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Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar > Class Template Reference

Concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass in terms of Belos. More...

#include <Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_decl.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >:
Inheritance graph

Public typedefs

typedef MultiVectorBase< Scalar > MV_t
typedef LinearOpBase< Scalar > LO_t


 BelosLinearOpWithSolve ()
 Construct to unintialize. More...
void initialize (const RCP< Belos::LinearProblem< Scalar, MV_t, LO_t > > &lp, const RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &solverPL, const RCP< Belos::SolverManager< Scalar, MV_t, LO_t > > &iterativeSolver, const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &fwdOpSrc, const RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > &prec, const bool isExternalPrec, const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &approxFwdOpSrc, const ESupportSolveUse &supportSolveUse, const int convergenceTestFrequency)
 Initializes given precreated solver objects. More...
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase
< Scalar > > 
extract_fwdOpSrc ()
RCP< const PreconditionerBase
< Scalar > > 
extract_prec ()
bool isExternalPrec () const
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase
< Scalar > > 
extract_approxFwdOpSrc ()
ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse () const
void uninitialize (RCP< Belos::LinearProblem< Scalar, MV_t, LO_t > > *lp=NULL, RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > *solverPL=NULL, RCP< Belos::SolverManager< Scalar, MV_t, LO_t > > *iterativeSolver=NULL, RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *fwdOpSrc=NULL, RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > *prec=NULL, bool *isExternalPrec=NULL, RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *approxFwdOpSrc=NULL, ESupportSolveUse *supportSolveUse=NULL)
 Uninitializes and returns stored quantities. More...

Overridden from LinearOpBase

RCP< const VectorSpaceBase
< Scalar > > 
range () const
RCP< const VectorSpaceBase
< Scalar > > 
domain () const
RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > clone () const
virtual bool opSupportedImpl (EOpTransp M_trans) const
virtual void applyImpl (const EOpTransp M_trans, const MultiVectorBase< Scalar > &X, const Ptr< MultiVectorBase< Scalar > > &Y, const Scalar alpha, const Scalar beta) const

Overridden from Teuchos::Describable

std::string description () const
void describe (Teuchos::FancyOStream &out, const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const

Overridden from ParameterListAcceptor

void setParameterList (RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > const &paramList)
RCP< Teuchos::ParameterListgetNonconstParameterList ()
RCP< Teuchos::ParameterListunsetParameterList ()
RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterListgetParameterList () const
RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterListgetValidParameters () const

Overridden from LinearOpWithSolveBase.

virtual bool solveSupportsImpl (EOpTransp M_trans) const
virtual bool solveSupportsNewImpl (EOpTransp transp, const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< Scalar > > solveCriteria) const
virtual bool solveSupportsSolveMeasureTypeImpl (EOpTransp M_trans, const SolveMeasureType &solveMeasureType) const
virtual SolveStatus< Scalar > solveImpl (const EOpTransp transp, const MultiVectorBase< Scalar > &B, const Ptr< MultiVectorBase< Scalar > > &X, const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< Scalar > > solveCriteria) const

Detailed Description

template<class Scalar>
class Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >

Concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass in terms of Belos.

ToDo: Finish documentation!

Definition at line 66 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_decl.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class Scalar>
typedef MultiVectorBase<Scalar> Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::MV_t

Definition at line 74 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_decl.hpp.

template<class Scalar>
typedef LinearOpBase<Scalar> Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::LO_t

Definition at line 76 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_decl.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class Scalar >
Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::BelosLinearOpWithSolve ( )

Construct to unintialize.

Definition at line 150 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::initialize ( const RCP< Belos::LinearProblem< Scalar, MV_t, LO_t > > &  lp,
const RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  solverPL,
const RCP< Belos::SolverManager< Scalar, MV_t, LO_t > > &  iterativeSolver,
const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &  fwdOpSrc,
const RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > &  prec,
const bool  isExternalPrec,
const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &  approxFwdOpSrc,
const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse,
const int  convergenceTestFrequency 

Initializes given precreated solver objects.

lp[in] The linear problem that was used to initialize the iterative solver. The RHS and LHS arguments are set on this object to solve a linear system.
solverPL[in] Parameter list that is used by the iterative solver.
iterativeSolver[in] The iterative solver manager that will be used to solve for linear systems. This has links to *lp, *solverPL already embedded.
fwdOpSrc[in] The source for the forward operator object defining the linear system. This object is not used here, it is just being "remembered" so that it can be extracted by BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::unitializeOp().
prec[in] The preconditioner object that was used to get the preconditioners set in *lp This object is not used here, it is just being "remembered" so that it can be extracted by BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::unitializeOp().
isExternalPrec[in] Determines if the preconditioner was set by an external client or was created internally by the BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory object. This is not used here, it is just being "remembered" so that it can be used in the logic for BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::unitializeOp().
approxFwdOpSrc[in] The external approximate forward operator object that was used to create the internal preconditioner. This object is not used here, it is just being "remembered" so that it can be extracted by BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::unitializeOp().
supportSolveUse[in] Argument passed to BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory that is being remembered here to be passed back to BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory::unitializeOp().

ToDo: Finish documentation!

Definition at line 160 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::extract_fwdOpSrc ( )

Definition at line 276 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::extract_prec ( )

Definition at line 287 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
bool Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::isExternalPrec ( ) const

Definition at line 297 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::extract_approxFwdOpSrc ( )

Definition at line 305 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
ESupportSolveUse Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::supportSolveUse ( ) const

Definition at line 315 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::uninitialize ( RCP< Belos::LinearProblem< Scalar, MV_t, LO_t > > *  lp = NULL,
RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > *  solverPL = NULL,
RCP< Belos::SolverManager< Scalar, MV_t, LO_t > > *  iterativeSolver = NULL,
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *  fwdOpSrc = NULL,
RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > *  prec = NULL,
bool *  isExternalPrec = NULL,
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *  approxFwdOpSrc = NULL,
ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse = NULL 

Uninitializes and returns stored quantities.

ToDo: Finish documentation!

Definition at line 322 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< const VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::range ( ) const
template<class Scalar >
RCP< const VectorSpaceBase< Scalar > > Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::domain ( ) const
template<class Scalar >
RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::clone ( ) const

Definition at line 378 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
std::string Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::description ( ) const

Reimplemented from Teuchos::Describable.

Definition at line 388 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::describe ( Teuchos::FancyOStream out,
const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel  verbLevel 
) const

Reimplemented from Teuchos::Describable.

Definition at line 409 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar>
void Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::setParameterList ( RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > const &  paramList)

template<class Scalar>
RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::getNonconstParameterList ( )

template<class Scalar>
RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::unsetParameterList ( )

template<class Scalar>
RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterList> Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::getParameterList ( ) const

template<class Scalar>
RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterList> Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::getValidParameters ( ) const

template<class Scalar >
bool Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::opSupportedImpl ( EOpTransp  M_trans) const
template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::applyImpl ( const EOpTransp  M_trans,
const MultiVectorBase< Scalar > &  X,
const Ptr< MultiVectorBase< Scalar > > &  Y,
const Scalar  alpha,
const Scalar  beta 
) const
template<class Scalar >
bool Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::solveSupportsImpl ( EOpTransp  M_trans) const

Reimplemented from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 482 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
bool Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::solveSupportsNewImpl ( EOpTransp  transp,
const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< Scalar > >  solveCriteria 
) const

Reimplemented from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 490 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
bool Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::solveSupportsSolveMeasureTypeImpl ( EOpTransp  M_trans,
const SolveMeasureType solveMeasureType 
) const

Reimplemented from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 514 of file Thyra_BelosLinearOpWithSolve_def.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
SolveStatus< Scalar > Thyra::BelosLinearOpWithSolve< Scalar >::solveImpl ( const EOpTransp  transp,
const MultiVectorBase< Scalar > &  B,
const Ptr< MultiVectorBase< Scalar > > &  X,
const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< Scalar > >  solveCriteria 
) const

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