AbstractLinAlgPack | |
GenPermMatrixSliceIteratorPack | |
external_row_col_value_type | External storage of a row and column indice. This is required for creating a temporary in an assignment operation in a sorting algorithm (like std::sort(...)) |
row_col_value_type | Internal storage for the iterator of the row and column indices |
row_col_iterator | This is a full random access iterator for accessing row and colunmn indices |
SparseVectorUtilityPack | |
DoesNotExistException | |
NotSortedException | |
DuplicateIndexesException | |
OutOfRoomException | |
UnsizedException | |
NoNonZeroElementsException | |
SpVecIndexLookup | Sparse Vector Index Lookup and Caching class |
InvalidInternalStateException | |
NoSpVecSetException | |
poss_type | Struct with members: size_type poss; ElementRelation rel; |
COOMatrixPartitionedViewUtilityPack | |
Partition | Class for a partition or a set of continous partitions in a partitioned COO matrix |
TransposedPartition | Class for the transpose of a Partition |
BasisSystem | Interface for the creation and maintainance of a basis matrix for a decomposition of linearlized constriants |
SingularBasis | |
BasisSystemFactory | Interface for a factory object that will create BasisSystem objects |
BasisSystemPerm | Interface for setting and selecting a basis from the Jacobian from a set of equations |
compare_element_indexes_less | Ele1.index() < ele2.index() |
compare_element_indexes_equal_to | Ele.index() == i |
EtaVector | Create an eta vector (scaled by alpha = default 1) |
GenPermMatrixSlice | Concrete matrix type to represent general permutation (mapping) matrices |
InnerProduct | Abstract interface for inner products |
InnerProductDot | Implements the inner product as the dot product |
MatrixBase | Base class for all polymorphic matrices |
IncompatibleMatrices | Thrown if matrices are incompatible |
MatrixNonsing | Abstract base class for all nonsingular polymorphic matrices that can solve for linear system with but it may not be convienent to compute matrix vector products {abstract} |
SingularMatrix | This exception will be thrown if it turns out at runtime that the matrix is numerically singular |
MatrixOp | Base class for all matrices that support basic matrix operations |
IncompatibleMatrices | Thrown if matrices are not compatible |
MatNorm | Returned form calc_norm() |
MethodNotImplemented | Thrown if a method is not implemented |
MatrixOpNonsing | Abstract base class for all nonsingular polymorphic matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems efficiently |
MatrixOpNonsingAggr | Aggregate matrix class pulling together a MatrixOp object and a MatrixNonsing object into a unified matrix object |
MatrixOpSubView | Standard subclass for representing a sub, possibly transposed, view of a matrix |
MatrixPermAggr | Aggregate matrix class for a matrix and its permuted view |
MatrixSymDiag | Interface to all diagonal matrices {abstract} |
MatrixSymInitDiag | Mix-in Interface for setting a matrix to a diagonal {abstract} |
MatrixSymNonsing | Abstract base class for all polymorphic symmetrix nonsingular matrices that can be used to solve for linear systems relatively efficently |
MatrixSymOp | Interface adding operations specific for a symmetric matrix {abstract} |
MatrixSymOpNonsing | Abstract base class for all polymorphic symmetrix nonsingular matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems relatively efficently |
MatrixSymSecant | Mix-in interface for all polymorphic symmetric matrices that support secant updating |
UpdateFailedException | |
UpdateSkippedException | |
MultiVector | Interface for a collection of non-mutable vectors (multi-vector, matrix) |
MultiVectorMutable | Interface for a collection of mutable vectors (multi-vector, matrix) |
Permutation | Abstract interface to permutation matrices |
SparseElement | Sparse storage element type |
SparseVectorSlice | Sparse Vector Slice class template |
SparseVector | Sparse Vector class template |
Vector | Abstract interface for immutable, finite dimensional, coordinate vectors {abstract} |
VectorApplyOpSerialBase | This is a base class that is meant to be inherited by Vector subclasses that wish to call TSFCore::apply_op_serial() when vectors are in core |
VectorMutable | Abstract interface for mutable coordinate vectors {abstract} |
VectorMutableSubView | Concrete subclass for a sub-view of a VectorMutable object |
VectorSpace | Abstract interface for objects that represent a space for mutable coordinate vectors |
IncompatibleVectorSpaces | Thrown if vector spaces are incompatible |
VectorSpaceFactory | Abstract interface for objects that can create vector spaces of a specified dimension |
VectorSpaceSubSpace | Concrete subclass for a default sub-space of a vector |
VectorSubView | Concrete subclass for a default sub-view implementation for a Vector object |
NaNInfException | |
BasisSystemComposite | Simple BasisSystem subclass the case where the client sets up seperate C and N matrices |
BasisSystemTester | Testing class for BasisSystem interface |
BasisSystemTesterSetOptions | Set options for BasisSystemTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
MatrixComposite | Matrix class for matrices composed out of a set of other matrices and vectors |
SubMatrixEntry | Matrix list entry for a sub-matrix |
SubVectorEntry | Vector list entry for a sub-vector |
MatrixOpNonsingTester | Testing class for MatrixOpNonsing interface |
MatrixSymDiagStd | Simple diagonal matrix class |
PostMod | PostMod class to use with MemMngPack::AbstractFactorStd |
MatrixSymIdent | Matrix subclass for a scaled identity matrix |
MatrixZero | Implementation of a matrix with all zeros |
VectorMutableBlocked | Concrete subclass for a blocked vector |
VectorSpaceBlocked | VectorSpace subclass for the composite of one or more VectorSpace objects |
VectorSpaceTester | Testing class for VectorSpace , Vector and VectorMutable |
VectorSpaceTesterSetOptions | Set options for VectorSpaceTester from an OptionsFromStream object |
PreConditionException | Base class for precondition exceptions |
PostConditionException | Base class for postcondition exceptions |
InputException | Base class for input exceptions (Preconditions) |
SetupException | Base class for invalid setup for a class object when an exception is thrown |
COOMatrix | Sparse Coordinate Matrix abstraction storage class |
COOMatrixPartitionedView | COO Matrix partitioning view class |
UninitializedException | |
COOMatrixPartitionViewSubclass | Implementation of MatrixOp abstract interface for COOMatrixWithPartitionedView::partition_type |
COOMatrixWithPartitionedView | Aggregation of a COO matrix and a partitioned view of it |
MatrixCOORTmplItfcItrEleView | Templated class for objects that support the SparseCOOElementTemplatInterface specification |
MatrixCOORTmplItfcItr | Templated class for iterator returning objects that support the SparseCOOElementTemplatInterface specification |
MatrixCOORTmplItfc | Templated class that supports the COOMatrixTemplateInterface template interface |
MatrixSparseCOORSerial | Coordinate matrix subclass |
ReleaseValRowColArrays | Subclass to delete dynamically allocated memory with delete [] |
MatrixSymDiagSparseStd | Concrete subclass for a serial symmetric diagonal matrix with many zeros on the diagonal |
MatrixWithOpConcreteEncap | This template class defines the storage for a concrete matrix class that operations are based on |
SortByDescendingAbsValue | Function object class for sorting a sparse vectors in descending order by abs(v(i)) |
sparse_bounds_itr | Iterate through a set of sparse bounds |
SparseCOOPtrElement | Sparse pointer element type for a COO matrix (val, ivect, jvect) |
SparsePtrElement | Sparse pointer element type |
TransSparseCOOElementViewIter | Templateded iterator for iterating through a set of COO Matix elements but viewing them in transpose |
ElementView | Type for the object that is returned for the transpose sparse element |
VectorDenseEncap | Extract a constant DenseLinAlgPack::DVectorSlice view of a Vector object |
VectorDenseMutableEncap | Extract a non-const DenseLinAlgPack::DVectorSlice view of a VectorMutable object |
MatrixConvertToSparse | Mix-in interface for extracing explicit elements from a sparse matrix in one of several Fortran compatible formats |
MatrixConvertToSparseEncap | Sparse conversion subclass based on views of a MatrixExtractSparseElements object |
MatrixExtractInvCholFactor | Mix-in Interface for extracting the inverse cholesky factor of a dense symmetric positive definite matrix |
MatrixExtractSparseElements | Interface for extracting nonzero elements from a banded subregion of a permuted sparse matrix in one of several Fortran compatible formats |
MatrixLoadSparseElements | Mix-in interface for loading nonzero elements into a sparse matrix data structure |
MatrixNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixNonsing objects implemented in shared memory space |
MatrixOpGetGMS | Abstract interface that allows the extraction of a const DMatrixSlice view of an abstract matrix |
MatrixDenseEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixOpGetGMS interface for clients |
MatrixOpGetGMSMutable | Abstract interface that allows the extraction of a non-const DMatrixSlice view of an abstract matrix |
MatrixDenseMutableEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixOpGetGMSMutable interface for clients |
MatrixOpGetGMSTri | Mix-in interface that allows the extraction of a const DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSliceTri view of an non-singular abstract matrix |
MatrixDenseTriEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixOpGetGMSTri interface for clients |
MatrixOpNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial nonsingular polymorphic matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems efficiently |
MatrixOpSerial | Base class for all matrices implemented in a shared memory address space |
MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable | Mix-in Interface for updating a serial symmetric matrix by adding and deleting rows and columns |
Inertia | Struct for the inertia of the matrix |
MaxSizeExceededException | Thrown if the maximum size is exceeded in augment_update(...) |
PivotTolerances | Struct for pivot tolerances to be used when initializing, and augmenting and deleting rows and columns |
SingularUpdateException | Thrown if the matrix is singular and should not have been |
WarnNearSingularUpdateException | Thrown if the matrix is near singular as a warning |
WrongInertiaUpdateException | Thrown if matrix has the wrong inertia from what was expected |
MatrixSymDenseInitialize | Mix-in Interface for initializing a matrix with a dense symmetric matrix |
MatrixSymDiagSparse | Abstract base class for all serial symmetric diagonal matrices with significant zeros along the diagonal |
MatrixSymNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial polymorphic symmetrix nonsingular matrices that can be used to solve for linear systems relatively efficiently |
MatrixSymOpGetGMSSym | Abstract interface that allows the extraction of a const DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSliceSym view of an abstract matrix |
MatrixDenseSymEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixSymOpGetGMSSym interface for clients |
MatrixSymOpGetGMSSymMutable | Abstract interface that allows the extraction of a non-const DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSliceSym view of a symmetry abstract matrix |
MatrixDenseSymMutableEncap | Helper class type that simplifies the usage of the MatrixSymOpGetGMSSymMutable interface for clients |
MatrixSymOpNonsingSerial | Abstract base class for all serial polymorphic symmetric nonsingular matrices that can be used to compute matrix-vector products and solve for linear systems relatively efficiently |
MatrixSymOpSerial | Abstract base class for all AbstractLinAlgPack::MatrixSymOp objects implemented in shared memory space |
MultiVectorMutableCols | Default subclass for MultiVectorMutable implemented using columns of separate abstract vectors |
MultiVectorMutableDense | MultiVectorMutable "Adapter" subclass for DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrixSlice or DenseLinAlgPack::DMatrix object |
VectorMutableDense | DVector "Adaptor" subclass for DenseLinAlgPack::DVectorSlice or DenseLinAlgPack::DVector objects |
VectorSpaceFactorySerial | Abstract interface for objects that can create vector spaces of a specified dimension |
VectorSpaceSerial | Subclass for serial vector space objects that create VectorMutableDense vector and MultiVectorMutableDense multi-vector objects |
BasisSystemFactoryStd | Default implementation for BasisSystemPermDirectSparse obejcts using DirectSparseSolver object |
BasisSystemPermDirectSparse | Permutatble basis system subclass that uses a direct sparse solver |
DirectSparseSolver | Abstract interface to serial direct sparse linear solvers |
BasisMatrix | Abstract class for objects that represent the factorized matrix and can be used to solve for different right-hand-sides |
FactorizationFailure | |
FactorizationStructure | Abstract class for objects that represent the factorization structure of a particular matrix |
IncompatibleMatrixStructureException | |
InvalidObjectType | |
NoCurrentBasisException | |
UnsymmetricRankDeficientException | |
DirectSparseSolverDense | Concreate sparse solver subclass that uses the dense LAPACK routines |
BasisMatrixDense | Implements the BasisMatrix object for Dense |
FactorizationNonzerosDense | Stores the factorization nonzeros for Dense |
FactorizationStructureDense | Stores the factorization structure for Dense |
DirectSparseSolverImp | Implementation node class for DirectSparseSolver that takes care of the memory management details |
BasisMatrixImp | Implementation node subclass that combines factorization structure and factorization nonzeros into a single basis matrix object |
FactorizationNonzeros | Abstract class for objects that represent the factorization nonzeros of a particular matrix |
DirectSparseSolverMA28 | Concreate sparse solver subclass that uses MA28 |
BasisMatrixMA28 | Implements the BasisMatrix object for MA28 |
FactorizationNonzerosMA28 | Stores the factorization nonzeros for MA28 |
FactorizationStructureMA28 | Stores the factorization structure for MA28 |
DirectSparseSolverMA28SetOptions | Set options for DirectSparseSolverMA28 from OptionsFromStream object |
MatrixScaling_Strategy | Abstract interface for sparse matrix scaling strategies |
MA28_Cpp | |
MA28Solver | MA28 Basic Encapsulation Class |
Trilinos | |
Details | |