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Users Guide


Getting Started

A. Understand Templates

Phalanx is a complex package that make heavy use of the C++ templating mechanism. We recommend that users of the Phalanx package first familiarize themselves with C++ templates. An excellent reference is "C++ Templates: The Complete Guide" by Vandevoorde and Josuttis, 2003. While users do not need to understand template metaprogramming to use Phalanx, the concepts underlying many operations in Phalanx can be found in "C++ Template Metaprogramming" by Abrahams and Gurtovoy, 2004 and the Boost template metaprogramming library (MPL).

Once Phalanx is integrated into a code by a template savvy developer, the only operation application users should perform is to extend the evaluation routines to new equations and new models by adding new Evaluators. We realize that application developers and application users typically have distictly different skill sets. Much design work has been invested in making the Evaluator implementation very clean and as template free as possible. Therefore, users of the code who only write new Evaluators DO NOT need to know templates.

B. Learn the Phalanx Nomenclature

Users should then learn the nomeclature used in the package defined in the Phalanx Domain Model.

C. Tutorial

The main concept of Phalanx is to evaluate fields typically for solving PDEs (although it is not limited to this). We demonstrate the integration process using the simple example found in phalanx/example/MultiDimensionalArray. Suppose that we want to solve the heat equation over the physical space $ \Omega $:

\[ \nabla \cdot (-k \nabla T) + s = 0 \]

where $ T $ is the temparature (and our degree of freedom), $ k $ is the thermal conductivity, and $s$ is a nonlinear source term. We pose this in terms of a conservation law system:

\[ \nabla \cdot (\mathbf{q}) + s = 0 \]

where $ \mathbf{q} = -k \nabla T $ is the heat flux. The specific discretization technique whether finite element (FE) or finite volume (FV) will ask for $\mathbf{q}$ and $s$ at points on the cell. Phalanx will evaluate $\mathbf{q}$ and $s$ at those points and return them to the discretization driver.

Using finite elements, we pose the problem in variational form: Find $ u \in {\mathit{V^h}} $ and $ \phi \in {\mathit{S^h}} $ such that:

\[ - \int_{\Omega} \nabla \phi \cdot \mathbf{q} d\Omega + \int_{\Gamma} \phi \mathbf{n} \cdot \mathbf{q} + \int_{\Omega} \phi s d\Omega = 0 \]

Phalanx will evaluate $\mathbf{q}$ and $s$ at the quadrature points of the cells and pass them off to the integrator such as Intrepid.

This is a trivial example, but the dependency chains can grow quite complex if performing something such as a chemically reacting flow calculation coupled to Navier-Stokes and energy conservation.

Follow the steps below to integrate Phalanx into your application. The example code shown in the steps comes from the energy flux example in the directory "phalanx/example/EnergyFlux". Note that many classes are named with the word "My" such as MyWorkset, MyTraits, and MyFactory traits. Any object that starts with the word "My" denotes that this is a user defined class. The user must implement this class specific to their application. All Evaluator derived objects are additionally implemented by the user even though they do not follow the convention of starting with the word "My".

Phalanx Domain Model


Some recomendations for efficient code:

Multi-Dimensional Array Domain Model

The multidimensional array was designed for interoperability between a number of Trilinos packages including shards, phalanx and intrepid. These codes each have their own implementations but follow a basic set of requirements so that functions templated on the array type can use any of the multidimensional array implementations. The required functions are:

Phalanx implements the multidimensional array in the PHX::MDField class and supports arrays with up to 8 ranks (one more than Fortran arrays support). More information can be found in the shards library.

Step 1: Configuring, Building, and installing Phalanx

A. General Library Requirements

Phalanx is distributed as a package in the Trilinos Framework. It can be enabled as part of a trilinos build with the configure option "-D Trilinos_ENABLE_Phalanx=ON". Phalanx currently has direct dependencies on the following third party libraries:

B. Performance Example Requirements

TVMET is optional and hidden behind an ifdef. The performance tests will be built regardless of whether tvmet is enabled/disabled.

C. Nonlinear Finite Element Example Requirements

To build the example problem in "phalanx/example/FEM_Nonlinear", distributed vector, distributed sparse matrix, and corresponding linear solvers are required. The following Trilinos packages need to be enabled to build the FEM_Nonlinear example:

This example will be disabled if the above packages are not enabled.

D. Configure Trilinos/Phalanx

The general instructions for building trilinos can be found at Trilinos Documentation Page. Of particular importance are the Overview, User Guide, and Tutorial documents. At a minimum you must enable the Teuchos, Sacado, and Phalanx packages. An example configure script is:

Once configure is run, build and install the library with the command:

make install

Step 2: Determine Types

Users must next determine the evaluation types and data types they will require in their simulation. Please see the section Phalanx Domain Model for detailed explanation of types. Following the example in the phalanx/example/EnergyFlux directory, we will be requiring two evaluation types, one for the residual evaluation of the discretized PDE equation and one for the corresponding Jacobian. Additional evaluation types might be for the parameter sensitivites and uncertainty quantification.

Once the evaluation types are chosen, users must decide on a default scalar type and on all data types that are valid for each evaluation type. The data types should all be templated on the default scalar type for the particular evaluation type, but this is not a requirement (expert users can violate this for performance reasons). Uses must implement their own data types or get them from a separate library. For sensitivities, the trilinos package Sacado should be used. For uncertainty quantification, the Trilinos package Stokhos should be used.

In our example, the user has written an implementation of vector (MyVector) and matrix (MyTensor) classes found in the file AlgebraicTypes.hpp. They are templated on a scalar type and can be used for all evaluation types.

Typical examples of algebraic types include vectors, matrices, or higher order tensor objects, but in reality can be any struct/class that the user desires. Remember to template the objects on the scalar type if possible. An example of a very inefficient Vector and Matrix implementation (operator overloading without expression templates) can be found in AlgebraicTypes.hpp.

Step 3: Write the Traits Object

The Traits object is a struct that defines the evaluation types, the data types for each evaluation type, the allocator type, and the user defined types that will be passed through evaluator calls. We will go through each of these defninitions.

The basic class should derive from the PHX::TraitsBase object.

The Traits struct must define each of the following typedef members of the struct:

A. Basic Class

The basic outline of the traits struct is:

struct MyTraits : public PHX::TraitsBase {

Inside this struct we need to implement all the typedefs listed above. The example we will follow is in the file Traits.hpp in "phalanx/example/EnergyFlux" directory.

B. EvalTypes

First we need to know the evaluation types. Each evaluation type must include at least a typedef'd default scalar type argument as a public member called ScalarT. Here is the example code:

struct MyTraits : public PHX::TraitsBase {
// ******************************************************************
// *** Scalar Types
// ******************************************************************
// Scalar types we plan to use
typedef double RealType;
typedef Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> FadType;
// ******************************************************************
// *** Evaluation Types
// ******************************************************************
struct Residual { typedef RealType ScalarT; };
struct Jacobian { typedef FadType ScalarT; };
typedef Sacado::mpl::vector<Residual, Jacobian> EvalTypes;

The typedefs RealType and FadType are done only for convenience. They are not actually required but cut down on the typing. Only the EvalTypes typedef is required in the code above.

C. EvaltoDataMap

Next we need to link the data types to the evaluation type. Note that one could use the same data type in multiple evaluation types:

// Residual (default scalar type is RealType)
typedef Sacado::mpl::vector< RealType,
> ResidualDataTypes;
// Jacobian (default scalar type is Fad<double>)
typedef Sacado::mpl::vector< FadType,
> JacobianDataTypes;

D. Allocator

Define the Allocator type to use. Phalanx comes with two allocators, but the user can write their own allocator class if these aren't sufficient. The Phalanx allocator classes are:

Code using the NewAllocator is:

// ******************************************************************
// *** Allocator Type
// ******************************************************************
typedef PHX::NewAllocator Allocator;

E. EvalData,PreEvalData,PostEvalData

Users can pass their own data to the postRegistrationSetup(), evaluateFields(), preEvaluate() and postEvaluate() methods of the PHX::FiledManager class. In this example, the user passes in a struct that they have written called MyEvalData. This contains information about the cell workset. The user is not required to write their own object. They could just pass in a null pointer if they don't need auxiliary information passed into the routine. This is demonstrated in the SetupSetup, PreEvalData, and PostEvalData. A void* is set for the data member.

// ******************************************************************
// *** User Defined Object Passed in for Evaluation Method
// ******************************************************************
typedef void* SetupData;
typedef const MyEvalData& EvalData;
typedef void* PreEvalData;
typedef void* PostEvalData;

Step 4: Specialize the PHX::TypeString Object

For debugging information, Phalanx makes a forward declaration of the PHX::TypeString object. This must be specialized for each evaluation type and each data type so that if there is a run-time error, phalanx can report detailed information on the problem. We could have used the typeinfo from the stl, but the name() method is not demangled on every platform, so it can make debugging a challenge. The specialized classes can go into their own file or can be added to the traits file above depending on how you use the Traits class. During linking, if the compiler complains about multiple defninitions of your specialized traits classes, separate the traits implementation into their own .cpp file.

namespace PHX {
// ******************************************************************
// ******************************************************************
// Debug strings. Specialize the Evaluation and Data types for the
// TypeString object in the phalanx/src/Phalanx_TypeString.hpp file.
// ******************************************************************
// ******************************************************************
// Evaluation Types
template<> struct TypeString<MyTraits::Residual>
{ static const std::string value; };
template<> struct TypeString<MyTraits::Jacobian>
{ static const std::string value; };
const std::string TypeString<MyTraits::Residual>::value =
const std::string TypeString<MyTraits::Jacobian>::value =
// Data Types
template<> struct TypeString<double>
{ static const std::string value; };
template<> struct TypeString< MyVector<double> >
{ static const std::string value; };
template<> struct TypeString< MyTensor<double> >
{ static const std::string value; };
template<> struct TypeString< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> >
{ static const std::string value; };
template<> struct TypeString< MyVector<Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > >
{ static const std::string value; };
template<> struct TypeString< MyTensor<Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > >
{ static const std::string value; };
const std::string TypeString<double>::value =
const std::string TypeString< MyVector<double> >::value =
const std::string TypeString< MyTensor<double> >::value =
const std::string TypeString< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> >::
value = "Sacado::Fad::DFad<double>";
const std::string TypeString< MyVector<Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > >::
value = "Sacado::Fad::DFad< MyVector<double> >";
const std::string TypeString< MyTensor<Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > >::
value = "Sacado::Fad::DFad< MyTensor<double> >";

Step 5: Write your Evaluators

Before Writing your evaluators, you must decide on how you plan to build the evaluators. In most cases you will want to build one Evaluator for each evaluation type. Phalanx provides an automated factory called the PHX::EvaluatorFactory that will build an evaluator for each evaluation type automatically, but this places a restriction on the constructor of all evaluators built this way. If you plan to use the automated builder, the constructor for the Evaluator must contain only one argument - a Teuchos::ParameterList. This paramter list must contain a key called "Type" with an integer value corresponding to the type of Evaluator object to build. The parameterlist can contain any other information the user requires for proper construction of the Evaluator. You are not restricted to using the automated factory for every Evaluator. You can selectively use the automated factory where convenient.

For each field, you will need an evaluator. Evaluators can evlauate multiple fields at the same time. You can derive from the base class PHX::Evaluator, or you can derive from class PHX::EvaluatorWithBaseImpl that has most of the methods already implemented so that the same support code is not replicted in each evaluator. We STRONGLY recommend deriving from the class PHX::EvaluatorWithBaseImpl.

An example for evaluating the density field is:

#include "Phalanx_config.hpp"
#include "Phalanx_Evaluator_WithBaseImpl.hpp"
#include "Phalanx_Evaluator_Derived.hpp"
#include "Phalanx_Field.hpp"
template<typename EvalT, typename Traits>
class Density :
public PHX::EvaluatorDerived<EvalT, Traits> {
Density(const Teuchos::ParameterList& p);
void postRegistrationSetup(typename Traits::SetupData d,
void evaluateFields(typename Traits::EvalData ud);
typedef typename EvalT::ScalarT ScalarT;
double constant;
std::size_t data_layout_size;
#include "Evaluator_Density_Def.hpp"

Note that if you want to use the automated factory PHX::EvaluatorFactory to build an object of each evaluation type, you must derive from the PHX::EvaluatorDerived class as shown in the example above. This allows the variable manager to store a vector of base object pointers for each evaluation type in a single stl vector.

Also note that we pull the scalar type, ScalarT, out of the evaluation type.

The implementation is just as simple:

// **********************************************************************
template<typename EvalT, typename Traits> Density<EvalT, Traits>::
Density(const Teuchos::ParameterList& p) :
density("Density", p.get< Teuchos::RCP<PHX::DataLayout> >("Data Layout") ),
temp("Temperature", p.get< Teuchos::RCP<PHX::DataLayout> >("Data Layout") )
// **********************************************************************
template<typename EvalT, typename Traits>
void Density<EvalT, Traits>::
postRegistrationSetup(typename Traits::SetupData d,
data_layout_size = density.fieldTag().dataLayout().size();
// **********************************************************************
template<typename EvalT, typename Traits>
void Density<EvalT, Traits>::evaluateFields(typename Traits::EvalData d)
std::size_t size = d.num_cells * data_layout_size;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
density[i] = temp[i] * temp[i];

The constructor pulls out data from the parameter list to set the correct data layout. Additionally, it tells the FieldManager what fields it will evaluate and what fields it requires/depends on to perform the evaluation.

The postRegistrationSetup method gets pointers from the FieldManager to the array for storing data for each particular field.

Writing evaluators can be tedious. We have invested much time in minimizing the amount of code a user writes for a new evaluator. Our experience is that you can literally have hundreds of evaluators. So we have added macros to hide the boilerplate code in each evaluator. Not only does this streamline/condense the code, but it also hides much of the templating. So if your user base is uncomfortable with C++ templates, the macro definitions could be very helpful. The definitions are found in the file Phalanx_Evaluator_Macros.hpp. The same evaluator shown above is now implemented using the macro definitions:

Class declaration:

#include "Phalanx_Evaluator_Macros.hpp"
#include "Phalanx_Field.hpp"
double constant;
PHX::Field<ScalarT> density;
PHX::Field<ScalarT> temp;
std::size_t data_layout_size;
#include "Evaluator_Density_Def.hpp"

Class definition:

density("Density", p.get< Teuchos::RCP<PHX::DataLayout> >("Data Layout") ),
temp("Temperature", p.get< Teuchos::RCP<PHX::DataLayout> >("Data Layout") )
data_layout_size = density.fieldTag().dataLayout().size();
std::size_t size = d.num_cells * data_layout_size;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
density[i] = temp[i] * temp[i];

The evaluators for the example problem in "phalanx/example/EnergyFlux" have been rewritten using the macro definitions and can be found in the directory "phalanx/test/Utilities/evaluators".

Finally, since writing even the above code contains much boilerplate, we have written a python script that will generate the above skeleton files for you. All you need provide is the class name and the filename. The script is called and can be found in the "scripts" directory. A "make install" will place the script in the "bin" directory. To generate a skeleton for the above function, you would execute the following command at the prompt:

> ./ -c -n Density Evaluator_Density

Step 6: Implement the FieldManager in your code

Adding the FieldManager to your code is broken into steps. You must build each Evaluator for each field type, register the evaluators with the FieldManager, and then call the evaluate routines. Continuing from our example:

A. Building your Evaluators

Users can build their own Evaluators and register them with the FieldManager or they can use our automated factory, PHX::EvaluatorFactory to handle this for them. Normally, users will want to build an evaluator for each evaluation type. The factory makes this very easy. Additionally, you are not restricted to using the automated factory for every Evaluator. You can selectively use the automated factory where convenient. The next two sections describe how to build the evaluators.

A.1 Building and Registering Evaluators Manually.

To build an Evaluator manually, all you need to do is allocate the Evaluator on the heap using a reference counted smart pointer (Teuchos::RCP) to point ot the object. This will ensure proper memory management of the object. Here is an example of code to build a Density evaluator for each evaluation type and register it with the corresponding manager.

// Create a FieldManager
FieldManager<MyTraits> fm;
// Constructor requirements
RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList);
p->set< RCP<DataLayout> >("Data Layout", qp);
// Residual
Teuchos::RCP< Density<MyTraits::Residual,MyTraits> > residual_density =
Teuchos::rcp(new Density<MyTraits::Residual,MyTriats>(p));
// Jacobian
Teuchos::RCP< Density<MyTraits::Jacobian,MyTraits> > jacobian_density =
Teuchos::rcp(new Density<MyTraits::Jacobian,MyTriats>(p));

As one can see, this becomes very tedious if there are many evaluation types. It is much better to use the automated factory to build one for each evalaution type. Where this method is useful is if you are in a class already templated on the evaluation type, and would like to build and register an evaluator in that peice of code.

A.2 Using the Automated Factory

Phalanx provides an automated builder PHX::EvaluatorFactory that will create an object of each evaluation type. The following requirements are placed on each and every Evaluator that a user writes if they plan to use the automated factory:

  1. The constructor of your Evaluator must take exactly one argument that is a Teuchos::ParamterList object. A Teuchos::ParameterList allows you to pass an arbitrary number of objects with arbitrary types.

  2. In the Teuchos::ParamterList, you must have one key called "Type" that is associated with an integer value that uniquely corresponds to an Evaluator object written by the user. This integer is defined in the users factory traits object described below.

  3. The Evaluator must derive from the PHX::EvaluatorDerived class as shown in the example above. This allows the variable manager to store a vector of base object pointers for each evaluation type in a single stl vector yet be able to return the derived class.

To build an PHX::EvaluatorFactory, you must provide a factory traits class that gives the factory a list of its evaluator types. An example of the factory traits class is the FactoryTraits object in the file FactoryTraits.hpp:

// mpl (Meta Programming Library) templates
#include "Sacado_mpl_vector.hpp"
// User Defined Evaluator Types
#include "Evaluator_Constant.hpp"
#include "Evaluator_Density.hpp"
#include "Evaluator_EnergyFlux_Fourier.hpp"
#include "Evaluator_FEInterpolation.hpp"
#include "Evaluator_NonlinearSource.hpp"
#include "Sacado_mpl_placeholders.hpp"
using namespace Sacado::mpl::placeholders;
template<typename Traits>
struct MyFactoryTraits {
static const int id_constant = 0;
static const int id_density = 1;
static const int id_fourier = 2;
static const int id_feinterpolation = 3;
static const int id_nonlinearsource = 4;
typedef Sacado::mpl::vector< Constant<_,Traits>, // 0
Density<_,Traits>, // 1
Fourier<_,Traits>, // 2
FEInterpolation<_,Traits>, // 3
NonlinearSource<_,Traits> // 4
> EvaluatorTypes;

Since the factory is built at compile time, we need to link a run-time choice to the compile-time list of object types. Thus the user must provide the static const int identifiers that are unique for each type that can be constructed. Users can ignore the "_" argument in the mpl vector. This is a placeholder argument that allows us to iterate over and instert each evaluation type into the factory traits.

Now let's build the evaluators. The following code can be found in the Example.cpp file in the directory "phalanx/example/EnergyFlux". We create a ParameterList for each evaluator and call the factory constructor. Since we are using the factory, we need to specify the "Type" argument set to the integer of the corresponding Evaluator in the factory traits that we wish to build:

RCP<DataLayout> qp = rcp(new FlatLayout("QP", 4));
RCP<DataLayout> node = rcp(new FlatLayout("NODE", 4));
// Parser will build parameter list that determines the field
// evaluators to build
map<string, RCP<ParameterList> > evaluators_to_build;
{ // Temperature
RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList);
int type = MyFactoryTraits<MyTraits>::id_constant;
p->set<int>("Type", type);
p->set<string>("Name", "Temperature");
p->set<double>("Value", 2.0);
p->set< RCP<DataLayout> >("Data Layout", node);
evaluators_to_build["DOF_Temperature"] = p;
{ // Density
RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList);
int type = MyFactoryTraits<MyTraits>::id_density;
p->set<int>("Type", type);
p->set< RCP<DataLayout> >("Data Layout", qp);
evaluators_to_build["Density"] = p;
{ // Constant Thermal Conductivity
RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList);
int type = MyFactoryTraits<MyTraits>::id_constant;
p->set<int>("Type", type);
p->set<string>("Name", "Thermal Conductivity");
p->set<double>("Value", 2.0);
p->set< RCP<DataLayout> >("Data Layout", qp);
evaluators_to_build["Thermal Conductivity"] = p;
{ // Nonlinear Source
RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList);
int type = MyFactoryTraits<MyTraits>::id_nonlinearsource;
p->set<int>("Type", type);
p->set< RCP<DataLayout> >("Data Layout", qp);
evaluators_to_build["Nonlinear Source"] = p;
{ // Fourier Energy Flux
RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList);
int type = MyFactoryTraits<MyTraits>::id_fourier;
p->set<int>("Type", type);
p->set< RCP<DataLayout> >("Data Layout", qp);
evaluators_to_build["Energy Flux"] = p;
{ // FE Interpolation
RCP<ParameterList> p = rcp(new ParameterList);
int type = MyFactoryTraits<MyTraits>::id_feinterpolation;
p->set<int>("Type", type);
p->set<string>("Node Variable Name", "Temperature");
p->set<string>("QP Variable Name", "Temperature");
p->set<string>("Gradient QP Variable Name", "Temperature Gradient");
p->set< RCP<DataLayout> >("Node Data Layout", node);
p->set< RCP<DataLayout> >("QP Data Layout", qp);
evaluators_to_build["FE Interpolation"] = p;
// Build Field Evaluators for each evaluation type
EvaluatorFactory<MyTraits,MyFactoryTraits<MyTraits> > factory;
RCP< vector< RCP<Evaluator_TemplateManager<MyTraits> > > >
evaluators = factory.buildEvaluators(evaluators_to_build);
// Create a FieldManager
FieldManager<MyTraits> fm;
// Register all Evaluators
registerEvaluators(evaluators, fm);

The map "evaluators_to_build" has a key of type "std::string". This key is irrelevant to the execution of the code. It is an identifer that can help users debug code or search for a specific provider in the list. What you put in the key is for your own use.

You are free to register evaluators until the time you call the method postRegistrationSetup() on the field manager. Once this is called, you can not register any more evaluators. You can make multiple registration calls to add more providers - there is no limit on the number of calls.

B. Request which Fields to Evaluate

You must tell the FieldManager which quantities it should evaluate. This step can occur before, after, or in-between the registration of Evaluators. You must request variables separately for each evaluation type. This is required since since data types can exist in multiple evaluation types.

// Request quantities to assemble RESIDUAL PDE operators
typedef MyTraits::Residual::ScalarT ResScalarT;
Tag< MyVector<ResScalarT> > energy_flux("Energy_Flux", qp);
Tag<ResScalarT> source("Nonlinear Source", qp);
// Request quantities to assemble JACOBIAN PDE operators
typedef MyTraits::Jacobian::ScalarT JacScalarT;
Tag< MyVector<JacScalarT> > energy_flux("Energy_Flux", qp);
Tag<JacScalarT> source("Nonlinear Source", qp);

You are free to request fields to evaluate until the time you call the method postRegistrationSetup() on the field manager. Once this is called, you can not request any more fields.

C. Call FieldManager::postRegistrationSetup()

Once the evaluators are registered with the FieldManager and it knows which field it needs to provide, call the postRegistrationSetup() method on the FieldManager. This method requires that the user specify the maximum number of cells for each evaluation - the workset size. This number should be selected so that all fields can fit in the cache of the processor if possible.

// Assume we have 102 cells on processor and can fit 20 cells in cache
const std::size_t num_local_cells = 102;
const std::size_t workset_size = 20;

The postRegistrationSetup() method causes the following actions to take place in the FieldManager:

  1. Based on the requested fields in B. Request which Fields to Evaluate, the FieldManager will trace through the evaluators to determine which evaluators to call and the order in which they need to be called to achieve a consistent evaluation. Not all evaluators that are registered will be used. They will only be called to satisfy dependencies of the required fields.
  2. Once the dependency chain is known, we can pull together a flat list of all fields that will be used. Now the FieldManager will allocate memory to store all fields. It will use the Allocator object from the users traits class to accomplish this. By unifying the allocation into a single object, we can force all fields to be allocated in a single contiguous block of memory if desired.
  3. Once the memory for field data is allocated, we must set the pointer to that memory block inside each Field or MDField object in each evaluator. The FieldManager does this by calling the postRegistrationSetup() method on each evaluator that is required for the computation.

Note: you can no longer register evaluators or request fields to evaluate once postRegistrationSetup() method is called.

D. Setup Worksets

If the user plans to use worksets, these objects are typically passed in through the member of the evaluate call as defined in your traits class. In our example, we chose to pass a user defined class called a MyWorkset in to the evaluate call. Since we plan to use worksets, each object of MyWorkset contains information about the workset. Here is the MyWorkset implementation:

#include "Phalanx_config.hpp" // for std::vector
#include "Cell.hpp"
struct MyWorkset {
std::size_t local_offset;
std::size_t num_cells;
std::vector<MyCell>::iterator begin;
std::vector<MyCell>::iterator end;

The user has written a MyCell class that contains data for each specific local cell. MyWorkset contains iterators to the beginning and end of the chunk of cells for this particular workset. The local_offset is the starting index into the local cell array. The num_cells is the number of cells in the workset. The MyWorkset objects are created one for each workset via the following code:

// Create Workset information: Cells and EvalData objects
std::vector<MyCell> cells(num_local_cells);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < cells.size(); ++i)
std::vector<MyWorkset> worksets;
std::vector<MyCell>::iterator cell_it = cells.begin();
std::size_t count = 0;
MyWorkset w;
w.local_offset = cell_it->localIndex();
w.begin = cell_it;
for (; cell_it != cells.end(); ++cell_it) {
std::vector<MyCell>::iterator next = cell_it;
if ( count == workset_size || next == cells.end()) {
w.end = next;
w.num_cells = count;
count = 0;
if (next != cells.end()) {
w.local_offset = next->localIndex();
w.begin = next;

Note that you do not have to use the workset idea. You could just pass in workset size equal to the number of local cells on the processor or you could use a workset size of one cell and wrap the evaluate call in a loop over the number of cells. Be aware that this can result in a possible performance hit.

E. Call evaluate()

Finally, users can call the evlauate routines and the pre/post evaluate routines if required.

// Process all local cells on processor by looping over worksets
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < worksets.size(); ++i) {
// Use workset values

F. Accessing Data

Accessing field data is achieved as follows:

Field< MyVector<double> > ef("Energy_Flux", qp);

You do not need to use the Field objects to access field data. You can get the reference counted smart pointer to the data array directly by using the field tag:

RCP<DataLayout> qp = rcp(new FlatLayout("QP", 4));
PHX::FieldTag<double> s("Nonlinear Source", qp);
Teuchos::ArrayRCP<double> source_values;