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panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits > Class Template Referenceabstract

#include <Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >:
Inheritance graph


struct  Gather_Builder
struct  GatherDomain_Builder
struct  GatherOrientation_Builder
struct  GatherTangent_Builder
struct  Scatter_Builder
struct  ScatterDirichlet_Builder

Public Member Functions

virtual ~LinearObjFactory ()
template<typename BuilderT >
void buildGatherScatterEvaluators (const BuilderT &builder)
virtual void readVector (const std::string &identifier, LinearObjContainer &loc, int id) const =0
virtual void writeVector (const std::string &identifier, const LinearObjContainer &loc, int id) const =0
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< LinearObjContainer
buildLinearObjContainer () const =0
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< LinearObjContainer
buildPrimitiveLinearObjContainer () const =0
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< LinearObjContainer
buildGhostedLinearObjContainer () const =0
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< LinearObjContainer
buildPrimitiveGhostedLinearObjContainer () const =0
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< ReadOnlyVector_GlobalEvaluationData
buildReadOnlyDomainContainer () const =0
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< WriteVector_GlobalEvaluationData
buildWriteDomainContainer () const =0
virtual void globalToGhostContainer (const LinearObjContainer &container, LinearObjContainer &ghostContainer, int) const =0
virtual void ghostToGlobalContainer (const LinearObjContainer &ghostContainer, LinearObjContainer &container, int) const =0
virtual void initializeContainer (int, LinearObjContainer &loc) const =0
virtual void initializeGhostedContainer (int, LinearObjContainer &loc) const =0
virtual void adjustForDirichletConditions (const LinearObjContainer &localBCRows, const LinearObjContainer &globalBCRows, LinearObjContainer &ghostedObjs, bool zeroVectorRows=false, bool adjustX=false) const =0
virtual void applyDirichletBCs (const LinearObjContainer &counter, LinearObjContainer &result) const =0
virtual Teuchos::MpiComm< int > getComm () const =0
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP< PHX::Evaluator
< Traits > > 
buildScatter (const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl) const
 Use preconstructed scatter evaluators. More...
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP< PHX::Evaluator
< Traits > > 
buildGather (const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl) const
 Use preconstructed gather evaluators. More...
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP< PHX::Evaluator
< Traits > > 
buildGatherTangent (const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl) const
 Use preconstructed gather evaluators. More...
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP< PHX::Evaluator
< Traits > > 
buildGatherDomain (const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl) const
 Use preconstructed gather evaluators. More...
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP< PHX::Evaluator
< Traits > > 
buildGatherOrientation (const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl) const
 Use preconstructed gather evaluators. More...
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP< PHX::Evaluator
< Traits > > 
buildScatterDirichlet (const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl) const
 Use preconstructed dirichlet scatter evaluators. More...
< const
getUniqueGlobalIndexerBase () const
 Get the range global indexer object associated with this factory. More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP< const
getDomainGlobalIndexer () const =0
 Get the domain global indexer object associated with this factory. More...
virtual Teuchos::RCP< const
getRangeGlobalIndexer () const =0
 Get the range global indexer object associated with this factory. More...
virtual void beginFill (LinearObjContainer &) const
virtual void endFill (LinearObjContainer &) const

Private Types

typedef PHX::TemplateManager
< typename Traits::EvalTypes,
PHX::EvaluatorDerived< _,
Traits > > 

Private Attributes

< Evaluator_TemplateManager
< Evaluator_TemplateManager
< Evaluator_TemplateManager
< Evaluator_TemplateManager
< Evaluator_TemplateManager
< Evaluator_TemplateManager

Detailed Description

template<typename Traits>
class panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >

Abstract factory that builds the linear algebra objects required for the assembly including the gather/scatter evaluator objects.

The interface for construction of the gather scatter is externally very simple, but in fact under the hood it is quite complex. The user of this factory object simply calls buildGather(const Teuchos::ParameterList & pl) const, buildScatter(const Teuchos::ParameterList & pl) const, or buildScatterDirichlet(const Teuchos::ParameterList & pl) const.

To implement a version of this class an author must overide all the linear algebra construction functions. The new version should also call the base class version of buildGatherScatterEvaluators in the constructor with a reference to itself passed in as an argument. This requires the new version of the class to implement the following functions

This builds the correct scatter/gather/scatter-dirichlet evaluator objects and returns them as a CloneableEvaluator (These evaluators must overide the CloneableEvaluator::clone function which takes a parameter list). The cloned evaluators will be the ones actually returned from the buildGather(const Teuchos::ParameterList & pl) const, buildGatherDomain(const Teuchos::ParameterList & pl) const, buildGatherOrientation(const Teuchos::ParameterList & pl) const, buildScatter(const Teuchos::ParameterList & pl) const, or buildScatterDirichlet(const Teuchos::ParameterList & pl) const functions.

Definition at line 103 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename Traits>
typedef PHX::TemplateManager<typename Traits::EvalTypes, panzer::CloneableEvaluator, PHX::EvaluatorDerived<_,Traits> > panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::Evaluator_TemplateManager

Definition at line 293 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Traits>
virtual panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::~LinearObjFactory ( )

Definition at line 105 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Traits >
template<typename BuilderT >
void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildGatherScatterEvaluators ( const BuilderT &  builder)

This builds all the required evaluators. It is required to be called before the build[Gather,Scatter,ScatterDirichlet] functions are called. This would typically be called by the inheriting class.

[in]builderTemplate class to build all required evaluators. The class has the following interface.

Definition at line 373 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::readVector ( const std::string &  identifier,
LinearObjContainer loc,
int  id 
) const
pure virtual

Read in a vector from a file. Fill a particular vector in the linear object container.

[in]identifierKey for specifying which file(s) to read
[in]locLinear object container to fill with the vector
[in]idId for the field to be filled

Implemented in panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, and panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::writeVector ( const std::string &  identifier,
const LinearObjContainer loc,
int  id 
) const
pure virtual

Write in a vector from a file. Fill a particular vector in the linear object container.

[in]identifierKey for specifying which file(s) to read
[in]locLinear object container to fill with the vector
[in]idId for the field to be filled

Implemented in panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, and panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual Teuchos::RCP<LinearObjContainer> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildLinearObjContainer ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Traits>
virtual Teuchos::RCP<LinearObjContainer> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildPrimitiveLinearObjContainer ( ) const
pure virtual

Build a container with all the neccessary linear algebra objects, purely on the single physics. This gives linear algebra objects that are relevant for a single physics solve. In many cases this is simply a call to buildLinearObjContainer however, in a few important cases (for instance in stochastic galerkin methods) this will return a container for a single instantiation of the physics. This is the non-ghosted version.

Implemented in panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, and panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual Teuchos::RCP<LinearObjContainer> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildGhostedLinearObjContainer ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Traits>
virtual Teuchos::RCP<LinearObjContainer> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildPrimitiveGhostedLinearObjContainer ( ) const
pure virtual

Build a container with all the neccessary linear algebra objects, purely on the single physics. This gives linear algebra objects that are relevant for a single physics solve. In many cases this is simply a call to buildGhostedLinearObjContainer however, in a few important cases (for instance in stochastic galerkin methods) this will return a container for a single instantiation of the physics. This is the ghosted version.

Implemented in panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, and panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual Teuchos::RCP<ReadOnlyVector_GlobalEvaluationData> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildReadOnlyDomainContainer ( ) const
pure virtual

Build a GlobalEvaluationDataContainer that handles all domain communication. This is used primarily for gather operations and hides the allocation and usage of the ghosted vector from the user.

Implemented in panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, and panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual Teuchos::RCP<WriteVector_GlobalEvaluationData> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildWriteDomainContainer ( ) const
pure virtual

Build a GlobalEvaluationDataContainer that handles all domain communication. This is used primarily for gather operations and hides the allocation and usage of the ghosted vector from the user.

Implemented in panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, and panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::globalToGhostContainer ( const LinearObjContainer container,
LinearObjContainer ghostContainer,
) const
pure virtual
template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::ghostToGlobalContainer ( const LinearObjContainer ghostContainer,
LinearObjContainer container,
) const
pure virtual
template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::initializeContainer ( int  ,
LinearObjContainer loc 
) const
pure virtual

Initialize container with a specific set of member values.

This will overwrite everything in the container and zero out values not requested.

Implemented in panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, and panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::initializeGhostedContainer ( int  ,
LinearObjContainer loc 
) const
pure virtual

Initialize container with a specific set of member values.

This will overwrite everything in the container and zero out values not requested.

Implemented in panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, and panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::adjustForDirichletConditions ( const LinearObjContainer localBCRows,
const LinearObjContainer globalBCRows,
LinearObjContainer ghostedObjs,
bool  zeroVectorRows = false,
bool  adjustX = false 
) const
pure virtual

Adjust the residual vector and Jacobian matrix (if they exist) for applied dirichlet conditions. The adjustment considers if a boundary condition was set globally and locally and based on that result adjust the ghosted matrix and residual vector so that when they are summed across processors they resulting Dirichlet condition is correct.

[in]localBCRowsLinear object container uses the X vector to indicate locally set dirichlet conditions. The format is if an entry of the vector is nonzero then it was set as a dirichlet condition.
[in]globalBCRowsLinear object container uses the X vector to indicate globally set dirichlet conditions. The format is if an entry of the vector is nonzero then it was set as a dirichlet condition.
[in,out]ghostedObjsGhosted linear object container storing the residual and jacobian matrix for any boundary conditions set. The matrix will be modified by zeroing any rows that are set as nonzero in globalBCRows but zero in localBCRows (similarly for the vector). If a row is nonzero in both localBCRows and globalBCRows then those rows in both the matrix and the residual vector are devided by the corresponding entry in the globalBCRows.
[in]zeroVectorRowsInstead of preserving (and scaling) the vector rows, setting this to true will zero them instead.

Implemented in panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, and panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::applyDirichletBCs ( const LinearObjContainer counter,
LinearObjContainer result 
) const
pure virtual

Adjust a vector by replacing selected rows with the value of the evaluated dirichlet conditions. This is handled through the standard container mechanism.

[in]counterContains a counter vector (the "x" vector) indicating which rows contain dirichlet conditions by having a non zero entry. The dirichlet condition values are specified in the "f" vector.
[in,out]resultThe vector to be modifed is the "f" vector.

Implemented in panzer::BlockedTpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >, panzer::BlockedEpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, LocalOrdinalT >, and panzer::TpetraLinearObjFactory< Traits, ScalarT, LocalOrdinalT, GlobalOrdinalT, NodeT >.

template<typename Traits>
virtual Teuchos::MpiComm<int> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::getComm ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Traits>
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP<PHX::Evaluator<Traits> > panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildScatter ( const Teuchos::ParameterList pl) const

Use preconstructed scatter evaluators.

Definition at line 248 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP<PHX::Evaluator<Traits> > panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildGather ( const Teuchos::ParameterList pl) const

Use preconstructed gather evaluators.

Definition at line 253 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP<PHX::Evaluator<Traits> > panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildGatherTangent ( const Teuchos::ParameterList pl) const

Use preconstructed gather evaluators.

Definition at line 258 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP<PHX::Evaluator<Traits> > panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildGatherDomain ( const Teuchos::ParameterList pl) const

Use preconstructed gather evaluators.

Definition at line 263 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP<PHX::Evaluator<Traits> > panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildGatherOrientation ( const Teuchos::ParameterList pl) const

Use preconstructed gather evaluators.

Definition at line 268 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
template<typename EvalT >
Teuchos::RCP<PHX::Evaluator<Traits> > panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::buildScatterDirichlet ( const Teuchos::ParameterList pl) const

Use preconstructed dirichlet scatter evaluators.

Definition at line 273 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
PANZER_DEPRECATED Teuchos::RCP<const panzer::UniqueGlobalIndexerBase> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::getUniqueGlobalIndexerBase ( ) const

Get the range global indexer object associated with this factory.

Definition at line 277 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
virtual Teuchos::RCP<const panzer::UniqueGlobalIndexerBase> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::getDomainGlobalIndexer ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Traits>
virtual Teuchos::RCP<const panzer::UniqueGlobalIndexerBase> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::getRangeGlobalIndexer ( ) const
pure virtual
template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::beginFill ( LinearObjContainer ) const
template<typename Traits>
virtual void panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::endFill ( LinearObjContainer ) const

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Traits>
Teuchos::RCP<Evaluator_TemplateManager> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::scatterManager_

Definition at line 296 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
Teuchos::RCP<Evaluator_TemplateManager> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::scatterDirichletManager_

Definition at line 297 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
Teuchos::RCP<Evaluator_TemplateManager> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::gatherManager_

Definition at line 298 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
Teuchos::RCP<Evaluator_TemplateManager> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::gatherTangentManager_

Definition at line 299 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
Teuchos::RCP<Evaluator_TemplateManager> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::gatherDomainManager_

Definition at line 300 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

template<typename Traits>
Teuchos::RCP<Evaluator_TemplateManager> panzer::LinearObjFactory< Traits >::gatherOrientManager_

Definition at line 301 of file Panzer_LinearObjFactory.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: