Amesos2 - Direct Sparse Solver Interfaces  Version of the Day
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCAmesos2::AbstractConcreteMatrixAdapter< Abstract, Matrix >
oCAmesos2::AbstractConcreteMatrixAdapter< Epetra_RowMatrix, Epetra_CrsMatrix >
|\CAmesos2::ConcreteMatrixAdapter< Epetra_CrsMatrix >MatrixAdapter definitions for Epetra_CrsMatrix objects
oCAmesos2::AbstractConcreteMatrixAdapter< Tpetra::RowMatrix< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >, Tpetra::CrsMatrix< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > >
|\CAmesos2::ConcreteMatrixAdapter< Tpetra::CrsMatrix< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > >MatrixAdapter definitions for Tpetra::CrsMatrix objects
oCAmesos2::col_accessIndicates that the object of an adapter provides column access to its data
oCAmesos2::FunctionMap< ConcreteSolver, Scalar >Passes functions to TPL functions based on type
oCAmesos2::FunctionMap< CssMKL, PMKL::_INTEGER_t >
oCAmesos2::FunctionMap< PardisoMKL, PMKL::_INTEGER_t >
oCAmesos2::Util::get_1d_copy_helper< MV, S >Helper class for getting 1-D copies of multivectors
oCAmesos2::Util::get_ccs_helper_kokkos_view< Matrix, KV_S, KV_GO, KV_GS >A generic helper class for getting a CCS representation of a Matrix
oCAmesos2::Util::get_crs_helper_kokkos_view< Matrix, KV_S, KV_GO, KV_GS >Similar to get_ccs_helper , but used to get a CRS representation of the given matrix
oCAmesos2::has_special_implIndicates that the concrete class has a special implementation that should be called
oCAmesos2::Details::LinearSolverFactory< MV, OP, NormType >Interface for a "factory" that creates Amesos2 solvers
oCAmesos2::MatrixAdapter< Matrix >A Matrix adapter interface for Amesos2
oCAmesos2::MatrixAdapter< DerivedMat >
|oCAmesos2::AbstractConcreteMatrixAdapter< Epetra_RowMatrix, DerivedMat >Amesos2::MatrixAdapter definitions for objects deriving from Epetra_RowMatrix
|\CAmesos2::AbstractConcreteMatrixAdapter< Tpetra::RowMatrix< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >, DerivedMat >Amesos2::MatrixAdapter definitions for objects deriving from Tpetra::RowMatrix
oCAmesos2::MatrixAdapter< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, ExecutionSpace > >
|\CAmesos2::ConcreteMatrixAdapter< KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, ExecutionSpace > >MatrixAdapter definitions for KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix objects
oCAmesos2::MatrixAdapter< matrix_type >
oCAmesos2::MatrixHelper< ConcreteSolver >Convert Matrices and MultiVectors into the appropriate format for a third-party solver
oCAmesos2::MultiVecAdapter< MV >A templated MultiVector class adapter for Amesos2
oCAmesos2::MultiVecAdapter< Epetra_MultiVector >Amesos2 adapter for the Epetra_MultiVector class
oCAmesos2::MultiVecAdapter< Kokkos::View< Scalar **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, ExecutionSpace > >Amesos2 adapter for the Tpetra::MultiVector class
oCAmesos2::MultiVecAdapter< Tpetra::MultiVector< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > >Amesos2 adapter for the Tpetra::MultiVector class
oCAmesos2::no_special_implIndicates that the concrete class can use the generic getC{c|r}s methods implemented in MatrixAdapter
oCAmesos2::Util::put_1d_data_helper< MV, S >Helper class for putting 1-D data arrays into multivectors
oCAmesos2::row_accessIndicates that the object of an adapter provides row access to its data
oCAmesos2::Util::same_gs_helper_kokkos_view< M, KV_S, KV_GO, KV_GS, Op >A generic base class for the CRS and CCS helpers
oCAmesos2::Solver< Matrix, Vector >Interface to Amesos2 solver objects
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< ConcreteSolver, Matrix, Vector >Amesos2::SolverCore: A templated interface for interaction with third-party direct sparse solvers
||oCAmesos2::Basker< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the Baker package
||oCAmesos2::Cholmod< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the CHOLMOD package
||oCAmesos2::CssMKL< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the CssMKL package
||oCAmesos2::cuSOLVER< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to cuSOLVER
||oCAmesos2::KLU2< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the KLU2 package
||oCAmesos2::Lapack< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the LAPACK
||oCAmesos2::PardisoMKL< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the PardisoMKL package
||oCAmesos2::ShyLUBasker< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the Baker package
||oCAmesos2::STRUMPACK< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to STRUMPACK direct solver and preconditioner
||oCAmesos2::Superlu< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the SuperLU package
||oCAmesos2::Superludist< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the distributed memory version of SuperLU
||oCAmesos2::Superlumt< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the Multi-threaded version of SuperLU
||oCAmesos2::TachoSolver< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the Tacho package
||\CAmesos2::Umfpack< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the Umfpack package
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::Basker, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::Cholmod, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::CssMKL, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::cuSOLVER, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::KLU2, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::Lapack, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::MUMPS, Matrix, Vector >
||\CAmesos2::MUMPS< Matrix, Vector >Amesos2 interface to the MUMPS package
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::PardisoMKL, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::ShyLUBasker, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::STRUMPACK, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::Superlu, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::Superludist, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::Superlumt, Matrix, Vector >
|oCAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::TachoSolver, Matrix, Vector >
|\CAmesos2::SolverCore< Amesos2::Umfpack, Matrix, Vector >
oCAmesos2::solver_supports_scalar< ConcreteSolver, Scalar >Check whether a solver supports a scalar type
oCAmesos2::solver_traits< ConcreteSolver >Provides traits about solvers
oCAmesos2::StatusHolds internal status data about the owning Amesos2 solver
oCAmesos2::TypeMap< ConcreteSolver, Scalar >Map types to solver-specific data-types and enums
oCAmesos2::TypeMap< Amesos2::PardisoMKL, global_ordinal_type >
oCAmesos2::TypeMap< Amesos2::PardisoMKL, local_ordinal_type >
\CAmesos2::Util::vector_pointer_helper< MV, V >Helper struct for getting pointers to the MV data - only used when number of vectors = 1 and single MPI process