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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
oCLOCA::Parameter::AbstractEntryAbstract interface for all entries in LOCA::Parameter::Library
oCLOCA::BorderedSolver::AbstractOperatorAbstract interface class representing an operator for solving bordered sets of linear equations
oCLOCA::AnasaziOperator::AbstractStrategyAbstract interface class for Anasazi operator strategies
oCLOCA::BorderedSolver::AbstractStrategyAbstract interface class for solving bordered sets of linear equations
oCLOCA::Eigensolver::AbstractStrategyAbstract interface class for Eigensolver strategies
oCLOCA::EigenvalueSort::AbstractStrategyAbstract interface for eigenvalue sorting strategies
oCLOCA::MultiPredictor::AbstractStrategyAbstract interface class for predictor strategies
oCLOCA::SaveEigenData::AbstractStrategyAbstract interface class strategies to save eigenvector/value data
oCLOCA::StepSize::AbstractStrategyAbstract interface class for step size control strategies
oCLOCA::Epetra::TransposeLinearSystem::AbstractStrategyA pure virtual interface for solving the transpose of a linear system
oCNOX::Direction::Broyden::BroydenMemoryUtility class for NOX::Direction::Broyden method to manage the information stored in "limited" memory
oCNOX::Direction::Broyden::BroydenMemoryUnitUtility class for NOX::Direction::Broyden::BroydenMemory
oCLOCA::MultiContinuation::ConstraintInterfaceAbstract interface for the constraint portion of a constrained nonlinear system
oCLOCA::Parameter::DefaultFunctor< ObjectType, ValueType >Default function object for setting a single parameter in a single object using a data member pointer
oCThyra::DefaultLinearOpSource< Scalar >
oCLOCA::DerivUtilsLOCA's generic derivative computation class to compute various derivatives via finite differencing
oCEpetra_Operator [external]
oCEpetra_SrcDistObject [external]
oCLOCA::ErrorCheckAn Error checking algorithm for NOX/LOCA routines
oCNOX::Direction::FactoryFactory to build direction objects derived from NOX::Direction::Generic
oCNOX::LineSearch::FactoryFactory to build line search objects derived from NOX::LineSearch::Generic
oCNOX::Solver::FactoryFactory class to control the creation of solvers derived from the NOX::Solver::Generic object
oCNOX::StatusTest::FactoryFactory to build a set of status tests from a parameter list
oCLOCA::Abstract::FactoryAbstract interface for providing a user-defined factory
oCLOCA::AnasaziOperator::FactoryFactory for creating Anasazi operator strategy objects
oCLOCA::Bifurcation::FactoryFactory for creating bifurcation strategy objects
oCLOCA::BorderedSolver::FactoryFactory for creating BorderedSolver strategy objects
oCLOCA::Eigensolver::FactoryFactory for creating Eigensolver strategy objects
oCLOCA::EigenvalueSort::FactoryFactory for creating EigenvalueSort strategy objects
oCLOCA::FactoryFactory class for creating strategies
oCLOCA::MultiContinuation::FactoryFactory for creating continuation strategy objects
oCLOCA::MultiPredictor::FactoryFactory for creating Predictor strategy objects
oCLOCA::SaveEigenData::FactoryFactory for creating strategy objects to save eigenvectors/values
oCLOCA::StatusTest::FactoryFactory to build a set of status tests from a parameter list
oCLOCA::StepSize::FactoryFactory for creating step size control strategy objects
oCLOCA::Epetra::TransposeLinearSystem::FactoryFactory for creating transpose linear system strategy objects
oCNOX::Utils::FillFill object - used to print the given character the number of times specified
oCLOCA::Epetra::Interface::FreeEnergyUsed by LOCA::Epetra::Group to provide a link to the external code for computing the free energy
oCNOX::Direction::GenericGeneric direction interface
oCNOX::LineSearch::GenericBase class line search interface
oCNOX::MeritFunction::GenericBase class to support a user defined merit function that can be passed to line searches and directions through the parameter list
oCNOX::Solver::GenericAbstract nonlinear solver method interface
oCNOX::StatusTest::GenericGeneric status test to check for convergence or failure of the nonlinear solver
oCLOCA::SingularJacobianSolve::GenericGeneric singular jacobian solve interface
oCNOX::GlobalDataContainer class to hold "global" NOX objects
oCLOCA::GlobalDataContainer class to hold "global" LOCA objects
oCNOX::Abstract::GroupNOX pure abstract interface to a "group"; i.e., a solution vector and the corresponding F-vector, Jacobian matrix, gradient vector, and Newton vector
oCLOCA::BorderedSolver::HouseholderQRA convenience class to compute the QR factorization of a an extended multi-vector
oCNOX::Abstract::ImplicitWeightingA pure virtual interface for enabling/disabling any user defined implicit weighting of the concrete object
oCNOX::Direction::Utils::InexactNewtonInexact Newton Utilities
oCNOX::Multiphysics::DataExchange::InterfaceProvides a set of interfaces for users to provide information about exchanging data between registered NOX solvers
oCNOX::Petsc::InterfaceUsed by NOX::Petsc::Group to provide a link to the external code for F and Jacobian evaluations (if needed)
oCNOX::LAPACK::InterfaceVirtual interface for NOX::BLAS::Group to provide a link to the external code for RHS and Jacobian fills
oCLOCA::Abstract::IteratorAn abstract interface for implementing iteration
oCNOX::Epetra::Interface::JacobianUsed by NOX::Epetra to provide a link to the external code for Jacobian fills
oCLOCA::Parameter::LibraryClass to provide a centralized library for setting/retrieving numerical parameter values in application codes
oCThyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar >
oCThyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar >
oCThyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar >
oCNOX::LAPACK::LinearSolver< T >A simple linear solver for use by NOX::LAPACK::Group
oCNOX::LAPACK::LinearSolver< double >
oCNOX::SolverStats::LinearSolveStatsStatistics for the linear solve
oCNOX::Epetra::LinearSystemPure virtual class interface for allowing different linear solvers to be used by the NOX::Epetra::Group
oCNOX::LineSearchCountersCommon counters that all line search algorithms should report
oCLOCA::BorderedSolver::LowerTriangularBlockEliminationBlock elimination strategy for solving a block lower-triangular system
oCLOCA::Epetra::Interface::MassMatrixUsed by LOCA::Epetra::Group to provide a link to the external code for the MassMatrix (coefficients of time dependent terms)
oCNOX::LAPACK::Matrix< T >A simple square matrix class for use by NOX::LAPACK::Group
oCNOX::LAPACK::Matrix< double >
oCThyra::ModelEvaluator< Scalar >
oCLOCA::MultiStepperImplementation of LOCA::Abstract::Iterator for computing points along a continuation curve
oCNOX::Abstract::MultiVectorAbstract interface for multi-vectors used by NOX
oCThyra::MultiVectorBase< Scalar >
oCAnasazi::MultiVecTraits< double, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector >Implementation of the Anasazi::MultiVecTraits for NOX::Abstract::MultiVectors
oCNOX::ObserverNOX's pure virtual class to allow users to insert user defined operations into nox's solvers (before and after the NOX::Solver::Generic::step() and NOX::Solver::Generic::solve() methods). This is an Observer from GoF design pattern book
oCAnasazi::OperatorTraits< double, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector, LOCA::AnasaziOperator::AbstractStrategy >Implementation of the Anasazi::OperatorTraits for LOCA operators
oCNOX::Petsc::OptionsClass to convert solver options from command line (or command input file) into a form usable by NOX
oCTeuchos::ParameterListAcceptor [external]
oCLOCA::ParameterVectorLOCA's container for holding a set of parameters that are used by the LOCA continuation routines
oCNOX::Epetra::Interface::PreconditionerUsed by NOX::Epetra to provide a link to the external code for Precondtioner fills
oCThyra::PreconditionerBase< Scalar >
oCThyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase< Scalar >
oCNOX::RandomA class to compute uniformly distributed random numbers in (-1,1)
oCNOX::Epetra::Interface::RequiredSupplies NOX with the set nonlinear equations
oCLOCA::Thyra::SaveDataStrategyAbstract interface class strategies to save continuation data
oCNOX::Epetra::ScalingObject to control scaling of vectors and linear systems
oCNOX::Utils::SciSci object - used to print the given value with the specified precision
oCNOX::Petsc::SharedJacobianShared Jacobian for NOX::Petsc::Group objects
oCNOX::SharedObject< Object, Owner >Holder for objects that are shared between NOX::Abstract::Groups
oCNOX::SharedObject< NOX::Epetra::NOX::Epetra::LinearSystem, NOX::Epetra::NOX::Epetra::Group >
oCNOX::LineSearch::Utils::SlopeCommon line search utilites for computing the slope of a function
oCLOCA::Hopf::MooreSpence::SolverFactoryFactory for creating solver objects for solving Moore-Spence Hopf equations
oCLOCA::TurningPoint::MooreSpence::SolverFactoryFactory for creating solver objects for solving Moore-Spence turning point equations
oCLOCA::Pitchfork::MooreSpence::SolverFactoryFactory for creating solver objects for solving Moore-Spence pitchfork equations
oCNOX::SolverStatsContainer for solver statistics
oCLOCA::Pitchfork::MooreSpence::SolverStrategyAbstract strategy for solving the Moore-Spence pitchfork equations
oCLOCA::TurningPoint::MooreSpence::SolverStrategyAbstract strategy for solving the Moore-Spence turning point equations
oCLOCA::Hopf::MooreSpence::SolverStrategyAbstract strategy for solving the Moore-Spence Hopf equations
oCLOCA::Parameter::SublistParserClass to parse a parameter list for sublists
oCRTOpPack::TOpEleWiseMinSwapEleWiseTransformation< Scalar >Element-wise transformation operator for TOpEleWiseMinSwap
oCNOX::SolverStats::TrustRegionStatsContainer for trust region statistics
oCLOCA::BorderedSolver::UpperTriangularBlockEliminationBlock elimination strategy for solving a block upper-triangular system
oCNOX::LineSearch::UserDefinedFactoryPure virtual interface for users to supply their own line search objects
oCNOX::Direction::UserDefinedFactoryPure virtual interface for users to supply their own direction objects
oCNOX::UtilsProvides printing utilities
oCNOX::Abstract::VectorNOX's pure abstract vector interface for vectors that are used by the nonlinear solver
oCThyra::VectorBase< Scalar >
\CNOX::Epetra::VectorSpacePure virtual base class for the vector space used by NOX::Epetra::Vectors