29 template<
typename DeviceType>
30 template<
typename inVecValueType,
class ...inVecProperties>
34 vectorNorm(
const Kokkos::DynRankView<inVecValueType,inVecProperties...> inVec,
35 const ENorm normType ) {
39 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_DEBUG_ABORT( !(inVec.rank() >= 1 && inVec.rank() <= 5), dbgInfo,
40 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vectorNorm): Vector argument must have rank 1!" );
42 if (dbgInfo)
return inVecValueType(0);
46 typedef inVecValueType value_type;
50 const ordinal_type iend = inVec.extent(0);
51 const ordinal_type jend = inVec.extent(1);
52 const ordinal_type kend = inVec.extent(2);
53 const ordinal_type lend = inVec.extent(3);
54 const ordinal_type mend = inVec.extent(4);
57 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<iend;++i)
58 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
59 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
60 for (ordinal_type l=0;l<lend;++l)
61 for (ordinal_type m=0;m<mend;++m)
62 norm += inVec.access(i,j,k,l,m)*inVec.access(i,j,k,l,m);
67 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<iend;++i)
68 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
69 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
70 for (ordinal_type l=0;l<lend;++l)
71 for (ordinal_type m=0;m<mend;++m) {
73 norm = (norm < current ? current : norm);
78 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<iend;++i)
79 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
80 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
81 for (ordinal_type l=0;l<lend;++l)
82 for (ordinal_type m=0;m<mend;++m)
87 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_ABORT( ( (normType != NORM_TWO) &&
88 (normType != NORM_INF) &&
89 (normType != NORM_ONE) ),
90 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vectorNorm): Invalid argument normType.");
99 template<
typename DeviceType>
100 template<
class MatrixViewType>
102 typename MatrixViewType::value_type
104 det(
const MatrixViewType inMat ) {
106 typedef typename decltype(inMat)::non_const_value_type value_type;
109 bool dbgInfo =
110 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_DEBUG_ABORT( getFunctorRank( inMat ) != 2, dbgInfo,
111 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::det): Rank of matrix argument must be 2!");
112 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_DEBUG_ABORT( inMat.extent(0) != inMat.extent(1), dbgInfo,
113 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::det): Matrix is not square!");
114 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_DEBUG_ABORT( inMat.extent(0) < 1 || inMat.extent(0) > 3, dbgInfo,
115 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::det): Spatial dimension must be 1, 2, or 3!");
117 if (dbgInfo)
return value_type(0);
121 const auto dim = inMat.extent(0);
123 value_type r_val = 0.0;
126 r_val = ( inMat(0,0) * inMat(1,1) * inMat(2,2) +
127 inMat(1,0) * inMat(2,1) * inMat(0,2) +
128 inMat(2,0) * inMat(0,1) * inMat(1,2) -
129 inMat(2,0) * inMat(1,1) * inMat(0,2) -
130 inMat(0,0) * inMat(2,1) * inMat(1,2) -
131 inMat(1,0) * inMat(0,1) * inMat(2,2) );
134 r_val = ( inMat(0,0) * inMat(1,1) -
135 inMat(0,1) * inMat(1,0) );
138 r_val = ( inMat(0,0) );
146 template<
typename DeviceType>
147 template<
typename inVec1ValueType,
class ...inVec1Properties,
148 typename inVec2ValueType,
class ...inVec2Properties>
152 dot(
const Kokkos::DynRankView<inVec1ValueType,inVec1Properties...> inVec1,
153 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inVec2ValueType,inVec2Properties...> inVec2 ) {
157 bool dbgInfo =
158 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_DEBUG_ABORT( inVec1.rank() != 1 || inVec2.rank() != 1, dbgInfo,
159 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::dot): Vector arguments must have rank 1!");
160 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_DEBUG_ABORT( inVec1.extent(0) != inVec2.extent(0), dbgInfo,
161 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::dot): Dimensions of vector arguments must agree!");
163 if (dbgInfo)
return inVec1ValueType(0);
167 typedef inVec1ValueType value_type;
172 const ordinal_type iend = inVec1.extent(0);
173 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<iend;++i)
174 r_val += inVec1(i)*inVec2(i);
187 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
192 template<
typename OutputViewType,
193 typename inputViewType>
195 OutputViewType _output;
196 inputViewType _input;
200 inputViewType input_ )
201 : _output(output_), _input(input_) {}
204 void operator()(
const ordinal_type i)
const {
205 const ordinal_type jend = _input.extent(1);
206 const ordinal_type kend = _input.extent(2);
207 const ordinal_type lend = _input.extent(3);
208 const ordinal_type mend = _input.extent(4);
210 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
211 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
212 for (ordinal_type l=0;l<lend;++l)
213 for (ordinal_type m=0;m<mend;++m)
214 _output.access(i,j,k,l,m) = get_scalar_value(_input.access(i,j,k,l,m));
219 template<
typename DeviceType>
220 template<
typename outputValueType,
class ...outputProperties,
221 typename inputValueType,
class ...inputProperties>
225 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inputValueType, inputProperties...> input ) {
227 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
228 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
229 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
230 typename decltype(output)::memory_space>::accessible &&
231 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
232 typename decltype(input)::memory_space>::accessible;
233 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::extractScalarValues(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
237 const auto loopSize = input.extent(0);
238 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
239 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
240 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(output, input) );
243 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
247 template<
typename OutputViewType,
248 typename inputViewType>
250 OutputViewType _output;
251 inputViewType _input;
254 F_clone( OutputViewType output_,
255 inputViewType input_ )
256 : _output(output_), _input(input_) {}
259 void operator()(
const ordinal_type iter)
const {
260 ordinal_type k0(0), k1(0), k2(0);
261 const auto rankDiff = _output.rank() - _input.rank();
264 unrollIndex( k0, k1, k2,
281 auto out = (rankDiff == 3 ? Kokkos::subview(_output, k0, k1, k2, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
282 rankDiff == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_output, k0, k1, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
283 rankDiff == 1 ? Kokkos::subview(_output, k0, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
284 Kokkos::subview(_output, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()));
285 const ordinal_type iend = _input.extent(0);
286 const ordinal_type jend = _input.extent(1);
287 const ordinal_type kend = _input.extent(2);
288 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<iend;++i)
289 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
290 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
291 out.access(i,j,k) = _input.access(i,j,k);
296 template<
typename DeviceType>
297 template<
typename outputValueType,
class ...outputProperties,
298 typename inputValueType,
class ...inputProperties>
301 clone( Kokkos::DynRankView<outputValueType,outputProperties...> output,
302 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inputValueType,inputProperties...> input ) {
306 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( input.rank() > 3, std::invalid_argument,
307 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::clone): Input container has rank larger than 3.");
310 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( input.rank() > output.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
311 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::clone): Input container rank should be smaller than ouput rank.");
313 const size_type rankDiff = output.rank() - input.rank();
316 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( rankDiff > 3, std::invalid_argument,
317 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::clone): Difference between output container rank and input container rank is larger than 3.");
320 for (size_type i=0;i<input.rank();++i) {
321 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( input.extent(i) != output.extent(rankDiff + i), std::invalid_argument,
322 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::clone): Dimensions of array arguments do not agree!");
326 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
327 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
328 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
329 typename decltype(output)::memory_space>::accessible &&
330 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
331 typename decltype(input)::memory_space>::accessible;
332 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::clone(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
336 size_type loopSize = 1;
337 const ordinal_type out_rank = output.rank();
338 const ordinal_type in_rank = input.rank();
339 const ordinal_type rankDiff = out_rank - in_rank;
340 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<rankDiff;++i)
341 loopSize *= output.extent(i);
343 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
344 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
345 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(output, input) );
348 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
352 template<
typename absArrayViewType,
353 typename inArrayViewType>
355 absArrayViewType _absArray;
356 inArrayViewType _inArray;
359 F_absval( absArrayViewType absArray_,
360 inArrayViewType inArray_ )
361 : _absArray(absArray_), _inArray(inArray_) {}
364 void operator()(
const ordinal_type i)
const {
365 const ordinal_type jend = _inArray.extent(1);
366 const ordinal_type kend = _inArray.extent(2);
367 const ordinal_type lend = _inArray.extent(3);
368 const ordinal_type mend = _inArray.extent(4);
370 typedef typename inArrayViewType::non_const_value_type value_type;
372 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
373 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
374 for (ordinal_type l=0;l<lend;++l)
375 for (ordinal_type m=0;m<mend;++m)
381 template<
typename DeviceType>
382 template<
typename absArrayValueType,
class ...absArrayProperties,
383 typename inArrayValueType,
class ...inArrayProperties>
386 absval( Kokkos::DynRankView<absArrayValueType,absArrayProperties...> absArray,
387 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inArrayValueType, inArrayProperties...> inArray ) {
390 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.rank() > 5, std::invalid_argument,
391 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::absval): Input array container has rank larger than 5.");
393 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.rank() != absArray.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
394 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::absval): Array arguments must have identical ranks!");
395 for (size_type i=0;i<inArray.rank();++i) {
396 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.extent(i) != absArray.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
397 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::absval): Dimensions of array arguments do not agree!");
401 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
402 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
403 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
404 typename decltype(absArray)::memory_space>::accessible &&
405 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
406 typename decltype(inArray)::memory_space>::accessible;
407 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::absval(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
411 const auto loopSize = inArray.extent(0);
412 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
413 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
414 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(absArray, inArray) );
419 template<
typename DeviceType>
420 template<
typename inoutArrayValueType,
class ...inoutAbsArrayProperties>
423 absval( Kokkos::DynRankView<inoutArrayValueType,inoutAbsArrayProperties...> inoutAbsArray ) {
429 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
433 template<
typename normArrayViewType,
434 typename inVecViewType>
436 normArrayViewType _normArray;
437 inVecViewType _inVecs;
438 const ENorm _normType;
442 inVecViewType inVecs_,
443 const ENorm normType_ )
444 : _normArray(normArray_), _inVecs(inVecs_), _normType(normType_) {}
447 void operator()(
const ordinal_type iter)
const {
450 _normArray.extent(0),
451 _normArray.extent(1),
454 auto vec = ( _inVecs.rank() == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_inVecs, i, Kokkos::ALL()) :
455 Kokkos::subview(_inVecs, i, j, Kokkos::ALL()) );
462 template<
typename DeviceType>
463 template<
typename normArrayValueType,
class ...normArrayProperties,
464 typename inVecValueType,
class ...inVecProperties>
467 vectorNorm( Kokkos::DynRankView<normArrayValueType,normArrayProperties...> normArray,
468 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inVecValueType, inVecProperties...> inVecs,
469 const ENorm normType ) {
472 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inVecs.rank() != (normArray.rank()+1), std::invalid_argument,
473 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vectorNorm): Ranks of norm and vector array arguments are incompatible!");
474 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inVecs.rank() < 2 || inVecs.rank() > 3, std::invalid_argument,
475 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vectorNorm): Rank of vector array must be 2 or 3!");
476 for (size_type i=0;i<inVecs.rank()-1;++i) {
477 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inVecs.extent(i) != normArray.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
478 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vectorNorm): Dimensions of norm and vector arguments do not agree!");
483 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
484 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
485 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
486 typename decltype(normArray)::memory_space>::accessible &&
487 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
488 typename decltype(inVecs)::memory_space>::accessible;
489 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::vectorNorm(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
493 const auto loopSize = normArray.extent(0)*normArray.extent(1);
494 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
495 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
496 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(normArray, inVecs, normType) );
501 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
505 template<
typename transposeMatViewType,
506 typename inMatViewType>
508 transposeMatViewType _transposeMats;
509 inMatViewType _inMats;
513 inMatViewType inMats_)
514 : _transposeMats(transposeMats_), _inMats(inMats_) {}
517 void operator()(
const size_type iter)
const {
519 const auto r = _transposeMats.rank();
520 ordinal_type _i = iter, _j = 0;
524 _transposeMats.extent(0),
525 _transposeMats.extent(1),
528 auto dst = ( r == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_transposeMats, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
529 r == 3 ? Kokkos::subview(_transposeMats, _i, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
530 Kokkos::subview(_transposeMats, _i, _j, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) );
532 auto src = ( r == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_inMats, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
533 r == 3 ? Kokkos::subview(_inMats, _i, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
534 Kokkos::subview(_inMats, _i, _j, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) );
536 for (size_type i=0;i<src.extent(0);++i) {
537 dst(i, i) = src(i, i);
538 for (size_type j=i+1;j<src.extent(1);++j) {
539 dst(i, j) = src(j, i);
540 dst(j, i) = src(i, j);
547 template<
typename DeviceType>
548 template<
typename transposeMatValueType,
class ...transposeMatProperties,
549 typename inMatValueType,
class ...inMatProperties>
552 transpose( Kokkos::DynRankView<transposeMatValueType,transposeMatProperties...> transposeMats,
553 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inMatValueType, inMatProperties...> inMats ) {
558 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.rank() != transposeMats.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
559 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::transpose): Matrix array arguments do not have identical ranks!");
560 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.rank() < 2 || inMats.rank() > 4, std::invalid_argument,
561 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::transpose): Rank of matrix array must be 2, 3, or 4!");
562 for (size_type i=0;i<inMats.rank();++i) {
563 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(i) != transposeMats.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
564 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::transpose): Dimensions of matrix arguments do not agree!");
566 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(inMats.rank()-2) != inMats.extent(inMats.rank()-1), std::invalid_argument,
567 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::transpose): Matrices are not square!");
571 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
572 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
573 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
574 typename decltype(transposeMats)::memory_space>::accessible &&
575 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
576 typename decltype(inMats)::memory_space>::accessible;
577 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::transpose(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
580 const auto r = transposeMats.rank();
581 const auto loopSize = ( r == 2 ? 1 :
582 r == 3 ? transposeMats.extent(0) :
583 transposeMats.extent(0)*transposeMats.extent(1) );
585 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
586 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
587 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(transposeMats, inMats) );
592 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
596 template<
typename inverseMatViewType,
597 typename inMatViewType>
599 typedef typename inMatViewType::non_const_value_type value_type;
600 inverseMatViewType _inverseMats;
601 inMatViewType _inMats;
604 F_inverse( inverseMatViewType inverseMats_,
605 inMatViewType inMats_ )
606 : _inverseMats(inverseMats_), _inMats(inMats_) {}
608 template<
typename matViewType,
609 typename invViewType>
612 apply_inverse( invViewType inv,
613 const matViewType mat ) {
620 bool dbgInfo =
621 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_DEBUG_ABORT( val == 0, dbgInfo,
622 ">>> ERROR (Matrix): Inverse of a singular matrix is undefined!");
629 switch (mat.extent(0)) {
631 inv(0,0) = value_type(1)/mat(0,0);
635 inv(0,0) = mat(1,1)/val;
636 inv(1,1) = mat(0,0)/val;
638 inv(1,0) = - mat(1,0)/val;
639 inv(0,1) = - mat(0,1)/val;
643 value_type val0, val1, val2;
645 val0 = mat(1,1)*mat(2,2) - mat(2,1)*mat(1,2);
646 val1 = - mat(1,0)*mat(2,2) + mat(2,0)*mat(1,2);
647 val2 = mat(1,0)*mat(2,1) - mat(2,0)*mat(1,1);
653 val0 = mat(2,1)*mat(0,2) - mat(0,1)*mat(2,2);
654 val1 = mat(0,0)*mat(2,2) - mat(2,0)*mat(0,2);
655 val2 = - mat(0,0)*mat(2,1) + mat(2,0)*mat(0,1);
661 val0 = mat(0,1)*mat(1,2) - mat(1,1)*mat(0,2);
662 val1 = - mat(0,0)*mat(1,2) + mat(1,0)*mat(0,2);
663 val2 = mat(0,0)*mat(1,1) - mat(1,0)*mat(0,1);
673 template<
bool B,
class T =
void >
674 using enable_if_t =
typename std::enable_if<B,T>::type;
678 enable_if_t<M==0 && supports_rank_4<inMatViewType>::value >
679 operator()(
const ordinal_type cl,
680 const ordinal_type pt)
const {
681 const auto mat = Kokkos::subview(_inMats, cl, pt, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL());
682 auto inv = Kokkos::subview(_inverseMats, cl, pt, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL());
684 apply_inverse( inv, mat );
689 enable_if_t<M==0 && !supports_rank_4<inMatViewType>::value >
690 operator()(
const ordinal_type cl,
const ordinal_type pt)
const {
696 enable_if_t<M==0 && supports_rank_3<inMatViewType>::value >
697 operator()(
const ordinal_type pt)
const {
698 const auto mat = Kokkos::subview(_inMats, pt, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL());
699 auto inv = Kokkos::subview(_inverseMats, pt, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL());
701 apply_inverse( inv, mat );
706 enable_if_t<M==0 && !supports_rank_3<inMatViewType>::value >
707 operator()(
const ordinal_type pt)
const {
713 template<
typename DeviceType>
714 template<
class InverseMatrixViewType,
class MatrixViewType>
717 inverse( InverseMatrixViewType inverseMats, MatrixViewType inMats ) {
718 const unsigned rank = getFunctorRank(inMats);
721 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( rank != getFunctorRank(inverseMats), std::invalid_argument,
722 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::inverse): Matrix array arguments do not have identical ranks!");
723 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( rank < 3 || rank > 4, std::invalid_argument,
724 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::inverse): Rank of matrix array must be 3, or 4!");
725 for (size_type i=0;i<rank;++i) {
726 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(i) != inverseMats.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
727 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::inverse): Dimensions of matrix arguments do not agree!");
729 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(rank-2) != inMats.extent(rank-1), std::invalid_argument,
730 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::inverse): Matrices are not square!");
731 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(rank-2) < 1 || inMats.extent(rank-2) > 3, std::invalid_argument,
732 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::inverse): Spatial dimension must be 1, 2, or 3!");
736 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
741 using range_policy_type = Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> >;
742 range_policy_type policy(0, inverseMats.extent(0));
743 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(inverseMats, inMats) );
747 using range_policy_type = Kokkos::MDRangePolicy
748 < ExecSpaceType, Kokkos::Rank<2>, Kokkos::IndexType<ordinal_type> >;
749 range_policy_type policy( { 0, 0 },
750 { inverseMats.extent(0), inverseMats.extent(1) } );
751 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(inverseMats, inMats) );
true, std::invalid_argument,
756 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::inverse): Rank of matrix array must be 2, 3, or 4!");
763 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
767 template<
typename detArrayViewType,
768 typename inMatViewType,
int rank>
770 detArrayViewType _detArray;
771 inMatViewType _inMats;
774 F_det( detArrayViewType detArray_,
775 inMatViewType inMats_ )
776 : _detArray(detArray_), _inMats(inMats_) {}
778 template<
bool B,
class T =
void >
779 using enable_if_t =
typename std::enable_if<B,T>::type;
783 enable_if_t<M==1 && supports_rank_3<inMatViewType>::value >
784 operator()(
const ordinal_type pt)
const {
785 const auto mat = Kokkos::subview(_inMats, pt, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL());
791 enable_if_t<M==1 && !supports_rank_3<inMatViewType>::value >
792 operator()(
const ordinal_type pt)
const {
798 enable_if_t<M==2 && supports_rank_4<inMatViewType>::value >
799 operator()(
const ordinal_type cl,
800 const ordinal_type pt)
const {
801 const auto mat = Kokkos::subview(_inMats, cl, pt, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL());
807 enable_if_t<M==2 && !supports_rank_4<inMatViewType>::value >
808 operator()(
const ordinal_type cl,
809 const ordinal_type pt)
const {
815 template<
class DeterminantArrayViewType,
class MatrixViewType>
817 det( DeterminantArrayViewType detArray,
const MatrixViewType inMats );
819 template<
typename DeviceType>
820 template<
class DeterminantArrayViewType,
class MatrixViewType>
823 det( DeterminantArrayViewType detArray,
const MatrixViewType inMats ) {
827 const unsigned matrixRank = getFunctorRank(inMats);
828 const unsigned detRank = getFunctorRank(detArray);
829 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( matrixRank != detRank+2, std::invalid_argument,
830 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::det): Determinant and matrix array arguments do not have compatible ranks!");
831 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( matrixRank < 3 || matrixRank > 4, std::invalid_argument,
832 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::det): Rank of matrix array must be 3 or 4!");
833 for (size_type i=0;i<matrixRank-2;++i) {
834 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(i) != detArray.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
835 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::det): Dimensions of determinant and matrix array arguments do not agree!");
837 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(matrixRank-2) != inMats.extent(matrixRank-1), std::invalid_argument,
838 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::det): Matrices are not square!");
839 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(matrixRank-2) < 1 || inMats.extent(matrixRank-2) > 3, std::invalid_argument,
840 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::det): Spatial dimension must be 1, 2, or 3!");
844 typedef typename DeviceType::execution_space ExecSpaceType;
846 const int detArrayRank = getFunctorRank(detArray);
848 switch (detArrayRank) {
851 using range_policy_type = Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> >;
852 range_policy_type policy(0, detArray.extent(0));
853 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(detArray, inMats) );
858 using range_policy_type = Kokkos::MDRangePolicy
859 < ExecSpaceType, Kokkos::Rank<2>, Kokkos::IndexType<ordinal_type> >;
860 range_policy_type policy( { 0, 0 },
861 { detArray.extent(0), detArray.extent(1) } );
862 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(detArray, inMats) );
true, std::invalid_argument,
867 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::det): Rank of detArray must be 1 or 2!");
874 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
878 template<
typename sumArrayViewType,
879 typename inArray1Viewtype,
880 typename inArray2ViewType>
882 sumArrayViewType _sumArray;
883 inArray1Viewtype _inArray1;
884 inArray2ViewType _inArray2;
887 F_add( sumArrayViewType sumArray_,
888 inArray1Viewtype inArray1_,
889 inArray2ViewType inArray2_ )
890 : _sumArray(sumArray_), _inArray1(inArray1_), _inArray2(inArray2_) {}
893 void operator()(
const ordinal_type i)
const {
894 const ordinal_type jend = _sumArray.extent(1);
895 const ordinal_type kend = _sumArray.extent(2);
896 const ordinal_type lend = _sumArray.extent(3);
897 const ordinal_type mend = _sumArray.extent(4);
899 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
900 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
901 for (ordinal_type l=0;l<lend;++l)
902 for (ordinal_type m=0;m<mend;++m)
903 _sumArray.access(i,j,k,l,m) = _inArray1.access(i,j,k,l,m) + _inArray2.access(i,j,k,l,m);
908 template<
typename DeviceType>
909 template<
typename sumArrayValueType,
class ...sumArrayProperties,
910 typename inArray1ValueType,
class ...inArray1Properties,
911 typename inArray2ValueType,
class ...inArray2Properties>
914 add( Kokkos::DynRankView<sumArrayValueType,sumArrayProperties...> sumArray,
915 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inArray1ValueType,inArray1Properties...> inArray1,
916 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inArray2ValueType,inArray2Properties...> inArray2 ) {
920 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray1.rank() != inArray2.rank() ||
921 inArray1.rank() != sumArray.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
922 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::add): Array arguments must have identical ranks!");
923 for (size_type i=0;i<inArray1.rank();++i) {
924 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray1.extent(i) != inArray2.extent(i) ||
925 inArray1.extent(i) != sumArray.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
926 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::add): Dimensions of array arguments do not agree!");
930 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
931 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
932 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
933 typename decltype(sumArray)::memory_space>::accessible &&
934 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
935 typename decltype(inArray1)::memory_space>::accessible &&
936 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
937 typename decltype(inArray2)::memory_space>::accessible;
938 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::add(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
942 const auto loopSize = sumArray.extent(0);
943 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
944 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
945 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(sumArray, inArray1, inArray2) );
950 template<
typename DeviceType>
951 template<
typename inoutSumArrayValueType,
class ...inoutSumArrayProperties,
952 typename inArrayValueType,
class ...inArrayProperties>
955 add( Kokkos::DynRankView<inoutSumArrayValueType,inoutSumArrayProperties...> inoutSumArray,
956 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inArrayValueType, inArrayProperties...> inArray ) {
960 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.rank() != inoutSumArray.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
961 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::sum): Array arguments must have identical ranks!");
962 for (size_type i=0;i<inArray.rank();++i) {
963 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.extent(i) != inoutSumArray.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
964 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::sum): Dimensions of array arguments do not agree!");
973 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
977 template<
typename diffArrayViewType,
978 typename inArray1ViewType,
979 typename inArray2ViewType>
981 diffArrayViewType _diffArray;
982 const inArray1ViewType _inArray1;
983 const inArray2ViewType _inArray2;
987 inArray1ViewType inArray1_,
988 inArray2ViewType inArray2_ )
989 : _diffArray(diffArray_), _inArray1(inArray1_), _inArray2(inArray2_) {}
992 void operator()(
const ordinal_type i)
const {
993 const ordinal_type jend = _diffArray.extent(1);
994 const ordinal_type kend = _diffArray.extent(2);
995 const ordinal_type lend = _diffArray.extent(3);
996 const ordinal_type mend = _diffArray.extent(4);
998 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
999 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
1000 for (ordinal_type l=0;l<lend;++l)
1001 for (ordinal_type m=0;m<mend;++m)
1002 _diffArray.access(i,j,k,l,m) = _inArray1.access(i,j,k,l,m) - _inArray2.access(i,j,k,l,m);
1007 template<
typename DeviceType>
1008 template<
typename diffArrayValueType,
class ...diffArrayProperties,
1009 typename inArray1ValueType,
class ...inArray1Properties,
1010 typename inArray2ValueType,
class ...inArray2Properties>
1013 subtract( Kokkos::DynRankView<diffArrayValueType,diffArrayProperties...> diffArray,
1014 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inArray1ValueType, inArray1Properties...> inArray1,
1015 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inArray2ValueType, inArray2Properties...> inArray2 ) {
1019 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray1.rank() != inArray2.rank() ||
1020 inArray1.rank() != diffArray.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
1021 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::subtract): Array arguments must have identical ranks!");
1022 for (size_type i=0;i<inArray1.rank();++i) {
1023 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray1.extent(i) != inArray2.extent(i) ||
1024 inArray1.extent(i) != diffArray.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1025 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::subtract): Dimensions of array arguments do not agree!");
1029 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
1030 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
1031 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1032 typename decltype(diffArray)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1033 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1034 typename decltype(inArray1)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1035 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1036 typename decltype(inArray2)::memory_space>::accessible;
1037 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::subtract(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
1041 const size_type loopSize = diffArray.extent(0);
1042 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
1043 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
1044 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(diffArray, inArray1, inArray2) );
1049 template<
typename DeviceType>
1050 template<
typename inoutDiffArrayValueType,
class ...inoutDiffArrayProperties,
1051 typename inArrayValueType,
class ...inArrayProperties>
1054 subtract( Kokkos::DynRankView<inoutDiffArrayValueType,inoutDiffArrayProperties...> inoutDiffArray,
1055 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inArrayValueType, inArrayProperties...> inArray ) {
1058 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.rank() != inoutDiffArray.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
1059 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::subtract): Array arguments must have identical ranks!");
1060 for (size_type i=0;i<inArray.rank();++i) {
1061 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.extent(i) != inoutDiffArray.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1062 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::subtract): Dimensions of array arguments do not agree!");
1071 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
1075 template<
typename ValueType,
1076 typename scaledArrayViewType,
1077 typename inArrayViewType>
1079 scaledArrayViewType _scaledArray;
1080 const inArrayViewType _inArray;
1081 const ValueType _alpha;
1084 F_scale( scaledArrayViewType scaledArray_,
1085 inArrayViewType inArray_,
1086 const ValueType alpha_ )
1087 : _scaledArray(scaledArray_), _inArray(inArray_), _alpha(alpha_) {}
1090 void operator()(
const ordinal_type i)
const {
1091 const ordinal_type jend = _inArray.extent(1);
1092 const ordinal_type kend = _inArray.extent(2);
1093 const ordinal_type lend = _inArray.extent(3);
1094 const ordinal_type mend = _inArray.extent(4);
1096 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
1097 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
1098 for (ordinal_type l=0;l<lend;++l)
1099 for (ordinal_type m=0;m<mend;++m)
1100 _scaledArray.access(i,j,k,l,m) = _alpha*_inArray.access(i,j,k,l,m);
1106 template<
typename DeviceType>
1107 template<
typename ValueType,
1108 typename scaledArrayValueType,
class ...scaledArrayProperties,
1109 typename inArrayValueType,
class ...inArrayProperties>
1112 scale( Kokkos::DynRankView<scaledArrayValueType,scaledArrayProperties...> scaledArray,
1113 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inArrayValueType, inArrayProperties...> inArray,
1114 const ValueType alpha ) {
1118 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.rank() > 5, std::invalid_argument,
1119 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::scale): Input array container has rank larger than 5.");
1120 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.rank() != scaledArray.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
1121 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::scale): Array arguments must have identical ranks!");
1122 for (size_type i=0;i<inArray.rank();++i) {
1123 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inArray.extent(i) != scaledArray.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1124 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::scale): Dimensions of array arguments do not agree!");
1129 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
1130 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
1131 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1132 typename decltype(scaledArray)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1133 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1134 typename decltype(inArray)::memory_space>::accessible;
1135 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::scale(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
1139 const auto loopSize = scaledArray.extent(0);
1140 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
1141 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
1142 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(scaledArray, inArray, alpha) );
1147 template<
typename DeviceType>
1148 template<
typename ValueType,
1149 typename inoutScaledArrayValueType,
class ...inoutScaledArrayProperties>
1152 scale( Kokkos::DynRankView<inoutScaledArrayValueType,inoutScaledArrayProperties...> inoutScaledArray,
1153 const ValueType alpha ) {
1160 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
1164 template<
typename dotArrayViewType,
1165 typename inVec1ViewType,
1166 typename inVec2ViewType>
1168 dotArrayViewType _dotArray;
1169 const inVec1ViewType _inVecs1;
1170 const inVec2ViewType _inVecs2;
1173 F_dot( dotArrayViewType dotArray_,
1174 inVec1ViewType inVecs1_,
1175 inVec2ViewType inVecs2_ )
1176 : _dotArray(dotArray_), _inVecs1(inVecs1_), _inVecs2(inVecs2_) {}
1179 void operator()(
const ordinal_type iter)
const {
1183 _dotArray.extent(0),
1184 _dotArray.extent(1),
1187 const auto r = _inVecs1.rank();
1188 auto vec1 = ( r == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_inVecs1, i, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1189 Kokkos::subview(_inVecs1, i, j, Kokkos::ALL()) );
1190 auto vec2 = ( r == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_inVecs2, i, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1191 Kokkos::subview(_inVecs2, i, j, Kokkos::ALL()) );
1198 template<
typename DeviceType>
1199 template<
typename dotArrayValueType,
class ...dotArrayProperties,
1200 typename inVec1ValueType,
class ...inVec1Properties,
1201 typename inVec2ValueType,
class ...inVec2Properties>
1204 dot( Kokkos::DynRankView<dotArrayValueType,dotArrayProperties...> dotArray,
1205 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inVec1ValueType, inVec1Properties...> inVecs1,
1206 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inVec2ValueType, inVec2Properties...> inVecs2 ) {
1210 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inVecs1.rank() != (dotArray.rank()+1), std::invalid_argument,
1211 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::dot): Ranks of norm and vector array arguments are incompatible!");
1212 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inVecs1.rank() != inVecs2.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
1213 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::dot): Ranks of input vector arguments must be identical!");
1214 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inVecs1.rank() < 2 || inVecs1.rank() > 3, std::invalid_argument,
1215 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::dot): Rank of input vector arguments must be 2 or 3!");
1216 for (size_type i=0;i<inVecs1.rank();++i) {
1217 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inVecs1.extent(i) != inVecs2.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1218 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::dot): Dimensions of input vector arguments do not agree!");
1220 for (size_type i=0;i<dotArray.rank();++i) {
1221 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inVecs1.extent(i) != dotArray.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1222 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::dot): Dimensions of dot-product and vector arrays do not agree!");
1226 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
1227 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
1228 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1229 typename decltype(dotArray)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1230 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1231 typename decltype(inVecs1)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1232 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1233 typename decltype(inVecs2)::memory_space>::accessible;
1234 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::dot(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
1238 const auto loopSize = dotArray.extent(0)*dotArray.extent(1);
1239 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
1240 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
1241 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(dotArray, inVecs1, inVecs2) );
1246 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
1250 template<
typename matVecViewType,
1251 typename inMatViewType,
1252 typename inVecViewType>
1254 matVecViewType _matVecs;
1255 const inMatViewType _inMats;
1256 const inVecViewType _inVecs;
1260 inMatViewType inMats_,
1261 inVecViewType inVecs_ )
1262 : _matVecs(matVecs_), _inMats(inMats_), _inVecs(inVecs_) {}
1265 void operator()(
const ordinal_type iter)
const {
1266 const ordinal_type rm = _inMats.rank(), rv = _inVecs.rank(), rr = _matVecs.rank();
1267 ordinal_type _i = iter, _j = 0;
1270 unrollIndex( _i, _j,
1275 auto mat = ( rm == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_inMats, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
1276 rm == 3 ? Kokkos::subview(_inMats, _i, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
1277 Kokkos::subview(_inMats, _i, _j, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) );
1279 auto vec = ( rv == 1 ? Kokkos::subview(_inVecs, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1280 rv == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_inVecs, _i, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1281 Kokkos::subview(_inVecs, _i, _j, Kokkos::ALL()) );
1283 auto result = ( rr == 1 ? Kokkos::subview(_matVecs, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1284 rr == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_matVecs, _i, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1285 Kokkos::subview(_matVecs, _i, _j, Kokkos::ALL()) );
1287 const ordinal_type iend = result.extent(0);
1288 const ordinal_type jend = vec.extent(0);
1290 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<iend;++i) {
1292 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<jend;++j)
1293 result(i) += mat(i, j)*vec(j);
1302 template<
typename outMatViewType,
1303 typename inMatViewType>
1305 outMatViewType _outMats;
1306 const inMatViewType _inMats;
1309 F_AtA( outMatViewType outMats_,
1310 inMatViewType inMats_)
1311 : _outMats(outMats_), _inMats(inMats_) {}
1314 void operator()(
const ordinal_type iter)
const {
1315 const ordinal_type rIM = _inMats.rank(), rOM = _outMats.rank();
1316 ordinal_type _i = iter, _j = 0;
1319 unrollIndex( _i, _j,
1324 auto inMat = ( rIM == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_inMats, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
1325 rIM == 3 ? Kokkos::subview(_inMats, _i, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
1326 Kokkos::subview(_inMats, _i, _j, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) );
1328 auto outMat = ( rOM == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_outMats, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
1329 rOM == 3 ? Kokkos::subview(_outMats, _i, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) :
1330 Kokkos::subview(_outMats, _i, _j, Kokkos::ALL(), Kokkos::ALL()) );
1332 const ordinal_type iend = outMat.extent(0);
1333 const ordinal_type jend = outMat.extent(1);
1334 const ordinal_type kend = inMat.extent(0);
1336 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<iend;++i) {
1337 for (ordinal_type j=i;j<jend;++j) {
1339 for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kend;++k)
1340 outMat(i,j) += inMat(k, i)*inMat(k,j);
1342 for (ordinal_type j=0;j<i;++j)
1343 outMat(i,j) = outMat(j,i);
1350 template<
typename DeviceType>
1351 template<
typename matVecValueType,
class ...matVecProperties,
1352 typename inMatValueType,
class ...inMatProperties,
1353 typename inVecValueType,
class ...inVecProperties>
1356 matvec( Kokkos::DynRankView<matVecValueType,matVecProperties...> matVecs,
1357 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inMatValueType, inMatProperties...> inMats,
1358 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inVecValueType, inVecProperties...> inVecs ) {
1361 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.rank() < 2 || inMats.rank() > 4, std::invalid_argument,
1362 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Rank of matrix array must be 2, 3 or 4!");
1363 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( matVecs.rank() < 1 || matVecs.rank() > 3, std::invalid_argument,
1364 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Rank of matVecs array must be 1, 2 or 3!");
1365 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inVecs.rank() < 1 || inVecs.rank() > 3, std::invalid_argument,
1366 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Rank of inVecs array must be 1, 2 or 3!");
1367 if (inMats.rank() == 2) {
1369 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( matVecs.rank() != inVecs.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
1370 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Vector arrays must be have the same rank!");
1372 for (ordinal_type i=0;i< (static_cast<ordinal_type>(inVecs.rank())-1);++i) {
1373 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( matVecs.extent(i) != inVecs.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1374 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Dimensions of vector array arguments do not agree!");
1377 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(0) != matVecs.extent(matVecs.rank()-1) ||
1378 inMats.extent(1) != inVecs.extent(inVecs.rank()-1), std::invalid_argument,
1379 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Matvec dimensions are not compatible each other.");
1380 }
else if (inVecs.rank() < matVecs.rank()) {
1382 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.rank() != (matVecs.rank()+1), std::invalid_argument,
1383 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): The result vector and matrix array arguments do not have compatible ranks!");
1384 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<(static_cast<ordinal_type>(inMats.rank())-2);++i) {
1385 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(i) != matVecs.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1386 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Dimensions of vector and matrix array arguments do not agree!");
1389 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(inMats.rank()-2) != matVecs.extent(matVecs.rank()-1) ||
1390 inMats.extent(inMats.rank()-1) != inVecs.extent(inVecs.rank()-1), std::invalid_argument,
1391 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Matvec dimensions are not compatible each other.");
1394 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.rank() != (matVecs.rank()+1), std::invalid_argument,
1395 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): The result vector and matrix array arguments do not have compatible ranks!");
1396 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( matVecs.rank() != inVecs.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
1397 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Vector arrays must be have the same rank!");
1398 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<(static_cast<ordinal_type>(inMats.rank())-2);++i) {
1399 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(i) != matVecs.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1400 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Dimensions of vector and matrix array arguments do not agree!");
1402 for (size_type i=0;i<inVecs.rank();++i) {
1403 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( matVecs.extent(i) != inVecs.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1404 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Dimensions of vector array arguments do not agree!");
1406 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(inMats.rank()-1) != inVecs.extent(inVecs.rank()-1), std::invalid_argument,
1407 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::matvec): Matrix column dimension does not match to the length of a vector!");
1410 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
1411 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
1412 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1413 typename decltype(matVecs)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1414 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1415 typename decltype(inMats)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1416 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1417 typename decltype(inVecs)::memory_space>::accessible;
1418 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::matvec(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
1422 size_type loopSize = 1;
1423 const ordinal_type r = matVecs.rank() - 1;
1424 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<r;++i)
1425 loopSize *= matVecs.extent(i);
1427 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
1428 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
1429 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(matVecs, inMats, inVecs) );
1433 template<
typename DeviceType>
1434 template<
typename outMatValueType,
class ...outMatProperties,
1435 typename inMatValueType,
class ...inMatProperties>
1438 AtA( Kokkos::DynRankView<outMatValueType,outMatProperties...> outMats,
1439 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inMatValueType, inMatProperties...> inMats) {
1442 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.rank() < 2 || inMats.rank() > 4, std::invalid_argument,
1443 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::AtA): Rank of input matrix array must be 2, 3 or 4!");
1445 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.rank() != outMats.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
1446 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::AtA): The matrices do not have the same ranks!");
1447 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<(static_cast<ordinal_type>(inMats.rank())-2);++i) {
1448 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(i) != outMats.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1449 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::AtA): Dimensions of matrices arrays do not agree!");
1452 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inMats.extent(inMats.rank()-1) != outMats.extent(outMats.rank()-1) ||
1453 outMats.extent(outMats.rank()-1) != outMats.extent(outMats.rank()-2), std::invalid_argument,
1454 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::AtA): Matrices dimensions are not compatible.");
1457 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
1458 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
1459 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1460 typename decltype(outMats)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1461 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1462 typename decltype(inMats)::memory_space>::accessible;
1463 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::AtA(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
1467 size_type loopSize = 1;
1468 const ordinal_type r = outMats.rank() - 2;
1469 for (ordinal_type i=0;i<r;++i)
1470 loopSize *= outMats.extent(i);
1472 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
1473 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
1474 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(outMats, inMats) );
1480 namespace FunctorRealSpaceTools {
1484 template<
typename vecProdViewType,
1485 typename inLeftViewType,
1486 typename inRightViewType>
1488 vecProdViewType _vecProd;
1489 const inLeftViewType _inLeft;
1490 const inRightViewType _inRight;
1491 const bool _is_vecprod_3d;
1495 inLeftViewType inLeft_,
1496 inRightViewType inRight_,
1497 const bool is_vecprod_3d_ )
1498 : _vecProd(vecProd_), _inLeft(inLeft_), _inRight(inRight_), _is_vecprod_3d(is_vecprod_3d_) {}
1501 void operator()(
const size_type iter)
const {
1508 const auto r = _inLeft.rank();
1510 auto left = ( r == 1 ? Kokkos::subview(_inLeft, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1511 r == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_inLeft, i, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1512 Kokkos::subview(_inLeft, i, j, Kokkos::ALL()) );
1514 auto right = ( r == 1 ? Kokkos::subview(_inRight, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1515 r == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_inRight, i, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1516 Kokkos::subview(_inRight, i, j, Kokkos::ALL()) );
1518 auto result = ( r == 1 ? Kokkos::subview(_vecProd, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1519 r == 2 ? Kokkos::subview(_vecProd, i, Kokkos::ALL()) :
1520 Kokkos::subview(_vecProd, i, j, Kokkos::ALL()) );
1523 if (_is_vecprod_3d) {
1524 result(0) = left(1)*right(2) - left(2)*right(1);
1525 result(1) = left(2)*right(0) - left(0)*right(2);
1526 result(2) = left(0)*right(1) - left(1)*right(0);
1528 result(0) = left(0)*right(1) - left(1)*right(0);
1534 template<
typename DeviceType>
1535 template<
typename vecProdValueType,
class ...vecProdProperties,
1536 typename inLeftValueType,
class ...inLeftProperties,
1537 typename inRightValueType,
class ...inRightProperties>
1540 vecprod( Kokkos::DynRankView<vecProdValueType,vecProdProperties...> vecProd,
1541 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inLeftValueType, inLeftProperties...> inLeft,
1542 const Kokkos::DynRankView<inRightValueType,inRightProperties...> inRight ) {
1552 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inLeft.rank() < 1 || inLeft.rank() > 3, std::invalid_argument,
1553 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vecprod): Rank of matrix array must be 1, 2, or 3!");
1554 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inLeft.rank() != inRight.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
1555 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vecprod): Right and left arrays must be have the same rank!");
1556 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inLeft.rank() != vecProd.rank(), std::invalid_argument,
1557 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vecprod): Left and vecProd arrays must be have the same rank!");
1558 for (size_type i=0;i<inLeft.rank();++i) {
1559 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inLeft.extent(i) != inRight.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1560 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vecprod): Dimensions of matrix arguments do not agree!");
1561 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inLeft.extent(i) != vecProd.extent(i), std::invalid_argument,
1562 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vecprod): Dimensions of matrix arguments do not agree!");
1567 INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( inLeft.extent(inLeft.rank()-1) < 2 ||
1568 inLeft.extent(inLeft.rank()-1) > 3, std::invalid_argument,
1569 ">>> ERROR (RealSpaceTools::vecprod): Dimensions of arrays (rank-1) must be 2 or 3!");
1572 using MemSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::memory_space;
1573 constexpr
bool are_accessible =
1574 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1575 typename decltype(vecProd)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1576 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1577 typename decltype(inLeft)::memory_space>::accessible &&
1578 Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess<MemSpaceType,
1579 typename decltype(inRight)::memory_space>::accessible;
1580 static_assert(are_accessible,
"RealSpaceTools<DeviceType>::vecprod(..): input/output views' memory spaces are not compatible with DeviceType");
1584 const auto r = inLeft.rank();
1585 const auto loopSize = ( r == 1 ? 1 :
1586 r == 2 ? inLeft.extent(0) :
1587 inLeft.extent(0)*inLeft.extent(1) );
1588 const bool is_vecprod_3d = (inLeft.extent(inLeft.rank() - 1) == 3);
1589 using ExecSpaceType =
typename DeviceType::execution_space;
1590 Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpaceType,Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Static> > policy(0, loopSize);
1591 Kokkos::parallel_for( policy, FunctorType(vecProd, inLeft, inRight, is_vecprod_3d) );