Thyra Package Browser (Single Doxygen Collection)  Version of the Day
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
|oCDiagonalEpetraLinearOpWithSolveFactoryCreate a DefaultDiagonalLinearOpWithSolve out of a diagonal Epetra_RowMatrix object
|oCEpetraLinearOpConcrete LinearOpBase adapter subclass for Epetra_Operator object
|oCEpetraLinearOpBaseAbstract base class for all LinearOpBase objects that can return an Epetra_Operator view of themselves and details about how to apply the view
|oCEpetraOperatorViewExtractorBaseStrategy interface for extracting an Epetra_Operator view out of a Thyra::LinearOpBase<double> object
|oCEpetraOperatorViewExtractorStdStandard strategy subclass for extracting an Epetra_Operator view out of a Thyra::LinearOpBase<double> object by dynamic casting to the EpetraLinearOpBase interface
|oCEpetraOperatorWrapperImplements the Epetra_Operator interface with a Thyra LinearOperator
|oCEpetraModelEvaluatorConcrete Adapter subclass that takes an EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator object and wraps it as a Thyra::ModelEvaluator object
|oCEpetraExtAddTransformerTransformer subclass for adding Epetra/Thyra operators using EpetraExt::MatrixMatrix
|oCEpetraExtDiagScaledMatProdTransformerTransformer subclass for diagonally scaling and multiplying Epetra/Thyra operators
|oCEpetraExtDiagScalingTransformerTransformer subclass for diagonally scaling a Epetra/Thyra operator
|oCTpetraEuclideanScalarProdExtends concrete implementation of a Euclidean scalar product for specifically Tpetra vectors/multivectors
|oCTpetraLinearOpConcrete Thyra::LinearOpBase subclass for Tpetra::Operator
|oCTpetraMultiVectorConcrete implementation of Thyra::MultiVector in terms of Tpetra::MultiVector
|oCTpetraOperatorVectorExtractionTraits class that enables the extraction of Tpetra operator/vector objects wrapped in Thyra operator/vector objects
|oCTpetraVectorConcrete Thyra::SpmdVectorBase using Tpetra::Vector
|\CTpetraVectorSpaceConcrete implementation of an SPMD vector space for Tpetra
\CSimple2DTpetraModelEvaluatorSimple 2d simulation only ModelEvaluator for f(x) = 0 using Tpetra objects