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Sacado::Fad::Exp Namespace Reference




class  DynamicStorage
 Derivative array storage class using dynamic memory allocation. More...
class  ExprAssign
 Class that implements various forms of expression assignments. More...
class  ExprAssign< DstType, typename std::enable_if< Sacado::IsStaticallySized< DstType >::value >::type >
 Specialization of ExprAssign for statically sized storage types. More...
class  Expr
 Wrapper for a generic expression template. More...
struct  ExprLevel
 Meta-function for determining nesting with an expression. More...
struct  ExprLevel< Expr< T > >
struct  IsFadExpr
 Determine whether a given type is an expression. More...
struct  IsFadExpr< Expr< T > >
class  ExprSpecDefault
class  Extender
 Extension class for extending interface of its argument. More...
class  GeneralFad
 Forward-mode AD class templated on the storage for the derivative array. More...
struct  ExprLevel< GeneralFad< S > >
struct  IsFadExpr< GeneralFad< S > >
struct  mp_array
 Dynamic array allocation class that works for any type. More...
struct  mp_array< T, true >
 Dynamic array allocation class that is specialized for scalar i.e., fundamental or built-in types (float, double, etc...). More...
class  MemPoolStorage
 Derivative array storage class using dynamic memory allocation. More...
class  IfThenElseOp
class  IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault >
class  IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault >
class  IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault >
struct  ExprLevel< IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, c1, c2, E > >
struct  IsFadExpr< IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, c1, c2, E > >
class  UnaryPlusOp
class  UnaryMinusOp
class  ExpOp
class  LogOp
class  Log10Op
class  SqrtOp
class  CosOp
class  SinOp
class  TanOp
class  ACosOp
class  ASinOp
class  ATanOp
class  CoshOp
class  SinhOp
class  TanhOp
class  ACoshOp
class  ASinhOp
class  ATanhOp
class  AbsOp
class  FAbsOp
class  CbrtOp
class  AdditionOp
class  SubtractionOp
class  Multiplicationp
class  DivisionOp
class  Atan2Op
class  PowerOp
class  MaxOp
class  MinOp
class  StaticFixedStorage
 Derivative array storage class using static, fixed memory allocation. More...
class  StaticStorage
 Derivative array storage class using static memory allocation. More...
class  VectorDynamicStorage
 Derivative array storage class using dynamic memory allocation. More...
class  ViewFadPtr
class  ViewStorage
 Derivative array storage class that is a view into a contiguous memory allocation. It does not provide proper value semantics and thus should not be used in a general-purpose scalar type. More...


template<typename T >
using DFad = GeneralFad< DynamicStorage< T > >
template<typename T >
using DMFad = GeneralFad< MemPoolStorage< T > >
template<typename T >
using DVFad = GeneralFad< VectorDynamicStorage< T > >
template<typename T , int Num>
using SFad = GeneralFad< StaticFixedStorage< T, Num > >
template<typename T , int Num>
using SLFad = GeneralFad< StaticStorage< T, Num > >
template<typename T , unsigned static_length, unsigned static_stride, typename U >
using ViewFad = GeneralFad< ViewStorage< T, static_length, static_stride, U > >


template<typename CondT , typename T1 , typename T2 >
mpl::enable_if_c< IsFadExpr
< T1 >::value &&IsFadExpr< T2 >
::value &&ExprLevel< T1 >
::value==ExprLevel< T2 >
::value, IfThenElseOp< CondT,
typename Expr< T1 >
::derived_type, typename Expr
< T2 >::derived_type, false,
false, typename
T1::expr_spec_type > >::type 
if_then_else (const CondT &cond, const T1 &expr1, const T2 &expr2)
template<typename CondT , typename T >
IfThenElseOp< CondT, typename
T::value_type, typename Expr
< T >::derived_type, true,
false, typename
T::expr_spec_type > 
if_then_else (const CondT &cond, const typename T::value_type &c, const Expr< T > &expr)
template<typename CondT , typename T >
IfThenElseOp< CondT, typename
Expr< T >::derived_type,
typename T::value_type, false,
true, typename
T::expr_spec_type > 
if_then_else (const CondT &cond, const Expr< T > &expr, const typename T::value_type &c)
template<typename CondT , typename T >
mpl::disable_if< mpl::is_same
< typename T::value_type,
typename T::scalar_type >
, IfThenElseOp< CondT,
typename T::scalar_type,
typename Expr< T >
::derived_type, true, false,
typename T::expr_spec_type >
if_then_else (const CondT &cond, const typename Expr< T >::scalar_type &c, const Expr< T > &expr)
template<typename CondT , typename T >
mpl::disable_if< mpl::is_same
< typename T::value_type,
typename T::scalar_type >
, IfThenElseOp< CondT,
typename Expr< T >
::derived_type, typename
T::scalar_type, false, true,
typename T::expr_spec_type >
if_then_else (const CondT &cond, const Expr< T > &expr, const typename Expr< T >::scalar_type &c)
template<typename ExprT >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION bool operator! (const Expr< ExprT > &expr)
template<typename T >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION bool toBool (const Expr< T > &xx)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Expr< T > &xx)

Typedef Documentation

template<typename T >
using Sacado::Fad::Exp::DFad = typedef GeneralFad< DynamicStorage<T> >

Definition at line 42 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_DFad.hpp.

template<typename T >
using Sacado::Fad::Exp::DMFad = typedef GeneralFad< MemPoolStorage<T> >

Definition at line 42 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_DMFad.hpp.

template<typename T >
using Sacado::Fad::Exp::DVFad = typedef GeneralFad< VectorDynamicStorage<T> >

Definition at line 42 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_DVFad.hpp.

template<typename T , int Num>
using Sacado::Fad::Exp::SFad = typedef GeneralFad< StaticFixedStorage<T,Num> >

Definition at line 43 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_SFad.hpp.

template<typename T , int Num>
using Sacado::Fad::Exp::SLFad = typedef GeneralFad< StaticStorage<T,Num> >

Definition at line 42 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_SLFad.hpp.

template<typename T , unsigned static_length, unsigned static_stride, typename U >
using Sacado::Fad::Exp::ViewFad = typedef GeneralFad< ViewStorage<T,static_length,static_stride,U> >

Definition at line 47 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_ViewFad.hpp.

Function Documentation

template<typename CondT , typename T1 , typename T2 >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION mpl::enable_if_c< IsFadExpr<T1>::value && IsFadExpr<T2>::value && ExprLevel<T1>::value == ExprLevel<T2>::value, IfThenElseOp< CondT, typename Expr<T1>::derived_type, typename Expr<T2>::derived_type, false, false, typename T1::expr_spec_type > >::type Sacado::Fad::Exp::if_then_else ( const CondT &  cond,
const T1 expr1,
const T2 expr2 

Definition at line 1328 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_Ops.hpp.

template<typename CondT , typename T >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION IfThenElseOp< CondT, typename T::value_type, typename Expr<T>::derived_type, true, false, typename T::expr_spec_type > Sacado::Fad::Exp::if_then_else ( const CondT &  cond,
const typename T::value_type &  c,
const Expr< T > &  expr 

Definition at line 1341 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_Ops.hpp.

template<typename CondT , typename T >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION IfThenElseOp< CondT, typename Expr<T>::derived_type, typename T::value_type, false, true, typename T::expr_spec_type > Sacado::Fad::Exp::if_then_else ( const CondT &  cond,
const Expr< T > &  expr,
const typename T::value_type &  c 

Definition at line 1355 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_Ops.hpp.

template<typename CondT , typename T >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION mpl::disable_if< mpl::is_same< typename T::value_type, typename T::scalar_type >, IfThenElseOp< CondT, typename T::scalar_type, typename Expr<T>::derived_type, true, false, typename T::expr_spec_type > >::type Sacado::Fad::Exp::if_then_else ( const CondT &  cond,
const typename Expr< T >::scalar_type &  c,
const Expr< T > &  expr 

Definition at line 1374 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_Ops.hpp.

template<typename CondT , typename T >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION mpl::disable_if< mpl::is_same< typename T::value_type, typename T::scalar_type >, IfThenElseOp< CondT, typename Expr<T>::derived_type, typename T::scalar_type, false, true, typename T::expr_spec_type > >::type Sacado::Fad::Exp::if_then_else ( const CondT &  cond,
const Expr< T > &  expr,
const typename Expr< T >::scalar_type &  c 

Definition at line 1393 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_Ops.hpp.

template<typename ExprT >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION bool Sacado::Fad::Exp::operator! ( const Expr< ExprT > &  expr)

Definition at line 1521 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_Ops.hpp.

template<typename T >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION bool Sacado::Fad::Exp::toBool ( const Expr< T > &  xx)

Definition at line 1539 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_Ops.hpp.

template<typename T >
std::ostream& Sacado::Fad::Exp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Expr< T > &  xx 

Definition at line 1599 of file Sacado_Fad_Exp_Ops.hpp.