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NOX::Thyra::Group Class Reference

A concrete implementation of the NOX::Abstract::Group using Thyra. More...

#include <NOX_Thyra_Group.H>

Inheritance diagram for NOX::Thyra::Group:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for NOX::Thyra::Group:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 Group (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &initialGuess, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::ModelEvaluator< double > > &model, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &weightVector=Teuchos::null, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &rightWeightVector=Teuchos::null, const bool rightScalingFirst=false)
 The default constructor that uses the linear solver from the ModelEvaluator. More...
 Group (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &initialGuess, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::ModelEvaluator< double > > &model, const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::LinearOpBase< double > > &linearOp, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< double > > &lowsFactory, const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::PreconditionerBase< double > > &precOp, const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase< double > > &precFactory, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &weightVector=Teuchos::null, const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &rightWeightVector=Teuchos::null, const bool rightScalingFirst=false, const bool updatePreconditioner=true, const bool jacobianIsEvaluated=false)
 Power user constructor that takes explicit linear solver objects to handle different combinations. More...
 Group (const NOX::Thyra::Group &source, NOX::CopyType type=DeepCopy)
 Copy constructor.
 ~Group ()
NOX::Abstract::Groupoperator= (const NOX::Abstract::Group &source)
 Copies the source group into this group. More...
NOX::Abstract::Groupoperator= (const NOX::Thyra::Group &source)
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
get_current_x () const
< ::Thyra::LinearOpBase
< double > > 
getNonconstJacobianOperator ()
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::LinearOpBase< double > > 
getJacobianOperator () const
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::LinearOpBase< double > > 
getScaledJacobianOperator () const
void unscaleJacobianOperator () const
< ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase
< double > > 
getNonconstJacobian ()
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
getJacobian () const
< ::Thyra::PreconditionerBase
< double > > 
getNonconstPreconditioner ()
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
getPreconditioner () const
virtual void logLastLinearSolveStats (NOX::SolverStats &stats) const
 Adds statistics from last linear solve to the SovlerStats object.
virtual Teuchos::RCP
< NOX::Abstract::Group
clone (NOX::CopyType type=NOX::DeepCopy) const
 Create a new Group of the same derived type as this one by cloning this one, and return a ref count pointer to the new group. More...
void print () const
 Print out the group.
< double > & 
getNonconstInArgs ()
< double > & 
getInArgs () const
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
getModel () const
"Compute" functions.
void setX (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &y)
 Set the solution vector x to y. More...
void setX (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &y)
 See above.
void computeX (const NOX::Abstract::Group &grp, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &d, double step)
 Compute x = grp.x + step * d. More...
void computeX (const NOX::Thyra::Group &grp, const NOX::Thyra::Vector &d, double step)
 See above.
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType computeF ()
 Compute and store F(x). More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType computeJacobian ()
 Compute and store Jacobian. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType computeGradient ()
 Compute and store gradient. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType computeNewton (Teuchos::ParameterList &params)
 Compute the Newton direction, using parameters for the linear solve. More...
Jacobian operations.

Operations using the Jacobian matrix. These may not be defined in matrix-free scenarios.

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobian (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Applies Jacobian to the given input vector and puts the answer in the result. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobian (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &input, NOX::Thyra::Vector &result) const
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianMultiVector (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 applyJacobian for multiple right-hand sides More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianTranspose (const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Applies Jacobian-Transpose to the given input vector and puts the answer in the result. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianTranspose (const NOX::Thyra::Vector &input, NOX::Thyra::Vector &result) const
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianTransposeMultiVector (const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 applyJacobianTranspose for multiple right-hand sides More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianInverse (Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Applies the inverse of the Jacobian matrix to the given input vector and puts the answer in result. More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianInverse (Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Thyra::Vector &input, NOX::Thyra::Vector &result) const
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianInverseMultiVector (Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 applyJacobianInverse for multiple right-hand sides More...
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyRightPreconditioning (bool useTranspose, Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::Vector &input, NOX::Abstract::Vector &result) const
 Apply right preconditiong to the given input vector. More...
"Is" functions

Checks to see if various objects have been computed. Returns true if the corresponding "compute" function has been called since the last update to the solution vector (via instantiation or computeX).

bool isF () const
 Return true if F is valid.
bool isJacobian () const
 Return true if the Jacobian is valid. More...
bool isGradient () const
 Return true if the gradient is valid. More...
bool isNewton () const
 Return true if the Newton direction is valid. More...
"Get" functions

Note that these function do not check whether or not the vectors are valid. Must use the "Is" functions for that purpose.

const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetX () const
 Return solution vector.
const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetScaledX () const
const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetF () const
 Return F(x)
double getNormF () const
 Return 2-norm of F(x). More...
const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetGradient () const
 Return gradient.
const NOX::Abstract::VectorgetNewton () const
 Return Newton direction.
Teuchos::RCP< const
getXPtr () const
 Return RCP to solution vector.
Teuchos::RCP< const
getFPtr () const
 Return RCP to F(x)
Teuchos::RCP< const
getGradientPtr () const
 Return RCP to gradient.
Teuchos::RCP< const
getNewtonPtr () const
 Return RCP to Newton direction.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NOX::Abstract::Group
 Group ()
 Constructor. More...
applyRightPreconditioningMultiVector (bool useTranspose, Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &input, NOX::Abstract::MultiVector &result) const
 applyRightPreconditioning for multiple right-hand sides More...
getNormLastLinearSolveResidual (double &residual) const
 Return the norm of the last linear solve residual as the result of either a call to computeNewton() or applyJacobianInverse(). More...

Protected Member Functions

void resetIsValidFlags ()
 resets the isValid flags to false
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType applyJacobianInverseMultiVector (Teuchos::ParameterList &p, const ::Thyra::MultiVectorBase< double > &input,::Thyra::MultiVectorBase< double > &result) const
 Apply Jacobian inverse using Thyra objects.
::Thyra::ESolveMeasureNormType getThyraNormType (const std::string &name) const
void updateLOWS () const
 Finalizes LOWS to be a valid solver for the Jacobian.
void scaleResidualAndJacobian () const
void unscaleResidualAndJacobian () const
void computeScaledSolution ()

Protected Attributes

Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
 Problem interface.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectorx_vec_
 Solution vector.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectorf_vec_
 Residual vector.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectornewton_vec_
 Newton direction vector.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectorgradient_vec_
 Gradient direction vector.
< NOX::SharedObject
< ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase
< double >, NOX::Thyra::Group > > 
 Shared Jacobian operator with solve.
< ::Thyra::LinearOpBase
< double > > 
 Jacobian operator.
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
 Thyra LOWS factory for building Jacobians.
Teuchos::RCP< const
< double > > 
 Source base needed to create preconditioner.
< ::Thyra::PreconditionerBase
< double > > 
 Preconditioner for Jacobian.
< ::Thyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase
< double > > 
 Preconditioner factory.
< double > 
 Residual InArgs.
< double > 
 Residual OutArgs.
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Optional wieghting vector for function scaling. NOX assumes that this vector can be updated in between nonlinear iterations. More...
Teuchos::RCP< const
::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Optional wieghting vector for solution (right) scaling. NOX assumes that this vector will not change during an entire nonlinear solve.
< ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Inverse of weight vector used to unscale function (left) scaling. NOX assumes that this vector can be updated in between nonlinear iterations.
< ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > 
 Inverse of weight vector used to unscale solution (right) scaling. NOX assumes that this vector will not change during an entire nonlinear solve.
Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Thyra::Vectorscaled_x_vec_
 Scaled solution vector scaled by the.
bool rightScalingFirst_
 Do right scaling before left scaling?
bool updatePreconditioner_
 If set to true, the preconditioner matrix values will be automatically updated via precFactory or ModelEvalautor. If set to false, the user must manually handle updating the preconditioner.
NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType last_linear_solve_status_
 The status of the last linear solve performed.
int last_linear_solve_num_iters_
 Number of iterations for last linear solve performed.
double last_linear_solve_achieved_tol_
 The tolerance achieved by the last linear solver.
IsValid flags

True if the current solution is up-to-date with respect to the currect solution vector.

bool is_valid_f_
bool is_valid_jacobian_
bool is_valid_newton_dir_
bool is_valid_gradient_dir_
bool is_valid_lows_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from NOX::Abstract::Group
enum  ReturnType {
  Ok, NotDefined, BadDependency, NotConverged,
 The computation of, say, the Newton direction in computeNewton() may fail in many different ways, so we have included a variety of return codes to describe the failures. Of course, we also have a code for success. More...

Detailed Description

A concrete implementation of the NOX::Abstract::Group using Thyra.

NOTE: This Group supports row sum scaling of the function (residual and Jacobian). This is enabled by setting a weight vector on the initial guess vector in the Group constructor. The residual and Jacobian must be scaled before and then unscaled after calls to construct the preconditioner and solve the linear system. This follows the nox epetra group. This design should be changed in a future nox refactor, but requires significant changes to the Group object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NOX::Thyra::Group::Group ( const NOX::Thyra::Vector initialGuess,
const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::ModelEvaluator< double > > &  model,
const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &  weightVector = Teuchos::null,
const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &  rightWeightVector = Teuchos::null,
const bool  rightScalingFirst = false 

The default constructor that uses the linear solver from the ModelEvaluator.

Most users should use this constructor. It is meant to be used in conjunction with a stratimikos linear solver that is built as part of the input model evaluator. For finer grained control over the use of the preconditioner and for Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov cases, the power user constructor should be used.

[in]initialGuessInitial guess for the solution vector
[in]weightVectorOptional diagonal weighting vector for the model.
[in]rightWeightVectorOptional solution vector weighting
[in]rightScalingFirstOptional bool to select if right scaling should be applied before left scaling

References NOX::DeepCopy, f_vec_, gradient_vec_, in_args_, inv_right_weight_vec_, lop_, losb_, lows_factory_, model_, newton_vec_, nonnull(), Teuchos::nonnull(), out_args_, prec_, prec_factory_, Teuchos::RCP< T >::ptr(), Teuchos::rcp(), resetIsValidFlags(), right_weight_vec_, rightScalingFirst_, scaled_x_vec_, NOX::ShapeCopy, shared_jacobian_, TEUCHOS_ASSERT, weight_vec_, and x_vec_.

NOX::Thyra::Group::Group ( const NOX::Thyra::Vector initialGuess,
const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::ModelEvaluator< double > > &  model,
const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::LinearOpBase< double > > &  linearOp,
const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< double > > &  lowsFactory,
const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::PreconditionerBase< double > > &  precOp,
const Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase< double > > &  precFactory,
const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &  weightVector = Teuchos::null,
const Teuchos::RCP< const ::Thyra::VectorBase< double > > &  rightWeightVector = Teuchos::null,
const bool  rightScalingFirst = false,
const bool  updatePreconditioner = true,
const bool  jacobianIsEvaluated = false 

Power user constructor that takes explicit linear solver objects to handle different combinations.

This class allows the user to set user-defined linear operators and preconditioners (and corresponding factories). The user can set the linear_op to be a Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov operator (use the class NOX::Thyra::MatrixFreeJacobianOperator).

[in]initialGuess(Required) Initial guess for the solution vector
[in]model(Required) ModelEvaluator
[in]linearOp(Optional) Forward operator for the Jacobian. Must be non-null for Newton-based solvers.
[in]lowsFactory(Optional) Factory for building and updating linear solver.
[in]precOp(Optional) Preconditioner operator. If set to Teuchos::null and a non-null prec_factory exists, the prec_op will be constructed using the preconditioner factory.
[in]precFactory(Optional) Factory for updating the precondiitoner. If set to Teuchos::null and there is a non-null prec_op, then the preconditioner will be updated using the model evaluator as long as the ModelEvaluator::outArgs supports W_prec.
[in]weightVector(Optional) diagonal weighting vector for the model.
[in]rightWeightVectorOptional solution vector weighting
[in]rightScalingFirstOptional bool to select if right scaling should be applied before left scaling
[in]updatePreconditionerOptional bool to select if the Group should auotmatically update the preconditioner matrix values between Newton iterations
[in]jacobianIsEvaluatedOptional bool, if true this means that the input Jacobian operator (linearOp) has been evaluated externally and is consistent with the initialGuess. In this case, the isJacobian() flag is initialized to true.

References NOX::DeepCopy, f_vec_, gradient_vec_, in_args_, inv_right_weight_vec_, Teuchos::is_null(), is_null(), lop_, losb_, lows_factory_, model_, newton_vec_, nonnull(), out_args_, prec_, prec_factory_, Teuchos::RCP< T >::ptr(), Teuchos::rcp(), resetIsValidFlags(), right_weight_vec_, rightScalingFirst_, scaled_x_vec_, NOX::ShapeCopy, shared_jacobian_, TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION, weight_vec_, and x_vec_.

Member Function Documentation

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::applyJacobian ( const NOX::Abstract::Vector input,
NOX::Abstract::Vector result 
) const

Applies Jacobian to the given input vector and puts the answer in the result.


\[ v = J u, \]

where $J$ is the Jacobian, $u$ is the input vector, and $v$ is the result vector.


Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References Teuchos::dyn_cast().

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::applyJacobianInverse ( Teuchos::ParameterList params,
const NOX::Abstract::Vector input,
NOX::Abstract::Vector result 
) const

Applies the inverse of the Jacobian matrix to the given input vector and puts the answer in result.


\[ v = J^{-1} u, \]

where $J$ is the Jacobian, $u$ is the input vector, and $v$ is the result vector.

The "Tolerance" parameter specifies that the solution should be such that

\[ \frac{\| J v - u \|_2}{\max \{ 1, \|u\|_2\} } < \mbox{Tolerance} \]


The parameter "Tolerance" may be added/modified in the list of parameters - this is the ideal solution tolerance for an iterative linear solve.

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References Teuchos::dyn_cast().

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::applyJacobianInverseMultiVector ( Teuchos::ParameterList params,
const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector input,
NOX::Abstract::MultiVector result 
) const

applyJacobianInverse for multiple right-hand sides

The default implementation here calls applyJacobianInverse() for each right hand side serially but should be overloaded if a block solver is available.

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References Teuchos::dyn_cast(), and NOX::Thyra::MultiVector::getThyraMultiVector().

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::applyJacobianMultiVector ( const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector input,
NOX::Abstract::MultiVector result 
) const

applyJacobian for multiple right-hand sides

The default implementation here calls applyJacobian() for each right hand side serially but should be overloaded if a block method is available.

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References Teuchos::dyn_cast(), NOX::Thyra::MultiVector::getThyraMultiVector(), nonnull(), NOX::Abstract::Group::Ok, Teuchos::RCP< T >::ptr(), and TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION.

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::applyJacobianTranspose ( const NOX::Abstract::Vector input,
NOX::Abstract::Vector result 
) const

Applies Jacobian-Transpose to the given input vector and puts the answer in the result.


\[ v = J^T u, \]

where $J$ is the Jacobian, $u$ is the input vector, and $v$ is the result vector.


Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References Teuchos::dyn_cast().

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::applyJacobianTransposeMultiVector ( const NOX::Abstract::MultiVector input,
NOX::Abstract::MultiVector result 
) const

applyJacobianTranspose for multiple right-hand sides

The default implementation here calls applyJacobianTranspose() for each right hand side serially but should be overloaded if a block method is available.

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References Teuchos::dyn_cast(), NOX::Abstract::Group::Failed, NOX::Thyra::MultiVector::getThyraMultiVector(), nonnull(), NOX::Abstract::Group::Ok, Teuchos::RCP< T >::ptr(), and TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION.

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::applyRightPreconditioning ( bool  useTranspose,
Teuchos::ParameterList params,
const NOX::Abstract::Vector input,
NOX::Abstract::Vector result 
) const

Apply right preconditiong to the given input vector.

Let $M$ be a right preconditioner for the Jacobian $J$; in other words, $M$ is a matrix such that

\[ JM \approx I. \]


\[ u = M^{-1} v, \]

where $u$ is the input vector and $v$ is the result vector.

If useTranspose is true, then the transpose of the preconditioner is applied:

\[ u = {M^{-1}}^T v, \]

The transpose preconditioner is currently only required for Tensor methods.

The "Tolerance" parameter specifies that the solution should be such that

\[ \frac{\| M v - u \|_2}{\max \{ 1, \|u\|_2\} } < \mbox{Tolerance} \]


The parameters are from the "Linear %Solver" sublist of the "Direction" sublist that is passed to solver during construction.

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References NOX::Thyra::Vector::getThyraRCPVector(), is_null(), nonnull(), NOX::Abstract::Group::Ok, and Teuchos::RCP< T >::ptr().

Teuchos::RCP< NOX::Abstract::Group > NOX::Thyra::Group::clone ( NOX::CopyType  type = NOX::DeepCopy) const

Create a new Group of the same derived type as this one by cloning this one, and return a ref count pointer to the new group.

If type is NOX::DeepCopy, then we need to create an exact replica of "this". Otherwise, if type is NOX::ShapeCopy, we need only replicate the shape of "this" (only the memory is allocated, the values are not copied into the vectors and Jacobian). Returns NULL if clone is not supported.

Any shared data should have its ownership transfered to this group from the source for a NOX::DeepCopy.

Implements NOX::Abstract::Group.

Reimplemented in LOCA::Thyra::Group, and LOCA::Thyra::GroupWrapper.

References Teuchos::rcp().

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::computeF ( )

Compute and store F(x).

It's generally useful to also compute and store the 2-norm of F(x) at this point for later access by the getNormF() function.

Implements NOX::Abstract::Group.

References NOX::Abstract::Group::Failed, and NOX::Abstract::Group::Ok.

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::computeGradient ( )

Compute and store gradient.

We can pose the nonlinear equation problem $F(x) = 0$ as an optimization problem as follows:

\[ \min f(x) \equiv \frac{1}{2} \|F(x)\|_2^2. \]

In that case, the gradient (of $f$) is defined as

\[ g \equiv J^T F. \]


Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References NOX::Abstract::Group::Failed, nonnull(), and TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION.

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::computeJacobian ( )

Compute and store Jacobian.

Recall that

\[ F(x) = \left[ \begin{array}{c} F_1(x) \\ F_2(x) \\ \vdots \\ F_n(x) \\ \end{array} \right]. \]

The Jacobian is denoted by $J$ and defined by

\[ J_{ij} = \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial x_j} (x). \]

If this is a shared object, this group should take ownership of the Jacobian before it computes it.

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References NOX::Abstract::Group::Failed, nonnull(), and NOX::Abstract::Group::Ok.

NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType NOX::Thyra::Group::computeNewton ( Teuchos::ParameterList params)

Compute the Newton direction, using parameters for the linear solve.

The Newton direction is the solution, s, of

\[ J s = -F. \]

The parameters are from the "Linear %Solver" sublist of the "Direction" sublist that is passed to solver during construction.

The "Tolerance" parameter may be added/modified in the sublist of "Linear Solver" parameters that is passed into this function. The solution should be such that

\[ \frac{\| J s - (-F) \|_2}{\max \{ 1, \|F\|_2\} } < \mbox{Tolerance} \]


Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

void NOX::Thyra::Group::computeX ( const NOX::Abstract::Group grp,
const NOX::Abstract::Vector d,
double  step 

Compute x = grp.x + step * d.

Let $x$ denote this group's solution vector. Let $\hat x$ denote the result of grp.getX(). Then set

\[ x = \hat x + \mbox{step} \; d. \]

This should invalidate the function value, Jacobian, gradient, and Newton direction.
Throw an error if the copy fails.
Reference to this object

Implements NOX::Abstract::Group.

Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs< double > & NOX::Thyra::Group::getNonconstInArgs ( )

FOR POWER USERS ONLY! Grab the inargs used by nox and allow the user to change it. Used by pseudo-transient solver to add an x_dot and alpha/beta to the model evaluator call.

double NOX::Thyra::Group::getNormF ( ) const

Return 2-norm of F(x).

In other words,

\[ \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n F_i^2} \]

Implements NOX::Abstract::Group.

const NOX::Abstract::Vector & NOX::Thyra::Group::getScaledX ( ) const

If right scaling vector exist, return a right scaled vector.

Default to getX

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References nonnull().

bool NOX::Thyra::Group::isGradient ( ) const

Return true if the gradient is valid.

Default implementation in NOX::Abstract::Group returns false.

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

bool NOX::Thyra::Group::isJacobian ( ) const

Return true if the Jacobian is valid.

Default implementation in NOX::Abstract::Group returns false.

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

References nonnull().

Referenced by Group().

bool NOX::Thyra::Group::isNewton ( ) const

Return true if the Newton direction is valid.

Default implementation in NOX::Abstract::Group returns false.

Reimplemented from NOX::Abstract::Group.

NOX::Abstract::Group & NOX::Thyra::Group::operator= ( const NOX::Abstract::Group source)

Copies the source group into this group.

Any shared data owned by the source should have its ownership transfered to this group. This may result in a secret modification to the source object.

Implements NOX::Abstract::Group.

Referenced by LOCA::Thyra::Group::operator=().

void NOX::Thyra::Group::setX ( const NOX::Abstract::Vector y)

Set the solution vector x to y.

This should invalidate the function value, Jacobian, gradient, and Newton direction.
Throw an error if the copy fails.
Reference to this object

Implements NOX::Abstract::Group.

Member Data Documentation

Teuchos::RCP<const ::Thyra::VectorBase<double> > NOX::Thyra::Group::weight_vec_

Optional wieghting vector for function scaling. NOX assumes that this vector can be updated in between nonlinear iterations.

This is pulled out of the initial guess vector

Referenced by Group().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: