testproblems Directory Reference


file  ROL_Beale.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for Beale's function.
file  ROL_BVP.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for the discrete boundary value problem (More, Garbow, Hillstrom, 1981).
file  ROL_Cantilever.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for the cylinder head test problem.
file  ROL_CantileverBeam.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for Cantilevered Beam example in G. N. Vanderplaats, Numerical Optimization Techniques for Engineering Design: With Applications (1984). This problem contains bound and inequality constraints.
file  ROL_Cubic.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for a cubic test problem.
file  ROL_CylinderHead.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for the cylinder head test problem.
file  ROL_DiodeCircuit.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for the diode circuit problem.
file  ROL_FreudensteinRoth.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for Freudenstein and Roth's function.
file  ROL_GetTestProblems.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions of test objective functions.
file  ROL_HS1.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 1st test function.
file  ROL_HS2.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 2nd test function.
file  ROL_HS24.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 24th test problem which contains bound and inequality constraints.
file  ROL_HS25.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 25th test function.
file  ROL_HS29.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 32nd test problem which contains only inequality constraints.
file  ROL_HS3.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 3rd test function.
file  ROL_HS32.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 32nd test problem which contains both inequality and equality constraints.
file  ROL_HS38.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 38th test function.
file  ROL_HS39.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 39th test function.
file  ROL_HS4.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 4th test function.
file  ROL_HS45.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 45th test function.
file  ROL_HS5.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for W. Hock and K. Schittkowski 5th test function.
file  ROL_LeastSquares.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for least squares function.
file  ROL_Minimax1.hpp [code]
file  ROL_Minimax2.hpp [code]
file  ROL_Minimax3.hpp [code]
file  ROL_ParaboloidCircle.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for the equality constrained NLP:
file  ROL_PoissonControl.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for Poisson optimal control.
file  ROL_PoissonInversion.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for Poisson material inversion.
file  ROL_Powell.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for Powell's badly scaled function.
file  ROL_Quartic.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for a quartic test problem.
file  ROL_Rosenbrock.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for Rosenbrock's function.
file  ROL_SimpleEqConstrained.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for the equality constrained NLP from Nocedal/Wright, 2nd edition, page 574, example 18.2; note the typo in reversing the initial guess and the solution.
file  ROL_SumOfSquares.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for sum of squares function.
file  ROL_TestProblem.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions of test objective functions.
file  ROL_Zakharov.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for the Zakharov function as evaluated using only the ROL::Vector interface.