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fei::VectorTraits< T > Struct Template Reference

#include <fei_VectorTraits.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * typeName ()
static int setValues (T *vec, int firstLocalOffset, double scalar, bool isSolnVector=false)
static int putValuesIn (T *vec, int firstLocalOffset, int numValues, const int *indices, const double *values, bool sum_into, bool isSolnVector=false, int vectorIndex=0)
static int copyOut (T *vec, int firstLocalOffset, int numValues, const int *indices, double *values, bool isSolnVector=false, int vectorIndex=0)
static double * getLocalCoefsPtr (T *vec, bool isSolnVector=false, int vectorIndex=0)
static int update (T *vec, double a, const T *x, double b)
static int globalAssemble (T *vec)

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
struct fei::VectorTraits< T >

Define a struct of vector access traits. The fei vector implementation class fei::Vector is essentially a filter which passes data to library-specific vector objects (such as Trilinos/Epetra's Epetra_MultiVector). fei::Vector is a template, and the template parameter is the vector object. In order to use an arbitrary vector object with fei::Vector, it is necessary to define a specialization of this VectorTraits struct for the vector object.

For an example specialization, see support-Trilinos/VectorTraits_Epetra.hpp.

This "base" VectorTraits struct provides function stubs for default type "T", which will catch the use of any vector type for which specialized traits have not been defined.

Note: Several functions have an argument called 'isSolnVector'. This allows for cases where the vector object is an aggregate container such as the old LinearSystemCore, or the newer LinearProblemManager, which embody a linear-system with 2 vectors (a solution vector and a right- hand-side vector).

Note2: Most functions have an argument called 'firstLocalOffset'. This is the local processor's starting offset into the global index space. Other 'indices' arguments always contain global indices, so offsets into a processor's data can be obtained by, for example, 'indices[i] - firstLocalOffset'.

Note3: All functions are expected to only operate on the locally-stored portion of the vector. No inter-process communication should occur in any function except globalAssemble().

Definition at line 52 of file fei_VectorTraits.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T >
static const char* fei::VectorTraits< T >::typeName ( )
    Return a string type-name for the underlying vector. May appear in

debug-output logs, etc. Does not need to exactly correspond to the type, but should be descriptive.

template<typename T >
static int fei::VectorTraits< T >::setValues ( T *  vec,
int  firstLocalOffset,
double  scalar,
bool  isSolnVector = false 

Set a specified scalar value throughout the vector.

template<typename T >
static int fei::VectorTraits< T >::putValuesIn ( T *  vec,
int  firstLocalOffset,
int  numValues,
const int *  indices,
const double *  values,
bool  sum_into,
bool  isSolnVector = false,
int  vectorIndex = 0 

Put values into the vector. If the 'sum_into' argument is true, then values are added to any values that already exist at the specified indices. If the 'sum_into' argument is false, then incoming values will overwrite any that may already exist at the specified indices. See general comments at the top of this struct regarding the 'isSolnVector' argument.

Referenced by fei::Vector_Impl< T >::giveToUnderlyingVector().

template<typename T >
static int fei::VectorTraits< T >::copyOut ( T *  vec,
int  firstLocalOffset,
int  numValues,
const int *  indices,
double *  values,
bool  isSolnVector = false,
int  vectorIndex = 0 
  Copy values for the specified indices out into the user-allocated

array 'values'.

template<typename T >
static double* fei::VectorTraits< T >::getLocalCoefsPtr ( T *  vec,
bool  isSolnVector = false,
int  vectorIndex = 0 

Get a pointer to the vector object's local coefficients array. Vector objects that can't support this can return NULL.

template<typename T >
static int fei::VectorTraits< T >::update ( T *  vec,
double  a,
const T *  x,
double  b 

Update vec = b*vec + a*x

template<typename T >
static int fei::VectorTraits< T >::globalAssemble ( T *  vec)

Perform global communication or whatever operations may be necessary to complete the assembly of the vector. Most vector objects will do nothing here. Vectors such as the Epetra_FEVector object may do some operations here.

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