Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Thyra Software | |
Thyra interfaces | |
 Thyra operator/vector interfaces | These are the Operator/Vector Interfaces that provide the foundation for all ANAs |
  Thyra operator/vector fundamental interfaces | These are the fundamental Operator/Vector Interfaces that provide the foundation for all ANAs |
  Thyra operator/vector extended interfaces | These are the extended Operator/Vector Interfaces that provide the foundation for all ANAs |
  State behavior of Thyra views | |
 Thyra operator solve interfaces | These are the Operator/Vector Interfaces that provide the foundation for all ANAs |
  Thyra operator solve fundamental interfaces | These are the fundamental Operator Solve Interfaces that provide the foundation for all ANAs |
  Thyra operator solve extended interfaces | These are the extended Operator Solve Interfaces that provide the foundation for all ANAs |
 Thyra nonlinear interfaces | These are the Nonlinear Interfaces that provide the foundation for all ANAs |
  Thyra nonlinear model interfaces | These are the thyra_interfaces_nonlinear_model_evalautor_sec that provide the foundation for all ANAs |
  Thyra nonlinear solver interfaces | These are the thyra_interfaces_nonlinear_solvers_sec that provide the foundation for all ANAs |
Thyra support | |
 Thyra operator/vector support | This is the Operator/Vector Support |
  Development of linear Abstract Numerical Algorithms (ANAs) (Client Support) | While the Thyra operator/vector fundamental interfaces were not principally designed to provide a direct API for the development of ANA software, with some minimal helper functions and classes, directly writing even sophisticated ANA implementations directly in terms of Thyra objects is quite straightforward |
  Development of Concrete Thyra Operator/Vector Subclass Implementations (Adapter Support) | In order for abstract numerical algorithms (ANAs) developed with Thyra or accessed using Thyra to be useful, concrete implementations of the Thyra operator/vector fundamental interfaces must be provided. However, because of a number of convenient C++ subclasses described here, a developer of such implementation subclasses does not really need to understand much at all about the philosophy or details behind the fundamental Thyra interfaces in order to provide implementations for the most common use cases |
   Miscellaneous Support Code for Developing Thyra Operator/Vector Subclass Implementations | This is some basic C++ code to support the development of Thyra subclass implementations |
   Basic Support Subclasses Abstracting Application-Specific Scalar Products | |
   Thyra Operator/Vector Subclasses for SPMD Distributed-Memory Platforms | The package Thyra includes subclasses for common serial and SPMD vector spaces, vectors, and multi-vectors which are described here |
    Thyra Operator/Vector Base Support Subclasses for SPMD Thyra Implementations | The package Thyra contains base subclasses that support a common type of SPMD implementation of vectors and multi-vectors that are described here. The base subclasses described here provide support for a simple, yet general, category of Serial and SPMD vectors, multi-vectors and vector spaces |
    Efficient Generic SPMD Concrete Thyra Operator/Vector Subclass Implementations | The package Thyra contains highly efficient concrete implementations of SPMD vector space, vector and multi-vector subclasses |
    Official utilities for accessing local data in SPMD vectors and multi-vectors. | These non-member helper functions provide the standard way by which clients can get access to local data in VectorBase and MultiVector base objects for the standard SPMD objects. They are the primary interoperability mechanism for clients to get at local SPMD VectorBase and MultiVectorBase data |
 Operator/Solve ANA Support Software | This is the Operator Solve Support |
 Thyra nonlinear support | |
  Thyra nonlinear model-evaluator support | This is the Nonlinear Model Evaluator Support |
  Thyra nonlinear solver support | This is the Nonlinear Solvers Support |
Thyra adapters | |
 Thyra/Epetra Operator/Vector Adapter Code | |
 Thyra/Tpetra Operator/Vector Adapter Code | |
 Thyra/EpetraExt Adapter Code | |
Thyra deprecated software | Assert that a LOWSB object supports a particular solve type |