Amesos2 | |
  Solver | |
 Belos | |
  MueLuOpFailure | MueLuOpFailure is thrown when a return value from an MueLu call on an Xpetra::Operator or MueLu::Hierarchy is non-zero |
  MueLuOp | MueLuOp derives from Belos::OperatorT and administrates a MueLu::Hierarchy. It implements the apply call which represents the effect of the multigrid preconditioner on a given vector. Note, in contrast to Belos::XpetraOp this operator has the multigrid hierarchy |
  StatusTestGenResSubNorm< Scalar, Xpetra::MultiVector< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >, Belos::OperatorT< Xpetra::MultiVector< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > > > | Template specialization of Belos::StatusTestGenResSubNorm class using the Xpetra::MultiVector and Belos::OperatorT MueLu adapter class |
 EpetraExt | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  vector< T > > | |
 escapeXMLfile | |
 Ifpack2 | |
  ImplSimdTag > | |
   ApplyParameters | |
  ImplNotAvailTag > | |
  Details | |
   CrsArrayReader | |
   Impl | |
  Experimental | |
 Kokkos | |
  Experimental | |
  Impl | |
   TeamPolicyInternal | |
 MueLu | Namespace for MueLu classes and methods |
  Details | |
   DropTol | |
   LinearSolverFactory | Interface for a "factory" that creates MueLu solvers |
   LinearSolver | |
   LinearSolver< Tpetra::MultiVector< Scalar, LO, GO, Node >, Tpetra::Operator< Scalar, LO, GO, Node >, typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits< Scalar >::magnitudeType > | |
  NotayUtils | |
  MueLuIntrepid | |
  Exceptions | |
   BadCast | Exception indicating invalid cast attempted |
   NotImplemented | Exception throws when you call an unimplemented method of MueLu |
   RuntimeError | Exception throws to report errors in the internal logical of the program |
   Overflow | Exception throws to report overflows |
   Incompatible | Exception throws to report incompatible objects (like maps) |
   DependencyError | Exception throws to report data dependency problems between factories |
   InvalidArgument | Exception throws to report invalid user entry |
  MemUtils | |
  BrickAggregationFactory | |
   compare | |
  Aggregates | Container class for aggregation information |
  Graph | MueLu representation of a compressed row storage graph |
  GraphBase | MueLu representation of a graph |
  MueLu_Node_Struct | |
  LinkedList | |
  LWGraph | Lightweight MueLu representation of a compressed row storage graph |
  CoupledAggregationCommHelper | Helper class for providing arbitrated communication across processors |
  CoupledAggregationFactory | Factory for coarsening a graph with uncoupled aggregation |
  LeftoverAggregationAlgorithm | |
  MueLu_SuperNode_Struct | |
  LocalAggregationAlgorithm | Algorithm for coarsening a graph with uncoupled aggregation |
  HybridAggregationFactory | Factory for building aggregates on meshes partly structured and partly unstructured |
  AmalgamationFactory | AmalgamationFactory for subblocks of strided map based amalgamation data |
  AmalgamationInfo | Minimal container class for storing amalgamation information |
  CoalesceDropFactory | Factory for creating a graph base on a given matrix |
  PreDropFunctionBaseClass | |
  PreDropFunctionConstVal | |
  SmooVecCoalesceDropFactory | Factory for creating a graph base on a given matrix |
  UnsmooshFactory | Factory for building "unsmooshed" transfer operators from transfer operators associated with a scalar helper problem (built by the VariableDofLaplacianFactory) |
  VariableDofLaplacianFactory | Factory for building scalar Laplace operator (that is used as fake operator for variable dof size problems) |
  AggregationAlgorithmBase | Pure virtual base class for all MueLu aggregation algorithms |
  NotayAggregationFactory | |
  GlobalLexicographicIndexManager | |
  LocalLexicographicIndexManager | |
  AggregationStructuredAlgorithm | Algorithm for coarsening a graph with structured aggregation |
  AggregationStructuredAlgorithm_kokkos | |
   computeGraphDataConstantFunctor | |
   computeGraphDataLinearFunctor | |
   computeGraphRowPtrFunctor | |
   fillAggregatesFunctor | |
  IndexManager | Container class for mesh layout and indices calculation |
  StructuredAggregationFactory | Factory for building aggregates on structured grids |
  UncoupledIndexManager | |
  AggregationPhase1Algorithm | Algorithm for coarsening a graph with uncoupled aggregation |
  AggregationPhase2aAlgorithm | Among unaggregated points, see if we can make a reasonable size aggregate out of it.Idea
Among unaggregated points, see if we can make a reasonable size aggregate out of it. We do this by looking at neighbors and seeing how many are unaggregated and on my processor. Loosely, base the number of new aggregates created on the percentage of unaggregated nodes |
  AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm | Add leftovers to existing aggregatesIdea
In phase 2b non-aggregated nodes are added to existing aggregates. All neighbors of the unaggregated node are checked and the corresponding aggregate weight is increased. The unaggregated node is added to the aggregate with the best weight. A simple penalty strategy makes sure that the non-aggregated nodes are added to different aggregates. The routine runs twice to cover non-aggregate nodes which have a node distance of two to existing aggregates. Assuming that the node distance is not greater than 3 (the aggregate diameter size), running the algorithm only twice should be sufficient |
  AggregationPhase3Algorithm | Handle leftover nodes. Try to avoid singleton nodesIdea
In phase 3 we try to stick unaggregated nodes into a neighboring aggregate. We try to avoid singletons: we first try to build a new aggregate containing all neighboring non-aggregated nodes. If we cannot build a new aggregate, we add the non-aggregated node to the first adjacent aggregate. Only if there is no adjacent aggregate, we create a singleton node aggregate |
  InterfaceAggregationAlgorithm | Algorithm for coarsening a graph with uncoupled aggregation. creates aggregates along an interface using specified root nodes |
  IsolatedNodeAggregationAlgorithm | Ignores isolated nodes during aggregation. Marks the node to be "aggregated" without adding real aggregates for them |
  OnePtAggregationAlgorithm | Algorithm for coarsening a graph with uncoupled aggregation. keep special marked nodes as singleton node aggregates over all multigrid levels |
  PreserveDirichletAggregationAlgorithm | Builds one-to-one aggregates for all Dirichlet boundary nodes. For some applications this might be necessary. (default = off) |
  UncoupledAggregationFactory | Factory for building uncoupled aggregates |
  UserAggregationFactory | |
  FacadeBGS2x2 | |
  FacadeSimple | |
  FacadeClassBase | |
  FacadeClassFactory | |
  AdaptiveSaMLParameterListInterpreter | |
  FactoryFactory | Factory that can generate other factories from |
  HierarchyFactory | |
  HierarchyManager | |
  ML2MueLuParameterTranslator | Class that accepts ML-style parameters and builds a MueLu parameter list (easy input deck) |
  MLParameterListInterpreter | Class that accepts ML-style parameters and builds a MueLu preconditioner. This interpreter uses the same default values as ML. This allows to compare ML/MueLu results |
  ParameterListInterpreter | |
  AggregateQualityEstimateFactory | An factory which assigns each aggregate a quality estimate. Originally developed by Napov and Notay in the context of plain aggregation, while this quality estimate does not correspond to a robust convergence guarentee (as it does for plain aggregation), we find empirically that it is a good way of discovering poorly constructed aggregates even in the smoothed aggregation context |
  BlockedCoordinatesTransferFactory | Class for transferring coordinates from a finer level to a coarser one for BlockedCrsMatrices. This basically combines the Coordinates generated by each separate block |
  BlockedRAPFactory | Factory for building coarse matrices |
  CoordinatesTransferFactory | Class for transferring coordinates from a finer level to a coarser one |
  DemoFactory | Empty factory for demonstration |
  DropNegativeEntriesFactory | Application-specific filtering for A. Can be used in context of graph coarsening and aggregation |
  FilteredAFactory | Factory for building filtered matrices using filtered graphs |
  FineLevelInputDataFactory | |
  InterfaceAggregationFactory | Factory for building aggregates for Lagrange multipliers |
  InterfaceMappingTransferFactory | |
  LineDetectionFactory | Factory for building line detection information |
  MapTransferFactory | Transfer factory for maps |
  MergedBlockedMatrixFactory | |
  MultiVectorTransferFactory | Class for restricting a MultiVector from a finer to a coarser level |
  RAPFactory | Factory for building coarse matrices |
  RAPShiftFactory | Factory for building coarse grid matrices, when the matrix is of the form K+a*M. Useful when you want to change the shift variable ("a") at every level. Each level must store the stiffness matrix K and mass matrix M separately |
  SchurComplementFactory | Factory for building the Schur Complement for a 2x2 block matrix |
  SegregatedAFactory | Factory for building a new "segregated" A operator. Here, "segregated" means that the user provides a map (containing a subset of the row gids of the input matrix A) and the factory drops the off-diagonal entries (a,b) and (b,a) in A where "a" denotes a GID entry in the provided map and "b" denotes a GID that is not contained in the provided map |
  StructuredLineDetectionFactory | Factory building line detection information on structured meshes |
  ThresholdAFilterFactory | Factory for building a thresholded operator |
  BaseClass | Base class for MueLu classes |
  Describable | Base class for MueLu classes |
  Factory | |
  FactoryAcceptor | |
  FactoryBase | Base class for factories (e.g., R, P, and A_coarse) |
  FactoryManager | This class specifies the default factory that should generate some data on a Level if the data does not exist and the generating factory has not been specified |
  FactoryManagerBase | Class that provides default factories within Needs class |
  Hierarchy | Provides methods to build a multigrid hierarchy and apply multigrid cycles |
   ConvData | Data struct for defining stopping criteria of multigrid iteration |
  SetFactoryManager | An exception safe way to call the method 'Level::SetFactoryManager()' |
  HierarchyUtils | |
  Level | Class that holds all level-specific information |
  DefaultProblemStrings | Helper class to initialize DefaultProblemTypeLists_ in class MasterList |
  MasterList | Static class that holds the complete list of valid MueLu parameters |
  NoFactory | NoFactory that is used for data stored in level class for that no generating factory is available/necessary |
  ParameterListAcceptor | Abstract interface of a class accepting parameter lists |
  ParameterListAcceptorImpl | |
  SingleLevelFactoryBase | Base class for factories that use one level (currentLevel) |
  TopRAPFactory | |
  TopSmootherFactory | |
  TwoLevelFactoryBase | Base class for factories that use two levels (fineLevel and coarseLevel) |
  VariableContainer | Class that stores all relevant data for a variable |
   Data | |
   DataBase | |
   Getter | |
   Getter< Teuchos::RCP< Xpetra::Operator< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > > > | |
  VerboseObject | Verbose class for MueLu classes |
  CloneRepartitionInterface | Helper class which transforms an "Partition" array generated from a block in a blocked operator to a new "Partition" vector for another compatible block in the blocked operator |
  IsorropiaInterface | Interface to IsorropiaInterface to Isorropia allowing to access other rebalancing/repartitioning algorithms from Zoltan than RCB This includes methods (like PHG) which do not rely on user-provided coordinate or mesh information. This class produces node-based rebalancing information (stored in "AmalgamatedPartition") which is used as input for the RepartitionInterface class |
  NodePartitionInterface | Partitioning within a node onlyThis interface provides partitioning within a node |
  RebalanceAcFactory | Factory for building coarse matrices |
  RebalanceBlockAcFactory | |
  RebalanceBlockInterpolationFactory | Applies permutation to prolongation operators |
  RebalanceBlockRestrictionFactory | Applies permutation to restriction operators |
  RebalanceMapFactory | Factory which rebalances a map on current level using the Importer object generated by the RepartitionFactory |
  RebalanceTransferFactory | Applies permutation to grid transfer operators |
  RepartitionBlockDiagonalFactory | Factory which rebalances a map on current level using the Importer object generated by the RepartitionFactory |
  RepartitionFactory | Factory for building permutation matrix that can be be used to shuffle data (matrices, vectors) among processes |
  Triplet | |
  RepartitionHeuristicFactory | Factory for determing the number of partitions for rebalancing |
  RepartitionInterface | Helper class which transforms an "AmalgamatedPartition" array to an unamalgamated "Partition".This is a general class that allows to translate node-based rebalancing information (given by "AmalgamatedPartition") to DOF-based rebalancing information (stored as output in the "Partition" variable). It is meant to be used together with the IsorropiaInterface class which provides the node-based rebalancing information in the "AmalgamatedPartition" variable. It uses the striding information of "A" to transform the amalgamated rebalaning info into DOF-based rebalancing information that can be processed by the RepartitionFactory class |
  Zoltan2Interface | Interface to Zoltan2 library.This interface provides access to partitioning methods in Zoltan2. Currently, it supports RCB and multijagged as well as all graph partitioning algorithms from Zoltan2 |
  Zoltan2Interface< double, int, int, Xpetra::EpetraNode > | |
  ZoltanInterface | Interface to Zoltan library.This interface provides access to partitioning methods in Zoltan. Currently, it supports the RCB algorithm only |
  BlockedDirectSolver | Direct solver for nxn blocked matrices |
  BlockedGaussSeidelSmoother | Block Gauss-Seidel method for blocked matrices |
  BlockedJacobiSmoother | Block Jacobi method for blocked matrices |
  BraessSarazinSmoother | BraessSarazin smoother for 2x2 block matrices |
  IndefBlockedDiagonalSmoother | Cheap Blocked diagonal smoother for indefinite 2x2 block matrices |
  SimpleSmoother | SIMPLE smoother for 2x2 block matrices |
  TekoSmoother | Interface to block smoothers in Teko package |
  TekoSmoother< double, int, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | |
  UzawaSmoother | Block triangle Uzawa smoother for 2x2 block matrices |
  AdvSmootherPrototype | |
  Amesos2Smoother | Class that encapsulates Amesos2 direct solvers |
  Amesos2Smoother< double, int, int, Xpetra::EpetraNode > | |
  AmesosSmoother | Class that encapsulates Amesos direct solvers |
  BelosSmoother | Class that encapsulates Belos smoothers |
  BelosSmoother< double, int, int, Xpetra::EpetraNode > | |
  DirectSolver | Class that encapsulates direct solvers. Autoselection of AmesosSmoother or Amesos2Smoother according to the compile time configuration of Trilinos |
  Ifpack2Smoother | Class that encapsulates Ifpack2 smoothers |
  Ifpack2Smoother< double, int, int, Xpetra::EpetraNode > | |
  IfpackSmoother | Class that encapsulates Ifpack smoothers |
  MergedSmoother | |
  PermutingSmoother | This class first calculates row- and column permutation operators and applies a smoother to the permuted linear system |
  ProjectorSmoother | This class enables the elimination of the nullspace component of the solution through the use of projection |
  SmootherBase | Base class for smoothers |
  SmootherFactory | Generic Smoother Factory for generating the smoothers of the MG hierarchy |
  SmootherFactoryBase | |
  SmootherPrototype | Base class for smoother prototypes |
  TrilinosSmoother | Class that encapsulates external library smoothers |
  PFactory | Factory that provides an interface for a concrete implementation of a prolongation operator |
  BlackBoxPFactory | Prolongator factory performing geometric coarsening |
   NodeID | |
   NodesIDs | |
  BlockedCoarseMapFactory | Factory for generating coarse level map. Used by BlockedPFactory |
  BlockedPFactory | Factory for building blocked, segregated prolongation operators |
  ReorderBlockAFactory | Factory for building a reordered (nested) block operator |
  SubBlockAFactory | Factory for building a thresholded operator |
  Constraint | Constraint space information for the potential prolongator |
  ConstraintFactory | Factory for building the constraint operator |
  EminPFactory | Factory for building Energy Minimization prolongators |
  NullspacePresmoothFactory | |
  PatternFactory | Factory for building nonzero patterns for energy minimization |
  CGSolver | Implements conjugate gradient algorithm for energy-minimization |
  GMRESSolver | Implements conjugate gradient algorithm for energy-minimization |
  SolverBase | Base class for energy-minimization iterative solvers |
  SteepestDescentSolver | Implements steepest descent algorithm for energy-minimization |
  GeneralGeometricPFactory | Prolongator factory performing geometric coarsening |
   GeometricData | |
   NodeID | |
   NodesIDs | |
  GeometricInterpolationPFactory | |
  GeometricInterpolationPFactory_kokkos | |
   coarseCoordinatesBuilderFunctor | |
  GenericRFactory | Factory for building restriction operators using a prolongator factory |
  TransPFactory | Factory for building restriction operators |
  GeoInterpFactory | Factory for GMG Q2-Q1-Q2 interpolation |
  MHDRAPFactory | Factory for building coarse matrices |
  Q2Q1Q2CoarseGridFactory | Factory for GMG Q2-Q1-Q2 interpolation |
  IntrepidPCoarsenFactory | Factory for building transfer operators based on coarsening in polynomial degree, following the Intrepid basis functions |
  PgPFactory | Factory for building Petrov-Galerkin Smoothed Aggregation prolongators |
  SemiCoarsenPFactory | Prolongator factory performing semi-coarsening |
  ToggleCoordinatesTransferFactory | Class for transferring coordinates from a finer level to a coarser one |
  TogglePFactory | Prolongator factory which allows switching between two different prolongator strategies |
  CoarseMapFactory | Factory for generating coarse level map. Used by TentativePFactory |
  NullspaceFactory | Factory for generating nullspace |
  SaPFactory | Factory for building Smoothed Aggregation prolongators |
  ScaledNullspaceFactory | Factory for generating a very special nullspace |
  TentativePFactory | Factory for building tentative prolongator |
  UserPFactory | |
  AggregationExportFactory | Factory to export aggregation info or visualize aggregates using VTK |
  AlgebraicPermutationStrategy | Algebraic permutation strategy |
  AMGXOperator | Adapter for AmgX library from Nvidia |
  CoarseningVisualizationFactory | Factory to visualize coarsening information using prolongation operators |
  CoupledRBMFactory | Nullspace Factory for coupled acoustic-elastic problems |
  FakeSmootherPrototype | |
  LocalPermutationStrategy | Local permutation strategy |
  MatlabSmoother | Class that encapsulates Matlab smoothers |
  MatrixAnalysisFactory | This class checks matrix properties of A on current level. This factory can be plugged in everywhere in the factory layout of the MueLu preconditioner. It only needs A as input and pipes it through as output |
  PerfUtils | |
  PermutationFactory | Factory generates a row- and column permutation operators P and Q such that P*A*Q^T is a (hopefully) diagonal-dominant matrix. It's meant to be used with PermutingSmoother |
  PRFactory | |
  RefMaxwell | Preconditioner (wrapped as a Xpetra::Operator) for Maxwell's equations in curl-curl form |
  RigidBodyModeFactory | Nullspace Factory for building rigid body modes |
  SingleLevelMatlabFactory | Factory for interacting with Matlab |
  Smoother | Base class for smoother factories |
  TpetraOperator | Wraps an existing MueLu::Hierarchy as a Tpetra::Operator |
  TwoLevelMatlabFactory | Factory for interacting with Matlab |
  Utilities | MueLu utility class |
  UtilitiesBase | |
  VisualizationHelpers | Base class providing routines to visualize aggregates and coarsening information |
  CompPairs | |
  DisableMultipleCallCheck | An exception safe way to call the method TwoLevelFactoryBase::DisableMultipleCallCheck |
  FormattingHelper | |
  PrintMonitor | |
  Monitor | Timer to be used in non-factories |
  SubMonitor | Timer to be used in non-factories. Similar to Monitor, but doesn't print object description |
  FactoryMonitor | Timer to be used in factories. Similar to Monitor but with additional timers |
  SubFactoryMonitor | Timer to be used in factories. Similar to SubMonitor but adds a timer level by level |
  MutuallyExclusiveTime | This class wraps a Teuchos::Time and maintains a mutually exclusive property between wrapped timers |
  TimeMonitor | Integrates Teuchos::TimeMonitor with MueLu verbosity system |
  MutuallyExclusiveTimeMonitor | Similar to TimeMonitor, but uses MutuallyExclusiveTime objects |
  Utilities< double, int, int, Xpetra::EpetraNode > | |
  myTriangle | |
  myVec3 | |
  myVec2 | |
  AMGXOperator< double, int, int, Node > | |
  ShiftedLaplacian | Shifted Laplacian Helmholtz solver |
  ShiftedLaplacianOperator | Wraps an existing MueLu::Hierarchy as a Tpetra::Operator, with an optional two-level correction. Intended to be used with MueLu::ShiftedLaplacian |
  XpetraOperator | Wraps an existing MueLu::Hierarchy as a Xpetra::Operator |
  MuemexArg | |
  MuemexData | |
 MueLuTests | |
  FineLevelInputDataFactoryTester | |
  BlackBoxPFactoryTester | |
  GeneralGeometricPFactoryTester | |
 Stratimikos | |
 Teuchos | |
  Container< MatrixType > > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string, char[N]> | |
  reverse_iterator< Iter > > | |
  string > | |
  pair< T1, T2 > > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  Details | |
  Exceptions | |
  MatrixMarket | |
   details | |
   Raw | |
  TypeTraits | |
 Thyra | |
  MueLuTpetraQ2Q1PreconditionerFactory | Concrete preconditioner factory subclass based on MueLu |
  XpetraLinearOp | Concrete Thyra::LinearOpBase subclass for Xpetra::Operator |
 Trilinos | |
  Details | |
 AdaptiveSAMLParameterListInterpreter | Class that accepts ML-style parameters and builds a MueLu preconditioner. This interpreter uses the same default values as ML. This allows to compare ML/MueLu results |
 AlgebraicPermutationStrategy | Class which defines local permutations of matrix columns |
 BrickAggregationFactory | Aggregation method for generating "brick" aggregates |
 Constraint | Class which contains the constraint space details |
 FineLevelInputData | Factory for piping in input data from the finest level into the MueLu data dependency system |
 LocalPermutationStrategy | Class which defines local permutations of matrix columns which correspond to DOFs of the same node |
 MergedBlockedMatrix | Factory provides a merged version of a blocked matrix |
 MergedSmoother | |