class | Teuchos::Zoltan2_ReduceBestMapping< Ordinal, T > |
| Zoltan2_ReduceBestMapping Class, reduces the minimum cost mapping, ties breaks with minimum proc id. More...
class | Zoltan2::GNO_LNO_PAIR< gno_t, part_t > |
class | Zoltan2::KmeansHeap< IT, WT > |
| KmeansHeap Class, max heap, but holds the minimum values. More...
class | Zoltan2::KMeansCluster< IT, WT > |
| KMeansCluster Class. More...
class | Zoltan2::KMeansAlgorithm< IT, WT > |
| KMeansAlgorithm Class that performs clustering of the coordinates, and returns the closest set of coordinates. More...
class | Zoltan2::CommunicationModel< part_t, pcoord_t > |
| CommunicationModel Base Class that performs mapping between the coordinate partitioning result. More...
class | Zoltan2::CoordinateCommunicationModel< pcoord_t, tcoord_t, part_t > |
| CoordinateModelInput Class that performs mapping between the coordinate partitioning result and mpi ranks based on the coordinate results and mpi physical coordinates. More...
class | Zoltan2::CoordinateTaskMapper< Adapter, part_t > |
template<typename it > |
it | Zoltan2::z2Fact (it x) |
template<typename IT > |
void | Zoltan2::ithPermutation (const IT n, IT i, IT *perm) |
template<typename part_t > |
void | Zoltan2::getGridCommunicationGraph (part_t taskCount, part_t *&task_comm_xadj, part_t *&task_comm_adj, std::vector< int > grid_dims) |
template<typename Adapter , typename scalar_t , typename part_t > |
void | Zoltan2::getSolutionCenterCoordinates (const Environment *envConst, const Teuchos::Comm< int > *comm, const Zoltan2::CoordinateModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > *coords, const part_t *parts, int coordDim, part_t ntasks, scalar_t **partCenters) |
template<typename Adapter , typename scalar_t , typename part_t > |
void | Zoltan2::getCoarsenedPartGraph (const Environment *envConst, const Teuchos::Comm< int > *comm, const Zoltan2::GraphModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > *graph, part_t np, const part_t *parts, ArrayRCP< part_t > &g_part_xadj, ArrayRCP< part_t > &g_part_adj, ArrayRCP< scalar_t > &g_part_ew) |
template<typename T > |
void | Zoltan2::fillContinousArray (T *arr, size_t arrSize, T *val) |
| fillContinousArray function More...
template<typename part_t , typename pcoord_t , typename tcoord_t > |
void | Zoltan2::coordinateTaskMapperInterface (RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > problemComm, int proc_dim, int num_processors, pcoord_t **machine_coords, int task_dim, part_t num_tasks, tcoord_t **task_coords, part_t *task_comm_xadj, part_t *task_comm_adj, pcoord_t *task_communication_edge_weight_, part_t *proc_to_task_xadj, part_t *proc_to_task_adj, int recursion_depth, part_t *part_no_array, const part_t *machine_dimensions, int num_ranks_per_node=1, bool divide_to_prime_first=false) |
| Constructor The interface function that calls CoordinateTaskMapper which will also perform the mapping operation. The result mapping can be obtained by -proc_to_task_xadj: Holds the beginning and end indices of tasks on proc_to_task_adj that is assigned to a processor. The tasks assigned to processor i are between proc_to_task_xadj[i] and proc_to_task_xadj[i + 1] on proc_to_task_adj. More...
template<typename proc_coord_t , typename v_lno_t > |
void | Zoltan2::visualize_mapping (int myRank, const int machine_coord_dim, const int num_ranks, proc_coord_t **machine_coords, const v_lno_t num_tasks, const v_lno_t *task_communication_xadj, const v_lno_t *task_communication_adj, const int *task_to_rank) |