Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Intrepid2_DataCombiners.hpp
3 // Trilinos
4 //
5 // Created by Roberts, Nathan V on 5/31/23.
6 //
8 #ifndef Intrepid2_DataCombiners_hpp
9 #define Intrepid2_DataCombiners_hpp
17 #include "Intrepid2_Data.hpp"
20 #include "Intrepid2_ScalarView.hpp"
22 namespace Intrepid2 {
23  template<class DataScalar,typename DeviceType>
24  class Data;
26  template<class BinaryOperator, class ThisUnderlyingViewType, class AUnderlyingViewType, class BUnderlyingViewType,
27  class ArgExtractorThis, class ArgExtractorA, class ArgExtractorB, bool includeInnerLoop=false>
29  {
30  private:
31  ThisUnderlyingViewType this_underlying_;
32  AUnderlyingViewType A_underlying_;
33  BUnderlyingViewType B_underlying_;
34  BinaryOperator binaryOperator_;
35  int innerLoopSize_;
36  public:
37  InPlaceCombinationFunctor(ThisUnderlyingViewType this_underlying, AUnderlyingViewType A_underlying, BUnderlyingViewType B_underlying,
38  BinaryOperator binaryOperator)
39  :
40  this_underlying_(this_underlying),
41  A_underlying_(A_underlying),
42  B_underlying_(B_underlying),
43  binaryOperator_(binaryOperator)
44  {
45  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(includeInnerLoop,std::invalid_argument,"If includeInnerLoop is true, must specify the size of the inner loop");
46  }
48  InPlaceCombinationFunctor(ThisUnderlyingViewType this_underlying, AUnderlyingViewType A_underlying, BUnderlyingViewType B_underlying,
49  BinaryOperator binaryOperator, int innerLoopSize)
50  :
51  this_underlying_(this_underlying),
52  A_underlying_(A_underlying),
53  B_underlying_(B_underlying),
54  binaryOperator_(binaryOperator),
55  innerLoopSize_(innerLoopSize)
56  {
57  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(includeInnerLoop,std::invalid_argument,"If includeInnerLoop is true, must specify the size of the inner loop");
58  }
60  template<class ...IntArgs, bool M=includeInnerLoop>
62  enable_if_t<!M, void>
63  operator()(const IntArgs&... args) const
64  {
65  auto & result = ArgExtractorThis::get( this_underlying_, args... );
66  const auto & A_val = ArgExtractorA::get( A_underlying_, args... );
67  const auto & B_val = ArgExtractorB::get( B_underlying_, args... );
69  result = binaryOperator_(A_val,B_val);
70  }
72  template<class ...IntArgs, bool M=includeInnerLoop>
74  enable_if_t<M, void>
75  operator()(const IntArgs&... args) const
76  {
77  using int_type = std::tuple_element_t<0, std::tuple<IntArgs...>>;
78  for (int_type iFinal=0; iFinal<static_cast<int_type>(innerLoopSize_); iFinal++)
79  {
80  auto & result = ArgExtractorThis::get( this_underlying_, args..., iFinal );
81  const auto & A_val = ArgExtractorA::get( A_underlying_, args..., iFinal );
82  const auto & B_val = ArgExtractorB::get( B_underlying_, args..., iFinal );
84  result = binaryOperator_(A_val,B_val);
85  }
86  }
87  };
90  template<class BinaryOperator, class ThisUnderlyingViewType, class AUnderlyingViewType, class BUnderlyingViewType>
92  {
93  private:
94  ThisUnderlyingViewType this_underlying_;
95  AUnderlyingViewType A_underlying_;
96  BUnderlyingViewType B_underlying_;
97  BinaryOperator binaryOperator_;
98  public:
99  InPlaceCombinationFunctorConstantCase(ThisUnderlyingViewType this_underlying,
100  AUnderlyingViewType A_underlying,
101  BUnderlyingViewType B_underlying,
102  BinaryOperator binaryOperator)
103  :
104  this_underlying_(this_underlying),
105  A_underlying_(A_underlying),
106  B_underlying_(B_underlying),
107  binaryOperator_(binaryOperator)
108  {
109  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(this_underlying.extent(0) != 1,std::invalid_argument,"all views for InPlaceCombinationFunctorConstantCase should have rank 1 and extent 1");
110  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(A_underlying.extent(0) != 1,std::invalid_argument,"all views for InPlaceCombinationFunctorConstantCase should have rank 1 and extent 1");
111  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(B_underlying.extent(0) != 1,std::invalid_argument,"all views for InPlaceCombinationFunctorConstantCase should have rank 1 and extent 1");
112  }
115  void operator()(const int arg0) const
116  {
117  auto & result = this_underlying_(0);
118  const auto & A_val = A_underlying_(0);
119  const auto & B_val = B_underlying_(0);
121  result = binaryOperator_(A_val,B_val);
122  }
123  };
126  template<bool passThroughBlockDiagonalArgs>
128  {
129  template<class ViewType, class ...IntArgs>
130  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename ViewType::reference_type get(const ViewType &view, const IntArgs&... intArgs)
131  {
132  return view.getWritableEntryWithPassThroughOption(passThroughBlockDiagonalArgs, intArgs...);
133  }
134  };
137  template<bool passThroughBlockDiagonalArgs>
139  {
140  template<class ViewType, class ...IntArgs>
141  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename ViewType::const_reference_type get(const ViewType &view, const IntArgs&... intArgs)
142  {
143  return view.getEntryWithPassThroughOption(passThroughBlockDiagonalArgs, intArgs...);
144  }
145  };
147 // static class for combining two Data objects using a specified binary operator
148  template <class DataScalar,typename DeviceType, class BinaryOperator>
150 {
151  using reference_type = typename ScalarView<DataScalar,DeviceType>::reference_type;
152  using const_reference_type = typename ScalarView<const DataScalar,DeviceType>::reference_type;
153 public:
155  template<class PolicyType, class ThisUnderlyingViewType, class AUnderlyingViewType, class BUnderlyingViewType,
156  class ArgExtractorThis, class ArgExtractorA, class ArgExtractorB>
157  static void storeInPlaceCombination(PolicyType &policy, ThisUnderlyingViewType &this_underlying,
158  AUnderlyingViewType &A_underlying, BUnderlyingViewType &B_underlying,
159  BinaryOperator &binaryOperator, ArgExtractorThis argThis, ArgExtractorA argA, ArgExtractorB argB)
160  {
162  Functor functor(this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator);
163  Kokkos::parallel_for("compute in-place", policy, functor);
164  }
167  template<int rank>
168  static
169  enable_if_t<rank != 7, void>
171  {
172  auto policy = thisData.template dataExtentRangePolicy<rank>();
174  const bool A_1D = A.getUnderlyingViewRank() == 1;
175  const bool B_1D = B.getUnderlyingViewRank() == 1;
176  const bool this_1D = thisData.getUnderlyingViewRank() == 1;
177  const bool A_constant = A_1D && (A.getUnderlyingViewSize() == 1);
178  const bool B_constant = B_1D && (B.getUnderlyingViewSize() == 1);
179  const bool this_constant = this_1D && (thisData.getUnderlyingViewSize() == 1);
180  const bool A_full = A.underlyingMatchesLogical();
181  const bool B_full = B.underlyingMatchesLogical();
182  const bool this_full = thisData.underlyingMatchesLogical();
186  const FullArgExtractor<reference_type> fullArgs;
187  const FullArgExtractorData<true> fullArgsData; // true: pass through block diagonal args. This is due to the behavior of dataExtentRangePolicy() for block diagonal args.
188  const FullArgExtractorWritableData<true> fullArgsWritable; // true: pass through block diagonal args. This is due to the behavior of dataExtentRangePolicy() for block diagonal args.
197  // this lambda returns -1 if there is not a rank-1 underlying view whose data extent matches the logical extent in the corresponding dimension;
198  // otherwise, it returns the logical index of the corresponding dimension.
199  auto get1DArgIndex = [](const Data<DataScalar,DeviceType> &data) -> int
200  {
201  const auto & variationTypes = data.getVariationTypes();
202  for (int d=0; d<rank; d++)
203  {
204  if (variationTypes[d] == GENERAL)
205  {
206  return d;
207  }
208  }
209  return -1;
210  };
211  if (this_constant)
212  {
213  // then A, B are constant, too
214  auto thisAE = constArg;
215  auto AAE = constArg;
216  auto BAE = constArg;
217  auto & this_underlying = thisData.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
218  auto & A_underlying = A.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
219  auto & B_underlying = B.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
220  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
221  }
222  else if (this_full && A_full && B_full)
223  {
224  auto thisAE = fullArgs;
225  auto AAE = fullArgs;
226  auto BAE = fullArgs;
228  auto & this_underlying = thisData.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
229  auto & A_underlying = A.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
230  auto & B_underlying = B.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
232  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
233  }
234  else if (A_constant)
235  {
236  auto AAE = constArg;
237  auto & A_underlying = A.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
238  if (this_full)
239  {
240  auto thisAE = fullArgs;
241  auto & this_underlying = thisData.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
243  if (B_full)
244  {
245  auto BAE = fullArgs;
246  auto & B_underlying = B.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
247  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
248  }
249  else // this_full, not B_full: B may have modular data, etc.
250  {
251  auto BAE = fullArgsData;
252  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
253  }
254  }
255  else // this is not full
256  {
257  // below, we optimize for the case of 1D data in B, when A is constant. Still need to handle other cases…
258  if (B_1D && (get1DArgIndex(B) != -1) )
259  {
260  // since A is constant, that implies that this_1D is true, and has the same 1DArgIndex
261  const int argIndex = get1DArgIndex(B);
262  auto & B_underlying = B.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
263  auto & this_underlying = thisData.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
264  switch (argIndex)
265  {
266  case 0: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg0, AAE, arg0); break;
267  case 1: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg1, AAE, arg1); break;
268  case 2: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg2, AAE, arg2); break;
269  case 3: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg3, AAE, arg3); break;
270  case 4: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg4, AAE, arg4); break;
271  case 5: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg5, AAE, arg5); break;
272  default: INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Invalid/unexpected arg index");
273  }
274  }
275  else
276  {
277  // since storing to Data object requires a call to getWritableEntry(), we use FullArgExtractorWritableData
278  auto thisAE = fullArgsWritable;
279  auto BAE = fullArgsData;
280  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, thisData, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
281  }
282  }
283  }
284  else if (B_constant)
285  {
286  auto BAE = constArg;
287  auto & B_underlying = B.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
288  if (this_full)
289  {
290  auto thisAE = fullArgs;
291  auto & this_underlying = thisData.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
292  if (A_full)
293  {
294  auto AAE = fullArgs;
295  auto & A_underlying = A.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
297  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
298  }
299  else // this_full, not A_full: A may have modular data, etc.
300  {
301  // use A (the Data object). This could be further optimized by using A's underlying View and an appropriately-defined ArgExtractor.
302  auto AAE = fullArgsData;
303  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
304  }
305  }
306  else // this is not full
307  {
308  // below, we optimize for the case of 1D data in A, when B is constant. Still need to handle other cases…
309  if (A_1D && (get1DArgIndex(A) != -1) )
310  {
311  // since B is constant, that implies that this_1D is true, and has the same 1DArgIndex as A
312  const int argIndex = get1DArgIndex(A);
313  auto & A_underlying = A.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
314  auto & this_underlying = thisData.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
315  switch (argIndex)
316  {
317  case 0: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg0, arg0, BAE); break;
318  case 1: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg1, arg1, BAE); break;
319  case 2: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg2, arg2, BAE); break;
320  case 3: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg3, arg3, BAE); break;
321  case 4: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg4, arg4, BAE); break;
322  case 5: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg5, arg5, BAE); break;
323  default: INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Invalid/unexpected arg index");
324  }
325  }
326  else
327  {
328  // since storing to Data object requires a call to getWritableEntry(), we use FullArgExtractorWritableData
329  auto thisAE = fullArgsWritable;
330  auto AAE = fullArgsData;
331  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, thisData, A, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
332  }
333  }
334  }
335  else // neither A nor B constant
336  {
337  if (this_1D && (get1DArgIndex(thisData) != -1))
338  {
339  // possible ways that "this" could have full-extent, 1D data
340  // 1. A constant, B 1D
341  // 2. A 1D, B constant
342  // 3. A 1D, B 1D
343  // The constant possibilities are already addressed above, leaving us with (3). Note that A and B don't have to be full-extent, however
344  const int argThis = get1DArgIndex(thisData);
345  const int argA = get1DArgIndex(A); // if not full-extent, will be -1
346  const int argB = get1DArgIndex(B); // ditto
348  auto & A_underlying = A.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
349  auto & B_underlying = B.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
350  auto & this_underlying = thisData.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
351  if ((argA != -1) && (argB != -1))
352  {
354  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(argA != argThis, std::logic_error, "Unexpected 1D arg combination.");
355  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(argB != argThis, std::logic_error, "Unexpected 1D arg combination.");
356 #endif
357  switch (argThis)
358  {
359  case 0: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg0, arg0, arg0); break;
360  case 1: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg1, arg1, arg1); break;
361  case 2: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg2, arg2, arg2); break;
362  case 3: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg3, arg3, arg3); break;
363  case 4: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg4, arg4, arg4); break;
364  case 5: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg5, arg5, arg5); break;
365  default: INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Invalid/unexpected arg index");
366  }
367  }
368  else if (argA != -1)
369  {
370  // B is not full-extent in dimension argThis; use the Data object
371  switch (argThis)
372  {
373  case 0: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, arg0, arg0, fullArgsData); break;
374  case 1: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, arg1, arg1, fullArgsData); break;
375  case 2: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, arg2, arg2, fullArgsData); break;
376  case 3: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, arg3, arg3, fullArgsData); break;
377  case 4: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, arg4, arg4, fullArgsData); break;
378  case 5: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, arg5, arg5, fullArgsData); break;
379  default: INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Invalid/unexpected arg index");
380  }
381  }
382  else
383  {
384  // A is not full-extent in dimension argThis; use the Data object
385  switch (argThis)
386  {
387  case 0: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg0, fullArgsData, arg0); break;
388  case 1: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg1, fullArgsData, arg1); break;
389  case 2: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg2, fullArgsData, arg2); break;
390  case 3: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg3, fullArgsData, arg3); break;
391  case 4: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg4, fullArgsData, arg4); break;
392  case 5: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A, B_underlying, binaryOperator, arg5, fullArgsData, arg5); break;
393  default: INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Invalid/unexpected arg index");
394  }
395  }
396  }
397  else if (this_full)
398  {
399  // This case uses A,B Data objects; could be optimized by dividing into subcases and using underlying Views with appropriate ArgExtractors.
400  auto & this_underlying = thisData.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
401  auto thisAE = fullArgs;
403  if (A_full)
404  {
405  auto & A_underlying = A.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
406  auto AAE = fullArgs;
408  if (B_1D && (get1DArgIndex(B) != -1))
409  {
410  const int argIndex = get1DArgIndex(B);
411  auto & B_underlying = B.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
412  switch (argIndex)
413  {
414  case 0: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, arg0); break;
415  case 1: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, arg1); break;
416  case 2: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, arg2); break;
417  case 3: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, arg3); break;
418  case 4: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, arg4); break;
419  case 5: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, arg5); break;
420  default: INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Invalid/unexpected arg index");
421  }
422  }
423  else
424  {
425  // A is full; B is not full, but not constant or full-extent 1D
426  // unoptimized in B access:
428  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
429  }
430  }
431  else // A is not full
432  {
433  if (A_1D && (get1DArgIndex(A) != -1))
434  {
435  const int argIndex = get1DArgIndex(A);
436  auto & A_underlying = A.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
437  if (B_full)
438  {
439  auto & B_underlying = B.template getUnderlyingView<rank>();
440  auto BAE = fullArgs;
441  switch (argIndex)
442  {
443  case 0: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg0, BAE); break;
444  case 1: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg1, BAE); break;
445  case 2: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg2, BAE); break;
446  case 3: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg3, BAE); break;
447  case 4: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg4, BAE); break;
448  case 5: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg5, BAE); break;
449  default: INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Invalid/unexpected arg index");
450  }
451  }
452  else
453  {
454  auto BAE = fullArgsData;
455  switch (argIndex)
456  {
457  case 0: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg0, BAE); break;
458  case 1: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg1, BAE); break;
459  case 2: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg2, BAE); break;
460  case 3: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg3, BAE); break;
461  case 4: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg4, BAE); break;
462  case 5: storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A_underlying, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, arg5, BAE); break;
463  default: INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Invalid/unexpected arg index");
464  }
465  }
466  }
467  else // A not full, and not full-extent 1D
468  {
469  // unoptimized in A, B accesses.
470  auto AAE = fullArgsData;
471  auto BAE = fullArgsData;
472  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, this_underlying, A, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
473  }
474  }
475  }
476  else
477  {
478  // completely un-optimized case: we use Data objects for this, A, B.
479  auto thisAE = fullArgsWritable;
480  auto AAE = fullArgsData;
481  auto BAE = fullArgsData;
482  storeInPlaceCombination(policy, thisData, A, B, binaryOperator, thisAE, AAE, BAE);
483  }
484  }
485  }
488  template<int rank>
489  static
490  enable_if_t<rank == 7, void>
492  {
493  auto policy = thisData.template dataExtentRangePolicy<rank>();
495  using DataType = Data<DataScalar,DeviceType>;
496  using ThisAE = FullArgExtractorWritableData<true>;
500  const ordinal_type dim6 = thisData.getDataExtent(6);
501  const bool includeInnerLoop = true;
503  Functor functor(thisData, A, B, binaryOperator, dim6);
504  Kokkos::parallel_for("compute in-place", policy, functor);
505  }
507  static void storeInPlaceCombination(Data<DataScalar,DeviceType> &thisData, const Data<DataScalar,DeviceType> &A, const Data<DataScalar,DeviceType> &B, BinaryOperator binaryOperator)
508  {
509  using ExecutionSpace = typename DeviceType::execution_space;
512  // check logical extents
513  for (int d=0; d<rank_; d++)
514  {
515  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(A.extent_int(d) != thisData.extent_int(d), std::invalid_argument, "A, B, and this must agree on all logical extents");
516  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(B.extent_int(d) != thisData.extent_int(d), std::invalid_argument, "A, B, and this must agree on all logical extents");
517  }
518  // TODO: add some checks that data extent of this suffices to accept combined A + B data.
519 #endif
521  const bool this_constant = (thisData.getUnderlyingViewRank() == 1) && (thisData.getUnderlyingViewSize() == 1);
523  // we special-case for constant output here; since the constant case is essentially all overhead, we want to avoid as much of the overhead of storeInPlaceCombination() as possible…
524  if (this_constant)
525  {
526  // constant data
527  Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecutionSpace> policy(ExecutionSpace(),0,1); // just 1 entry
529  auto this_underlying = thisData.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
530  auto A_underlying = A.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
531  auto B_underlying = B.template getUnderlyingView<1>();
533  using ConstantCaseFunctor = InPlaceCombinationFunctorConstantCase<decltype(binaryOperator), decltype(this_underlying),
534  decltype(A_underlying), decltype(B_underlying)>;
536  ConstantCaseFunctor functor(this_underlying, A_underlying, B_underlying, binaryOperator);
537  Kokkos::parallel_for("compute in-place", policy,functor);
538  }
539  else
540  {
541  switch (thisData.rank())
542  {
543  case 1: storeInPlaceCombination<1>(thisData, A, B, binaryOperator); break;
544  case 2: storeInPlaceCombination<2>(thisData, A, B, binaryOperator); break;
545  case 3: storeInPlaceCombination<3>(thisData, A, B, binaryOperator); break;
546  case 4: storeInPlaceCombination<4>(thisData, A, B, binaryOperator); break;
547  case 5: storeInPlaceCombination<5>(thisData, A, B, binaryOperator); break;
548  case 6: storeInPlaceCombination<6>(thisData, A, B, binaryOperator); break;
549  case 7: storeInPlaceCombination<7>(thisData, A, B, binaryOperator); break;
550  default:
551  INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION_DEVICE_SAFE(true, std::logic_error, "unhandled rank in switch");
552  }
553  }
554  }
555 };
557 } // end namespace Intrepid2
559 // We do ETI for basic double arithmetic on default device.
560 //template<class Scalar> struct ScalarSumFunctor;
561 //template<class Scalar> struct ScalarDifferenceFunctor;
562 //template<class Scalar> struct ScalarProductFunctor;
563 //template<class Scalar> struct ScalarQuotientFunctor;
570 #endif /* Intrepid2_DataCombiners_hpp */
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION ordinal_type getUnderlyingViewRank() const
returns the rank of the View that stores the unique data
Header file with various static argument-extractor classes. These are useful for writing efficient...
static enable_if_t< rank==7, void > storeInPlaceCombination(Data< DataScalar, DeviceType > &thisData, const Data< DataScalar, DeviceType > &A, const Data< DataScalar, DeviceType > &B, BinaryOperator binaryOperator)
storeInPlaceCombination with compile-time rank – implementation for rank of 7. (Not optimized; expect...
Argument extractor class which passes all arguments to the provided container.
For use with Data object into which a value will be stored. We use passThroughBlockDiagonalArgs = tru...
Defines the Data class, a wrapper around a Kokkos::View that allows data that is constant or repeatin...
Argument extractor class which ignores the input arguments in favor of passing a single 0 argument to...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION bool underlyingMatchesLogical() const
Returns true if the underlying container has exactly the same rank and extents as the logical contain...
Wrapper around a Kokkos::View that allows data that is constant or repeating in various logical dimen...
static void storeInPlaceCombination(PolicyType &policy, ThisUnderlyingViewType &this_underlying, AUnderlyingViewType &A_underlying, BUnderlyingViewType &B_underlying, BinaryOperator &binaryOperator, ArgExtractorThis argThis, ArgExtractorA argA, ArgExtractorB argB)
storeInPlaceCombination implementation for rank &lt; 7, with compile-time underlying views and argument ...
Defines functors for use with Data objects: so far, we include simple arithmetical functors for sum...
functor definition for the constant-data case.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION ordinal_type getUnderlyingViewSize() const
returns the number of entries in the View that stores the unique data
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION unsigned rank() const
Returns the logical rank of the Data container.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int extent_int(const int &r) const
Returns the logical extent in the specified dimension.
Defines DataVariationType enum that specifies the types of variation possible within a Data object...
static enable_if_t< rank!=7, void > storeInPlaceCombination(Data< DataScalar, DeviceType > &thisData, const Data< DataScalar, DeviceType > &A, const Data< DataScalar, DeviceType > &B, BinaryOperator binaryOperator)
storeInPlaceCombination with compile-time rank – implementation for rank &lt; 7.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getDataExtent(const ordinal_type &d) const
returns the true extent of the data corresponding to the logical dimension provided; if the data does...
Argument extractor class which passes a single argument, indicated by the template parameter whichArg...
For use with Data object into which a value will be stored. We use passThroughBlockDiagonalArgs = tru...