Thyra  Version of the Day
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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Thyra: Interfaces and Support for Abstract Numerical Algorithms
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004 NTESS and the Thyra contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
13 #include "Thyra_LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase.hpp"
14 #include "Thyra_DefaultLinearOpSource.hpp"
15 #include "Thyra_DefaultPreconditioner.hpp"
16 #include "Thyra_DefaultInverseLinearOp.hpp"
19 namespace Thyra {
27 template<class Scalar>
29  const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> &lowsFactory,
30  const LinearOpBase<Scalar> &fwdOp
31  )
32 {
33  return lowsFactory.isCompatible(*defaultLinearOpSource(fwdOp));
34 }
41 template<class Scalar>
43  const LinearOpBase<Scalar> &fwdOp,
45  )
46 {
47  const std::string OpLabel = Op->getObjectLabel();
48  const std::string fwdOpLabel = fwdOp.getObjectLabel();
49  if ( !OpLabel.length() && fwdOpLabel.length() )
50  Op->setObjectLabel(fwdOpLabel);
51 }
58 template<class Scalar>
60  const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> &lowsFactory,
61  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > &fwdOp,
63  const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse = SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED
64  )
65 {
66  lowsFactory.initializeOp(defaultLinearOpSource(fwdOp), &*Op, supportSolveUse);
67  setDefaultObjectLabel(*fwdOp, Op);
68 }
76 template<class Scalar>
78  const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> &lowsFactory,
79  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > &fwdOp,
81  )
82 {
83  lowsFactory.initializeAndReuseOp(defaultLinearOpSource(fwdOp), &*Op);
84  setDefaultObjectLabel(*fwdOp, Op);
85 }
93 template<class Scalar>
95  const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> &lowsFactory,
96  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > &fwdOp,
97  const RCP<const PreconditionerBase<Scalar> > &prec,
99  const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse = SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED
100  )
101 {
102  lowsFactory.initializePreconditionedOp(defaultLinearOpSource(fwdOp),
103  prec, &*Op, supportSolveUse);
104  setDefaultObjectLabel(*fwdOp ,Op);
105 }
113 template<class Scalar>
115  const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> &lowsFactory,
116  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > &fwdOp,
117  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > &approxFwdOp,
119  const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse = SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED
120  )
121 {
122  lowsFactory.initializeApproxPreconditionedOp(defaultLinearOpSource(fwdOp),
123  defaultLinearOpSource(approxFwdOp), &*Op, supportSolveUse);
124  setDefaultObjectLabel(*fwdOp,Op);
125 }
132 template<class Scalar>
135  const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> &lowsFactory,
136  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > &fwdOp,
137  const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse = SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED
138  )
139 {
140  RCP<LinearOpWithSolveBase<Scalar> > Op = lowsFactory.createOp();
141  Thyra::initializeOp<Scalar>( lowsFactory, fwdOp, Op.ptr(), supportSolveUse);
142  return Op;
143 }
151 template<class Scalar>
155  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > &fwdOp,
156  const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse = SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED,
157  const Ptr<const SolveCriteria<Scalar> > &fwdSolveCriteria = Teuchos::null,
158  const EThrowOnSolveFailure throwOnFwdSolveFailure = THROW_ON_SOLVE_FAILURE,
159  const Ptr<const SolveCriteria<Scalar> > &adjSolveCriteria = Teuchos::null,
160  const EThrowOnSolveFailure throwOnAdjSolveFailure = THROW_ON_SOLVE_FAILURE
161  )
162 {
163  return inverse<Scalar>(linearOpWithSolve<Scalar>(LOWSF, fwdOp, supportSolveUse),
164  fwdSolveCriteria, throwOnFwdSolveFailure, adjSolveCriteria, throwOnAdjSolveFailure);
165 }
173 template<class Scalar>
175  const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> &lowsFactory,
177  const Ptr<RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > > &fwdOp = Teuchos::null,
178  const Ptr<RCP<const PreconditionerBase<Scalar> > > &prec = Teuchos::null,
179  const Ptr<RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > > &approxFwdOp = Teuchos::null,
180  const Ptr<ESupportSolveUse> &supportSolveUse = Teuchos::null
181  )
182 {
184  RCP<const LinearOpSourceBase<Scalar> > approxFwdOpSrc;
185  lowsFactory.uninitializeOp(Op.get(), &fwdOpSrc, prec.get(), &approxFwdOpSrc,
186  supportSolveUse.get());
187  if (nonnull(fwdOp)) {
188  *fwdOp = ( nonnull(fwdOpSrc) ? fwdOpSrc->getOp() : Teuchos::null );
189  }
190  if (nonnull(approxFwdOp)) {
191  *approxFwdOp = ( nonnull(approxFwdOpSrc) ? approxFwdOpSrc->getOp() : Teuchos::null );
192  }
193 }
196 } // namespace Thyra
How the output LOWSB object will be useded for solves in unspecified.
virtual std::string getObjectLabel() const
Base class for all linear operators that can support a high-level solve operation.
virtual void initializePreconditionedOp(const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &fwdOpSrc, const RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > &prec, LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED) const
Initialize a pre-created LinearOpWithSolveBase object given a &quot;compatible&quot; LinearOpBase object and an...
virtual void initializeOp(const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &fwdOpSrc, LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED) const =0
Initialize a pre-created LinearOpWithSolveBase object given a &quot;compatible&quot; LinearOpBase object...
void initializeAndReuseOp(const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op)
Reinitialize a pre-created LOWSB object given a forward operator, reusing a much as possible from the...
T * get() const
void uninitializeOp(const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op, const Ptr< RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > > &fwdOp=Teuchos::null, const Ptr< RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > > &prec=Teuchos::null, const Ptr< RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > > &approxFwdOp=Teuchos::null, const Ptr< ESupportSolveUse > &supportSolveUse=Teuchos::null)
Uninitialized a pre-created LOWSB object, returning input objects used to initialize it...
Simple interface class to access a precreated preconditioner as one or more linear operators objects ...
virtual void initializeAndReuseOp(const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &fwdOpSrc, LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op) const
Initialize a pre-created LinearOpWithSolveBase object given a &quot;compatible&quot; LinearOpBase object but al...
virtual void initializeApproxPreconditionedOp(const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &fwdOpSrc, const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &approxFwdOpSrc, LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED) const
Initialize a pre-created LinearOpWithSolveBase object given a &quot;compatible&quot; forward LinearOpBase objec...
virtual RCP< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > createOp() const =0
Create an (uninitialized) LinearOpWithSolveBase object to be initialized later in this-&gt;initializeOp(...
void setDefaultObjectLabel(const LinearOpBase< Scalar > &fwdOp, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op)
Set default label on a LOWSB object.
Throw an exception if a solve fails to converge.
Factory interface for creating LinearOpWithSolveBase objects from compatible LinearOpBase objects...
Ptr< T > ptr() const
void initializeApproxPreconditionedOp(const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &approxFwdOp, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED)
Initialize a preconditioned LOWSB object given an external operator to be used to generate the precon...
void initializePreconditionedOp(const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > &prec, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED)
Initialize a preconditioned LOWSB object given an external preconditioner.
Base class for all linear operators.
Enum that specifies how a LinearOpWithSolveBase object will be used for solves after it is constructe...
virtual bool isCompatible(const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > &fwdOpSrc) const =0
Check that a LinearOpBase object is compatible with *this factory object.
bool nonnull(const boost::shared_ptr< T > &p)
void initializeOp(const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED)
Initialize a pre-created LOWSB object given a forward operator.
virtual void uninitializeOp(LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op, RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *fwdOpSrc=NULL, RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > *prec=NULL, RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *approxFwdOpSrc=NULL, ESupportSolveUse *supportSolveUse=NULL) const =0
Uninitialize a LinearOpWithSolveBase object and return its remembered forward linear operator and pot...
Determines what to do if inverse solve fails.
RCP< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > linearOpWithSolve(const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED)
Create and initialize a LinearOpWithSolveBase object from a LinearOpBase object using a LinearOpWithS...
Simple struct that defines the requested solution criteria for a solve.
RCP< LinearOpBase< Scalar > > inverse(const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &LOWSF, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED, const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< Scalar > > &fwdSolveCriteria=Teuchos::null, const EThrowOnSolveFailure throwOnFwdSolveFailure=THROW_ON_SOLVE_FAILURE, const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< Scalar > > &adjSolveCriteria=Teuchos::null, const EThrowOnSolveFailure throwOnAdjSolveFailure=THROW_ON_SOLVE_FAILURE)
Form a const implicit inverse operator M = inv(A) given a factory.
bool isCompatible(const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const LinearOpBase< Scalar > &fwdOp)
Return if the forward operator is a compatible source for a LOWSFB object.