntType & i ,
33  const IntType & j ,
34  const IntType & k )
35 {
36  return k + N * ( j + N * i );
37 }
39 inline
40 size_t generate_fem_graph( size_t N ,
41  std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > & graph )
42 {
43  graph.resize( N * N * N , std::vector<size_t>() );
45  size_t total = 0 ;
47  for ( int i = 0 ; i < (int) N ; ++i ) {
48  for ( int j = 0 ; j < (int) N ; ++j ) {
49  for ( int k = 0 ; k < (int) N ; ++k ) {
51  const size_t row = map_fem_graph_coord((int)N,i,j,k);
53  graph[row].reserve(27);
55  for ( int ii = -1 ; ii < 2 ; ++ii ) {
56  for ( int jj = -1 ; jj < 2 ; ++jj ) {
57  for ( int kk = -1 ; kk < 2 ; ++kk ) {
58  if ( 0 <= i + ii && i + ii < (int) N &&
59  0 <= j + jj && j + jj < (int) N &&
60  0 <= k + kk && k + kk < (int) N ) {
61  size_t col = map_fem_graph_coord((int)N,i+ii,j+jj,k+kk);
63  graph[row].push_back(col);
64  }
65  }}}
66  total += graph[row].size();
67  }}}
69  return total ;
70 }
72 template <typename ScalarType, typename OrdinalType, typename Device>
73 void
74 test_mean_multiply(const OrdinalType order,
75  const OrdinalType dim,
76  const OrdinalType nGrid,
77  const OrdinalType iterCount,
78  std::vector<double>& scalar_perf,
79  std::vector<double>& block_left_perf,
80  std::vector<double>& block_right_perf,
81  std::vector<double>& pce_perf,
82  std::vector<double>& block_pce_perf)
83 {
84  typedef ScalarType value_type;
85  typedef OrdinalType ordinal_type;
86  typedef Device execution_space;
91  typedef Kokkos::View< value_type*, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, execution_space > scalar_vector_type;
92  typedef Kokkos::View< value_type**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, execution_space > scalar_left_multi_vector_type;
93  typedef Kokkos::View< value_type**, Kokkos::LayoutRight, execution_space > scalar_right_multi_vector_type;
94  typedef Kokkos::View< pce_type*, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, execution_space > pce_vector_type;
95  typedef Kokkos::View< pce_type**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, execution_space > pce_multi_vector_type;
97  typedef KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< value_type, ordinal_type, execution_space > scalar_matrix_type;
98  typedef KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< pce_type, ordinal_type, execution_space > pce_matrix_type;
99  typedef typename scalar_matrix_type::StaticCrsGraphType matrix_graph_type;
100  typedef typename scalar_matrix_type::values_type scalar_matrix_values_type;
101  typedef typename pce_matrix_type::values_type pce_matrix_values_type;
103  typedef Stokhos::OneDOrthogPolyBasis<ordinal_type,value_type> abstract_basis_type;
108  typedef typename pce_type::cijk_type kokkos_cijk_type;
110  using Teuchos::rcp;
111  using Teuchos::RCP;
112  using Teuchos::Array;
114  // Number of columns for PCE multi-vector apply
115  const ordinal_type num_pce_col = 5;
117  // Create Stochastic Galerkin basis and expansion
118  Array< RCP<const abstract_basis_type> > bases(dim);
119  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
120  bases[i] = Teuchos::rcp(new basis_type(order, true));
121  }
122  RCP<const product_basis_type> basis = rcp(new product_basis_type(bases));
123  RCP<cijk_type> cijk = basis->computeTripleProductTensor();
124  kokkos_cijk_type kokkos_cijk =
125  Stokhos::create_product_tensor<execution_space>(*basis, *cijk);
126  Kokkos::setGlobalCijkTensor(kokkos_cijk);
128  //------------------------------
129  // Generate graph for "FEM" box structure:
131  std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > fem_graph;
132  const size_t fem_length = nGrid * nGrid * nGrid;
133  const size_t graph_length = generate_fem_graph( nGrid , fem_graph );
135  //------------------------------
136  // Generate input vectors:
138  ordinal_type pce_size = basis->size();
139  scalar_left_multi_vector_type xl(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("scalar left x"), fem_length, pce_size);
140  scalar_left_multi_vector_type yl(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("scalar right y"), fem_length, pce_size);
141  scalar_right_multi_vector_type xr(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("scalar right x"), fem_length, pce_size);
142  scalar_right_multi_vector_type yr(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("scalar right y"), fem_length, pce_size);
143  std::vector<scalar_vector_type> x_col(pce_size), y_col(pce_size);
144  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<pce_size; ++i) {
145  x_col[i] = scalar_vector_type (Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("scalar x col"), fem_length);
146  y_col[i] = scalar_vector_type(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("scalar y col"), fem_length);
147  Kokkos::deep_copy( x_col[i] , value_type(1.0) );
148  Kokkos::deep_copy( y_col[i] , value_type(0.0) );
149  }
150  pce_vector_type x_pce =
151  Kokkos::make_view<pce_vector_type>(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("pce x"),
152  kokkos_cijk, fem_length, pce_size);
153  pce_vector_type y_pce =
154  Kokkos::make_view<pce_vector_type>(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("pce y"),
155  kokkos_cijk, fem_length, pce_size);
156  pce_multi_vector_type x_multi_pce =
157  Kokkos::make_view<pce_multi_vector_type>(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("pce multi x"),
158  kokkos_cijk, fem_length,
159  num_pce_col, pce_size);
160  pce_multi_vector_type y_multi_pce =
161  Kokkos::make_view<pce_multi_vector_type>(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("pce multi y"),
162  kokkos_cijk, fem_length,
163  num_pce_col, pce_size);
165  Kokkos::deep_copy( xl , value_type(1.0) );
166  Kokkos::deep_copy( yl , value_type(0.0) );
167  Kokkos::deep_copy( xr , value_type(1.0) );
168  Kokkos::deep_copy( yr , value_type(0.0) );
169  Kokkos::deep_copy( x_pce , value_type(1.0) );
170  Kokkos::deep_copy( y_pce , value_type(0.0) );
171  Kokkos::deep_copy( x_multi_pce , value_type(1.0) );
172  Kokkos::deep_copy( y_multi_pce , value_type(0.0) );
174  //------------------------------
175  // Generate matrix
177  matrix_graph_type matrix_graph =
178  Kokkos::create_staticcrsgraph<matrix_graph_type>(
179  std::string("test crs graph"), fem_graph);
180  scalar_matrix_values_type scalar_matrix_values =
181  scalar_matrix_values_type(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("scalar matrix"), graph_length);
182  pce_matrix_values_type pce_matrix_values =
183  Kokkos::make_view<pce_matrix_values_type>(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("pce matrix"), kokkos_cijk, graph_length, 1);
184  scalar_matrix_type scalar_matrix("scalar matrix", fem_length,
185  scalar_matrix_values, matrix_graph);
186  pce_matrix_type pce_matrix("pce matrix", fem_length,
187  pce_matrix_values, matrix_graph);
189  Kokkos::deep_copy( scalar_matrix_values , value_type(1.0) );
190  Kokkos::deep_copy( pce_matrix_values , value_type(1.0) );
192  //------------------------------
193  // Scalar multiply
195  {
196  // warm up
197  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
198  for (ordinal_type col=0; col<pce_size; ++col) {
199  // scalar_vector_type xc =
200  // Kokkos::subview(x, Kokkos::ALL(), col);
201  // scalar_vector_type yc =
202  // Kokkos::subview(y, Kokkos::ALL(), col);
203  // Kokkos::MV_Multiply( yc, scalar_matrix, xc );
204  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , scalar_matrix, x_col[col] , value_type(0.0) ,y_col[col]);
205  }
206  }
208  execution_space().fence();
209  Kokkos::Timer clock ;
210  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
211  for (ordinal_type col=0; col<pce_size; ++col) {
212  // scalar_vector_type xc =
213  // Kokkos::subview(x, Kokkos::ALL(), col);
214  // scalar_vector_type yc =
215  // Kokkos::subview(y, Kokkos::ALL(), col);
216  // Kokkos::MV_Multiply( yc, scalar_matrix, xc );
217  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , scalar_matrix, x_col[col] , value_type(0.0) ,y_col[col]);
218  }
219  }
220  execution_space().fence();
222  const double seconds_per_iter = clock.seconds() / ((double) iterCount );
223  const double flops = 1.0e-9 * 2.0 * graph_length * pce_size;
225  scalar_perf.resize(5);
226  scalar_perf[0] = fem_length;
227  scalar_perf[1] = pce_size;
228  scalar_perf[2] = graph_length;
229  scalar_perf[3] = seconds_per_iter;
230  scalar_perf[4] = flops / seconds_per_iter;
231  }
233  //------------------------------
234  // Block-left multiply
236  {
237  // warm up
238  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
239  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , scalar_matrix, xl , value_type(0.0) ,yl);
240  }
242  execution_space().fence();
243  Kokkos::Timer clock ;
244  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
245  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , scalar_matrix, xl , value_type(0.0) ,yl);
246  }
247  execution_space().fence();
249  const double seconds_per_iter = clock.seconds() / ((double) iterCount );
250  const double flops = 1.0e-9 * 2.0 * graph_length * pce_size;
252  block_left_perf.resize(5);
253  block_left_perf[0] = fem_length;
254  block_left_perf[1] = pce_size;
255  block_left_perf[2] = graph_length;
256  block_left_perf[3] = seconds_per_iter;
257  block_left_perf[4] = flops / seconds_per_iter;
258  }
260  //------------------------------
261  // Block-right multiply
263  {
264  // warm up
265  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
266  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , scalar_matrix, xr , value_type(0.0) ,yr);
267  }
269  execution_space().fence();
270  Kokkos::Timer clock ;
271  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
272  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , scalar_matrix, xr , value_type(0.0) ,yr);
273  }
274  execution_space().fence();
276  const double seconds_per_iter = clock.seconds() / ((double) iterCount );
277  const double flops = 1.0e-9 * 2.0 * graph_length * pce_size;
279  block_right_perf.resize(5);
280  block_right_perf[0] = fem_length;
281  block_right_perf[1] = pce_size;
282  block_right_perf[2] = graph_length;
283  block_right_perf[3] = seconds_per_iter;
284  block_right_perf[4] = flops / seconds_per_iter;
285  }
287  //------------------------------
288  // PCE multiply
290  {
291  // warm up
292  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
293  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , pce_matrix, x_pce , value_type(0.0) ,y_pce);
294  }
296  execution_space().fence();
297  Kokkos::Timer clock ;
298  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
299  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , pce_matrix, x_pce , value_type(0.0) ,y_pce);
300  }
301  execution_space().fence();
303  const double seconds_per_iter = clock.seconds() / ((double) iterCount );
304  const double flops = 1.0e-9 * 2.0 * graph_length * pce_size;
306  pce_perf.resize(5);
307  pce_perf[0] = fem_length;
308  pce_perf[1] = pce_size;
309  pce_perf[2] = graph_length;
310  pce_perf[3] = seconds_per_iter;
311  pce_perf[4] = flops / seconds_per_iter;
312  }
314  //------------------------------
315  // PCE multi-vector multiply
317  {
318  // warm up
319  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
320  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , pce_matrix, x_multi_pce , value_type(0.0) ,y_multi_pce);
321  }
323  execution_space().fence();
324  Kokkos::Timer clock ;
325  for (ordinal_type iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter) {
326  KokkosSparse::spmv( "N" , value_type(1.0) , pce_matrix, x_multi_pce , value_type(0.0) ,y_multi_pce);
327  }
328  execution_space().fence();
330  const double seconds_per_iter = clock.seconds() / ((double) iterCount );
331  const double flops = 1.0e-9 * 2.0 * graph_length * pce_size * num_pce_col;
333  block_pce_perf.resize(5);
334  block_pce_perf[0] = fem_length;
335  block_pce_perf[1] = pce_size;
336  block_pce_perf[2] = graph_length;
337  block_pce_perf[3] = seconds_per_iter;
338  block_pce_perf[4] = flops / seconds_per_iter;
339  }
341 }
343 template <typename Scalar, typename Ordinal, typename Device>
345  const Ordinal nIter,
346  const Ordinal order,
347  const Ordinal min_var,
348  const Ordinal max_var )
349 {
350  std::cout.precision(8);
351  std::cout << std::endl
352  << "\"Grid Size\" , "
353  << "\"FEM Size\" , "
354  << "\"FEM Graph Size\" , "
355  << "\"Dimension\" , "
356  << "\"Order\" , "
357  << "\"PCE Size\" , "
358  << "\"Scalar SpMM Time\" , "
359  << "\"Scalar SpMM Speedup\" , "
360  << "\"Scalar SpMM GFLOPS\" , "
361  << "\"Block-Left SpMM Speedup\" , "
362  << "\"Block-Left SpMM GFLOPS\" , "
363  << "\"Block-Right SpMM Speedup\" , "
364  << "\"Block-Right SpMM GFLOPS\" , "
365  << "\"PCE SpMM Speedup\" , "
366  << "\"PCE SpMM GFLOPS\" , "
367  << "\"Block PCE SpMM Speedup\" , "
368  << "\"Block PCE SpMM GFLOPS\" , "
369  << std::endl;
371  std::vector<double> perf_scalar, perf_block_left, perf_block_right,
372  perf_pce, perf_block_pce;
373  for (Ordinal dim=min_var; dim<=max_var; ++dim) {
375  test_mean_multiply<Scalar,Ordinal,Device>(
376  order, dim, nGrid, nIter, perf_scalar, perf_block_left, perf_block_right,
377  perf_pce, perf_block_pce );
379  std::cout << nGrid << " , "
380  << perf_scalar[0] << " , "
381  << perf_scalar[2] << " , "
382  << dim << " , "
383  << order << " , "
384  << perf_scalar[1] << " , "
385  << perf_scalar[3] << " , "
386  << perf_scalar[4] / perf_scalar[4] << " , "
387  << perf_scalar[4] << " , "
388  << perf_block_left[4]/ perf_scalar[4] << " , "
389  << perf_block_left[4] << " , "
390  << perf_block_right[4]/ perf_scalar[4] << " , "
391  << perf_block_right[4] << " , "
392  << perf_pce[4]/ perf_scalar[4] << " , "
393  << perf_pce[4] << " , "
394  << perf_block_pce[4]/ perf_scalar[4] << " , "
395  << perf_block_pce[4] << " , "
396  << std::endl;
398  }
399 }
402  template void performance_test_driver< SCALAR, ORDINAL, DEVICE >( \
403  const ORDINAL nGrid, const ORDINAL nIter, const ORDINAL order, \
404  const ORDINAL min_var, const ORDINAL max_var);
Stokhos::StandardStorage< int, double > storage_type
Sacado::ETPCE::OrthogPoly< double, Stokhos::StandardStorage< int, double > > pce_type
Multivariate orthogonal polynomial basis generated from a total order tensor product of univariate po...
Data structure storing a sparse 3-tensor C(i,j,k) in a a compressed format.
ordinal generate_fem_graph(ordinal N, std::vector< std::vector< ordinal > > &graph)
Definition: TestEpetra.cpp:45
Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace execution_space
void test_mean_multiply(const OrdinalType order, const OrdinalType dim, const OrdinalType nGrid, const OrdinalType iterCount, std::vector< double > &scalar_perf, std::vector< double > &block_left_perf, std::vector< double > &block_right_perf, std::vector< double > &pce_perf, std::vector< double > &block_pce_perf)
IntType map_fem_graph_coord(const IntType &N, const IntType &i, const IntType &j, const IntType &k)
Definition: TestEpetra.cpp:35
Stokhos::LegendreBasis< int, double > basis_type
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
void deep_copy(const Stokhos::CrsMatrix< ValueType, DstDevice, Layout > &dst, const Stokhos::CrsMatrix< ValueType, SrcDevice, Layout > &src)
void setGlobalCijkTensor(const cijk_type &cijk)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr std::enable_if< is_view_uq_pce< view_type >::value, typename CijkType< view_type >::type >::type cijk(const view_type &view)
Legendre polynomial basis.
void performance_test_driver(const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm, const int use_print, const int use_trials, const int use_nodes[], const bool check, Kokkos::Example::FENL::DeviceConfig dev_config)
Abstract base class for 1-D orthogonal polynomials.
std::enable_if< Kokkos::is_view_uq_pce< Kokkos::View< InputType, InputP... > >::value &&Kokkos::is_view_uq_pce< Kokkos::View< OutputType, OutputP... > >::value >::type spmv(KokkosKernels::Experimental::Controls, const char mode[], const AlphaType &a, const MatrixType &A, const Kokkos::View< InputType, InputP... > &x, const BetaType &b, const Kokkos::View< OutputType, OutputP... > &y, const RANK_ONE)
A comparison functor implementing a strict weak ordering based lexographic ordering.