51 dependees_(dependees), dependents_(dependents)
60 dependees_(dependees),
72 dependents_(dependents)
91 ParameterEntryList::iterator it =
101 out <<
"Number of dependees: " <<
dependees_.size() << std::endl;
102 out <<
"Number of dependents: " <<
dependents_.size() << std::endl;
107 ConstParameterEntryList::iterator it1 =
111 "Cannot have a null dependee!" << std::endl << std::endl);
114 ParameterEntryList::iterator it2 =
118 "Cannot have a null dependent!" << std::endl << std::endl);
std::set< RCP< const ParameterEntry >, RCPConstComp > ConstParameterEntryList
A list of dependents.
std::set< RCP< ParameterEntry >, RCPComp > ParameterEntryList
A list of Dependees.
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(throw_exception_test, Exception, msg)
Macro for throwing an exception with breakpointing to ease debugging.
virtual void print(std::ostream &out) const
prints out information about the dependency.
Declaring and defining the default constructor as private.
ConstParameterEntryList dependees_
The parameters being depended upon.
ParameterEntryList dependents_
The dependent paramters.
virtual std::string getTypeAttributeValue() const =0
Returns the string to be used for the value of the type attribute when converting the dependency to X...
void createConstDependents()
creates a const version of the dependent parameters.
ConstParameterEntryList constDependents_
A const version dependent paramters.
Smart reference counting pointer class for automatic garbage collection.
void checkDependeesAndDependents()
makes sure the none of the dependess and dependets are null.