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panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits > Class Template Reference

Computes $ Ma(x)b(x)\cdots\int(\nabla\phi(x))\times \vec{s}(x)\,dx $. More...

#include <Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >:
Inheritance graph


struct  FieldMultTag
 This empty struct allows us to optimize operator()() depending on the number of field multipliers. More...

Public Member Functions

 Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector (const panzer::EvaluatorStyle &evalStyle, const std::vector< std::string > &resNames, const std::string &vecName, const panzer::BasisIRLayout &basis, const panzer::IntegrationRule &ir, const double &multiplier=1, const std::vector< std::string > &fmNames=std::vector< std::string >(), const Teuchos::RCP< PHX::DataLayout > &vecDL=Teuchos::null)
 Main Constructor. More...
 Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector (const Teuchos::ParameterList &p)
 ParameterList Constructor. More...
void postRegistrationSetup (typename Traits::SetupData d, PHX::FieldManager< Traits > &fm)
 Post-Registration Setup. More...
void evaluateFields (typename Traits::EvalData d)
 Evaluate Fields. More...
template<int NUM_FIELD_MULT>
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator() (const FieldMultTag< NUM_FIELD_MULT > &tag, const std::size_t &cell) const
 Perform the integration. More...
template<int NUM_FIELD_MULT>
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator() (const FieldMultTag< NUM_FIELD_MULT > &, const size_t &cell) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from panzer::EvaluatorWithBaseImpl< Traits >
void setDetailsIndex (const int di)
 An evaluator builder sets the details index. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from panzer::DomainEvaluator
 DomainEvaluator (DomainType domain=ALL)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~DomainEvaluator ()=default
 Default destructor. More...
void setDomain (const DomainType domain)
 Set the domain for the evaluator. More...
DomainType getDomain ()
 Get the domain for the evaluator. More...
virtual int cellStartIndex (const panzer::Workset &workset) const
 Returns the starting cell for the specified domain for a given workset. More...
virtual int cellEndIndex (const panzer::Workset &workset) const
 Returns the non-inclusive end cell for the specified domain for a given workset. More...

Private Types

using ScalarT = typename EvalT::ScalarT
 The scalar type. More...

Private Member Functions

< Teuchos::ParameterList
getValidParameters () const
 Get Valid Parameters. More...

Private Attributes

const panzer::EvaluatorStyle evalStyle_
 An enum determining the behavior of this Evaluator. More...
std::vector< PHX::MDField
< ScalarT, Cell, BASIS > > 
 The fields to which we'll contribute, or in which we'll store, the result of computing this integral. More...
PHX::MDField< const ScalarT,
Cell, IP, Dim > 
 A field representing the vector-valued function we're integrating ( $ \vec{s} $). More...
double multiplier_
 The scalar multiplier out in front of the integral ( $ M $). More...
std::vector< PHX::MDField
< const ScalarT, Cell, IP > > 
 The (possibly empty) list of fields that are multipliers out in front of the integral ( $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc.). More...
Kokkos::View< Kokkos::View
< const ScalarT **, typename
PHX::DevLayout< ScalarT >
::type, PHX::Device > * > 
 The Kokkos::View representation of the (possibly empty) list of fields that are multipliers out in front of the integral ( $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc.). More...
int numDims_
 The number of dimensions associated with the vector. More...
int numGradDims_
 The number of dimensions associated with the gradient. More...
std::string basisName_
 The name of the basis we're using. More...
std::size_t basisIndex_
 The index in the Workset bases for our particular BasisIRLayout name. More...
PHX::MDField< double,
panzer::Cell, panzer::BASIS,
panzer::IP, panzer::Dim > 
 The gradient vector basis information necessary for integration. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from panzer::DomainEvaluator
enum  DomainType : int {
  OWNED =0, GHOST =1, REAL =2, VIRTUAL =3,
  ALL =4
 Domain types supported by worksets. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from panzer::EvaluatorWithBaseImpl< Traits >
WorksetDetailsAccessor wda

Detailed Description

template<typename EvalT, typename Traits>
class panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >

Computes $ Ma(x)b(x)\cdots\int(\nabla\phi(x))\times \vec{s}(x)\,dx $.

Evaluates the integral

\[ Ma(x)b(x)\cdots\int(\nabla\phi(x))\times\vec{s}(x)\,dx, \]

where $ M $ is some constant, $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc., are some fields that depend on position, $ \vec{s} $ is some vector-valued function, and $ \phi $ is some vector basis.

Definition at line 81 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
using panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::ScalarT = typename EvalT::ScalarT

The scalar type.

Definition at line 270 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector ( const panzer::EvaluatorStyle evalStyle,
const std::vector< std::string > &  resNames,
const std::string &  vecName,
const panzer::BasisIRLayout basis,
const panzer::IntegrationRule ir,
const double &  multiplier = 1,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fmNames = std::vector<std::string>(),
const Teuchos::RCP< PHX::DataLayout > &  vecDL = Teuchos::null 

Main Constructor.

Creates an Evaluator to evaluate the integral

\[ Ma(x)b(x)\cdots\int(\nabla\phi(x))\times\vec{s}(x)\,dx, \]

where $ M $ is some constant, $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc., are some fields that depend on position, $ \vec{s} $ is some vector-valued function, and $ \phi $ is some vector basis.

[in]evalStyleAn enum declaring the behavior of this Evaluator, which is to either:
  • compute and contribute (CONTRIBUTES), or
  • compute and store (EVALUATES).
[in]resNamesThe names of either the contributed or evaluated fields, depending on evalStyle. This Evaluator computes either two or three fields, depending on the dimensionality of $ \nabla\phi $.
[in]vecNameThe name of the vector-valued function being integrated ( $ \vec{s} $).
[in]basisThe basis that you'd like to use ( $ \phi $).
[in]irThe integration rule that you'd like to use.
[in]multiplierThe scalar multiplier out in front of the integral you're computing ( $ M $). If not specified, this defaults to 1.
[in]fmNamesA list of names of fields that are multipliers out in front of the integral you're computing ( $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc.). If not specified, this defaults to an empty vector.
[in]vecDLThe vector data layout that you'd like to use. If not specified, this defaults to Teuchos::null and the vector data layout from the given ir is used.
std::invalid_argumentIf any of the inputs are invalid.
std::logic_errorIf the basis supplied does not support the gradient operator, or if the dimension of the space exceeds the dimension of the vector data layout, or if has fewer components than the dimensionality of the mesh.

Definition at line 72 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_impl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector ( const Teuchos::ParameterList p)

ParameterList Constructor.

Creates an Evaluator to evaluate the integral

\[ Ma(x)b(x)\cdots\int(\nabla\phi(x))\times\vec{s}(x)\,dx, \]

where $ M $ is some constant, $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc., are some fields that depend on position, $ \vec{s} $ is some vector-valued function, and $ \phi $ is some basis.

This constructor exists to preserve the older way of creating an Evaluator with a ParameterList; however, it is strongly advised that you not use this ParameterList Constructor, but rather that you favor the main constructor with its compile-time argument checking instead.
[in]pA ParameterList of the form
<Parameter name = "Residual Names" type = "std::vector<std::string>" value = (required) />
<Parameter name = "Vector Name" type = "std::string" value = (required) />
<Parameter name = "Basis" type = "RCP<panzer::BasisIRLayout>" value = (required) />
<Parameter name = "IR" type = "RCP<panzer::IntegrationRule>" value = (required) />
<Parameter name = "Multiplier" type = "double" value = (required) />
<Parameter name = "Field Multipliers" type = "RCP<const std::vector<std::string>>" value = null (default)/>
<Parameter name = "Data Layout Vector" type = "RCP<PHX::DataLayout>" value = null (default)/>
  • "Residual Names" are the names for the terms this Evaluator is evaluating,
  • "Vector Name" is the name of the vector-valued function being integrated ( $ \vec{s} $),
  • "Basis" is the basis that you'd like to use ( $ \phi $),
  • "IR" is the integration rule that you'd like to use,
  • "Multiplier" is the scalar multiplier out in front of the integral you're computing ( $ M $), and
  • "Field Multipliers" is an optional list of names of fields that are multipliers out in front of the integral you're computing ( $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc.).
  • "Data Layout Vector" is the vector data layout that you'd like to use.

Definition at line 184 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_impl.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
void panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::postRegistrationSetup ( typename Traits::SetupData  d,
PHX::FieldManager< Traits > &  fm 

Post-Registration Setup.

Sets the basis index, and gets the Kokkos::View versions of the field multipliers, if there are any.

[in]sdEssentially a list of Worksets, which are collections of cells (elements) that all live on a single process.
[in]fmThis is an unused part of the Evaluator interface.

Definition at line 218 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_impl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
void panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::evaluateFields ( typename Traits::EvalData  d)

Evaluate Fields.

This actually performs the integration by calling operator()() in a Kokkos::parallel_for over the cells in the Workset.

[in]worksetThe Workset on which you're going to do the integration.

Definition at line 448 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_impl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
template<int NUM_FIELD_MULT>
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::operator() ( const FieldMultTag< NUM_FIELD_MULT > &  tag,
const std::size_t &  cell 
) const

Perform the integration.

Generally speaking, for a given cell in the Workset, this routine loops over quadrature points and bases to perform the integration, scaling the vector field to be integrated by the multiplier ( $ M $) and any field multipliers ( $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc.).

Optimizations are made for the cases in which we have no field multipliers or only a single one.
[in]tagAn indication of the number of field multipliers we have; either 0, 1, or something else.
[in]cellThe cell in the Workset over which to integrate.
template<typename EvalT , typename TRAITS >
Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, TRAITS >::getValidParameters ( ) const

Get Valid Parameters.

Get all the parameters that we support such that the ParameterList Constructor can do some validation of the input ParameterList.

A ParameterList with all the valid parameters (keys) in it. The values tied to those keys are meaningless default values.

Definition at line 476 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_impl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
template<int NUM_FIELD_MULT>
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::operator() ( const FieldMultTag< NUM_FIELD_MULT > &  ,
const size_t &  cell 
) const

Member Data Documentation

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
const panzer::EvaluatorStyle panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::evalStyle_

An enum determining the behavior of this Evaluator.

This Evaluator will compute the result of its integration and then:

  • CONTRIBUTES: contribute it to a specified residual, not saving anything; or
  • EVALUATES: save it under a specified name for future use.

Definition at line 280 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
std::vector<PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, BASIS> > panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::fields_

The fields to which we'll contribute, or in which we'll store, the result of computing this integral.

Definition at line 286 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
PHX::MDField<const ScalarT, Cell, IP, Dim> panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::vector_

A field representing the vector-valued function we're integrating ( $ \vec{s} $).

Definition at line 292 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
double panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::multiplier_

The scalar multiplier out in front of the integral ( $ M $).

Definition at line 298 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
std::vector<PHX::MDField<const ScalarT, Cell, IP> > panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::fieldMults_

The (possibly empty) list of fields that are multipliers out in front of the integral ( $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc.).

Definition at line 304 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
Kokkos::View<Kokkos::View<const ScalarT**, typename PHX::DevLayout<ScalarT>::type, PHX::Device>*> panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::kokkosFieldMults_

The Kokkos::View representation of the (possibly empty) list of fields that are multipliers out in front of the integral ( $ a(x) $, $ b(x) $, etc.).

Definition at line 313 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
int panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::numDims_

The number of dimensions associated with the vector.

Definition at line 318 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
int panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::numGradDims_

The number of dimensions associated with the gradient.

Definition at line 323 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
std::string panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::basisName_

The name of the basis we're using.

Definition at line 328 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
std::size_t panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::basisIndex_

The index in the Workset bases for our particular BasisIRLayout name.

Definition at line 334 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

template<typename EvalT , typename Traits >
PHX::MDField<double, panzer::Cell, panzer::BASIS, panzer::IP, panzer::Dim> panzer::Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector< EvalT, Traits >::basis_

The gradient vector basis information necessary for integration.

Definition at line 341 of file Panzer_Integrator_GradBasisCrossVector_decl.hpp.

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