#include "Didasko_ConfigDefs.h"
#include "float.h"
#include "Epetra_ConfigDefs.h"
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
#include "mpi.h"
#include "Epetra_MpiComm.h"
#include "Epetra_SerialComm.h"
#include "Epetra_Map.h"
#include "Epetra_Vector.h"
#include "Epetra_CrsMatrix.h"
double a,
double diag,
double c
) :
int * MyGlobalElements = new int [NumMyElements];
double *Values = new double[2];
Values[0] = a; Values[1] = c;
int *Indices = new int[2];
int NumEntries;
for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyElements; ++i ) {
if (MyGlobalElements[i]==0) {
Indices[0] = 1;
NumEntries = 1;
} else if (MyGlobalElements[i] == NumGlobalElements-1) {
Indices[0] = NumGlobalElements-2;
NumEntries = 1;
} else {
Indices[0] = MyGlobalElements[i]-1;
Indices[1] = MyGlobalElements[i]+1;
NumEntries = 2;
delete [] MyGlobalElements;
delete [] Values;
delete [] Indices;
ostream & os )
if( IndicesAreGlobal == true ) {
if( MyPID == 0 ) {
os << "WARNING : matrix must be transformed to local\n";
os << " before calling CrsMatrixInfo\n";
os << " Now returning...\n";
return false;
double MyFrobeniusNorm( 0.0 ), FrobeniusNorm( 0.0 );
double MyMinElement( DBL_MAX ), MinElement( DBL_MAX );
double MyMaxElement( DBL_MIN ), MaxElement( DBL_MIN );
double MyMinAbsElement( DBL_MAX ), MinAbsElement( DBL_MAX );
double MyMaxAbsElement( 0.0 ), MaxAbsElement( 0.0 );
int * NzPerRow = new int[NumMyRows];
int Row;
int Col;
double * Values = new double[MaxNumEntries];
int * Indices = new int[MaxNumEntries];
double Element, AbsElement;
int NumEntries;
std::vector<double> Diagonal(NumMyRows);
double * SumOffDiagonal = new double [NumMyRows];
for( Row=0 ; Row<NumMyRows ; ++Row ) {
SumOffDiagonal[Row] = 0.0;
int * IsDiagonallyDominant = new int [NumMyRows];
for( Row=0 ; Row<NumMyRows ; ++Row ) {
for( Col=0 ; Col<NumEntries ; ++Col ) {
Element = Values[Col];
AbsElement = abs(Element);
if( Element<MyMinElement ) MyMinElement = Element;
if( Element>MyMaxElement ) MyMaxElement = Element;
if( AbsElement<MyMinAbsElement ) MyMinAbsElement = AbsElement;
if( AbsElement>MyMaxAbsElement ) MyMaxAbsElement = AbsElement;
if( Indices[Col] == Row )
Diagonal[Row] = Element;
SumOffDiagonal[Row] += abs(Element);
MyFrobeniusNorm += pow(Element,2);
int MyMinNzPerRow( NumMyRows ), MinNzPerRow( NumMyRows );
int MyMaxNzPerRow( 0 ), MaxNzPerRow( 0 );
for( Row=0 ; Row<NumMyRows ; ++Row ) {
if( NzPerRow[Row]<MyMinNzPerRow ) MyMinNzPerRow=NzPerRow[Row];
if( NzPerRow[Row]>MyMaxNzPerRow ) MyMaxNzPerRow=NzPerRow[Row];
int MyDiagonalDominance( 0 ), DiagonalDominance( 0 );
int MyWeakDiagonalDominance( 0 ), WeakDiagonalDominance( 0 );
for( Row=0 ; Row<NumMyRows ; ++Row ) {
if( abs(Diagonal[Row])>SumOffDiagonal[Row] )
else if( abs(Diagonal[Row])==SumOffDiagonal[Row] )
SumAll(&MyFrobeniusNorm, &FrobeniusNorm, 1);
MinAll(&MyMinAbsElement, &MinAbsElement, 1);
MaxAll(&MyMaxAbsElement, &MaxAbsElement, 1);
SumAll(&MyDiagonalDominance, &DiagonalDominance, 1);
SumAll(&MyWeakDiagonalDominance, &WeakDiagonalDominance, 1);
delete[] Values;
delete[] Indices;
delete[] SumOffDiagonal;
delete[] IsDiagonallyDominant;
delete[] NzPerRow;
if( MyPID != 0 ) return true;
os << "*** general Information about the matrix\n";
os << "Number of Global Rows = " << NumGlobalRows << endl;
os << "Number of Global Cols = " << NumGlobalCols << endl;
os << "is the matrix square = " <<
((NumGlobalRows==NumGlobalCols)?"yes":"no") << endl;
os << "||A||_\\infty = " << NormInf << endl;
os << "||A||_1 = " << NormOne << endl;
os << "||A||_F = " << sqrt(FrobeniusNorm) << endl;
os << "Number of nonzero diagonal entries = "
<< NumGlobalDiagonals
<< "( " << 1.0* NumGlobalDiagonals/NumGlobalRows*100
<< " %)\n";
os << "Nonzero per row : min = " << MinNzPerRow
<< " average = " << 1.0*NumGlobalNonzeros/NumGlobalRows
<< " max = " << MaxNzPerRow << endl;
os << "Maximum number of nonzero elements/row = "
<< GlobalMaxNumEntries << endl;
os << "min( a_{i,j} ) = " << MinElement << endl;
os << "max( a_{i,j} ) = " << MaxElement << endl;
os << "min( abs(a_{i,j}) ) = " << MinAbsElement << endl;
os << "max( abs(a_{i,j}) ) = " << MaxAbsElement << endl;
os << "Number of diagonal dominant rows = " << DiagonalDominance
<< " (" << 100.0*DiagonalDominance/NumGlobalRows << " % of total)\n";
os << "Number of weakly diagonal dominant rows = "
<< WeakDiagonalDominance
<< " (" << 100.0*WeakDiagonalDominance/NumGlobalRows << " % of total)\n";
os << "*** Information about the Trilinos storage\n";
os << "Base Index = " << IndexBase << endl;
os << "is storage optimized = "
<< ((StorageOptimized==true)?"yes":"no") << endl;
os << "are indices global = "
<< ((IndicesAreGlobal==true)?"yes":"no") << endl;
os << "is matrix lower triangular = "
<< ((LowerTriangular==true)?"yes":"no") << endl;
os << "is matrix upper triangular = "
<< ((UpperTriangular==true)?"yes":"no") << endl;
os << "are there diagonal entries = "
<< ((NoDiagonal==false)?"yes":"no") << endl;
return true;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int NumGlobalElements = 5;
TridiagonalCrsMatrix A( Map, -1.0, 2.0, -1.0);
CrsMatrixInfo(A, cout);
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
puts("Please configure Didasko with:\n"
return 0;