1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Intrepid2 Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2007 NTESS and the Intrepid2 contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
9 //
10 // Intrepid2_SerendipityBasis.hpp
11 // intrepid2
12 //
13 // Created by Roberts, Nathan V on 1/4/22.
14 //
16 #ifndef Intrepid2_SerendipityBasis_h
17 #define Intrepid2_SerendipityBasis_h
21 namespace Intrepid2
22 {
27 template<typename BasisBaseClass = void>
29 :
30 public BasisBaseClass
31 {
32 public:
33  using BasisBase = BasisBaseClass;
34  using BasisPtr = Teuchos::RCP<BasisBase>;
36 protected:
37  BasisPtr fullBasis_;
39  std::string name_; // name of the basis
41  int numTensorialExtrusions_; // relative to cell topo returned by getBaseCellTopology().
42 public:
43  using DeviceType = typename BasisBase::DeviceType;
44  using ExecutionSpace = typename BasisBase::ExecutionSpace;
45  using OutputValueType = typename BasisBase::OutputValueType;
46  using PointValueType = typename BasisBase::PointValueType;
48  using OrdinalTypeArray1D = typename BasisBase::OrdinalTypeArray1D;
49  using OrdinalTypeArray1DHost = typename BasisBase::OrdinalTypeArray1DHost;
50  using OrdinalTypeArray2DHost = typename BasisBase::OrdinalTypeArray2DHost;
51  using OutputViewType = typename BasisBase::OutputViewType;
52  using PointViewType = typename BasisBase::PointViewType;
53 protected:
54  OrdinalTypeArray1D ordinalMap_; // our field ordinal --> full basis field ordinal
55 public:
59  SerendipityBasis(BasisPtr fullBasis)
60  :
61  fullBasis_(fullBasis)
62  {
63  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(fullBasis_->getBasisType() != BASIS_FEM_HIERARCHICAL, std::invalid_argument, "SerendipityBasis only supports full bases whose type is BASIS_FEM_HIERARCHICAL");
64  this->basisType_ = fullBasis_->getBasisType(); // BASIS_FEM_HIERARCHICAL
66  this->functionSpace_ = fullBasis_->getFunctionSpace();
67  this->basisDegree_ = fullBasis_->getDegree();
69  {
70  std::ostringstream basisName;
71  basisName << "Serendipity(" << fullBasis_->getName() << ")";
72  name_ = basisName.str();
73  }
75  using std::vector;
76  vector<ordinal_type> fullBasisOrdinals;
77  vector<vector<ordinal_type>> polynomialDegreeOfField;
78  vector<vector<ordinal_type>> polynomialH1DegreeOfField;
79  ordinal_type fullCardinality = fullBasis_->getCardinality();
80  ordinal_type basisH1Degree = (this->functionSpace_ == FUNCTION_SPACE_HVOL) ? this->basisDegree_ + 1 : this->basisDegree_;
81  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<fullCardinality; i++)
82  {
83  vector<ordinal_type> fieldDegree = fullBasis_->getPolynomialDegreeOfFieldAsVector(i);
84  vector<ordinal_type> fieldH1Degree = fullBasis_->getH1PolynomialDegreeOfFieldAsVector(i);
85  ordinal_type superlinearDegree = 0;
86  for (const ordinal_type & p : fieldH1Degree)
87  {
88  if (p > 1)
89  {
90  // superlinear; contributes to superlinearDegree
91  superlinearDegree += p;
92  }
93  }
94  if (superlinearDegree <= basisH1Degree)
95  {
96  // satisfies serendipity criterion
97  fullBasisOrdinals.push_back(i);
98  polynomialDegreeOfField.push_back(fieldDegree);
99  polynomialH1DegreeOfField.push_back(fieldH1Degree);
100  }
101  }
102  this->basisCardinality_ = fullBasisOrdinals.size();
103  ordinalMap_ = OrdinalTypeArray1D("serendipity ordinal map",fullBasisOrdinals.size());
105  auto ordinalMapHost = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(ordinalMap_);
106  const ordinal_type fullBasisCardinality = fullBasisOrdinals.size();
107  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<fullBasisCardinality; i++)
108  {
109  ordinalMapHost(i) = fullBasisOrdinals[i];
110  }
111  Kokkos::deep_copy(ordinalMap_, ordinalMapHost);
113  // set cell topology
114  this->basisCellTopologyKey_ = fullBasis_->getBaseCellTopology().getKey();
115  this->numTensorialExtrusions_ = fullBasis_->getNumTensorialExtrusions();
116  const ordinal_type spaceDim = fullBasis_->getBaseCellTopology().getDimension() + numTensorialExtrusions_;
118  this->basisCoordinates_ = COORDINATES_CARTESIAN;
120  // fill in degree lookup:
121  int degreeSize = fullBasis_->getPolynomialDegreeLength();
122  this->fieldOrdinalPolynomialDegree_ = OrdinalTypeArray2DHost("TensorBasis - field ordinal polynomial degree", this->basisCardinality_, degreeSize);
123  this->fieldOrdinalH1PolynomialDegree_ = OrdinalTypeArray2DHost("TensorBasis - field ordinal H^1 degree", this->basisCardinality_, degreeSize);
125  for (ordinal_type fieldOrdinal1 = 0; fieldOrdinal1 < this->basisCardinality_; fieldOrdinal1++)
126  {
127  for (int d=0; d<degreeSize; d++)
128  {
129  this->fieldOrdinalPolynomialDegree_ (fieldOrdinal1,d) = polynomialDegreeOfField [fieldOrdinal1][d];
130  this->fieldOrdinalH1PolynomialDegree_(fieldOrdinal1,d) = polynomialH1DegreeOfField[fieldOrdinal1][d];
131  }
132  }
134  // build tag view
135  const auto & cardinality = this->basisCardinality_;
137  const ordinal_type tagSize = 4; // size of DoF tag, i.e., number of fields in the tag
138  const ordinal_type posScDim = 0; // position in the tag, counting from 0, of the subcell dim
139  const ordinal_type posScOrd = 1; // position in the tag, counting from 0, of the subcell ordinal
140  const ordinal_type posDfOrd = 2; // position in the tag, counting from 0, of DoF ordinal relative to the subcell
141  const ordinal_type posDfCnt = 3; // position in the tag, counting from 0, of DoF count for the subcell
143  OrdinalTypeArray1DHost tagView("tag view", cardinality*tagSize);
144  auto cellTopo = CellTopology::cellTopology(fullBasis_->getBaseCellTopology(), numTensorialExtrusions_);
145  const OrdinalTypeArray2DHost fullBasisOrdinalToTag = fullBasis->getAllDofTags();
147  using std::map;
148  vector<vector<ordinal_type>> subcellDofCount(spaceDim+1); // outer: dimension of subcell; inner: subcell ordinal. Entry: number of dofs.
149  vector<vector<ordinal_type>> subcellDofOrdinal(spaceDim+1); // outer: dimension of subcell; inner: subcell ordinal. Entry: ordinal relative to subcell.
150  for (ordinal_type d=0; d<=spaceDim; d++)
151  {
152  const ordinal_type numSubcells = cellTopo->getSubcellCount(d);
153  subcellDofCount[d] = vector<ordinal_type>(numSubcells,0);
154  subcellDofOrdinal[d] = vector<ordinal_type>(numSubcells,0);
155  }
156  for (ordinal_type fieldOrdinal=0; fieldOrdinal<fullBasisCardinality; fieldOrdinal++)
157  {
158  const ordinal_type fullFieldOrdinal = fullBasisOrdinals[fieldOrdinal];
159  const ordinal_type subcellDim = fullBasisOrdinalToTag(fullFieldOrdinal,posScDim);
160  const ordinal_type subcellOrd = fullBasisOrdinalToTag(fullFieldOrdinal,posScOrd);
161  subcellDofCount[subcellDim][subcellOrd]++;
162  }
163  for (ordinal_type fieldOrdinal=0; fieldOrdinal<fullBasisCardinality; fieldOrdinal++)
164  {
165  const ordinal_type fullFieldOrdinal = fullBasisOrdinals[fieldOrdinal];
166  const ordinal_type subcellDim = fullBasisOrdinalToTag(fullFieldOrdinal,posScDim);
167  const ordinal_type subcellOrd = fullBasisOrdinalToTag(fullFieldOrdinal,posScOrd);
168  const ordinal_type subcellDfCnt = subcellDofCount[subcellDim][subcellOrd];
169  const ordinal_type subcellDfOrd = subcellDofOrdinal[subcellDim][subcellOrd]++;
171  tagView(tagSize*fieldOrdinal + posScDim) = subcellDim; // subcellDim
172  tagView(tagSize*fieldOrdinal + posScOrd) = subcellOrd; // subcell ordinal
173  tagView(tagSize*fieldOrdinal + posDfOrd) = subcellDfOrd; // ordinal of the specified DoF relative to the subcell
174  tagView(tagSize*fieldOrdinal + posDfCnt) = subcellDfCnt; // total number of DoFs associated with the subcell
175  }
176  // // Basis-independent function sets tag and enum data in tagToOrdinal_ and ordinalToTag_ arrays:
177  // // tags are constructed on host
178  this->setOrdinalTagData(this->tagToOrdinal_,
179  this->ordinalToTag_,
180  tagView,
181  this->basisCardinality_,
182  tagSize,
183  posScDim,
184  posScOrd,
185  posDfOrd);
186  }
188  virtual int getNumTensorialExtrusions() const override
189  {
190  return numTensorialExtrusions_;
191  }
197  virtual BasisValues<OutputValueType,DeviceType> allocateBasisValues( TensorPoints<PointValueType,DeviceType> points, const EOperator operatorType = OPERATOR_VALUE) const override
198  {
199  auto basisValues = fullBasis_->allocateBasisValues(points,operatorType);
200  basisValues.setOrdinalFilter(this->ordinalMap_);
201  return basisValues;
202  }
204  // since the getValues() below only overrides the FEM variant, we specify that
205  // we use the base class's getValues(), which implements the FVD variant by throwing an exception.
206  // (It's an error to use the FVD variant on this basis.)
207  using BasisBase::getValues;
213  virtual
214  const char*
215  getName() const override {
216  return name_.c_str();
217  }
230  virtual
231  void
233  const TensorPoints<PointValueType,DeviceType> inputPoints,
234  const EOperator operatorType = OPERATOR_VALUE ) const override
235  {
236  fullBasis_->getValues(outputValues, inputPoints, operatorType);
237  outputValues.setOrdinalFilter(this->ordinalMap_);
238  }
258  virtual
259  void getValues( OutputViewType outputValues, const PointViewType inputPoints,
260  const EOperator operatorType = OPERATOR_VALUE ) const override
261  {
262  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( true, std::logic_error,
263  ">>> ERROR (Basis::getValues): this method is not supported by SerendipityBasis (use the getValues() method that accepts a BasisValues object instead).");
264  }
270  virtual HostBasisPtr<OutputValueType, PointValueType>
271  getHostBasis() const override {
273  using HostBasis = SerendipityBasis<HostBasisBase>;
274  auto hostBasis = Teuchos::rcp(new HostBasis(fullBasis_->getHostBasis()));
275  return hostBasis;
276  }
282  BasisPtr getUnderlyingBasis() const
283  {
284  return fullBasis_;
285  }
291  OrdinalTypeArray1D ordinalMap() const
292  {
293  return ordinalMap_;
294  }
295 }; // SerendipityBasis
297 } // namespace Intrepid2
298 #endif /* Intrepid2_SerendipityBasis_h */
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