Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2014 NTESS and the ROL contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
10 #ifndef ROL_BUNDLE_AS_H
11 #define ROL_BUNDLE_AS_H
13 #include "ROL_Bundle.hpp"
19 namespace ROL {
21 template<class Real>
22 class Bundle_AS : public Bundle<Real> {
23 /***********************************************************************************************/
24 /***************** BUNDLE STORAGE **************************************************************/
25 /***********************************************************************************************/
26 private:
28  ROL::Ptr<Vector<Real> > tG_;
29  ROL::Ptr<Vector<Real> > eG_;
30  ROL::Ptr<Vector<Real> > yG_;
31  ROL::Ptr<Vector<Real> > gx_;
32  ROL::Ptr<Vector<Real> > ge_;
34  std::set<unsigned> workingSet_;
35  std::set<unsigned> nworkingSet_;
39 /***********************************************************************************************/
40 /***************** BUNDLE MODIFICATION AND ACCESS ROUTINES *************************************/
41 /***********************************************************************************************/
42 public:
43  Bundle_AS(const unsigned maxSize = 10,
44  const Real coeff = 0.0,
45  const Real omega = 2.0,
46  const unsigned remSize = 2)
47  : Bundle<Real>(maxSize,coeff,omega,remSize), isInitialized_(false) {}
49  void initialize(const Vector<Real> &g) {
51  if ( !isInitialized_ ) {
52  tG_ = g.clone();
53  yG_ = g.clone();
54  eG_ = g.clone();
55  gx_ = g.clone();
56  ge_ = g.clone();
57  isInitialized_ = true;
58  }
59  }
61  unsigned solveDual(const Real t, const unsigned maxit = 1000, const Real tol = 1.e-8) {
62  unsigned iter = 0;
63  if (Bundle<Real>::size() == 1) {
64  iter = Bundle<Real>::solveDual_dim1(t,maxit,tol);
65  }
66  else if (Bundle<Real>::size() == 2) {
67  iter = Bundle<Real>::solveDual_dim2(t,maxit,tol);
68  }
69  else {
70  iter = solveDual_arbitrary(t,maxit,tol);
71  }
72  return iter;
73  }
75 /***********************************************************************************************/
76 /***************** DUAL CUTTING PLANE PROBLEM ROUTINES *****************************************/
77 /***********************************************************************************************/
78 private:
79  void initializeDualSolver(void) {
80  Real sum(0), err(0), tmp(0), y(0), zero(0);
81  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Bundle<Real>::size(); ++i) {
82  // Compute sum of dualVariables_ using Kahan's compensated sum
83  //sum += Bundle<Real>::getDualVariable(i);
84  y = Bundle<Real>::getDualVariable(i) - err;
85  tmp = sum + y;
86  err = (tmp - sum) - y;
87  sum = tmp;
88  }
89  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Bundle<Real>::size(); ++i) {
90  tmp = Bundle<Real>::getDualVariable(i)/sum;
92  }
93  nworkingSet_.clear();
94  workingSet_.clear();
95  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Bundle<Real>::size(); ++i) {
96  if ( Bundle<Real>::getDualVariable(i) == zero ) {
97  workingSet_.insert(i);
98  }
99  else {
100  nworkingSet_.insert(i);
101  }
102  }
103  }
105  void computeLagMult(std::vector<Real> &lam, const Real mu, const std::vector<Real> &g) const {
106  Real zero(0);
107  unsigned n = workingSet_.size();
108  if ( n > 0 ) {
109  lam.resize(n,zero);
110  typename std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = workingSet_.begin();
111  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
112  lam[i] = g[*it] - mu; it++;
113  }
114  }
115  else {
116  lam.clear();
117  }
118  }
120  bool isNonnegative(unsigned &ind, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
121  bool flag = true;
122  unsigned n = workingSet_.size(); ind = Bundle<Real>::size();
123  if ( n > 0 ) {
124  Real min = ROL_OVERFLOW<Real>();
125  typename std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = workingSet_.begin();
126  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
127  if ( x[i] < min ) {
128  ind = *it;
129  min = x[i];
130  }
131  it++;
132  }
133  flag = ((min < -ROL_EPSILON<Real>()) ? false : true);
134  }
135  return flag;
136  }
138  Real computeStepSize(unsigned &ind, const std::vector<Real> &x, const std::vector<Real> &p) const {
139  Real alpha(1), tmp(0), zero(0); ind = Bundle<Real>::size();
140  typename std::set<unsigned>::iterator it;
141  for (it = nworkingSet_.begin(); it != nworkingSet_.end(); it++) {
142  if ( p[*it] < -ROL_EPSILON<Real>() ) {
143  tmp = -x[*it]/p[*it];
144  if ( alpha >= tmp ) {
145  alpha = tmp;
146  ind = *it;
147  }
148  }
149  }
150  return std::max(zero,alpha);
151  }
153  unsigned solveEQPsubproblem(std::vector<Real> &s, Real &mu,
154  const std::vector<Real> &g, const Real tol) const {
155  // Build reduced QP information
156  Real zero(0);
157  unsigned n = nworkingSet_.size(), cnt = 0;
158  mu = zero;
159  s.assign(Bundle<Real>::size(),zero);
160  if ( n > 0 ) {
161  std::vector<Real> gk(n,zero);
162  typename std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = nworkingSet_.begin();
163  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
164  gk[i] = g[*it]; it++;
165  }
166  std::vector<Real> sk(n,zero);
167  cnt = projectedCG(sk,mu,gk,tol);
168  it = nworkingSet_.begin();
169  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
170  s[*it] = sk[i]; it++;
171  }
172  }
173  return cnt;
174  }
176  void applyPreconditioner(std::vector<Real> &Px, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
177  Real zero(0);
178  int type = 0;
179  std::vector<Real> tmp(Px.size(),zero);
180  switch (type) {
181  case 0: applyPreconditioner_Identity(tmp,x); break;
182  case 1: applyPreconditioner_Jacobi(tmp,x); break;
183  case 2: applyPreconditioner_SymGS(tmp,x); break;
184  }
186  }
188  void applyG(std::vector<Real> &Gx, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
189  int type = 0;
190  switch (type) {
191  case 0: applyG_Identity(Gx,x); break;
192  case 1: applyG_Jacobi(Gx,x); break;
193  case 2: applyG_SymGS(Gx,x); break;
194  }
195  }
197  void applyPreconditioner_Identity(std::vector<Real> &Px, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
198  unsigned dim = nworkingSet_.size();
199  Real sum(0), err(0), tmp(0), y(0);
200  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
201  // Compute sum of x using Kahan's compensated sum
202  //sum += x[i];
203  y = x[i] - err;
204  tmp = sum + y;
205  err = (tmp - sum) - y;
206  sum = tmp;
207  }
208  sum /= (Real)dim;
209  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
210  Px[i] = x[i] - sum;
211  }
212  }
214  void applyG_Identity(std::vector<Real> &Gx, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
215  Gx.assign(x.begin(),x.end());
216  }
218  void applyPreconditioner_Jacobi(std::vector<Real> &Px, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
219  unsigned dim = nworkingSet_.size();
220  Real eHe(0), sum(0), one(1), zero(0);
221  Real errX(0), tmpX(0), yX(0), errE(0), tmpE(0), yE(0);
222  std::vector<Real> gg(dim,zero);
223  typename std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = nworkingSet_.begin();
224  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
225  gg[i] = one/std::abs(Bundle<Real>::GiGj(*it,*it)); it++;
226  // Compute sum of inv(D)x using Kahan's aggregated sum
227  //sum += x[i]*gg[i];
228  yX = x[i]*gg[i] - errX;
229  tmpX = sum + yX;
230  errX = (tmpX - sum) - yX;
231  sum = tmpX;
232  // Compute sum of inv(D)e using Kahan's aggregated sum
233  //eHe += gg[i];
234  yE = gg[i] - errE;
235  tmpE = eHe + yE;
236  errE = (tmpE - eHe) - yE;
237  eHe = tmpE;
238  }
239  sum /= eHe;
240  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
241  Px[i] = (x[i]-sum)*gg[i];
242  }
243  }
245  void applyG_Jacobi(std::vector<Real> &Gx, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
246  unsigned dim = nworkingSet_.size();
247  typename std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = nworkingSet_.begin();
248  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
249  Gx[i] = std::abs(Bundle<Real>::GiGj(*it,*it))*x[i]; it++;
250  }
251  }
253  void applyPreconditioner_SymGS(std::vector<Real> &Px, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
254  int dim = nworkingSet_.size();
255  //unsigned cnt = 0;
256  gx_->zero(); ge_->zero();
257  Real eHx(0), eHe(0), one(1);
258  // Forward substitution
259  std::vector<Real> x1(dim,0), e1(dim,0),gg(dim,0);
260  typename std::set<unsigned>::iterator it, jt;
261  it = nworkingSet_.begin();
262  for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
263  gx_->zero(); ge_->zero(); jt = nworkingSet_.begin();
264  for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
265  Bundle<Real>::addGi(*jt,x1[j],*gx_);
266  Bundle<Real>::addGi(*jt,e1[j],*ge_);
267  jt++;
268  }
269  gg[i] = Bundle<Real>::GiGj(*it,*it);
270  x1[i] = (x[i] - Bundle<Real>::dotGi(*it,*gx_))/gg[i];
271  e1[i] = (one - Bundle<Real>::dotGi(*it,*ge_))/gg[i];
272  it++;
273  }
274  // Apply diagonal
275  for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
276  x1[i] *= gg[i];
277  e1[i] *= gg[i];
278  }
279  // Back substitution
280  std::vector<Real> Hx(dim,0), He(dim,0); it = nworkingSet_.end();
281  for (int i = dim-1; i >= 0; --i) {
282  it--;
283  gx_->zero(); ge_->zero(); jt = nworkingSet_.end();
284  for (int j = dim-1; j >= i+1; --j) {
285  jt--;
286  Bundle<Real>::addGi(*jt,Hx[j],*gx_);
287  Bundle<Real>::addGi(*jt,He[j],*ge_);
288  }
289  Hx[i] = (x1[i] - Bundle<Real>::dotGi(*it,*gx_))/gg[i];
290  He[i] = (e1[i] - Bundle<Real>::dotGi(*it,*ge_))/gg[i];
291  // Compute sums
292  eHx += Hx[i];
293  eHe += He[i];
294  }
295  // Accumulate preconditioned vector
296  for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
297  Px[i] = Hx[i] - (eHx/eHe)*He[i];
298  }
299  }
301  void applyG_SymGS(std::vector<Real> &Gx, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
302  unsigned dim = nworkingSet_.size();
303  typename std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = nworkingSet_.begin();
304  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
305  Gx[i] = std::abs(Bundle<Real>::GiGj(*it,*it))*x[i]; it++;
306  }
307  }
309  void computeResidualUpdate(std::vector<Real> &r, std::vector<Real> &g) const {
310  unsigned n = g.size();
311  std::vector<Real> Gg(n,0);
312  Real y(0), ytmp(0), yprt(0), yerr(0);
313  applyPreconditioner(g,r);
314  applyG(Gg,g);
315  // Compute multiplier using Kahan's compensated sum
316  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
317  //y += (r[i] - Gg[i]);
318  yprt = (r[i] - Gg[i]) - yerr;
319  ytmp = y + yprt;
320  yerr = (ytmp - y) - yprt;
321  y = ytmp;
322  }
323  y /= (Real)n;
324  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
325  r[i] -= y;
326  }
327  applyPreconditioner(g,r);
328  }
330  void applyFullMatrix(std::vector<Real> &Hx, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
331  Real one(1);
332  gx_->zero(); eG_->zero();
333  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Bundle<Real>::size(); ++i) {
334  // Compute Gx using Kahan's compensated sum
335  //gx_->axpy(x[i],Bundle<Real>::subgradient(i));
336  yG_->set(Bundle<Real>::subgradient(i)); yG_->scale(x[i]); yG_->axpy(-one,*eG_);
337  tG_->set(*gx_); tG_->plus(*yG_);
338  eG_->set(*tG_); eG_->axpy(-one,*gx_); eG_->axpy(-one,*yG_);
339  gx_->set(*tG_);
340  }
341  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Bundle<Real>::size(); ++i) {
342  // Compute < g_i, Gx >
343  Hx[i] = Bundle<Real>::dotGi(i,*gx_);
344  }
345  }
347  void applyMatrix(std::vector<Real> &Hx, const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
348  Real one(1);
349  gx_->zero(); eG_->zero();
350  unsigned n = nworkingSet_.size();
351  typename std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = nworkingSet_.begin();
352  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
353  // Compute Gx using Kahan's compensated sum
354  //gx_->axpy(x[i],Bundle<Real>::subgradient(*it));
355  yG_->set(Bundle<Real>::subgradient(*it)); yG_->scale(x[i]); yG_->axpy(-one,*eG_);
356  tG_->set(*gx_); tG_->plus(*yG_);
357  eG_->set(*tG_); eG_->axpy(-one,*gx_); eG_->axpy(-one,*yG_);
358  gx_->set(*tG_);
359  it++;
360  }
361  it = nworkingSet_.begin();
362  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
363  // Compute < g_i, Gx >
364  Hx[i] = Bundle<Real>::dotGi(*it,*gx_); it++;
365  }
366  }
368  unsigned projectedCG(std::vector<Real> &x, Real &mu, const std::vector<Real> &b, const Real tol) const {
369  Real one(1), zero(0);
370  unsigned n = nworkingSet_.size();
371  std::vector<Real> r(n,0), r0(n,0), g(n,0), d(n,0), Ad(n,0);
372  // Compute residual Hx + g = g with x = 0
373  x.assign(n,0);
374  scale(r,one,b);
375  r0.assign(r.begin(),r.end());
376  // Precondition residual
378  Real rg = dot(r,g), rg0(0);
379  // Get search direction
380  scale(d,-one,g);
381  Real alpha(0), kappa(0), beta(0), TOL(1.e-2);
382  Real CGtol = std::min(tol,TOL*rg);
383  unsigned cnt = 0;
384  while (rg > CGtol && cnt < 2*n+1) {
385  applyMatrix(Ad,d);
386  kappa = dot(d,Ad);
387  alpha = rg/kappa;
388  axpy(alpha,d,x);
389  axpy(alpha,Ad,r);
390  axpy(alpha,Ad,r0);
392  rg0 = rg;
393  rg = dot(r,g);
394  beta = rg/rg0;
395  scale(d,beta);
396  axpy(-one,g,d);
397  cnt++;
398  }
399  // Compute multiplier for equality constraint using Kahan's compensated sum
400  mu = zero;
401  Real err(0), tmp(0), y(0);
402  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
403  //mu += r0[i];
404  y = r0[i] - err;
405  tmp = mu + y;
406  err = (tmp - mu) - y;
407  mu = tmp;
408  }
409  mu /= static_cast<Real>(n);
410  // Return iteration count
411  return cnt;
412  }
414  Real dot(const std::vector<Real> &x, const std::vector<Real> &y) const {
415  // Compute dot product of two vectors using Kahan's compensated sum
416  Real val(0), err(0), tmp(0), y0(0);
417  unsigned n = std::min(x.size(),y.size());
418  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
419  //val += x[i]*y[i];
420  y0 = x[i]*y[i] - err;
421  tmp = val + y0;
422  err = (tmp - val) - y0;
423  val = tmp;
424  }
425  return val;
426  }
428  Real norm(const std::vector<Real> &x) const {
429  return std::sqrt(dot(x,x));
430  }
432  void axpy(const Real a, const std::vector<Real> &x, std::vector<Real> &y) const {
433  unsigned n = std::min(y.size(),x.size());
434  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
435  y[i] += a*x[i];
436  }
437  }
439  void scale(std::vector<Real> &x, const Real a) const {
440  for (unsigned i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
441  x[i] *= a;
442  }
443  }
445  void scale(std::vector<Real> &x, const Real a, const std::vector<Real> &y) const {
446  unsigned n = std::min(x.size(),y.size());
447  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
448  x[i] = a*y[i];
449  }
450  }
452  unsigned solveDual_arbitrary(const Real t, const unsigned maxit = 1000, const Real tol = 1.e-8) {
454  bool nonneg = false;
455  unsigned ind = 0, i = 0, CGiter = 0;
456  Real snorm(0), alpha(0), mu(0), one(1), zero(0);
457  std::vector<Real> s(Bundle<Real>::size(),0), Hs(Bundle<Real>::size(),0);
458  std::vector<Real> g(Bundle<Real>::size(),0), lam(Bundle<Real>::size()+1,0);
459  std::vector<Real> dualVariables(Bundle<Real>::size(),0);
460  for (unsigned j = 0; j < Bundle<Real>::size(); ++j) {
461  dualVariables[j] = Bundle<Real>::getDualVariable(j);
462  }
463  //Real val = Bundle<Real>::evaluateObjective(g,dualVariables,t);
464  Bundle<Real>::evaluateObjective(g,dualVariables,t);
465  for (i = 0; i < maxit; ++i) {
466  CGiter += solveEQPsubproblem(s,mu,g,tol);
467  snorm = norm(s);
468  if ( snorm < ROL_EPSILON<Real>() ) {
469  computeLagMult(lam,mu,g);
470  nonneg = isNonnegative(ind,lam);
471  if ( nonneg ) {
472  break;
473  }
474  else {
475  alpha = one;
476  if ( ind < Bundle<Real>::size() ) {
477  workingSet_.erase(ind);
478  nworkingSet_.insert(ind);
479  }
480  }
481  }
482  else {
483  alpha = computeStepSize(ind,dualVariables,s);
484  if ( alpha > zero ) {
485  axpy(alpha,s,dualVariables);
486  applyFullMatrix(Hs,s);
487  axpy(alpha,Hs,g);
488  }
489  if (ind < Bundle<Real>::size()) {
490  workingSet_.insert(ind);
491  nworkingSet_.erase(ind);
492  }
493  }
494  //std::cout << "iter = " << i << " snorm = " << snorm << " alpha = " << alpha << "\n";
495  }
496  //Real crit = computeCriticality(g,dualVariables);
497  //std::cout << "Criticality Measure: " << crit << "\n";
498  //std::cout << "dim = " << Bundle<Real>::size() << " iter = " << i << " CGiter = " << CGiter << " CONVERGED!\n";
499  for (unsigned j = 0; j < Bundle<Real>::size(); ++j) {
500  Bundle<Real>::setDualVariable(j,dualVariables[j]);
501  }
502  return i;
503  }
505  /************************************************************************/
506  /********************** PROJECTION ONTO FEASIBLE SET ********************/
507  /************************************************************************/
508  void project(std::vector<Real> &x, const std::vector<Real> &v) const {
509  std::vector<Real> vsort(Bundle<Real>::size(),0);
510  vsort.assign(v.begin(),v.end());
511  std::sort(vsort.begin(),vsort.end());
512  Real sum(-1), lam(0), zero(0), one(1);
513  for (unsigned i = Bundle<Real>::size()-1; i > 0; i--) {
514  sum += vsort[i];
515  if ( sum >= static_cast<Real>(Bundle<Real>::size()-i)*vsort[i-1] ) {
516  lam = sum/static_cast<Real>(Bundle<Real>::size()-i);
517  break;
518  }
519  }
520  if (lam == zero) {
521  lam = (sum+vsort[0])/static_cast<Real>(Bundle<Real>::size());
522  }
523  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Bundle<Real>::size(); ++i) {
524  x[i] = std::max(zero,v[i] - lam);
525  }
526  }
528  Real computeCriticality(const std::vector<Real> &g, const std::vector<Real> &sol) {
529  Real zero(0), one(1);
530  std::vector<Real> x(Bundle<Real>::size(),0), Px(Bundle<Real>::size(),0);
531  axpy(one,sol,x);
532  axpy(-one,g,x);
533  project(Px,x);
534  scale(x,zero);
535  axpy(one,sol,x);
536  axpy(-one,Px,x);
537  return norm(x);
538  }
539 }; // class Bundle_AS
541 } // namespace ROL
543 #endif
std::set< unsigned > nworkingSet_
const Real dotGi(const unsigned i, const Vector< Real > &x) const
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:258
ROL::Ptr< Vector< Real > > gx_
virtual ROL::Ptr< Vector > clone() const =0
Clone to make a new (uninitialized) vector.
void applyPreconditioner(std::vector< Real > &Px, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
void applyG_Jacobi(std::vector< Real > &Gx, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
Real dot(const std::vector< Real > &x, const std::vector< Real > &y) const
void applyPreconditioner_SymGS(std::vector< Real > &Px, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
void applyPreconditioner_Jacobi(std::vector< Real > &Px, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
ROL::Ptr< Vector< Real > > eG_
void axpy(const Real a, const std::vector< Real > &x, std::vector< Real > &y) const
void applyG_Identity(std::vector< Real > &Gx, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
void setDualVariable(const unsigned i, const Real val)
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:150
std::set< unsigned > workingSet_
Real norm(const std::vector< Real > &x) const
Defines the linear algebra or vector space interface.
Definition: ROL_Vector.hpp:46
unsigned projectedCG(std::vector< Real > &x, Real &mu, const std::vector< Real > &b, const Real tol) const
void scale(std::vector< Real > &x, const Real a) const
Real computeCriticality(const std::vector< Real > &g, const std::vector< Real > &sol)
Objective_SerialSimOpt(const Ptr< Obj > &obj, const V &ui) z0_ zero()
Real computeStepSize(unsigned &ind, const std::vector< Real > &x, const std::vector< Real > &p) const
unsigned solveEQPsubproblem(std::vector< Real > &s, Real &mu, const std::vector< Real > &g, const Real tol) const
void computeLagMult(std::vector< Real > &lam, const Real mu, const std::vector< Real > &g) const
const Real alpha(const unsigned i) const
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:167
void initialize(const Vector< Real > &g)
void computeResidualUpdate(std::vector< Real > &r, std::vector< Real > &g) const
ROL::Ptr< Vector< Real > > tG_
void scale(std::vector< Real > &x, const Real a, const std::vector< Real > &y) const
void applyFullMatrix(std::vector< Real > &Hx, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
bool isNonnegative(unsigned &ind, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
Real evaluateObjective(std::vector< Real > &g, const std::vector< Real > &x, const Real t) const
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:266
const Real getDualVariable(const unsigned i) const
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:146
virtual void initialize(const Vector< Real > &g)
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:112
void initializeDualSolver(void)
Provides the interface for and implements an active set bundle.
void addGi(const unsigned i, const Real a, Vector< Real > &x) const
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:262
unsigned solveDual_dim1(const Real t, const unsigned maxit=1000, const Real tol=1.e-8)
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:293
ROL::Ptr< Vector< Real > > ge_
unsigned size(void) const
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:171
void applyPreconditioner_Identity(std::vector< Real > &Px, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
void applyG(std::vector< Real > &Gx, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
const Real GiGj(const unsigned i, const unsigned j) const
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:254
void applyMatrix(std::vector< Real > &Hx, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
unsigned solveDual_dim2(const Real t, const unsigned maxit=1000, const Real tol=1.e-8)
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:299
void applyG_SymGS(std::vector< Real > &Gx, const std::vector< Real > &x) const
constexpr auto dim
unsigned solveDual(const Real t, const unsigned maxit=1000, const Real tol=1.e-8)
ROL::Ptr< Vector< Real > > yG_
void project(std::vector< Real > &x, const std::vector< Real > &v) const
Provides the interface for and implements a bundle.
Definition: ROL_Bundle.hpp:28
unsigned solveDual_arbitrary(const Real t, const unsigned maxit=1000, const Real tol=1.e-8)
Bundle_AS(const unsigned maxSize=10, const Real coeff=0.0, const Real omega=2.0, const unsigned remSize=2)