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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Anasazi: Block Eigensolvers Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004 NTESS and the Anasazi contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
10 #include "AnasaziEpetraAdapter.hpp"
16 namespace Anasazi {
19  //
20  //--------Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec Implementation-------------------------------
21  //
24  // Construction/Destruction
26  EpetraMultiVec::EpetraMultiVec(const Epetra_BlockMap& Map_in, double * array,
27  const int numvecs, const int stride)
28  : Epetra_MultiVector(Epetra_DataAccess::Copy, Map_in, array, stride, numvecs)
29  {
30  }
33  EpetraMultiVec::EpetraMultiVec(const Epetra_BlockMap& Map_in, const int numvecs)
34  : Epetra_MultiVector(Map_in, numvecs)
35  {
36  }
40  const Epetra_MultiVector& P_vec,
41  const std::vector<int>& index )
42  : Epetra_MultiVector(CV, P_vec, &(const_cast<std::vector<int> &>(index))[0], index.size())
43  {
44  }
48  : Epetra_MultiVector(P_vec)
49  {
50  }
53  //
54  // member functions inherited from Anasazi::MultiVec
55  //
56  //
57  // Simulating a virtual copy constructor. If we could rely on the co-variance
58  // of virtual functions, we could return a pointer to EpetraMultiVec
59  // (the derived type) instead of a pointer to the pure virtual base class.
60  //
62  MultiVec<double>* EpetraMultiVec::Clone ( const int numvecs ) const
63  {
64  EpetraMultiVec * ptr_apv = new EpetraMultiVec(Map(), numvecs);
65  return ptr_apv; // safe upcast.
66  }
67  //
68  // the following is a virtual copy constructor returning
69  // a pointer to the pure virtual class. vector values are
70  // copied.
71  //
74  {
75  EpetraMultiVec *ptr_apv = new EpetraMultiVec(*this);
76  return ptr_apv; // safe upcast
77  }
80  MultiVec<double>* EpetraMultiVec::CloneCopy ( const std::vector<int>& index ) const
81  {
82  EpetraMultiVec * ptr_apv = new EpetraMultiVec(Epetra_DataAccess::Copy, *this, index);
83  return ptr_apv; // safe upcast.
84  }
87  MultiVec<double>* EpetraMultiVec::CloneViewNonConst ( const std::vector<int>& index )
88  {
89  EpetraMultiVec * ptr_apv = new EpetraMultiVec(Epetra_DataAccess::View, *this, index);
90  return ptr_apv; // safe upcast.
91  }
93  const MultiVec<double>* EpetraMultiVec::CloneView ( const std::vector<int>& index ) const
94  {
95  EpetraMultiVec * ptr_apv = new EpetraMultiVec(Epetra_DataAccess::View, *this, index);
96  return ptr_apv; // safe upcast.
97  }
100  void EpetraMultiVec::SetBlock( const MultiVec<double>& A, const std::vector<int>& index )
101  {
102  // this should be revisited to e
103  EpetraMultiVec temp_vec(Epetra_DataAccess::View, *this, index);
105  int numvecs = index.size();
106  if ( A.GetNumberVecs() != numvecs ) {
107  std::vector<int> index2( numvecs );
108  for(int i=0; i<numvecs; i++)
109  index2[i] = i;
110  EpetraMultiVec *tmp_vec = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVec *>(&const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(A));
111  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( tmp_vec==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::SetBlocks() cast of MultiVec<double> to EpetraMultiVec failed.");
112  EpetraMultiVec A_vec(Epetra_DataAccess::View, *tmp_vec, index2);
113  temp_vec.MvAddMv( 1.0, A_vec, 0.0, A_vec );
114  }
115  else {
116  temp_vec.MvAddMv( 1.0, A, 0.0, A );
117  }
118  }
120  //-------------------------------------------------------------
121  //
122  // *this <- alpha * A * B + beta * (*this)
123  //
124  //-------------------------------------------------------------
126  void EpetraMultiVec::MvTimesMatAddMv ( double alpha, const MultiVec<double>& A,
127  const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,double>& B, double beta )
128  {
129  Epetra_LocalMap LocalMap(B.numRows(), 0, Map().Comm());
130  Epetra_MultiVector B_Pvec(Epetra_DataAccess::View, LocalMap, B.values(), B.stride(), B.numCols());
132  EpetraMultiVec *A_vec = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVec *>(&const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(A));
133  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( A_vec==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::SetBlocks() cast of MultiVec<double> to EpetraMultiVec failed.");
136  Multiply( 'N', 'N', alpha, *A_vec, B_Pvec, beta ) != 0,
137  EpetraMultiVecFailure, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::MvTimesMatAddMv() call to Epetra_MultiVec::Multiply() returned a nonzero value.");
138  }
140  //-------------------------------------------------------------
141  //
142  // *this <- alpha * A + beta * B
143  //
144  //-------------------------------------------------------------
146  void EpetraMultiVec::MvAddMv ( double alpha , const MultiVec<double>& A,
147  double beta, const MultiVec<double>& B)
148  {
149  EpetraMultiVec *A_vec = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVec *>(&const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(A));
150  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( A_vec==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::MvAddMv() cast of MultiVec<double> to EpetraMultiVec failed.");
151  EpetraMultiVec *B_vec = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVec *>(&const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(B));
152  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( B_vec==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::MvAddMv() cast of MultiVec<double> to EpetraMultiVec failed.");
155  Update( alpha, *A_vec, beta, *B_vec, 0.0 ) != 0,
156  EpetraMultiVecFailure, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::MvAddMv() call to Epetra_MultiVec::Update() returned a nonzero value.");
157  }
159  //-------------------------------------------------------------
160  //
161  // dense B <- alpha * A^T * (*this)
162  //
163  //-------------------------------------------------------------
165  void EpetraMultiVec::MvTransMv ( double alpha, const MultiVec<double>& A,
168  , ConjType conj
169 #endif
170  ) const
171  {
172  EpetraMultiVec *A_vec = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVec *>(&const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(A));
174  if (A_vec) {
175  Epetra_LocalMap LocalMap(B.numRows(), 0, Map().Comm());
176  Epetra_MultiVector B_Pvec(Epetra_DataAccess::View, LocalMap, B.values(), B.stride(), B.numCols());
179  B_Pvec.Multiply( 'T', 'N', alpha, *A_vec, *this, 0.0 ) != 0,
180  EpetraMultiVecFailure, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::MvTransMv() call to Epetra_MultiVec::Multiply() returned a nonzero value.");
181  }
182  }
184  //-------------------------------------------------------------
185  //
186  // b[i] = A[i]^T * this[i]
187  //
188  //-------------------------------------------------------------
190  void EpetraMultiVec::MvDot ( const MultiVec<double>& A, std::vector<double> & b
192  , ConjType conj
193 #endif
194  ) const
195  {
196  EpetraMultiVec *A_vec = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVec *>(&const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(A));
197  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( A_vec==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::MvDot() cast of MultiVec<double> to EpetraMultiVec failed.");
199  if (( (int)b.size() >= A_vec->NumVectors() ) ) {
201  this->Dot( *A_vec, &b[0] ) != 0,
202  EpetraMultiVecFailure, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::MvDot() call to Epetra_MultiVec::Dot() returned a nonzero value.");
203  }
204  }
206  //-------------------------------------------------------------
207  //
208  // this[i] = alpha[i] * this[i]
209  //
210  //-------------------------------------------------------------
211  void EpetraMultiVec::MvScale ( const std::vector<double>& alpha )
212  {
213  // Check to make sure the vector is as long as the multivector has columns.
214  int numvecs = this->NumVectors();
215  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( (int)alpha.size() != numvecs, std::invalid_argument,
216  "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::MvScale() alpha argument size was inconsistent with number of vectors in mv.");
218  std::vector<int> tmp_index( 1, 0 );
219  for (int i=0; i<numvecs; i++) {
220  Epetra_MultiVector temp_vec(Epetra_DataAccess::View, *this, &tmp_index[0], 1);
222  temp_vec.Scale( alpha[i] ) != 0,
223  EpetraMultiVecFailure, "Anasazi::EpetraMultiVec::MvScale() call to Epetra_MultiVec::Scale() returned a nonzero value.");
224  tmp_index[0]++;
225  }
226  }
229  //
230  //--------Anasazi::EpetraOp Implementation-------------------------------------
231  //
234  //
235  // AnasaziOperator constructors
236  //
238  : Epetra_Op(Op)
239  {
240  }
243  {
244  }
245  //
246  // AnasaziOperator applications
247  //
249  MultiVec<double>& Y ) const
250  {
251  //
252  // This standard operator computes Y = A*X
253  //
254  MultiVec<double> & temp_X = const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(X);
255  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_X = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&temp_X)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
256  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_Y = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&Y)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
258  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( vec_X==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraOp::Apply() cast of MultiVec<double> to Epetra_MultiVector failed.");
259  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( vec_Y==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraOp::Apply() cast of MultiVec<double> to Epetra_MultiVector failed.");
261  int info = Epetra_Op->Apply( *vec_X, *vec_Y );
263  "Anasazi::EpetraOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_Operator::Apply()" );
264  }
267  //
268  //--------Anasazi::EpetraGenOp Implementation----------------------------------
269  //
272  //
273  // AnasaziOperator constructors
274  //
278  bool isAInverse_)
279  : isAInverse( isAInverse_ ), Epetra_AOp(AOp), Epetra_MOp(MOp)
280  {
281  }
284  {
285  }
286  //
287  // AnasaziOperator applications
288  //
290  {
291  //
292  // This generalized operator computes Y = A^{-1}*M*X
293  //
294  int info=0;
295  MultiVec<double> & temp_X = const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(X);
296  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_X = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&temp_X)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
297  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_Y = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&Y)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
298  Epetra_MultiVector temp_Y(*vec_Y);
300  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( vec_X==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraGenOp::Apply() cast of MultiVec<double> to Epetra_MultiVector failed.");
301  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( vec_Y==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraGenOp::Apply() cast of MultiVec<double> to Epetra_MultiVector failed.");
302  //
303  // Need to cast away constness because the member function Apply is not declared const.
304  // Change the transpose setting for the operator if necessary and change it back when done.
305  //
306  // Apply M
307  info = Epetra_MOp->Apply( *vec_X, temp_Y );
309  "Anasazi::EpetraGenOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_Operator::Apply()" );
310  // Apply A or A^{-1}
311  if (isAInverse) {
312  info = Epetra_AOp->ApplyInverse( temp_Y, *vec_Y );
313  }
314  else {
315  info = Epetra_AOp->Apply( temp_Y, *vec_Y );
316  }
318  "Anasazi::EpetraGenOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_Operator::Apply()" );
319  }
322  {
323  //
324  // This generalized operator computes Y = A^{-1}*M*X
325  //
326  int info=0;
327  Epetra_MultiVector temp_Y(OperatorDomainMap(), Y.NumVectors());
329  // Apply M
330  info = Epetra_MOp->Apply( X, temp_Y );
331  if (info!=0) return info;
333  // Apply A or A^{-1}
334  if (isAInverse)
335  info = Epetra_AOp->ApplyInverse( temp_Y, Y );
336  else
337  info = Epetra_AOp->Apply( temp_Y, Y );
339  return info;
340  }
343  {
344  //
345  // This generalized operator computes Y = M^{-1}*A*X
346  //
347  int info=0;
348  Epetra_MultiVector temp_Y(OperatorDomainMap(), Y.NumVectors());
350  // Apply A or A^{-1}
351  if (isAInverse)
352  info = Epetra_AOp->Apply( X, temp_Y );
353  else
354  info = Epetra_AOp->ApplyInverse( X, temp_Y );
355  if (info!=0) return info;
357  // Apply M^{-1}
358  info = Epetra_MOp->ApplyInverse( temp_Y, Y );
360  return info;
361  }
364  //
365  //--------Anasazi::EpetraSymOp Implementation----------------------------------
366  //
369  //
370  // AnasaziOperator constructors
371  //
373  bool isTrans)
374  : Epetra_Op(Op), isTrans_(isTrans)
375  {
376  }
379  {
380  }
381  //
382  // AnasaziOperator applications
383  //
385  MultiVec<double>& Y ) const
386  {
387  int info=0;
388  MultiVec<double> & temp_X = const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(X);
389  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_X = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&temp_X)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
390  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_Y = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&Y)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
391  Epetra_MultiVector* temp_vec = new Epetra_MultiVector(
392  (isTrans_) ? Epetra_Op->OperatorDomainMap()
393  : Epetra_Op->OperatorRangeMap(),
394  vec_X->NumVectors() );
396  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( vec_X==NULL , std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraSymOp::Apply() cast of MultiVec<double> to Epetra_MultiVector failed.");
397  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( vec_Y==NULL , std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraSymOp::Apply() cast of MultiVec<double> to Epetra_MultiVector failed.");
398  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( temp_vec==NULL, std::invalid_argument, "Anasazi::EpetraSymOp::Apply() allocation Epetra_MultiVector failed.");
399  //
400  // Need to cast away constness because the member function Apply
401  // is not declared const.
402  //
403  // Transpose the operator (if isTrans_ = true)
404  if (isTrans_) {
405  info = Epetra_Op->SetUseTranspose( isTrans_ );
406  if (info != 0) {
407  delete temp_vec;
408  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( true, OperatorError,
409  "Anasazi::EpetraSymOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_Operator::Apply()" );
410  }
411  }
412  //
413  // Compute A*X or A'*X
414  //
415  info=Epetra_Op->Apply( *vec_X, *temp_vec );
416  if (info!=0) {
417  delete temp_vec;
418  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( true, OperatorError,
419  "Anasazi::EpetraSymOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_Operator::Apply()" );
420  }
421  //
422  // Transpose/Un-transpose the operator based on value of isTrans_
423  info=Epetra_Op->SetUseTranspose( !isTrans_ );
424  if (info!=0) {
425  delete temp_vec;
426  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( true, OperatorError,
427  "Anasazi::EpetraSymOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_Operator::Apply()" );
428  }
430  // Compute A^T*(A*X) or A*A^T
431  info=Epetra_Op->Apply( *temp_vec, *vec_Y );
432  if (info!=0) {
433  delete temp_vec;
434  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( true, OperatorError,
435  "Anasazi::EpetraSymOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_Operator::Apply()" );
436  }
438  // Un-transpose the operator
439  info=Epetra_Op->SetUseTranspose( false );
440  delete temp_vec;
441  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( info != 0, OperatorError,
442  "Anasazi::EpetraSymOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_Operator::Apply()" );
443  }
446  {
447  int info=0;
448  Epetra_MultiVector temp_vec(OperatorDomainMap(), Y.NumVectors());
449  //
450  // This generalized operator computes Y = A^T*A*X or Y = A*A^T*X
451  //
452  // Transpose the operator (if isTrans_ = true)
453  if (isTrans_) {
454  info=Epetra_Op->SetUseTranspose( isTrans_ );
455  if (info!=0) { return info; }
456  }
457  //
458  // Compute A*X or A^T*X
459  //
460  info=Epetra_Op->Apply( X, temp_vec );
461  if (info!=0) { return info; }
462  //
463  // Transpose/Un-transpose the operator based on value of isTrans_
464  info=Epetra_Op->SetUseTranspose( !isTrans_ );
465  if (info!=0) { return info; }
467  // Compute A^T*(A*X) or A*A^T
468  info=Epetra_Op->Apply( temp_vec, Y );
469  if (info!=0) { return info; }
471  // Un-transpose the operator
472  info=Epetra_Op->SetUseTranspose( false );
473  return info;
474  }
477  {
478  int info=0;
479  Epetra_MultiVector temp_vec(OperatorDomainMap(), Y.NumVectors());
480  //
481  // This generalized operator computes Y = (A^T*A)^{-1}*X or Y = (A*A^T)^{-1}*X
482  //
483  // Transpose the operator (if isTrans_ = true)
484  if (!isTrans_) {
485  info=Epetra_Op->SetUseTranspose( !isTrans_ );
486  if (info!=0) { return info; }
487  }
488  //
489  // Compute A^{-1}*X or A^{-T}*X
490  //
491  info=Epetra_Op->ApplyInverse( X, temp_vec );
492  if (info!=0) { return info; }
493  //
494  // Transpose/Un-transpose the operator based on value of isTrans_
495  info=Epetra_Op->SetUseTranspose( isTrans_ );
496  if (info!=0) { return info; }
498  // Compute A^{-T}*(A^{-1}*X) or A^{-1}*A^{-T}
499  info=Epetra_Op->Apply( temp_vec, Y );
500  if (info!=0) { return info; }
502  // Un-transpose the operator
503  info=Epetra_Op->SetUseTranspose( false );
504  return info;
505  }
508  //
509  //--------Anasazi::EpetraSymMVOp Implementation--------------------------------
510  //
513  //
514  // Anasazi::Operator constructors
515  //
517  bool isTrans)
518  : Epetra_MV(MV), isTrans_(isTrans)
519  {
520  if (isTrans)
521  MV_localmap = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_LocalMap( Epetra_MV->NumVectors(), 0, Epetra_MV->Map().Comm() ) );
522  else
523  MV_blockmap = Teuchos::rcp( &Epetra_MV->Map(), false );
524  }
526  //
527  // AnasaziOperator applications
528  //
530  {
531  int info=0;
532  MultiVec<double> & temp_X = const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(X);
533  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_X = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&temp_X)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
534  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_Y = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&Y)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
536  if (isTrans_) {
538  Epetra_MultiVector temp_vec( *MV_localmap, temp_X.GetNumberVecs() );
540  /* A'*X */
541  info = temp_vec.Multiply( 'T', 'N', 1.0, *Epetra_MV, *vec_X, 0.0 );
543  "Anasazi::EpetraSymMVOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply()" );
545  /* A*(A'*X) */
546  info = vec_Y->Multiply( 'N', 'N', 1.0, *Epetra_MV, temp_vec, 0.0 );
548  "Anasazi::EpetraSymMVOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply()" );
549  }
550  else {
552  Epetra_MultiVector temp_vec( *MV_blockmap, temp_X.GetNumberVecs() );
554  /* A*X */
555  info = temp_vec.Multiply( 'N', 'N', 1.0, *Epetra_MV, *vec_X, 0.0 );
557  "Anasazi::EpetraSymMVOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply()" );
559  /* A'*(A*X) */
560  info = vec_Y->Multiply( 'T', 'N', 1.0, *Epetra_MV, temp_vec, 0.0 );
562  "Anasazi::EpetraSymMVOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply()" );
563  }
564  }
567  //
568  //--------Anasazi::EpetraWSymMVOp Implementation--------------------------------
569  //
572  //
573  // Anasazi::Operator constructors
574  //
576  const Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Operator> &OP )
577  : Epetra_MV(MV), Epetra_OP(OP)
578  {
579  MV_blockmap = Teuchos::rcp( &Epetra_MV->Map(), false );
580  Epetra_WMV = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector( *MV_blockmap, Epetra_MV->NumVectors() ) );
581  Epetra_OP->Apply( *Epetra_MV, *Epetra_WMV );
582  }
584  //
585  // AnasaziOperator applications
586  //
588  {
589  int info=0;
590  MultiVec<double> & temp_X = const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(X);
591  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_X = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&temp_X)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
592  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_Y = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&Y)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
594  Epetra_MultiVector temp_vec( *MV_blockmap, temp_X.GetNumberVecs() );
596  /* WA*X */
597  info = temp_vec.Multiply( 'N', 'N', 1.0, *Epetra_WMV, *vec_X, 0.0 );
599  "Anasazi::EpetraWSymMVOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply()" );
601  /* A'*(WA*X) */
602  info = vec_Y->Multiply( 'T', 'N', 1.0, *Epetra_MV, temp_vec, 0.0 );
604  "Anasazi::EpetraWSymMVOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply()" );
605  }
608  //
609  //--------Anasazi::EpetraW2SymMVOp Implementation--------------------------------
610  //
613  //
614  // Anasazi::Operator constructors
615  //
617  const Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Operator> &OP )
618  : Epetra_MV(MV), Epetra_OP(OP)
619  {
620  MV_blockmap = Teuchos::rcp( &Epetra_MV->Map(), false );
621  Epetra_WMV = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector( *MV_blockmap, Epetra_MV->NumVectors() ) );
622  Epetra_OP->Apply( *Epetra_MV, *Epetra_WMV );
623  }
625  //
626  // AnasaziOperator applications
627  //
629  {
630  int info=0;
631  MultiVec<double> & temp_X = const_cast<MultiVec<double> &>(X);
632  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_X = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&temp_X)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
633  Epetra_MultiVector* vec_Y = dynamic_cast<EpetraMultiVecAccessor*>(&Y)->GetEpetraMultiVec();
635  Epetra_MultiVector temp_vec( *MV_blockmap, temp_X.GetNumberVecs() );
637  /* WA*X */
638  info = temp_vec.Multiply( 'N', 'N', 1.0, *Epetra_WMV, *vec_X, 0.0 );
640  "Anasazi::EpetraW2SymMVOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply()" );
642  /* (WA)'*(WA*X) */
643  info = vec_Y->Multiply( 'T', 'N', 1.0, *Epetra_WMV, temp_vec, 0.0 );
645  "Anasazi::EpetraW2SymMVOp::Apply(): Error returned from Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply()" );
647  }
648 } // end namespace Anasazi
ScalarType * values() const
EpetraMultiVecAccessor is an interfaceto allow any Anasazi::MultiVec implementation that is based on ...
MultiVec< double > * CloneViewNonConst(const std::vector< int > &index)
Creates a new EpetraMultiVec that shares the selected contents of *this.
void SetBlock(const MultiVec< double > &A, const std::vector< int > &index)
Copy the vectors in A to a set of vectors in *this.
const Epetra_Map & OperatorDomainMap() const
Returns the Epetra_Map object associated with the domain of this operator.
virtual int SetUseTranspose(bool UseTranspose)=0
void Apply(const MultiVec< double > &X, MultiVec< double > &Y) const
Apply method.
void Apply(const MultiVec< double > &X, MultiVec< double > &Y) const
Apply method [inherited from Anasazi::Operator class].
void MvTransMv(double alpha, const MultiVec< double > &A, Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, double > &B) const
Compute a dense matrix B through the matrix-matrix multiply .
virtual int ApplyInverse(const Epetra_MultiVector &X, Epetra_MultiVector &Y) const =0
void Apply(const MultiVec< double > &X, MultiVec< double > &Y) const
Apply method.
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(throw_exception_test, Exception, msg)
virtual const Epetra_Map & OperatorDomainMap() const =0
void Apply(const MultiVec< double > &X, MultiVec< double > &Y) const
Apply method.
virtual int Apply(const Epetra_MultiVector &X, Epetra_MultiVector &Y) const =0
EpetraSymMVOp(const Teuchos::RCP< const Epetra_MultiVector > &MV, bool isTrans=false)
Basic constructor for applying operator [default] or .
virtual const Epetra_Map & OperatorRangeMap() const =0
void MvTimesMatAddMv(double alpha, const MultiVec< double > &A, const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, double > &B, double beta)
Update *this with .
Enumerated types used to specify conjugation arguments.
virtual int GetNumberVecs() const =0
The number of vectors (i.e., columns) in the multivector.
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
void MvDot(const MultiVec< double > &A, std::vector< double > &b) const
Compute a vector b where the components are the individual dot-products, i.e. where A[i] is the i-th...
EpetraSymOp(const Teuchos::RCP< Epetra_Operator > &Op, bool isTrans=false)
Basic constructor for applying operator [default] or .
const Epetra_Map & OperatorDomainMap() const
Returns the Epetra_Map object associated with the domain of this operator.
void MvAddMv(double alpha, const MultiVec< double > &A, double beta, const MultiVec< double > &B)
Replace *this with .
void MvScale(double alpha)
Scale each element of the vectors in *this with alpha.
MultiVec< double > * Clone(const int numvecs) const
Creates a new empty EpetraMultiVec containing numvecs columns.
OrdinalType numCols() const
int ApplyInverse(const Epetra_MultiVector &X, Epetra_MultiVector &Y) const
Apply inverse method [inherited from Epetra_Operator class].
EpetraW2SymMVOp(const Teuchos::RCP< const Epetra_MultiVector > &MV, const Teuchos::RCP< Epetra_Operator > &OP)
Basic constructor for applying operator .
MultiVec< double > * CloneCopy() const
Creates a new EpetraMultiVec and copies contents of *this into the new vector (deep copy)...
EpetraWSymMVOp(const Teuchos::RCP< const Epetra_MultiVector > &MV, const Teuchos::RCP< Epetra_Operator > &OP)
Basic constructor for applying operator .
EpetraMultiVecFailure is thrown when a return value from an Epetra call on an Epetra_MultiVector is n...
EpetraGenOp(const Teuchos::RCP< Epetra_Operator > &AOp, const Teuchos::RCP< Epetra_Operator > &MOp, bool isAInverse=true)
Basic constructor for applying operator [default] or .
EpetraMultiVec(const Epetra_BlockMap &Map_in, const int numvecs)
Basic EpetraMultiVec constructor.
EpetraOp(const Teuchos::RCP< Epetra_Operator > &Op)
Basic constructor. Accepts reference-counted pointer to an Epetra_Operator.
Declarations of Anasazi multi-vector and operator classes using Epetra_MultiVector and Epetra_Operato...
int ApplyInverse(const Epetra_MultiVector &X, Epetra_MultiVector &Y) const
Apply inverse method [inherited from Epetra_Operator class].
OrdinalType stride() const
void Apply(const MultiVec< double > &X, MultiVec< double > &Y) const
This method takes the Anasazi::MultiVec X and applies the operator to it resulting in the Anasazi::Mu...
OrdinalType numRows() const
const MultiVec< double > * CloneView(const std::vector< int > &index) const
Creates a new EpetraMultiVec that shares the selected contents of *this.
Exceptions thrown to signal error in operator application.
Basic adapter class for Anasazi::MultiVec that uses Epetra_MultiVector.
void Apply(const MultiVec< double > &X, MultiVec< double > &Y) const
Apply method [inherited from Anasazi::Operator class].