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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Teuchos: Common Tools Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004 NTESS and the Teuchos contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
17 #include "Teuchos_ConfigDefs.hpp"
20 namespace Teuchos {
23 template <typename T>
24 struct UndefinedScalarTraits
25 {
27  static inline T notDefined() { return T::this_type_is_missing_a_specialization(); }
28 };
31 /* This is the default structure used by ScalarTraits<T> to produce a compile time
32  error when the specialization does not exist for type <tt>T</tt>.
33 */
57 template <typename T>
59 {
61  typedef T magnitudeType;
63  typedef T halfPrecision;
65  typedef T doublePrecision;
67  typedef T coordinateType;
69  static const bool isComplex = false;
71  static const bool isOrdinal = false;
73  static const bool isComparable = false;
78  static const bool hasMachineParameters = false;
80  static inline magnitudeType eps() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
82  static inline magnitudeType sfmin() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
84  static inline magnitudeType base() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
86  static inline magnitudeType prec() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
88  static inline magnitudeType t() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
90  static inline magnitudeType rnd() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
92  static inline magnitudeType emin() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
94  static inline magnitudeType rmin() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
96  static inline magnitudeType emax() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
98  static inline magnitudeType rmax() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
100  static inline magnitudeType magnitude(T a) { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
102  static inline T zero() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
104  static inline T one() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
106  static inline magnitudeType real(T a) { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
108  static inline magnitudeType imag(T a) { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
110  static inline T conjugate(T a) { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
112  static inline T nan() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
114  static inline bool isnaninf(const T& x) { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
116  static inline void seedrandom(unsigned int s) { int i; T t = &i; }
118  static inline T random() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
120  static inline std::string name() { (void)UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); return 0; }
122  static inline T squareroot(T x) { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
124  static inline T pow(T x, T y) { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined(); }
126  static inline T pi() { return UndefinedScalarTraits<T>::notDefined();}
127 };
130 } // Teuchos namespace
T magnitudeType
Mandatory typedef for result of magnitude.
static magnitudeType eps()
Returns relative machine precision.
static T squareroot(T x)
Returns a number of magnitudeType that is the square root of this scalar type x.
static const bool isComparable
Determines if scalar type supports relational operators such as &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=, &gt;=.
static magnitudeType real(T a)
Returns the real part of the scalar type a.
Teuchos header file which uses auto-configuration information to include necessary C++ headers...
static T pow(T x, T y)
Returns the result of raising one scalar x to the power y.
static magnitudeType emax()
Returns the largest exponent before overflow.
static magnitudeType base()
Returns the base of the machine.
static const bool hasMachineParameters
Determines if scalar type have machine-specific parameters (i.e. eps(), sfmin(), base(), prec(), t(), rnd(), emin(), rmin(), emax(), rmax() are supported).
static std::string name()
Returns the name of this scalar type.
static magnitudeType rmax()
Overflow theshold - (base^emax)*(1-eps)
static magnitudeType sfmin()
Returns safe minimum (sfmin), such that 1/sfmin does not overflow.
This structure defines some basic traits for a scalar field type.
static T pi()
Returns the value of PI.
T coordinateType
Typedef for coordinates.
static T conjugate(T a)
Returns the conjugate of the scalar type a.
static const bool isOrdinal
Determines if scalar type is an ordinal type.
static magnitudeType prec()
Returns eps*base.
static magnitudeType t()
Returns the number of (base) digits in the mantissa.
static magnitudeType rmin()
Returns the underflow threshold - base^(emin-1)
T doublePrecision
Typedef for double precision.
static void seedrandom(unsigned int s)
Seed the random number generator returned by random().
static magnitudeType imag(T a)
Returns the imaginary part of the scalar type a.
static bool isnaninf(const T &x)
Returns true if x is NaN or Inf.
static magnitudeType magnitude(T a)
Returns the magnitudeType of the scalar type a.
static T nan()
Returns a number that represents NaN.
static T zero()
Returns representation of zero for this scalar type.
static T random()
Returns a random number (between -one() and +one()) of this scalar type.
T halfPrecision
Typedef for half precision.
static const bool isComplex
Determines if scalar type is std::complex.
static magnitudeType emin()
Returns the minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow.
static magnitudeType rnd()
Returns 1.0 when rounding occurs in addition, 0.0 otherwise.
static T one()
Returns representation of one for this scalar type.