FEI Package Browser (Single Doxygen Collection)
Version of the Day
#include <fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
Aztec_LinSysCore (MPI_Comm comm) | |
virtual | ~Aztec_LinSysCore () |
LinearSystemCore * | clone () |
int | parameters (int numParams, const char *const *params) |
int | setLookup (Lookup &lookup) |
int | setGlobalOffsets (int len, int *nodeOffsets, int *eqnOffsets, int *blkEqnOffsets) |
int | setConnectivities (GlobalID elemBlock, int numElements, int numNodesPerElem, const GlobalID *elemIDs, const int *const *connNodes) |
int | setStiffnessMatrices (GlobalID, int, const GlobalID *, const double *const *const *, int, const int *const *) |
int | setLoadVectors (GlobalID, int, const GlobalID *, const double *const *, int, const int *const *) |
int | setMatrixStructure (int **ptColIndices, int *ptRowLengths, int **blkColIndices, int *blkRowLengths, int *ptRowsPerBlkRow) |
int | setMultCREqns (int, int, int, int **, int **, int *, int *) |
int | setPenCREqns (int, int, int, int **, int **, int *) |
int | resetMatrixAndVector (double s) |
int | resetMatrix (double s) |
int | resetRHSVector (double s) |
int | sumIntoSystemMatrix (int numPtRows, const int *ptRows, int numPtCols, const int *ptCols, int numBlkRows, const int *blkRows, int numBlkCols, const int *blkCols, const double *const *values) |
int | sumIntoSystemMatrix (int numPtRows, const int *ptRows, int numPtCols, const int *ptCols, const double *const *values) |
int | putIntoSystemMatrix (int numPtRows, const int *ptRows, int numPtCols, const int *ptCols, const double *const *values) |
int | getMatrixRowLength (int row, int &length) |
int | getMatrixRow (int row, double *coefs, int *indices, int len, int &rowLength) |
int | sumIntoRHSVector (int num, const double *values, const int *indices) |
int | putIntoRHSVector (int num, const double *values, const int *indices) |
int | getFromRHSVector (int num, double *values, const int *indices) |
int | matrixLoadComplete () |
int | enforceEssentialBC (int *globalEqn, double *alpha, double *gamma, int len) |
int | enforceBlkEssentialBC (int *blkEqn, int *blkOffset, double *alpha, double *gamma, int len) |
int | enforceRemoteEssBCs (int numEqns, int *globalEqns, int **colIndices, int *colIndLen, double **coefs) |
int | enforceBlkRemoteEssBCs (int numEqns, int *blkEqns, int **blkColInds, int **blkColOffsets, int *blkColLens, double **remEssBCCoefs) |
int | getMatrixPtr (Data &data) |
int | copyInMatrix (double scalar, const Data &data) |
int | copyOutMatrix (double scalar, Data &data) |
int | sumInMatrix (double scalar, const Data &data) |
int | getRHSVectorPtr (Data &data) |
int | copyInRHSVector (double scalar, const Data &data) |
int | copyOutRHSVector (double scalar, Data &data) |
int | sumInRHSVector (double scalar, const Data &data) |
int | destroyMatrixData (Data &data) |
int | destroyVectorData (Data &data) |
int | setNumRHSVectors (int numRHSs, const int *rhsIDs) |
int | setRHSID (int rhsID) |
int | putInitialGuess (const int *eqnNumbers, const double *values, int len) |
int | getSolution (double *answers, int len) |
int | getSolnEntry (int eqnNumber, double &answer) |
int | formResidual (double *values, int len) |
int | launchSolver (int &solveStatus, int &iterations) |
int | putNodalFieldData (int, int, int *, int, const double *) |
int | writeSystem (const char *name) |
double * | getMatrixBeginPointer () |
int | getMatrixOffset (int row, int col) |
![]() | |
LinearSystemCore () | |
virtual | ~LinearSystemCore () |
virtual int | getProperty (const char *, double &) |
Private Member Functions | |
int | createMiscStuff () |
int | allocateMatrix (int **ptColIndices, int *ptRowLengths, int **blkColIndices, int *blkRowLengths, int *ptRowsPerBlkRow) |
int | VBRmatPlusScaledMat (AztecDVBR_Matrix *A, double scalar, AztecDVBR_Matrix *source) |
int | MSRmatPlusScaledMat (AztecDMSR_Matrix *A, double scalar, AztecDMSR_Matrix *source) |
int | createBlockMatrix (int **blkColIndices, int *blkRowLengths, int *ptRowsPerBlkRow) |
int | sumIntoBlockRow (int numBlkRows, const int *blkRows, int numBlkCols, const int *blkCols, const double *const *values, int numPtCols, bool overwriteInsteadOfAccumulate) |
int | copyBlockRow (int i, const int *blkRows, int numBlkCols, const int *blkCols, const double *const *values, double *coefs) |
int | modifyRHSforBCs () |
int | explicitlySetDirichletBCs () |
int | blockRowToPointRow (int blkRow) |
int | getBlockRow (int blkRow, double *&val, int &valLen, int *&blkColInds, int &blkColIndLen, int &numNzBlks, int &numNNZ) |
int | getBlkEqnsAndOffsets (int *ptEqns, int *blkEqns, int *blkOffsets, int numEqns) |
int | getBlockSize (int blkInd) |
int | sumIntoPointRow (int numPtRows, const int *ptRows, int numPtCols, const int *ptColIndices, const double *const *values, bool overwriteInsteadOfAccumulate) |
int | sumPointIntoBlockRow (int blkRow, int rowOffset, int blkCol, int colOffset, double value) |
int | setMatrixType (const char *name) |
int | selectSolver (const char *name) |
int | selectPreconditioner (const char *name) |
void | setSubdomainSolve (const char *name) |
void | setScalingOption (const char *param) |
void | setConvTest (const char *param) |
void | setPreCalc (const char *param) |
void | setTypeOverlap (const char *param) |
void | setOverlap (const char *param) |
void | setOrthog (const char *param) |
void | setAuxVec (const char *param) |
void | setAZ_output (const char *param) |
void | recordUserParams () |
void | checkForParam (const char *paramName, int numParams_, char **paramStrings, double ¶m) |
void | recordUserOptions () |
void | checkForOption (const char *paramName, int numParams_, char **paramStrings, int ¶m) |
int | blkRowEssBCMod (int blkEqn, int blkOffset, double *val, int *blkCols, int numCols, int numPtNNZ, double alpha, double gamma) |
int | blkColEssBCMod (int blkRow, int blkEqn, int blkOffset, double *val, int *blkCols, int numCols, int numPtNNZ, double alpha, double gamma) |
void | setDebugOutput (const char *path, const char *name) |
void | debugOutput (const char *msg) const |
int | writeA (const char *name) |
int | writeVec (Aztec_LSVector *v, const char *name) |
int | messageAbort (const char *msg) const |
Definition at line 70 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
fei_trilinos::Aztec_LinSysCore::Aztec_LinSysCore | ( | MPI_Comm | comm | ) |
virtual |
virtual |
For cloning a LinearSystemCore instance. Caller recieves a pointer to a new instantiation of the implementing object.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
For setting argc/argv style parameters.
numParams | Number of strings in the params argument |
params | A list of strings which will usually contain space-separated key-value pairs. Example: "debugOutput /usr/users/me/work_dir" |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Supply the LinearSystemCore implementation with an object (created and owned by the caller) that can be used to obtain various information about problem layout, shared finite-element nodes, etc. For details, see the documentation for the Lookup interface.
lookup | Input. Reference to an implementation of the Lookup interface |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Supply LinearSystemCore with global offset information for the problem being assembled.
len | Length of the following list arguments. This will be numProcs+1 |
nodeOffsets | The FEI implementation assigns a global 0-based numbering to the finite-element nodes in the problem. Each processor is given ownership of a contiguous subset of these node-numbers. nodeOffsets[i] gives the first local node-number for processor i. nodeOffsets[len-1] gives the total number of nodes. |
eqnOffsets | eqnOffsets[i] gives the first local equation number for processor i, eqnOffsets[len-1] gives the global number of equations. |
blkEqnOffsets | Contains the same kind of information as eqnOffsets, but for 'block-equations'. A block-equation contains all of the point-equations present at a finite-element node. Special case: if this problem contains Lagrange Multiplier constraints, they will be equations that don't correspond to any node, and there will only be one of these equations mapped to a block-equation. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
For passing element-connectivity arrays.
elemBlock | Identifier for the element-block that these elements belong to. |
numElements | Length of the elemIDs list. |
numNodesPerElem | Length of each row in the connNodes table. |
elemIDs | Identifiers for each element for which connectivities are being supplied. |
connNodes | Table, with one row for each element. Each row is a list of the nodes that are connected to that element. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
inlinevirtual |
For passing element-stiffness arrays.
elemBlock | Identifier for the element-block that these elements belong to. |
numElems | Length of the elemIDs list. |
elemIDs | Identifiers for each element for which a stiffness array is being supplied. |
stiff | List of 'numElems' tables, each table is of size 'numEqnsPerElem' X 'numEqnsPerElem'. |
numEqnsPerElem | |
eqnIndices | Table, with 'numElems' rows, each row being a list of 'numEqnsPerElem' scatter indices (0-based global matrix row/column indices). |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
Definition at line 95 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
inlinevirtual |
For passing element-load vectors.
elemBlock | Identifier for the element-block that these elements belong to. |
numElems | Length of the elemIDs list. |
elemIDs | Identifiers for each element for which a load vector is being supplied. |
load | Table with 'numElems' rows, each row is of length 'numEqnsPerElem'. |
numEqnsPerElem | |
eqnIndices | Table, with 'numElems' rows, each row being a list of 'numEqnsPerElem' scatter indices (0-based global equation numbers). |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
Definition at line 103 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
virtual |
Supply LinearSystemCore with information defining the structure of the sparse matrix to be assembled. Implementers of LinearSystemCore may safely assume that this function will not be called until after the function 'setGlobalOffsets' has been called. Using the information provided via setGlobalOffsets, the number-of-local-equations can be trivially calculated. After setMatrixStructure has been called, there should be enough information to instantiate internal linear-algebra entities, such as vectors, matrix, etc.
ptColIndices | Table, with num-local-eqns rows, and the i-th row is of length ptRowLengths[i]. |
ptRowLengths | |
blkColIndices | Table, with num-local-blkEqns rows, and the i-th row is of length blkRowLengths[i]. |
blkRowLengths | |
ptRowsPerBlkRow | The i-th local block-equation corresponds to ptRowsPerBlkRow[i] point-equations. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
inlinevirtual |
Specify which global equation numbers correspond to Lagrange Multiplier equations. This function won't be called if there are no Lagrange Multiplier constraints in the problem. If this function is called, it is guaranteed to be called after 'setGlobalOffsets' and before 'setMatrixStructure'. The primary purpose of this function is to give LinearSystemCore implementers the opportunity to deal with constraints in a special way, rather than assembling everything into one matrix. If the problem being assembled does have Lagrange constraints, then the FEI implementation will request an ESI_MatrixRowWriteAccess interface for "C_Matrix" from LinearSystemCore. If that is not available, then the FEI implementation will request "A_Matrix" and assemble everything into that.
numCRs | number of constraint relations |
numNodesPerCR | number of constrained node in each constraint relation |
nodeNumbers | Table of constrained nodes. 'numCRs' rows, with the i-th row being of length numNodesPerCR[i]. |
eqnNumbers | Table, same dimensions as 'nodeNumbers'. These are the global 0-based matrix column indices of the constraint coefficients. |
multiplierEqnNumbers | Equation numbers that the Lagrange Multipliers correspond to. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
Definition at line 117 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
inlinevirtual |
Specify which nodes and equation numbers correspond to penalty constraints. This function is included for completeness, but hasn't yet been proven to be useful or necessary, and will probably not be included in the successor to LinearSystemCore (ESI_LSManager).
Implements LinearSystemCore.
Definition at line 124 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
virtual |
For setting the scalar 's' (usually 0.0) throughout the matrix rhs vector.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
For setting the scalar 's' (usually 0.0) throughout the matrix.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
For setting the scalar 's' (usually 0.0) throughout the rhs vector.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Provides point-entry data, as well as block-entry data. This is the
primary assembly function, through which the FEI implementation provides the local equation contributions of all element contributions.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Purely point-entry version for accumulating coefficient data into the matrix. This will be called when a matrix contribution fills only part of a block-equation. e.g., when a penalty constraint is being applied to a
single solution field on a node that has several solution fields. (A block-equation contains all solution field equations at a node.)
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Point-entry matrix data as for 'sumIntoSystemMatrix', but in this case the data should be "put" into the matrix (i.e., overwrite any coefficients already present) rather than being "summed" into the matrix.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Get the length of a row of the matrix.
row | Global 0-based equation number |
length | Output. Length of the row. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Obtain the coefficients and indices for a row of the matrix.
row | Global 0-based equation number |
coefs | Caller-allocated array, length 'len', to be filled with coefficients |
indices | Caller-allocated array, length 'len', to be filled with indices. (These indices will be global 0-based equation numbers.) |
len | Length of the caller-allocated coefs and indices arrays |
rowLength | Output. Actual length of this row. Not referenced if row is not in the local portion of the matrix. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
For accumulating coefficients into the rhs vector
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
For putting coefficients into the rhs vector
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
For getting coefficients out of the rhs vector
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
The FEI implementation calls this function to signal the linsyscore object that data-loading is finished.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
The FEI implementation calls this function to inform LinearSystemCore of equations that need to have essential (Dirichlet) boundary conditions enforced on them. The intent is that the LinearSystemCore implementation will perform the column-modification b[i] = gamma[i]/alpha[i] if i == globalEqn[i], otherwise b[i] -= gamma[i]/alpha[i] * A(i,globalEqn[i]) if i != globalEqn[i]. After this operation is performed, all of row globalEqn[i] and column globalEqn[i] should be set to 0.0, except for the diagonal position. (Naturally the implementer is free to enforce the boundary condition another way if they wish.)
globalEqn | List, of length 'len', of global 0-based equation numbers. |
alpha | List, of length 'len', of coefficients. When the solution to the linear system is later requested, the solution value for globalEqn[i] should be gamma[i]/alpha[i]. |
gamma | |
len |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
int fei_trilinos::Aztec_LinSysCore::enforceBlkEssentialBC | ( | int * | blkEqn, |
int * | blkOffset, | ||
double * | alpha, | ||
double * | gamma, | ||
int | len | ||
) |
virtual |
The FEI implementation calls this function to inform LinearSystemCore that certain local equations need column-modifications made due to essential boundary-conditions being enforced on other processors. The column modification is roughly this: b(globalEqns[i]) -= A(globalEqns[i], colIndices[i][j]) * coefs[i][j], for i in [0..numEqns-1] and j in [0.. colIndLen[i]-1]. (Note that A(globalEqns[i], colIndices[i][j]) should be set = 0.0 after the appropriate value has been accumulated into b also.)
numEqns | Length of 'globalEqns' |
globalEqns | Equations that are local to this processor. |
colIndices | Table, with 'numEqns' rows, and the i-th row is of length colIndLen[i]. The i-th row contains column indices in equation globalEqns[i]. These column indices correspond to equations (rows) that are owned by other processors, and those other processors are imposing essential boundary conditions on those equations. |
colIndLen | List of length 'numEqns'. |
coefs | This table holds the gamma/alpha coeficients that are the value of the boundary conditions being enforced on each of the remote equations in the 'colIndices' table. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
int fei_trilinos::Aztec_LinSysCore::enforceBlkRemoteEssBCs | ( | int | numEqns, |
int * | blkEqns, | ||
int ** | blkColInds, | ||
int ** | blkColOffsets, | ||
int * | blkColLens, | ||
double ** | remEssBCCoefs | ||
) |
virtual |
The FEI implementation calls this function to request a pointer to the internal 'A-matrix' data.
data | See Data class documentation. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
LinearSystemCore's internal 'A-matrix' should be replaced with a scaled copy of the incoming data.
scalar | coefficient by which to scale the incoming data. |
data | See documentation for Data class. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
The FEI implementation calls this function to request a scaled copy of the internal 'A-matrix' data. The FEI implementation will then be responsible for deciding when this matrix data should be destroyed. The LinearSystemCore implementation should not keep a reference to the pointer that was handed out.
scalar | |
data | See documentation for Data class. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
A scaled copy of the incoming data should be added to the internal 'A-matrix'.
scalar | |
data | See documentation for Data class. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Same semantics as getMatrixPtr, but applied to rhs vector.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Same semantics as copyInMatrix, but applied to rhs vector.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Same semantics as copyOutMatrix, but applied to rhs vector.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Same semantics as sumInMatrix, but applied to rhs vector.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Utility function for destroying the matrix in a Data container. The caller (owner of 'data') can't destroy the matrix because they don't know what concrete type it is and can't get to its destructor. The contents of 'data' is a matrix previously passed out via 'copyOutMatrix'.
data | See documentation for Data class. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Utility function for destroying the vector in a Data container. The
caller (owner of 'data') can't destroy the vector because they don't know what concrete type it is and can't get to its destructor. The contents of 'data' is a vector previously passed out via 'copyOutRHSVector'.
data | See documentation for Data class. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Indicate the number of rhs-vectors being assembled/solved for. This function will be called by the FEI implementation at or near the beginning of the problem assembly. If numRHSs is greater than 1, then calls to 'getMemberInterface' requesting an interface to an rhs vector will use the 'objName' argument "b_Vector_n", where n is in [0 .. numRHSs-1]. If there is only one rhs-vector, then 'objName' will be simply "b_Vector".
numRHSs | Length of the rhsIDs list. |
rhsIDs | Caller-supplied integer identifiers for the rhs vectors. This argument will probably be removed, as it is obsolete (a carry-over from LinearSystemCore). |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Set the 'current context' to the rhs-vector corresponding to rhsID. Subsequent data received via 'sumIntoRHSVector' should be directed into this rhs-vector. Any other function-calls having to do with the rhs-vector should also effect this rhs-vector.
rhsID |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
The FEI implementation will call this function to supply initial-guess data that should be used as the starting 'x-vector' if an iterative solution is to be performed.
eqnNumbers | Global 0-based equation numbers for which the initial guess should be set. |
values | The initial guess data. |
len | Number of equations for which an initial guess is being supplied. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
The FEI implementation will call this function to request all local solution values.
answers | Solution coefficients. |
len | This should equal the number of local equations. If it is less, the LinearSystemCore implementation should simply pass out the first 'len' local solution values. If it is more, then just pass out numLocalEqns solution values. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
The FEI implementation will call this function to request a single solution value.
eqnNumber | Global 0-based equation number. |
answer |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
This will be called to request that LinearSystemCore form the residual vector r = b - A*x, and pass the coefficients for r back out in the 'values' list.
values | |
len | This should equal num-local-eqns. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
virtual |
Function called to request the launching of the linear solver.
solveStatus | Output, should indicate the status of the solve. A successful solve is usually indicated by a value of 0. |
iterations | Output, how many iterations were performed. |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
inlinevirtual |
Pass nodal data that probably doesn't mean anything to the FEI implementation, but may mean something to the linear solver. Examples: geometric coordinates, nullspace data, etc.
fieldID | Identifier for the field that describes this data. Lists of field identifiers and field sizes defined for the finite-element problem may be obtained from the Lookup interface that is supplied to the LinearSystemCore by the FEI implementation. |
nodeNumbers | List of nodes for which data is being supplied. |
numNodes | |
data | List of length numNodes * (size of field 'fieldID') |
Implements LinearSystemCore.
Definition at line 268 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
virtual |
This function's intent is to provide a file-name to be used by LinearSystemCore in writing the linear system into disk files. Format is not specified. Implementers may choose to augment this name in the style of writing 3 files: A_name, x_name, b_name, or some other convention. This function is ill-defined, obsolete, and will probably never be called by the FEI implementation.
Implements LinearSystemCore.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from LinearSystemCore.
Definition at line 273 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
References A_ptr_.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from LinearSystemCore.
Definition at line 275 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
References A_ptr_.
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
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private |
private |
private |
private |
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private |
private |
private |
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Definition at line 383 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 384 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
Referenced by getMatrixBeginPointer(), and getMatrixOffset().
private |
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Definition at line 442 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 443 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 445 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 446 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 447 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 448 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 449 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 450 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 452 of file fei_Aztec_LinSysCore.hpp.