Ifpack2 Templated Preconditioning Package  Version 1.0
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2 // ***********************************************************************
3 //
4 // Ifpack2: Templated Object-Oriented Algebraic Preconditioner Package
5 // Copyright (2009) Sandia Corporation
6 //
7 // Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
8 // license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
9 //
10 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
11 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
12 // met:
13 //
14 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
15 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
16 //
17 // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
18 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
19 // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
20 //
21 // 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the
22 // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
23 // this software without specific prior written permission.
24 //
36 //
37 // Questions? Contact Michael A. Heroux (maherou@sandia.gov)
38 //
39 // ***********************************************************************
40 //@HEADER
41 */
47 #include <Teuchos_Time.hpp>
49 namespace Ifpack2 {
51 //Implementation of Ifpack2::Container
53 template<class MatrixType>
56  const Teuchos::Array<Teuchos::Array<LO> >& partitions,
57  bool pointIndexed) :
58  inputMatrix_ (matrix),
59  inputCrsMatrix_ (Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<const crs_matrix_type>(inputMatrix_)),
60  inputBlockMatrix_ (Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<const block_crs_matrix_type>(inputMatrix_)),
61  pointIndexed_(pointIndexed),
62  IsInitialized_(false),
63  IsComputed_(false)
64 {
65  using Teuchos::Ptr;
66  using Teuchos::RCP;
67  using Teuchos::Array;
68  using Teuchos::ArrayView;
69  using Teuchos::Comm;
70  NumLocalRows_ = inputMatrix_->getLocalNumRows();
71  NumGlobalRows_ = inputMatrix_->getGlobalNumRows();
72  NumGlobalNonzeros_ = inputMatrix_->getGlobalNumEntries();
73  IsParallel_ = inputMatrix_->getRowMap()->getComm()->getSize() != 1;
75  if(hasBlockCrs_)
76  bcrsBlockSize_ = inputBlockMatrix_->getBlockSize();
77  else
78  bcrsBlockSize_ = 1;
81  else
82  scalarsPerRow_ = 1;
83  setBlockSizes(partitions);
84  //Sanity check the partitions
86  // Check whether the input set of local row indices is correct.
87  const map_type& rowMap = *inputMatrix_->getRowMap();
88  for(int i = 0; i < numBlocks_; i++)
89  {
91  for(LO j = 0; j < blockSizes_[i]; j++)
92  {
93  LO row = blockRows[j];
94  if(pointIndexed)
95  {
96  //convert the point row to the corresponding block row
97  row /= bcrsBlockSize_;
98  }
100  !rowMap.isNodeLocalElement(row),
101  std::invalid_argument, "Ifpack2::Container: "
102  "On process " << rowMap.getComm()->getRank() << " of "
103  << rowMap.getComm()->getSize() << ", in the given set of local row "
104  "indices blockRows = " << Teuchos::toString(blockRows) << ", the following "
105  "entries is not valid local row index on the calling process: "
106  << row << ".");
107  }
108  }
109  #endif
110 }
112 template<class MatrixType>
116 template<class MatrixType>
119 {
121  (&blockRows_[blockOffsets_[blockIndex]], blockSizes_[blockIndex]);
122 }
124 template<class MatrixType>
126 {
127  //First, create a grand total of all the rows in all the blocks
128  //Note: If partitioner allowed overlap, this could be greater than the # of local rows
129  LO totalBlockRows = 0;
130  numBlocks_ = partitions.size();
131  blockSizes_.resize(numBlocks_);
132  blockOffsets_.resize(numBlocks_);
133  maxBlockSize_ = 0;
134  for(int i = 0; i < numBlocks_; i++)
135  {
136  LO rowsInBlock = partitions[i].size();
137  blockSizes_[i] = rowsInBlock;
138  blockOffsets_[i] = totalBlockRows;
139  totalBlockRows += rowsInBlock;
140  maxBlockSize_ = std::max(maxBlockSize_, rowsInBlock * scalarsPerRow_);
141  }
142  blockRows_.resize(totalBlockRows);
143  //set blockRows_: each entry is the partition/block of the row
144  LO iter = 0;
145  for(int i = 0; i < numBlocks_; i++)
146  {
147  for(int j = 0; j < blockSizes_[i]; j++)
148  {
149  blockRows_[iter++] = partitions[i][j];
150  }
151  }
152 }
154 template<class MatrixType>
156 {
157  if(Diag_.is_null())
158  {
159  Diag_ = rcp(new vector_type(inputMatrix_->getDomainMap()));
160  inputMatrix_->getLocalDiagCopy(*Diag_);
161  }
162 }
164 template<class MatrixType>
166  return IsInitialized_;
167 }
169 template<class MatrixType>
171  return IsComputed_;
172 }
174 template<class MatrixType>
176 applyMV(const mv_type& X, mv_type& Y) const
177 {
178  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT_MSG(true, "Not implemented.");
179 }
181 template<class MatrixType>
183 weightedApplyMV(const mv_type& X, mv_type& Y, vector_type& W) const
184 {
185  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT_MSG(true, "Not implemented.");
186 }
188 template<class MatrixType>
189 std::string Container<MatrixType>::
191 {
192  return "Generic";
193 }
195 template<class MatrixType>
196 void Container<MatrixType>::DoGSBlock(ConstHostView X, HostView Y, HostView Y2, HostView Resid,
197  SC dampingFactor, LO i) const
198 {
199  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT_MSG(true, "Not implemented.");
200 }
202 template <class MatrixType>
203 void Container<MatrixType>::DoJacobi(ConstHostView X, HostView Y, SC dampingFactor) const
204 {
205  using STS = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ISC>;
206  const ISC one = STS::one();
207  // use blockRows_ and blockSizes_
208  size_t numVecs = X.extent(1);
209  // Non-overlapping Jacobi
210  for (LO i = 0; i < numBlocks_; i++)
211  {
212  // may happen that a partition is empty
213  if(blockSizes_[i] != 1 || hasBlockCrs_)
214  {
215  if(blockSizes_[i] == 0 )
216  continue;
217  apply(X, Y, i, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, dampingFactor, one);
218  }
219  else // singleton, can't access Containers_[i] as it was never filled and may be null.
220  {
221  LO LRID = blockRows_[blockOffsets_[i]];
222  getMatDiag();
223  auto diagView = Diag_->getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
224  ISC d = one * (static_cast<ISC> (dampingFactor)) / diagView(LRID, 0);
225  for(size_t nv = 0; nv < numVecs; nv++)
226  {
227  ISC x = X(LRID, nv);
228  Y(LRID, nv) += x * d;
229  }
230  }
231  }
232 }
234 template <class MatrixType>
235 void Container<MatrixType>::DoOverlappingJacobi(ConstHostView X, HostView Y, ConstHostView W, SC dampingFactor, bool nonsymScaling) const
236 {
237  using STS = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>;
238  // Overlapping Jacobi
239  for(LO i = 0; i < numBlocks_; i++)
240  {
241  // may happen that a partition is empty
242  if(blockSizes_[i] == 0)
243  continue;
244  if(blockSizes_[i] != 1) {
245  if (!nonsymScaling)
246  weightedApply(X, Y, W, i, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, dampingFactor, STS::one());
247  else {
248  // A crummy way of doing nonsymmetric scaling. We effectively
249  // first reverse scale x, which later gets scaled inside weightedApply
250  // so the net effect is that x is not scaled.
251  // This was done to keep using weightedApply() that is defined in
252  // many spots in the code.
253  HostView tempo("", X.extent(0), X.extent(1));
254  size_t numVecs = X.extent(1);
255  LO bOffset = blockOffsets_[i];
256  for (LO ii = 0; ii < blockSizes_[i]; ii++) {
257  LO LRID = blockRows_[bOffset++];
258  for (size_t jj = 0; jj < numVecs; jj++) tempo(LRID,jj)=X(LRID,jj)/ W(LRID,0);
259  }
260  weightedApply(tempo, Y, W, i, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, dampingFactor, STS::one());
261  }
262  }
263  else // singleton, can't access Containers_[i] as it was never filled and may be null.
264  {
265  const ISC one = STS::one();
266  size_t numVecs = X.extent(1);
267  LO LRID = blockRows_[blockOffsets_[i]];
268  getMatDiag();
269  auto diagView = Diag_->getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
270  ISC recip = one / diagView(LRID, 0);
271  ISC wval = W(LRID,0);
272  ISC combo = wval*recip;
273  ISC d = combo*(static_cast<ISC> (dampingFactor));
274  for(size_t nv = 0; nv < numVecs; nv++)
275  {
276  ISC x = X(LRID, nv);
277  Y(LRID, nv) = x * d + Y(LRID, nv);
278  }
279  }
280  }
281 }
283 //Do Gauss-Seidel with just block i
284 //This is used 3 times: once in DoGaussSeidel and twice in DoSGS
285 template<class MatrixType, typename LocalScalarType>
287  ConstHostView X, HostView Y, HostView Y2, HostView Resid,
288  SC dampingFactor, LO i) const
289 {
290  using Teuchos::ArrayView;
291  using STS = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ISC>;
292  size_t numVecs = X.extent(1);
293  const ISC one = STS::one();
294  if(this->blockSizes_[i] == 0)
295  return; // Skip empty partitions
296  if(this->hasBlockCrs_ && !this->pointIndexed_)
297  {
298  //Use efficient blocked version
299  ArrayView<const LO> blockRows = this->getBlockRows(i);
300  const size_t localNumRows = this->blockSizes_[i];
301  using inds_type = typename block_crs_matrix_type::local_inds_host_view_type;
302  using vals_type = typename block_crs_matrix_type::values_host_view_type;
303  for(size_t j = 0; j < localNumRows; j++)
304  {
305  LO row = blockRows[j]; // Containers_[i]->ID (j);
306  vals_type values;
307  inds_type colinds;
308  this->inputBlockMatrix_->getLocalRowView(row, colinds, values);
309  LO numEntries = (LO) colinds.size();
310  for(size_t m = 0; m < numVecs; m++)
311  {
312  for (int localR = 0; localR < this->bcrsBlockSize_; localR++)
313  Resid(row * this->bcrsBlockSize_ + localR, m) = X(row * this->bcrsBlockSize_ + localR, m);
314  for (LO k = 0; k < numEntries; ++k)
315  {
316  const LO col = colinds[k];
317  for(int localR = 0; localR < this->bcrsBlockSize_; localR++)
318  {
319  for(int localC = 0; localC < this->bcrsBlockSize_; localC++)
320  {
321  Resid(row * this->bcrsBlockSize_ + localR, m) -=
322  values[k * this->bcrsBlockSize_ * this->bcrsBlockSize_ + localR + localC * this->bcrsBlockSize_]
323  * Y2(col * this->bcrsBlockSize_ + localC, m); }
324  }
325  }
326  }
327  }
328  // solve with this block
329  //
330  // Note: I'm abusing the ordering information, knowing that X/Y
331  // and Y2 have the same ordering for on-proc unknowns.
332  //
333  // Note: Add flop counts for inverse apply
334  apply(Resid, Y2, i, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, dampingFactor, one);
335  }
336  else if(!this->hasBlockCrs_ && this->blockSizes_[i] == 1)
337  {
338  // singleton, can't access Containers_[i] as it was never filled and may be null.
339  // a singleton calculation (just using matrix diagonal) is exact, all residuals should be zero.
340  LO LRID = this->blockOffsets_[i]; // by definition, a singleton 1 row in block.
341  //Use the KokkosSparse internal matrix for low-overhead values/indices access
342  //But, can only do this if the matrix is accessible directly from host, since it's not a DualView
344  container_exec_space().fence();
345  auto localA = this->inputCrsMatrix_->getLocalMatrixHost();
346  using size_type = typename crs_matrix_type::local_matrix_host_type::size_type;
347  const auto& rowmap = localA.graph.row_map;
348  const auto& entries = localA.graph.entries;
349  const auto& values = localA.values;
350  this->getMatDiag();
351  auto diagView = this->Diag_->getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
352  ISC d = (static_cast<ISC> (dampingFactor)) / diagView(LRID, 0);
353  for(size_t m = 0; m < numVecs; m++)
354  {
355  // ISC x = X(LRID, m);
356  ISC r = X(LRID, m);
357  for(size_type k = rowmap(LRID); k < rowmap(LRID + 1); k++) {
358  const LO col = entries(k);
359  r -= values(k) * Y2(col, m);
360  }
362  ISC newy = r * d;
363  Y2(LRID, m) += newy;
364  }
365  }
366  else if(!this->inputCrsMatrix_.is_null() &&
367  std::is_same<typename crs_matrix_type::device_type::memory_space, Kokkos::HostSpace>::value)
368  {
369  //Use the KokkosSparse internal matrix for low-overhead values/indices access
370  //But, can only do this if the matrix is accessible directly from host, since it's not a DualView
372  container_exec_space().fence();
373  auto localA = this->inputCrsMatrix_->getLocalMatrixHost();
374  using size_type = typename crs_matrix_type::local_matrix_host_type::size_type;
375  const auto& rowmap = localA.graph.row_map;
376  const auto& entries = localA.graph.entries;
377  const auto& values = localA.values;
378  ArrayView<const LO> blockRows = this->getBlockRows(i);
379  for(size_t j = 0; j < size_t(blockRows.size()); j++)
380  {
381  const LO row = blockRows[j];
382  for(size_t m = 0; m < numVecs; m++)
383  {
384  ISC r = X(row, m);
385  for(size_type k = rowmap(row); k < rowmap(row + 1); k++)
386  {
387  const LO col = entries(k);
388  r -= values(k) * Y2(col, m);
389  }
390  Resid(row, m) = r;
391  }
392  }
393  // solve with this block
394  //
395  // Note: I'm abusing the ordering information, knowing that X/Y
396  // and Y2 have the same ordering for on-proc unknowns.
397  //
398  // Note: Add flop counts for inverse apply
399  apply(Resid, Y2, i, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, dampingFactor, one);
400  }
401  else
402  {
403  //Either a point-indexed block matrix, or a normal row matrix
404  //that doesn't support getLocalMatrix
405  ArrayView<const LO> blockRows = this->getBlockRows(i);
406  for(size_t j = 0; j < size_t(blockRows.size()); j++)
407  {
408  const LO row = blockRows[j];
409  auto rowView = getInputRowView(row);
410  for(size_t m = 0; m < numVecs; m++)
411  {
412  Resid(row, m) = X(row, m);
413  for (size_t k = 0; k < rowView.size(); ++k)
414  {
415  const LO col = rowView.ind(k);
416  Resid(row, m) -= rowView.val(k) * Y2(col, m);
417  }
418  }
419  }
420  // solve with this block
421  //
422  // Note: I'm abusing the ordering information, knowing that X/Y
423  // and Y2 have the same ordering for on-proc unknowns.
424  //
425  // Note: Add flop counts for inverse apply
426  apply(Resid, Y2, i, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, dampingFactor, one);
427  }
428 }
430 template<class MatrixType>
432 DoGaussSeidel(ConstHostView X, HostView Y, HostView Y2, SC dampingFactor) const
433 {
434  using Teuchos::Array;
435  using Teuchos::ArrayRCP;
436  using Teuchos::ArrayView;
437  using Teuchos::Ptr;
438  using Teuchos::RCP;
439  using Teuchos::rcp;
440  using Teuchos::rcpFromRef;
441  //This function just extracts the diagonal if it hasn't already.
442  getMatDiag();
443  auto numVecs = X.extent(1);
444  // X = RHS, Y = initial guess
445  HostView Resid("", X.extent(0), X.extent(1));
446  for(LO i = 0; i < numBlocks_; i++)
447  {
448  DoGSBlock(X, Y, Y2, Resid, dampingFactor, i);
449  }
450  if(IsParallel_)
451  {
452  auto numMyRows = inputMatrix_->getLocalNumRows();
453  for (size_t m = 0; m < numVecs; ++m)
454  {
455  for (size_t i = 0; i < numMyRows * bcrsBlockSize_; ++i)
456  {
457  Y(i, m) = Y2(i, m);
458  }
459  }
460  }
461 }
463 template<class MatrixType>
464 void Container<MatrixType>::
465 DoSGS(ConstHostView X, HostView Y, HostView Y2, SC dampingFactor) const
466 {
467  // X = RHS, Y = initial guess
468  using Teuchos::Array;
469  using Teuchos::ArrayRCP;
470  using Teuchos::ArrayView;
471  using Teuchos::Ptr;
472  using Teuchos::ptr;
473  using Teuchos::RCP;
474  using Teuchos::rcp;
475  using Teuchos::rcpFromRef;
476  auto numVecs = X.extent(1);
477  HostView Resid("", X.extent(0), X.extent(1));
478  // Forward Sweep
479  for(LO i = 0; i < numBlocks_; i++)
480  {
481  DoGSBlock(X, Y, Y2, Resid, dampingFactor, i);
482  }
483  static_assert(std::is_signed<LO>::value,
484  "Local ordinal must be signed (unsigned breaks reverse iteration to 0)");
485  // Reverse Sweep
486  for(LO i = numBlocks_ - 1; i >= 0; --i)
487  {
488  DoGSBlock(X, Y, Y2, Resid, dampingFactor, i);
489  }
490  if(IsParallel_)
491  {
492  auto numMyRows = inputMatrix_->getLocalNumRows();
493  for (size_t m = 0; m < numVecs; ++m)
494  {
495  for (size_t i = 0; i < numMyRows * bcrsBlockSize_; ++i)
496  {
497  Y(i, m) = Y2(i, m);
498  }
499  }
500  }
501 }
503 template<class MatrixType>
504 void Container<MatrixType>::
505 clearBlocks()
506 {
507  numBlocks_ = 0;
508  blockRows_.clear();
509  blockSizes_.clear();
510  blockOffsets_.clear();
511  Diag_ = Teuchos::null; //Diag_ will be recreated if needed
512 }
514 //Implementation of Ifpack2::ContainerImpl
516 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
517 ContainerImpl<MatrixType, LocalScalarType>::
518 ContainerImpl(
520  const Teuchos::Array<Teuchos::Array<LO> >& partitions,
521  bool pointIndexed)
522  : Container<MatrixType>(matrix, partitions, pointIndexed) {}
524 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
528 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
532 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
534 applyInverseJacobi (const mv_type& /* X */, mv_type& /* Y */,
535  SC dampingFactor,
536  bool /* zeroStartingSolution = false */,
537  int /* numSweeps = 1 */) const
538 {
539  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT_MSG(true, "Not implemented.");
540 }
542 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
544 applyMV (const mv_type& X, mv_type& Y) const
545 {
546  ConstHostView XView = X.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
547  HostView YView = Y.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadWrite);
548  this->apply (XView, YView, 0);
549 }
551 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
553 weightedApplyMV (const mv_type& X,
554  mv_type& Y,
555  vector_type& W) const
556 {
557  ConstHostView XView = X.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
558  HostView YView = Y.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadWrite);
559  ConstHostView WView = W.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
560  weightedApply (XView, YView, WView, 0);
561 }
563 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
566 {
567  return "Generic";
568 }
570 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
572 solveBlock(ConstHostSubviewLocal X,
573  HostSubviewLocal Y,
574  int blockIndex,
575  Teuchos::ETransp mode,
576  const LSC alpha,
577  const LSC beta) const
578 {
579  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT_MSG(true, "Not implemented.");
580 }
582 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
583 typename ContainerImpl<MatrixType, LocalScalarType>::LO
586 {
587  LO LO_INVALID = Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<LO>::invalid();
588  GO GO_INVALID = Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<GO>::invalid();
589  const map_type& globalRowMap = *(this->inputMatrix_->getRowMap());
590  const map_type& globalColMap = *(this->inputMatrix_->getColMap());
591  LO rowLID = row;
592  LO dofOffset = 0;
593  if(this->pointIndexed_)
594  {
595  rowLID = row / this->bcrsBlockSize_;
596  dofOffset = row % this->bcrsBlockSize_;
597  }
598  GO diagGID = globalRowMap.getGlobalElement(rowLID);
600  diagGID == GO_INVALID,
601  std::runtime_error, "Ifpack2::Container::translateRowToCol: "
602  "On process " << this->inputMatrix_->getRowMap()->getComm()->getRank() <<
603  ", at least one row index in the set of local "
604  "row indices given to the constructor is not a valid local row index in "
605  "the input matrix's row Map on this process. This should be impossible "
606  "because the constructor checks for this case. Here is the complete set "
607  "of invalid local row indices: " << rowLID << ". "
608  "Please report this bug to the Ifpack2 developers.");
609  //now, can translate diagGID (both a global row AND global col ID) to local column
610  LO colLID = globalColMap.getLocalElement(diagGID);
612  colLID == LO_INVALID,
613  std::runtime_error, "Ifpack2::Container::translateRowToCol: "
614  "On process " << this->inputMatrix_->getRowMap()->getComm()->getRank() << ", "
615  "at least one row index in the set of row indices given to the constructor "
616  "does not have a corresponding column index in the input matrix's column "
617  "Map. This probably means that the column(s) in question is/are empty on "
618  "this process, which would make the submatrix to extract structurally "
619  "singular. The invalid global column index is " << diagGID << ".");
620  //colLID could identify a block column - translate to split column if needed
621  if(this->pointIndexed_)
622  return colLID * this->bcrsBlockSize_ + dofOffset;
623  return colLID;
624 }
626 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
628 apply (ConstHostView X,
629  HostView Y,
630  int blockIndex,
631  Teuchos::ETransp mode,
632  SC alpha,
633  SC beta) const
634 {
635  using Teuchos::ArrayView;
636  using Teuchos::as;
637  using Teuchos::RCP;
638  using Teuchos::rcp;
640  // The local operator might have a different Scalar type than
641  // MatrixType. This means that we might have to convert X and Y to
642  // the Tpetra::MultiVector specialization that the local operator
643  // wants. This class' X_ and Y_ internal fields are of the right
644  // type for the local operator, so we can use those as targets.
649  ! this->IsComputed_, std::runtime_error, "Ifpack2::Container::apply: "
650  "You must have called the compute() method before you may call apply(). "
651  "You may call the apply() method as many times as you want after calling "
652  "compute() once, but you must have called compute() at least once.");
654  const size_t numVecs = X.extent(1);
656  if(numVecs == 0) {
657  return; // done! nothing to do
658  }
660  // The local operator works on a permuted subset of the local parts
661  // of X and Y. The subset and permutation are defined by the index
662  // array returned by getBlockRows(). If the permutation is trivial
663  // and the subset is exactly equal to the local indices, then we
664  // could use the local parts of X and Y exactly, without needing to
665  // permute. Otherwise, we have to use temporary storage to permute
666  // X and Y. For now, we always use temporary storage.
667  //
668  // Create temporary permuted versions of the input and output.
669  // (Re)allocate X_ and/or Y_ only if necessary. We'll use them to
670  // store the permuted versions of X resp. Y. Note that X_local has
671  // the domain Map of the operator, which may be a permuted subset of
672  // the local Map corresponding to X.getMap(). Similarly, Y_local
673  // has the range Map of the operator, which may be a permuted subset
674  // of the local Map corresponding to Y.getMap(). numRows_ here
675  // gives the number of rows in the row Map of the local Inverse_
676  // operator.
677  //
678  // FIXME (mfh 20 Aug 2013) There might be an implicit assumption
679  // here that the row Map and the range Map of that operator are
680  // the same.
681  //
682  // FIXME (mfh 20 Aug 2013) This "local permutation" functionality
683  // really belongs in Tpetra.
685  if(X_localBlocks_.size() == 0 || X.extent(1) != X_local_.extent(1))
686  {
687  //need to resize (or create for the first time) the three scratch arrays
688  X_localBlocks_.clear();
689  Y_localBlocks_.clear();
690  X_localBlocks_.reserve(this->numBlocks_);
691  Y_localBlocks_.reserve(this->numBlocks_);
693  X_local_ = HostViewLocal("X_local", this->blockRows_.size() * this->scalarsPerRow_, numVecs);
694  Y_local_ = HostViewLocal("Y_local", this->blockRows_.size() * this->scalarsPerRow_, numVecs);
696  //create all X_local and Y_local managed Views at once, are
697  //reused in subsequent apply() calls
698  for(int i = 0; i < this->numBlocks_; i++)
699  {
700  auto blockBounds = std::make_pair(this->blockOffsets_[i] * this->scalarsPerRow_,
701  (this->blockOffsets_[i] + this->blockSizes_[i]) * this->scalarsPerRow_);
702  X_localBlocks_.emplace_back(X_local_, blockBounds, Kokkos::ALL());
703  Y_localBlocks_.emplace_back(Y_local_, blockBounds, Kokkos::ALL());
704  }
705  }
707  const ArrayView<const LO> blockRows = this->getBlockRows(blockIndex);
709  if(this->scalarsPerRow_ == 1)
710  mvgs.gatherViewToView (X_localBlocks_[blockIndex], X, blockRows);
711  else
712  mvgs.gatherViewToViewBlock (X_localBlocks_[blockIndex], X, blockRows, this->scalarsPerRow_);
714  // We must gather the contents of the output multivector Y even on
715  // input to solveBlock(), since the inverse operator might use it as
716  // an initial guess for a linear solve. We have no way of knowing
717  // whether it does or does not.
719  if(this->scalarsPerRow_ == 1)
720  mvgs.gatherViewToView (Y_localBlocks_[blockIndex], Y, blockRows);
721  else
722  mvgs.gatherViewToViewBlock (Y_localBlocks_[blockIndex], Y, blockRows, this->scalarsPerRow_);
724  // Apply the local operator:
725  // Y_local := beta*Y_local + alpha*M^{-1}*X_local
726  this->solveBlock (X_localBlocks_[blockIndex], Y_localBlocks_[blockIndex], blockIndex, mode,
727  LSC(alpha), LSC(beta));
729  // Scatter the permuted subset output vector Y_local back into the
730  // original output multivector Y.
731  if(this->scalarsPerRow_ == 1)
732  mvgs.scatterViewToView (Y, Y_localBlocks_[blockIndex], blockRows);
733  else
734  mvgs.scatterViewToViewBlock (Y, Y_localBlocks_[blockIndex], blockRows, this->scalarsPerRow_);
735 }
737 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
739 weightedApply(ConstHostView X,
740  HostView Y,
741  ConstHostView D,
742  int blockIndex,
743  Teuchos::ETransp mode,
744  SC alpha,
745  SC beta) const
746 {
747  using Teuchos::ArrayRCP;
748  using Teuchos::ArrayView;
749  using Teuchos::Range1D;
750  using Teuchos::Ptr;
751  using Teuchos::ptr;
752  using Teuchos::RCP;
753  using Teuchos::rcp;
754  using Teuchos::rcp_const_cast;
755  using std::endl;
756  using STS = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>;
758  // The local operator template parameter might have a different
759  // Scalar type than MatrixType. This means that we might have to
760  // convert X and Y to the Tpetra::MultiVector specialization that
761  // the local operator wants. This class' X_ and Y_ internal fields
762  // are of the right type for the local operator, so we can use those
763  // as targets.
765  const char prefix[] = "Ifpack2::Container::weightedApply: ";
767  ! this->IsComputed_, std::runtime_error, prefix << "You must have called the "
768  "compute() method before you may call this method. You may call "
769  "weightedApply() as many times as you want after calling compute() once, "
770  "but you must have called compute() at least once first.");
772  //bmk 7-2019: BlockRelaxation already checked this, but if that changes...
774  this->scalarsPerRow_ > 1, std::logic_error, prefix << "Use of block rows isn't allowed "
775  "in overlapping Jacobi (the only method that uses weightedApply");
777  const size_t numVecs = X.extent(1);
780  X.extent(1) != Y.extent(1), std::runtime_error,
781  prefix << "X and Y have different numbers of vectors (columns). X has "
782  << X.extent(1) << ", but Y has " << Y.extent(1) << ".");
784  if(numVecs == 0) {
785  return; // done! nothing to do
786  }
788  const size_t numRows = this->blockSizes_[blockIndex];
790  // The local operator works on a permuted subset of the local parts
791  // of X and Y. The subset and permutation are defined by the index
792  // array returned by getBlockRows(). If the permutation is trivial
793  // and the subset is exactly equal to the local indices, then we
794  // could use the local parts of X and Y exactly, without needing to
795  // permute. Otherwise, we have to use temporary storage to permute
796  // X and Y. For now, we always use temporary storage.
797  //
798  // Create temporary permuted versions of the input and output.
799  // (Re)allocate X_ and/or Y_ only if necessary. We'll use them to
800  // store the permuted versions of X resp. Y. Note that X_local has
801  // the domain Map of the operator, which may be a permuted subset of
802  // the local Map corresponding to X.getMap(). Similarly, Y_local
803  // has the range Map of the operator, which may be a permuted subset
804  // of the local Map corresponding to Y.getMap(). numRows_ here
805  // gives the number of rows in the row Map of the local operator.
806  //
807  // FIXME (mfh 20 Aug 2013) There might be an implicit assumption
808  // here that the row Map and the range Map of that operator are
809  // the same.
810  //
811  // FIXME (mfh 20 Aug 2013) This "local permutation" functionality
812  // really belongs in Tpetra.
813  if(X_localBlocks_.size() == 0 || X.extent(1) != X_local_.extent(1))
814  {
815  //need to resize (or create for the first time) the three scratch arrays
816  X_localBlocks_.clear();
817  Y_localBlocks_.clear();
818  X_localBlocks_.reserve(this->numBlocks_);
819  Y_localBlocks_.reserve(this->numBlocks_);
821  X_local_ = HostViewLocal("X_local", this->blockRows_.size() * this->scalarsPerRow_, numVecs);
822  Y_local_ = HostViewLocal("Y_local", this->blockRows_.size() * this->scalarsPerRow_, numVecs);
824  //create all X_local and Y_local managed Views at once, are
825  //reused in subsequent apply() calls
826  for(int i = 0; i < this->numBlocks_; i++)
827  {
828  auto blockBounds = std::make_pair(this->blockOffsets_[i] * this->scalarsPerRow_,
829  (this->blockOffsets_[i] + this->blockSizes_[i]) * this->scalarsPerRow_);
830  X_localBlocks_.emplace_back(X_local_, blockBounds, Kokkos::ALL());
831  Y_localBlocks_.emplace_back(Y_local_, blockBounds, Kokkos::ALL());
832  }
833  }
834  if(int(weightedApplyScratch_.extent(0)) != 3 * this->maxBlockSize_ ||
835  weightedApplyScratch_.extent(1) != numVecs)
836  {
837  weightedApplyScratch_ = HostViewLocal("weightedApply scratch", 3 * this->maxBlockSize_, numVecs);
838  }
840  ArrayView<const LO> blockRows = this->getBlockRows(blockIndex);
844  //note: BlockCrs w/ weighted Jacobi isn't allowed, so no need to use block gather/scatter
845  mvgs.gatherViewToView (X_localBlocks_[blockIndex], X, blockRows);
846  // We must gather the output multivector Y even on input to
847  // solveBlock(), since the local operator might use it as an initial
848  // guess for a linear solve. We have no way of knowing whether it
849  // does or does not.
851  mvgs.gatherViewToView (Y_localBlocks_[blockIndex], Y, blockRows);
853  // Apply the diagonal scaling D to the input X. It's our choice
854  // whether the result has the original input Map of X, or the
855  // permuted subset Map of X_local. If the latter, we also need to
856  // gather D into the permuted subset Map. We choose the latter, to
857  // save memory and computation. Thus, we do the following:
858  //
859  // 1. Gather D into a temporary vector D_local.
860  // 2. Create a temporary X_scaled to hold diag(D_local) * X_local.
861  // 3. Compute X_scaled := diag(D_loca) * X_local.
862  auto maxBS = this->maxBlockSize_;
863  auto bs = this->blockSizes_[blockIndex] * this->scalarsPerRow_;
865  HostSubviewLocal D_local(weightedApplyScratch_, std::make_pair(0, bs), std::make_pair(0, 1));
866  mvgs.gatherViewToView (D_local, D, blockRows);
867  HostSubviewLocal X_scaled(weightedApplyScratch_, std::make_pair(maxBS, maxBS + bs), Kokkos::ALL());
868  for(size_t j = 0; j < numVecs; j++)
869  for(size_t i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
870  X_scaled(i, j) = X_localBlocks_[blockIndex](i, j) * D_local(i, 0);
872  HostSubviewLocal Y_temp(weightedApplyScratch_, std::make_pair(maxBS * 2, maxBS * 2 + bs), Kokkos::ALL());
873  // Apply the local operator: Y_temp := M^{-1} * X_scaled
874  this->solveBlock (X_scaled, Y_temp, blockIndex, mode, STS::one(), STS::zero());
875  // Y_local := beta * Y_local + alpha * diag(D_local) * Y_temp.
876  //
877  // Note that we still use the permuted subset scaling D_local here,
878  // because Y_temp has the same permuted subset Map. That's good, in
879  // fact, because it's a subset: less data to read and multiply.
880  LISC a = alpha;
881  LISC b = beta;
882  for(size_t j = 0; j < numVecs; j++)
883  for(size_t i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
884  Y_localBlocks_[blockIndex](i, j) = b * Y_localBlocks_[blockIndex](i, j) + a * Y_temp(i, j) * D_local(i, 0);
886  // Copy the permuted subset output vector Y_local into the original
887  // output multivector Y.
888  mvgs.scatterViewToView (Y, Y_localBlocks_[blockIndex], blockRows);
889 }
891 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
893  typename ContainerImpl<MatrixType, LocalScalarType>::SC,
894  typename ContainerImpl<MatrixType, LocalScalarType>::LO,
895  typename ContainerImpl<MatrixType, LocalScalarType>::GO,
896  typename ContainerImpl<MatrixType, LocalScalarType>::NO>
898 getInputRowView(LO row) const
899 {
901  typedef typename MatrixType::nonconst_local_inds_host_view_type nonconst_local_inds_host_view_type;
902  typedef typename MatrixType::nonconst_values_host_view_type nonconst_values_host_view_type;
904  typedef typename MatrixType::local_inds_host_view_type local_inds_host_view_type;
905  typedef typename MatrixType::values_host_view_type values_host_view_type;
906  using IST = typename row_matrix_type::impl_scalar_type;
908  if(this->hasBlockCrs_)
909  {
910  using h_inds_type = typename block_crs_matrix_type::local_inds_host_view_type;
911  using h_vals_type = typename block_crs_matrix_type::values_host_view_type;
912  h_inds_type colinds;
913  h_vals_type values;
914  this->inputBlockMatrix_->getLocalRowView(row / this->bcrsBlockSize_, colinds, values);
915  size_t numEntries = colinds.size();
916  // CMS: Can't say I understand what this really does
917  //return StridedRowView(values + row % this->bcrsBlockSize_, colinds, this->bcrsBlockSize_, numEntries * this->bcrsBlockSize_);
918  h_vals_type subvals = Kokkos::subview(values,std::pair<size_t,size_t>(row % this->bcrsBlockSize_,values.size()));
919  return StridedRowView(subvals, colinds, this->bcrsBlockSize_, numEntries * this->bcrsBlockSize_);
920  }
921  else if(!this->inputMatrix_->supportsRowViews())
922  {
923  size_t maxEntries = this->inputMatrix_->getLocalMaxNumRowEntries();
924  Teuchos::Array<LO> inds(maxEntries);
925  Teuchos::Array<SC> vals(maxEntries);
926  nonconst_local_inds_host_view_type inds_v(inds.data(),maxEntries);
927  nonconst_values_host_view_type vals_v(reinterpret_cast<IST*>(vals.data()),maxEntries);
928  size_t numEntries;
929  this->inputMatrix_->getLocalRowCopy(row, inds_v, vals_v, numEntries);
930  vals.resize(numEntries); inds.resize(numEntries);
931  return StridedRowView(vals, inds);
932  }
933  else
934  {
935  // CMS - This is dangerous and might not work.
936  local_inds_host_view_type colinds;
937  values_host_view_type values;
938  this->inputMatrix_->getLocalRowView(row, colinds, values);
939  return StridedRowView(values, colinds, 1, colinds.size());
940  }
941 }
943 template<class MatrixType, class LocalScalarType>
945 clearBlocks()
946 {
947  X_localBlocks_.clear();
948  Y_localBlocks_.clear();
949  X_local_ = HostViewLocal();
950  Y_local_ = HostViewLocal();
952 }
954 namespace Details {
956 //Implementation of Ifpack2::Details::StridedRowView
957 template<class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
959 StridedRowView(h_vals_type vals_, h_inds_type inds_, int blockSize_, size_t nnz_)
960  : vals(vals_), inds(inds_), blockSize(blockSize_), nnz(nnz_)
961 {}
963 template<class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
966  : vals(), inds(), blockSize(1), nnz(vals_.size())
967 {
968  valsCopy.swap(vals_);
969  indsCopy.swap(inds_);
970 }
972 template<class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
974 val(size_t i) const
975 {
976  #ifdef HAVE_IFPACK2_DEBUG
977  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(i >= nnz, std::runtime_error,
978  "Out-of-bounds access into Ifpack2::Container::StridedRowView");
979  #endif
980  if(vals.size() > 0)
981  {
982  if(blockSize == 1)
983  return vals[i];
984  else
985  return vals[i * blockSize];
986  }
987  else
988  return valsCopy[i];
989 }
991 template<class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
992 LocalOrdinal StridedRowView<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::
993 ind(size_t i) const
994 {
995  #ifdef HAVE_IFPACK2_DEBUG
996  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(i >= nnz, std::runtime_error,
997  "Out-of-bounds access into Ifpack2::Container::StridedRowView");
998  #endif
999  //inds is smaller than vals by a factor of the block size (dofs/node)
1000  if(inds.size() > 0)
1001  {
1002  if(blockSize == 1)
1003  return inds[i];
1004  else
1005  return inds[i / blockSize] * blockSize + i % blockSize;
1006  }
1007  else
1008  return indsCopy[i];
1009 }
1011 template<class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
1012 size_t StridedRowView<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::
1013 size() const
1014 {
1015  return nnz;
1016 }
1017 }
1019 }
1021 template <class MatrixType>
1022 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Ifpack2::Container<MatrixType>& obj)
1023 {
1024  return obj.print(os);
1025 }
1028  template class Ifpack2::Container<Tpetra::RowMatrix<S, LO, GO, N>>; \
1029  template class Ifpack2::ContainerImpl<Tpetra::RowMatrix<S, LO, GO, N>, S>; \
1030  template class Ifpack2::Details::StridedRowView<S, LO, GO, N>; \
1031  template std::ostream& operator<< <Tpetra::RowMatrix<S, LO, GO, N>>( \
1032  std::ostream& os, const Ifpack2::Container<Tpetra::RowMatrix<S, LO, GO, N>>& obj);
1034 #endif
virtual void apply(ConstHostView X, HostView Y, int blockIndex, Teuchos::ETransp mode=Teuchos::NO_TRANS, SC alpha=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< SC >::one(), SC beta=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< SC >::zero()) const
Compute Y := alpha * M^{-1} X + beta*Y.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:628
void weightedApplyMV(const mv_type &X, mv_type &Y, vector_type &W) const
Wrapper for weightedApply with MVs, used in unit tests (never called by BlockRelaxation) ...
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:553
bool isComputed() const
Whether the container has been successfully computed.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:170
void DoGSBlock(ConstHostView X, HostView Y, HostView Y2, HostView Resid, SC dampingFactor, LO i) const
Do one step of Gauss-Seidel on block i (used by DoGaussSeidel and DoSGS)
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:286
void setBlockSizes(const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array< LO > > &partitions)
Initialize arrays with information about block sizes.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:125
Teuchos::Array< LO > blockSizes_
Number of rows in each block.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:296
typename Kokkos::ArithTraits< SC >::val_type ISC
Internal representation of Scalar in Kokkos::View.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:135
StridedRowView(h_vals_type vals_, h_inds_type inds_, int blockSize_, size_t nnz_)
Constructor for row views (preferred)
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:959
virtual void applyMV(const mv_type &X, mv_type &Y) const
Wrapper for apply with MultiVector.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:176
bool pointIndexed_
(If hasBlockCrs_) Whether the blocks are described using sub-block row indices instead of full block ...
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:314
int numBlocks_
The number of blocks (partitions) in the container.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:292
void swap(Array &x)
The implementation of the numerical features of Container (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SGS). This class allows a custom scalar type (LocalScalarType) to be used for storing blocks and solving the block systems. Hiding this template parameter from the Container interface simplifies the BlockRelaxation and ContainerFactory classes.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:343
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(throw_exception_test, Exception, msg)
virtual void setParameters(const Teuchos::ParameterList &List)
Set parameters, if any.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:530
bool isInitialized() const
Whether the container has been successfully initialized.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:165
LO scalarsPerRow_
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:317
virtual ~Container()
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:114
bool hasBlockCrs_
Whether the input matrix is a BlockCRS matrix.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:310
Details::StridedRowView< SC, LO, GO, NO > getInputRowView(LO row) const
View a row of the input matrix.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:898
LocalScalarType LSC
The internal representation of LocalScalarType in Kokkos::View.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:363
Declaration and definition of the Ifpack2::Details::MultiVectorLocalGatherScatter class...
Container(const Teuchos::RCP< const row_matrix_type > &matrix, const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array< LO > > &partitions, bool pointIndexed)
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:54
int bcrsBlockSize_
If hasBlockCrs_, the number of DOFs per vertex. Otherwise 1.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:312
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT_MSG(throw_exception_test, msg)
LO translateRowToCol(LO row)
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:585
Teuchos::RCP< const block_crs_matrix_type > inputBlockMatrix_
The input matrix, dynamic cast to BlockCrsMatrix. May be null.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:289
Teuchos::RCP< const row_matrix_type > inputMatrix_
The input matrix to the constructor.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:283
virtual void weightedApplyMV(const mv_type &X, mv_type &Y, vector_type &W) const
Wrapper for weightedApply with MultiVector.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:183
void applyMV(const mv_type &X, mv_type &Y) const
Wrapper for apply with MVs, used in unit tests (never called by BlockRelaxation)
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:544
virtual void applyInverseJacobi(const mv_type &, mv_type &, SC dampingFactor, bool, int) const
Compute Y := (1 - a) Y + a D^{-1} (X - R*Y).
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:534
typename mv_type::dual_view_type::t_host HostView
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:139
virtual void weightedApply(ConstHostView X, HostView Y, ConstHostView D, int blockIndex, Teuchos::ETransp mode=Teuchos::NO_TRANS, SC alpha=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< SC >::one(), SC beta=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< SC >::zero()) const
Compute Y := alpha * diag(D) * M^{-1} (diag(D) * X) + beta*Y.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:739
void resize(size_type new_size, const value_type &x=value_type())
virtual ~ContainerImpl()
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:526
bool IsParallel_
Whether the problem is distributed across multiple MPI processes.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:302
static std::string getName()
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:565
TypeTo as(const TypeFrom &t)
Interface for creating and solving a set of local linear problems.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:112
Teuchos::ArrayView< const LO > getBlockRows(int blockIndex) const
Local indices of the rows of the input matrix that belong to this block.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:118
Structure for read-only views of general matrix rows.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:330
static std::string getName()
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:190
GO NumGlobalRows_
Number of global rows in input matrix.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:306
GO NumGlobalNonzeros_
Number of nonzeros in input matrix.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:308
LO NumLocalRows_
Number of local rows in input matrix.
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_decl.hpp:304
Implementation detail of Ifpack2::Container subclasses.
Definition: Ifpack2_Details_MultiVectorLocalGatherScatter.hpp:85
virtual void solveBlock(ConstHostSubviewLocal X, HostSubviewLocal Y, int blockIndex, Teuchos::ETransp mode, const LSC alpha, const LSC beta) const
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:572
std::string toString(const T &t)
virtual void DoGSBlock(ConstHostView X, HostView Y, HostView Y2, HostView Resid, SC dampingFactor, LO i) const
Do one step of Gauss-Seidel on block i (used by DoGaussSeidel and DoSGS)
Definition: Ifpack2_Container_def.hpp:196
bool is_null() const