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MoochoPack Namespace Reference




class  NLPAlgoConfigIP
 This is a do all configuration class for NLPAlgo. More...
class  NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama
 This is a do all configuration class for NLPAlgo. More...
class  MoochoSolver
 Universal interface to a MOOCHO solver. More...
class  DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd
 Standard builder object for creating DecompositionSystem, EvalNewPoint Step and other objects and setting up some of the state object. More...
class  InfeasibleConstraints
class  LineSearchFailure
 Thrown if a line search failure occurs. More...
class  TestFailed
 Thrown if a runtime test failed. More...
class  QPFailure
 Thrown if a the QP failed and was not corrected. More...
class  IpState
class  NLPAlgo
 rSQP Algorithm control class. More...
class  NLPAlgoClientInterface
 Interface that smart clients use to set the algorithm configuration object that defines the rSQP algorithm to be used to solve the NLP. More...
class  NLPAlgoConfig
 Interface for objects responsible for configuring an rSQP algorithm. More...
class  NLPAlgoContainer
 Implementation for NLPAlgo solver. More...
class  NLPAlgoInterface
 Interface NLPAlgoContainer uses to access NLPAlgo. More...
class  NLPAlgoState
 Reduced space SQP state encapsulation interface. More...
class  NLPSolverClientInterface
 This is the most basic interface that clients use to solve an NLP. More...
class  NLPSolverClientInterfaceSetOptions
 Set options for NLPSolverClientInterface from an OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  act_set_stats_iq_member
 Class for object that attempts to return an IterQuantityAccess<ActSetStats> from an AlgorithmState object with the name act_set_stats_name. More...
class  ActSetStats
 Class for storing statistics about the changes in the active set of an SQP algorithm. More...
class  ActSetStats_AddedStep
 Updates the active set statistics for the current iteration. More...
class  BFGSUpdate_Strategy
 Strategy interface which contains the guts for a dampened BFGS update. More...
class  BFGSUpdate_StrategySetOptions
 Set options for BFGSUpdate_Strategy from an OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  CalcD_vStep_Step
 Calculates dvl_k = mu*invXl_k*e - vl_k - invXl_k*Vl_k*d_k and dvu_k = mu*invXu_k*e - vu_k + invXu_k*Vu_k*d_k More...
class  CalcDFromYPY_Step
 Calculates d = Ypy More...
class  CalcDFromYPYZPZ_Step
 Calculates d = Ypy + Zpz More...
class  CalcDFromZPZ_Step
 Calculates d = Zpz More...
class  CalcLambdaIndepStd_AddedStep
 Calculates the lagrange multipliers for the independent constraints. More...
class  CalcReducedGradLagrangianStd_AddedStep
 Calculates the reduced gradient of the Lagrangian rGL = rGf + Z' * nu + GcUP' * lambda(equ_undecomp) + GhUP' * lambdaI(inequ_undecomp) More...
class  CheckConvergence_Strategy
 Strategy interface for performing convergence checks. More...
class  CheckConvergence_StrategySetOptions
 Set options for CheckConvergence_Strategy from an OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  CheckConvergenceIP_Strategy
 Implementation of CheckConvergence_Strategy interface. More...
class  CheckConvergenceStd_AddedStep
 Check for convergence. More...
class  CheckConvergenceStd_AddedStepSetOptions
 Set options for CheckConvergenceStd_AddedStep from an OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  CheckConvergenceStd_Strategy
 Implementation of CheckConvergence_Strategy interface. More...
class  CheckDecompositionFromPy_Step
 Check if the decomposition is going singular and if it is select a new decomposition. More...
class  CheckDecompositionFromRPy_Step
 Check if the decomposition is going singular and if it is select a new decomposition. More...
class  CheckDescentQuasiNormalStep_Step
 Checks for descent in the decomposed equality constraints with respect to the range space step Ypy using finite differences. More...
class  CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd_Step
 Checks if a BFGS update should be preformed. More...
class  CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd_StepSetOptions
 Set options for CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd_Step from a OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  CrossTermExactStd_Step
 w_k = Z_k' * HL_k * Ypy_k More...
class  DampenCrossTermStd_Step
 Compute a dampening term zeta_k for the cross term w_k such that Gf'*Z*pz <= 0. More...
class  DecompositionSystemHandler_Strategy
 Interface for range/null decomposition handling. More...
class  DecompositionSystemHandlerSelectNew_Strategy
 Interface for range/null decomposition handling. More...
class  DecompositionSystemHandlerStd_Strategy
 Subclass for updating the range/null space decomposition using the base DecompositionSystem interface only. More...
class  DecompositionSystemHandlerVarReductPerm_Strategy
 Subclass for selecting and updating the range/null space decomposition using the DecompositionSystemVarReductPerm interface. More...
class  EvalNewPointStd_Step
 Standard new point evaluation step class. More...
class  EvalNewPointTailoredApproach_Step
 Base class for evaluating a new point for the "Tailored Approach". More...
class  EvalNewPointTailoredApproach_StepSetOptions
 Set options for EvalNewPointTailoredApproach_Step from an OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  EvalNewPointTailoredApproachCoordinate_Step
 Implements "coordinate" decompostion for "Tailored Appraoch". More...
class  EvalNewPointTailoredApproachOrthogonal_Step
 Implements "orthogonal" decompostion for "Tailored Appraoch". More...
class  FeasibilityStep_Strategy
 Abstract interface for a strategy object that will compute a step that will improve feasibility (at least descent) {abstract}. More...
class  FeasibilityStepReducedStd_Strategy
 Implements the feasibility step computation for reduced space SQP. More...
class  FeasibilityStepReducedStd_StrategySetOptions
 Set options for FeasibilityStepReducedStd_Strategy from an OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  InitFinDiffReducedHessian_Step
 Initializes the reduced hessian using a single finite difference along the null space of the constraints. More...
class  InitFinDiffReducedHessian_StepSetOptions
 Set options for InitFinDiffReducedHessian_Step from an OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_Step
 Implements second order correction. More...
class  LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_StepSetOptions
 Set options for LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_Step from an OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  LineSearchDirect_Step
 Delegates the line search to a DirectLineSearch_Strategy object. More...
class  LineSearchFailureNewDecompositionSelection_Step
 Directs the selection of a new decomposition if the line search fails. More...
class  FilterEntry
class  LineSearchFilter_Step
 Filter line-search step class. More...
class  LineSearchFullStep_Step
 Takes the full step x_kp1 = x_k + d_k (d_k = Ypy_k + Zpz_k). More...
class  LineSearchFullStepAfterKIter_Step
 Changes from a line search step to just taking full steps after full_steps_after_k iterations. More...
class  LineSearchNLE_Step
 Delegates the line search to a DirectLineSearch_Strategy object. More...
class  LineSearchWatchDog_Step
 Implements watchdog line search. More...
class  LineSearchWatchDog_StepSetOptions
 Set options for LineSearchWatchDog_Step from a OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  MeritFunc_DummyUpdate_Step
 Simply updates merit_func_nlp_k = merit_func_nlp_km1 More...
class  MeritFunc_ModifiedL1LargerSteps_AddedStep
 This function increases the penalty parameters of the modifed L1 merit function to allow for larger steps by taking advantage of constraints that are reduced for a full step. More...
class  MeritFunc_ModifiedL1LargerSteps_AddedStepSetOptions
 Set options for MeritFunc_ModifiedL1LargerSteps_AddedStep from a OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  MeritFunc_PenaltyParamsUpdateWithMult_AddedStep
 Updates a set of penalty parameters for a merit function as: mu(j) = max( mu(j), |lambda_k(j)| ). More...
class  MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdate_AddedStep
 Base class for steps that update penalty parameters based on the Lagrange multipliers lambda_k (or some approximation to them). More...
class  MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdate_AddedStepSetOptions
 Set options for MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdate_AddedStep from a OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdateGuts_AddedStep
 Updates the penalty parameter for a merit function as: mu_k = max( mu_km1, min_mu ). More...
class  MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdateMultFree_AddedStep
 Specializes the update of the penalty parameter for a merit function as: min_mu = |(Gf_k+nu_k)'* Ypy_k| / ||c_k||1. More...
class  MeritFunc_PenaltyParamUpdateWithMult_AddedStep
 Specializes the update of the penalty parameter for a merit function as: min_mu =||lambda||inf. More...
class  MoochoTrackerConsoleStd
 This rSQP iteration class provides a tablular output suitable for an 80 char wide console. More...
class  MoochoTrackerStatsStd
 This is a simple track class for getting statistics about a solved (or not solved) NLP. More...
class  MoochoTrackerSummaryStd
 This class simply outputs the convergence information for each iteration. More...
class  MoochoTrackerXMLSummary
 This class outputs an XML summary file of the algorithm results and performance. More...
class  NewDecompositionSelection_Strategy
 Abstract interface for an object that directs the selection of a new decomposition. More...
class  NewDecompositionSelectionStd_Strategy
 Just force the decomposition system object to select a new decomposition and let everyone else fend for themselves. More...
class  NumFixedDepIndep_AddedStep
 Computes and outputs the number of fixed variables from the dependent and independent set.. More...
class  PostEvalNewPointBarrier_Step
 Standard evaluation step class for extra parameters in primal/dual barrier method. More...
class  PostProcessBarrierLineSearch_Step
 Fraction to boundary rule for calculating alpha max. More...
class  PreEvalNewPointBarrier_Step
 Standard evaluation step class for extra parameters in primal/dual barrier method. More...
class  PreEvalNewPointBarrier_StepSetOptions
class  PreProcessBarrierLineSearch_Step
 Fraction to boundary rule for calculating alpha max. More...
class  PreProcessBarrierLineSearch_StepSetOptions
class  qp_solver_stats_iq_member
 Class for object that attempts to return an IterQuantityAccess<QPSolverStats> from an AlgorithmState object with the name qp_solver_stats_name. More...
class  QPFailureReinitReducedHessian_Step
 Directs the algorithm to reinitalize the reduced Hessian on the event of a QP failure. More...
class  quasi_newton_stats_iq_member
 Class for object that attempts to return an IterQuantityAccess<QuasiNewtonStats> from an AlgorithmState object with the name quasi_newton_stats_name. More...
class  QuasiNewtonStats
 Class for storing statistics about the Quasi-Newton updating. More...
class  QuasiNormalStepStd_Step
 Calculates the range space step by, solving for py = -inv(R)*c(equ_decomp), then setting Ypy = Y * py. More...
class  QuasiRangeSpaceStep_Strategy
 Abstract interface for a strategy object that will compute a step that will approximalty solve a range space subproblem {abstract}. More...
class  QuasiRangeSpaceStepStd_Strategy
 Strategy class for computing a quasi-range-space step by solving the approximate range space problem directly. More...
class  QuasiRangeSpaceStepTailoredApproach_Strategy
 Strategy class for computing a quasi range space step for the tailored approach NLP interface. More...
class  ReducedGradientStd_Step
 Computes the reducecd gradient of the objective rGf_k = Z_k' * Gf_k More...
class  ReducedHessianExactStd_Step
 Computes the exact reduced Hessian rHL_k = Z_k' * HL_k * Z_k. More...
class  ReducedHessianSecantUpdate_Strategy
 Strategy interface for performing secant updates {abstract}. More...
class  ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSFull_Strategy
 Perform BFGS updates on full reduced Hessian. More...
class  ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_Strategy
 Perform BFGS updates on only the free independent (super basic) variables. More...
class  ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_StrategySetOptions
 Set options for ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_Strategy from a OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  ReducedHessianSecantUpdateLPBFGS_Strategy
 Perform BFGS updates on only the free independent (super basic) variables. More...
class  ReducedHessianSecantUpdateLPBFGS_StrategySetOptions
 Set options for ReducedHessianSecantUpdateBFGSProjected_Strategy from a OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  ReducedHessianSecantUpdateStd_Step
 Updates rHL_k using a secant update. More...
class  ReducedHessianSerialization_Step
 Serializes rHL_k to and from a file. More...
class  SetDBoundsStd_AddedStep
 Computes the bounds for the QP subproblem from the NLP bounds. More...
class  TangentialStepIP_Step
 Null Space Step for Interior Point algorithm. More...
class  TangentialStepWithInequStd_Step
 Solves the reduced QP subproblem with bounds and/or general inequalities. More...
class  TangentialStepWithInequStd_StepSetOptions
 Set options for TangentialStepWithInequStd_Step from an OptionsFromStream object. More...
class  TangentialStepWithoutBounds_Step
 Solves the unconstrained QP subproblem: min qp_grad' * pz + (1/2) * pz' * rHL * pz. More...
class  UpdateBarrierParameter_Step
 Barrier Parameter (mu) Update. More...
class  UpdateBarrierParameter_StepSetOptions
class  UpdateReducedSigma_Step
 Standard class for updating the reduced sigma for interior point optimization. More...
class  UpdateReducedSigma_StepSetOptions
class  MoochoThyraSolver
 MOOCHO NLP Solver class for models represented through Thyra::ModelEvaluator. More...


typedef std::list< FilterEntryFilter_T


enum  EJournalOutputLevel {
 enum for journal output. More...


NLPAlgorsqp_algo (Algorithm &algo)
 Convert from a Algorithm to a NLPAlgo. More...
const NLPAlgorsqp_algo (const Algorithm &algo)
 Convert from a Algorithm to a NLPAlgo. More...
Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel convertToVerbLevel (const EJournalOutputLevel output_level)
 Conver to Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel. More...
void active_set_change (const SpVectorSlice &nu_k, const SpVectorSlice &nu_km1, Range1D indep, EJournalOutputLevel olevel, std::ostream *out, size_type *num_adds, size_type *num_drops, size_type *num_active_indep, size_type *num_adds_indep, size_type *num_drops_indep)
 Calculate the change in the active set and output change if asked to. More...
void get_init_fixed_free_indep (const size_type n, const size_type r, const SpVectorSlice &nu_indep, const value_type super_basic_mult_drop_tol, EJournalOutputLevel olevel, std::ostream &out, size_type *n_pz_X, size_type *n_pz_R, size_type i_x_free[], size_type i_x_fixed[], ConstrainedOptPack::EBounds bnd_fixed[])
 Determine the set of initially fixed and free independent variables. More...
value_type MIN (value_type x, value_type y)
value_type MAX (value_type x, value_type y)


const std::string barrier_parameter_name = "barrier_parameter"
const std::string barrier_obj_name = "barrier_obj"
const std::string grad_barrier_obj_name = "grad_barrier_obj"
const std::string e_tol_name = "e_tol"
const std::string comp_err_mu_name = "comp_err_mu"
const std::string Vu_name = "Vu"
const std::string Vl_name = "Vl"
const std::string invXu_name = "invXu"
const std::string invXl_name = "invXl"
const std::string rHB_name = "rHB"
const std::string B_name = "B"
const std::string Sigma_name = "Sigma"
const std::string w_sigma_name = "w_sigma"
const std::string dvl_name = "dvl"
const std::string dvu_name = "dvu"
const std::string alpha_vl_name = "alpha_vl"
const std::string alpha_vu_name = "alpha_vu"
const std::string num_basis_name = "num_basis"
const std::string x_name = "x"
const std::string f_name = "f"
const std::string Gf_name = "Gf"
const std::string HL_name = "HL"
const std::string c_name = "c"
const std::string h_name
const std::string Gc_name = "Gc"
const std::string Y_name = "Y"
const std::string Z_name = "Z"
const std::string R_name = "R"
const std::string Uy_name = "Uy"
const std::string Uz_name = "Uz"
const std::string py_name = "py"
const std::string Ypy_name = "Ypy"
const std::string pz_name = "pz"
const std::string Zpz_name = "Zpz"
const std::string d_name = "d"
const std::string rGf_name = "rGf"
const std::string rHL_name = "rHL"
const std::string w_name = "w"
const std::string zeta_name = "zeta"
const std::string qp_grad_name = "qp_grad"
const std::string eta_name = "eta"
const std::string alpha_name = "alpha"
const std::string merit_func_nlp_name = "merit_func_nlp"
const std::string mu_name = "mu"
const std::string phi_name = "phi"
const std::string opt_kkt_err_name = "opt_kkt_err"
const std::string feas_kkt_err_name = "feas_kkt_err"
const std::string comp_kkt_err_name = "comp_kkt_err"
const std::string GL_name = "GL"
const std::string rGL_name = "rGL"
const std::string lambda_name = "lambda"
const std::string nu_name = "nu"
const std::string act_set_stats_name = "act_set_stats"
 Name given to the active set statistics iteration quantity. More...
const std::string dl_name = "dl"
const std::string du_name = "du"
const std::string FILTER_IQ_STRING = "LS_FilterEntries"
const std::string qp_solver_stats_name = "qp_solver_stats"
 Name given to the active set statistics iteration quantity. More...
const std::string quasi_newton_stats_name = "quasi_newton_stats"
 Name given to the quasi-Newton updating staistics iteration quantity. More...
const char UpdateReducedSigma_opt_grp_name [] = "UpdateReducedSigma"

Names for MOOCHOsteps

const std::string EvalNewPoint_name = "EvalNewPoint"
const std::string ReducedGradient_name = "ReducedGradient"
const std::string ReducedHessian_name = "ReducedHessian"
const std::string QuasiNormalStep_name = "QuasiNormalStep"
const std::string TangentialStep_name = "TangentialStep"
const std::string SearchDirec_name = "SearchDirec"
const std::string LineSearch_name = "LineSearch"
const std::string CheckConvergence_name = "CheckConvergence"
const std::string CalcLambdaIndep_name = "CalcLambdaIndep"
const std::string CalcReducedGradLagrangian_name = "CalcReducedGradLagrangian"
const std::string CheckSkipBFGSUpdate_name = "CheckSkipBFGSUpdate"
const std::string CalcDFromYPYZPZ_name = "CalcDFromYPYZPZ"

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::list< FilterEntry > MoochoPack::Filter_T

Definition at line 71 of file MoochoPack_LineSearchFilter_Step.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum for journal output.


Definition at line 61 of file MoochoPack_Types.hpp.

Function Documentation

NLPAlgo& MoochoPack::rsqp_algo ( Algorithm &  algo)

Convert from a Algorithm to a NLPAlgo.

Definition at line 52 of file MoochoPack_moocho_algo_conversion.hpp.

const NLPAlgo& MoochoPack::rsqp_algo ( const Algorithm &  algo)

Convert from a Algorithm to a NLPAlgo.

Definition at line 57 of file MoochoPack_moocho_algo_conversion.hpp.

Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel MoochoPack::convertToVerbLevel ( const EJournalOutputLevel  output_level)

Conver to Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel.

Definition at line 71 of file MoochoPack_Types.hpp.

void MoochoPack::active_set_change ( const SpVectorSlice &  nu_k,
const SpVectorSlice &  nu_km1,
Range1D  indep,
EJournalOutputLevel  olevel,
std::ostream *  out,
size_type *  num_adds,
size_type *  num_drops,
size_type *  num_active_indep,
size_type *  num_adds_indep,
size_type *  num_drops_indep 

Calculate the change in the active set and output change if asked to.

ToDo: Add more description of the output you get.

nu_k[in] Multipliers for variable bounds for iteration k.
num_km1[in] Multipliers for variable bounds for iteration k-1
olevel[in] Specifies the output level. We have:\ PRINT_NOTHING : No output is sent to out\ PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS : Just the number of additions and deletions to the active set and the total number of active constraints is output.\ PRINT_ACTIVE_SET : Enumerates which variable were added and dropped from the active set.\
num_adds[out] Gives the total number of variables fixed at a bound added to the active set.
num_drops[out] Gives the total number of variables freed from a bound and dropped from the active set.
num_adds_indep[out] Gives the number of independent variables fixed at a bound added to the active set.
num_drops_indep[out] Gives the number of independent variables freed from a bound and dropped from the active set.
out[O] Target for output.
void MoochoPack::get_init_fixed_free_indep ( const size_type  n,
const size_type  r,
const SpVectorSlice &  nu_indep,
const value_type  super_basic_mult_drop_tol,
EJournalOutputLevel  olevel,
std::ostream &  out,
size_type *  n_pz_X,
size_type *  n_pz_R,
size_type  i_x_free[],
size_type  i_x_fixed[],
ConstrainedOptPack::EBounds  bnd_fixed[] 

Determine the set of initially fixed and free independent variables.

This function will drop all but one of the fixed independent variables whos Lagrange multiplier is above a predefined value.

ToDo: Finish documentation.

n[in] Total number of variables.
r[in] Number of decomposed constraints.
nu_indep[in] Sparse vector (size == n-r) of Lagrange multipliers for the independent variables.
super_basic_mult_drop_tol[in] Tolerance of nu_indep(i)/||nu_indep||inf below which active variables will not be dropped from the superbasis.
olevel[in] Printing level.
out[out] Stream the output is printed to based on olevel.
n_pz_X[out] Number of dropped super basic variables (n_pz_X <=
n_pz_R[out] Number of free super basic variables (n-r == n_pz_R + n_pz_X)
i_x_free[out] Array (size >= n_pz_R) of indices the free independent (superbasic) variables.
i_x_fixed[out] Array (size >= n_pz_X) of indices the droped (nonbasic) variables.
bnd_fixed[out] Array (size >= n_pz_X) of the bounds for the dropped (nonbasic) variables.
value_type MoochoPack::MIN ( value_type  x,
value_type  y 

Definition at line 116 of file MoochoPack_LineSearchFilter_Step.cpp.

value_type MoochoPack::MAX ( value_type  x,
value_type  y 

Definition at line 119 of file MoochoPack_LineSearchFilter_Step.cpp.

Variable Documentation

const std::string MoochoPack::barrier_parameter_name = "barrier_parameter"

Definition at line 46 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::barrier_obj_name = "barrier_obj"

Definition at line 47 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::grad_barrier_obj_name = "grad_barrier_obj"

Definition at line 48 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::e_tol_name = "e_tol"

Definition at line 49 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::comp_err_mu_name = "comp_err_mu"

Definition at line 50 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::Vu_name = "Vu"

Definition at line 51 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::Vl_name = "Vl"

Definition at line 52 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::invXu_name = "invXu"

Definition at line 53 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::invXl_name = "invXl"

Definition at line 54 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::rHB_name = "rHB"

Definition at line 55 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::B_name = "B"

Definition at line 56 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::Sigma_name = "Sigma"

Definition at line 57 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::w_sigma_name = "w_sigma"

Definition at line 58 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::dvl_name = "dvl"

Definition at line 59 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::dvu_name = "dvu"

Definition at line 60 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::alpha_vl_name = "alpha_vl"

Definition at line 61 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::alpha_vu_name = "alpha_vu"

Definition at line 62 of file MoochoPack_IpState.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::act_set_stats_name = "act_set_stats"

Name given to the active set statistics iteration quantity.

Definition at line 45 of file MoochoPack_act_set_stats.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::dl_name = "dl"

Definition at line 44 of file MoochoPack_d_bounds_iter_quant.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::du_name = "du"

Definition at line 45 of file MoochoPack_d_bounds_iter_quant.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::FILTER_IQ_STRING = "LS_FilterEntries"

Definition at line 73 of file MoochoPack_LineSearchFilter_Step.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::EvalNewPoint_name = "EvalNewPoint"

Definition at line 54 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::ReducedGradient_name = "ReducedGradient"

Definition at line 55 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::ReducedHessian_name = "ReducedHessian"

Definition at line 56 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::QuasiNormalStep_name = "QuasiNormalStep"

Definition at line 57 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::TangentialStep_name = "TangentialStep"

Definition at line 58 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::SearchDirec_name = "SearchDirec"

Definition at line 59 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::LineSearch_name = "LineSearch"

Definition at line 60 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::CheckConvergence_name = "CheckConvergence"

Definition at line 61 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::CalcLambdaIndep_name = "CalcLambdaIndep"

Definition at line 63 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::CalcReducedGradLagrangian_name = "CalcReducedGradLagrangian"

Definition at line 64 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::CheckSkipBFGSUpdate_name = "CheckSkipBFGSUpdate"

Definition at line 65 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::CalcDFromYPYZPZ_name = "CalcDFromYPYZPZ"

Definition at line 66 of file MoochoPack_MoochoAlgorithmStepNames.hpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::qp_solver_stats_name = "qp_solver_stats"

Name given to the active set statistics iteration quantity.

Definition at line 45 of file MoochoPack_qp_solver_stats.cpp.

const std::string MoochoPack::quasi_newton_stats_name = "quasi_newton_stats"

Name given to the quasi-Newton updating staistics iteration quantity.

Definition at line 45 of file MoochoPack_quasi_newton_stats.cpp.

const char MoochoPack::UpdateReducedSigma_opt_grp_name[] = "UpdateReducedSigma"

Definition at line 122 of file MoochoPack_UpdateReducedSigma_Step.hpp.