Kokkos | |
  Impl | |
   ViewOffset< Dimension, LayoutContiguous< Layout, Stride >, void > | |
   LayoutScalarStride | |
   LayoutScalarStride< LayoutContiguous< Layout, Stride > > | |
   ViewOffset< Dimension, LayoutNatural< Layout >, void > | |
   ViewFactoryType | |
   ViewFactoryType< View > | |
   ViewFactoryType< View, ViewPack...> | |
   ResultDynRankView | |
  LayoutContiguous | |
  is_layout_contiguous | |
  is_layout_contiguous< LayoutContiguous< Layout > > | |
  inner_layout | |
  inner_layout< LayoutContiguous< Layout > > | |
  inner_layout< LayoutContiguous< Layout, Stride > > | |
  LayoutNatural | |
  is_layout_natural | |
  is_layout_natural< LayoutNatural< Layout > > | |
  inner_layout< LayoutNatural< Layout > > | |
  ViewFactory | |
 Sacado | |
  CacheFad | Namespace for forward-mode AD classes w/caching |
   DFad | |
   BaseExpr | Meta-function for determining concrete base expression |
   Expr | Wrapper for a generic expression template |
   ExprLevel | Meta-function for determining nesting with an expression |
   ExprLevel< Expr< T > > | |
   IsFadExpr | Determine whether a given type is an expression |
   IsFadExpr< Expr< T > > | |
   ConstExpr | Constant expression template |
   GeneralFad | Forward-mode AD class templated on the storage for the derivative array |
   Expr< GeneralFad< T, Storage > > | GeneralFad expression template specialization |
   UnaryPlusOp | |
   Expr< UnaryPlusOp< ExprT > > | |
   UnaryMinusOp | |
   Expr< UnaryMinusOp< ExprT > > | |
   AbsOp | |
   Expr< AbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   FAbsOp | |
   Expr< FAbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   ExpOp | |
   Expr< ExpOp< ExprT > > | |
   LogOp | |
   Expr< LogOp< ExprT > > | |
   Log10Op | |
   Expr< Log10Op< ExprT > > | |
   SqrtOp | |
   Expr< SqrtOp< ExprT > > | |
   SafeSqrtOp | |
   Expr< SafeSqrtOp< ExprT > > | |
   CosOp | |
   Expr< CosOp< ExprT > > | |
   SinOp | |
   Expr< SinOp< ExprT > > | |
   TanOp | |
   Expr< TanOp< ExprT > > | |
   ACosOp | |
   Expr< ACosOp< ExprT > > | |
   ASinOp | |
   Expr< ASinOp< ExprT > > | |
   ATanOp | |
   Expr< ATanOp< ExprT > > | |
   CoshOp | |
   Expr< CoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   SinhOp | |
   Expr< SinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   TanhOp | |
   Expr< TanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   ACoshOp | |
   Expr< ACoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   ASinhOp | |
   Expr< ASinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   ATanhOp | |
   Expr< ATanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   AdditionOp | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   SubtractionOp | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   MultiplicationOp | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   DivisionOp | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Atan2Op | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   PowerOp | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   MaxOp | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   MinOp | |
   Expr< MinOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   SFadExprTag | A tag for specializing Expr for SFad expressions |
   SFad | |
   Expr< SFadExprTag< T, Num > > | Expression template forward-mode AD class with static memory allocation |
   SLFad | |
   ViewFad | |
  ELRCacheFad | Namespace for expression-level reverse forward-mode AD classes |
   DFad | |
   BaseExpr | Meta-function for determining concrete base expression |
   Expr | Wrapper for a generic expression template |
   ExprLevel | Meta-function for determining nesting with an expression |
   ExprLevel< Expr< T > > | |
   IsFadExpr | Determine whether a given type is an expression |
   IsFadExpr< Expr< T > > | |
   ConstExpr | Constant expression template |
   ExprConstRef | |
   ExprConstRef< ConstExpr< T > > | |
   GeneralFad | Forward-mode AD class templated on the storage for the derivative array |
    FastLocalAccumOp | |
    SlowLocalAccumOp | |
   Expr< GeneralFad< T, Storage > > | GeneralFad expression template specialization |
   UnaryPlusOp | |
   Expr< UnaryPlusOp< ExprT > > | |
   UnaryMinusOp | |
   Expr< UnaryMinusOp< ExprT > > | |
   AbsOp | |
   Expr< AbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   FAbsOp | |
   Expr< FAbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   ExpOp | |
   Expr< ExpOp< ExprT > > | |
   LogOp | |
   Expr< LogOp< ExprT > > | |
   Log10Op | |
   Expr< Log10Op< ExprT > > | |
   SqrtOp | |
   Expr< SqrtOp< ExprT > > | |
   SafeSqrtOp | |
   Expr< SafeSqrtOp< ExprT > > | |
   CosOp | |
   Expr< CosOp< ExprT > > | |
   SinOp | |
   Expr< SinOp< ExprT > > | |
   TanOp | |
   Expr< TanOp< ExprT > > | |
   ACosOp | |
   Expr< ACosOp< ExprT > > | |
   ASinOp | |
   Expr< ASinOp< ExprT > > | |
   ATanOp | |
   Expr< ATanOp< ExprT > > | |
   CoshOp | |
   Expr< CoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   SinhOp | |
   Expr< SinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   TanhOp | |
   Expr< TanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   ACoshOp | |
   Expr< ACoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   ASinhOp | |
   Expr< ASinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   ATanhOp | |
   Expr< ATanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   AdditionOp | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   SubtractionOp | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   MultiplicationOp | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   DivisionOp | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Atan2Op | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   PowerOp | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   MaxOp | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   MinOp | |
   Expr< MinOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   SFadExprTag | A tag for specializing Expr for SFad expressions |
   SFad | |
   Expr< SFadExprTag< T, Num > > | Expression template forward-mode AD class with static memory allocation |
    LocalAccumOp | |
   SLFad | |
   ViewFad | |
  ELRFad | Namespace for expression-level reverse forward-mode AD classes |
   DFad | |
   BaseExpr | Meta-function for determining concrete base expression |
   Expr | Wrapper for a generic expression template |
   ExprLevel | Meta-function for determining nesting with an expression |
   ExprLevel< Expr< T > > | |
   IsFadExpr | Determine whether a given type is an expression |
   IsFadExpr< Expr< T > > | |
   ConstExpr | Constant expression template |
   ExprConstRef | |
   ExprConstRef< ConstExpr< T > > | |
   GeneralFad | Forward-mode AD class templated on the storage for the derivative array |
    FastLocalAccumOp | |
    SlowLocalAccumOp | |
   Expr< GeneralFad< T, Storage > > | GeneralFad expression template specialization |
   UnaryPlusOp | |
   Expr< UnaryPlusOp< ExprT > > | |
   UnaryMinusOp | |
   Expr< UnaryMinusOp< ExprT > > | |
   ExpOp | |
   Expr< ExpOp< ExprT > > | |
   LogOp | |
   Expr< LogOp< ExprT > > | |
   Log10Op | |
   Expr< Log10Op< ExprT > > | |
   SqrtOp | |
   Expr< SqrtOp< ExprT > > | |
   SafeSqrtOp | |
   Expr< SafeSqrtOp< ExprT > > | |
   CosOp | |
   Expr< CosOp< ExprT > > | |
   SinOp | |
   Expr< SinOp< ExprT > > | |
   TanOp | |
   Expr< TanOp< ExprT > > | |
   ACosOp | |
   Expr< ACosOp< ExprT > > | |
   ASinOp | |
   Expr< ASinOp< ExprT > > | |
   ATanOp | |
   Expr< ATanOp< ExprT > > | |
   CoshOp | |
   Expr< CoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   SinhOp | |
   Expr< SinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   TanhOp | |
   Expr< TanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   ACoshOp | |
   Expr< ACoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   ASinhOp | |
   Expr< ASinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   ATanhOp | |
   Expr< ATanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   AbsOp | |
   Expr< AbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   FAbsOp | |
   Expr< FAbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   AdditionOp | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   SubtractionOp | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   MultiplicationOp | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   DivisionOp | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Atan2Op | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   PowerOp | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   MaxOp | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   MinOp | |
   Expr< MinOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   SFadExprTag | A tag for specializing Expr for SFad expressions |
   SFad | |
   Expr< SFadExprTag< T, Num > > | Expression template forward-mode AD class with static memory allocation |
    LocalAccumOp | |
   SLFad | |
   ViewFad | |
  Fad | Namespace for forward-mode AD classes |
   Exp | |
    Impl | |
     ConditionalReturnType | |
     ConditionalReturnType< T1, T2, true > | |
    DynamicStorage | Derivative array storage class using dynamic memory allocation |
     apply | Turn DynamicStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
     apply_N | Replace static derivative length |
    ExprAssign | Class that implements various forms of expression assignments |
    ExprAssign< DstType, typename std::enable_if< Sacado::IsStaticallySized< DstType >::value >::type > | Specialization of ExprAssign for statically sized storage types |
    Expr | Wrapper for a generic expression template |
    ExprLevel | Meta-function for determining nesting with an expression |
    ExprLevel< Expr< T > > | |
    IsFadExpr | Determine whether a given type is an expression |
    IsFadExpr< Expr< T > > | |
    ExprSpecDefault | |
    Extender | Extension class for extending interface of its argument |
    GeneralFad | Forward-mode AD class templated on the storage for the derivative array |
     apply | Turn GeneralFad into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
     apply_N | Replace static derivative length |
    ExprLevel< GeneralFad< S > > | |
    IsFadExpr< GeneralFad< S > > | |
    UnaryPlusOp | |
    UnaryPlusOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< UnaryPlusOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< UnaryPlusOp< T, E > > | |
    UnaryMinusOp | |
    UnaryMinusOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< UnaryMinusOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< UnaryMinusOp< T, E > > | |
    ExpOp | |
    ExpOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< ExpOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< ExpOp< T, E > > | |
    LogOp | |
    LogOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< LogOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< LogOp< T, E > > | |
    Log10Op | |
    Log10Op< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< Log10Op< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< Log10Op< T, E > > | |
    SqrtOp | |
    SqrtOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< SqrtOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< SqrtOp< T, E > > | |
    CosOp | |
    CosOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< CosOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< CosOp< T, E > > | |
    SinOp | |
    SinOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< SinOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< SinOp< T, E > > | |
    TanOp | |
    TanOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< TanOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< TanOp< T, E > > | |
    ACosOp | |
    ACosOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< ACosOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< ACosOp< T, E > > | |
    ASinOp | |
    ASinOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< ASinOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< ASinOp< T, E > > | |
    ATanOp | |
    ATanOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< ATanOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< ATanOp< T, E > > | |
    CoshOp | |
    CoshOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< CoshOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< CoshOp< T, E > > | |
    SinhOp | |
    SinhOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< SinhOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< SinhOp< T, E > > | |
    TanhOp | |
    TanhOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< TanhOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< TanhOp< T, E > > | |
    ACoshOp | |
    ACoshOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< ACoshOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< ACoshOp< T, E > > | |
    ASinhOp | |
    ASinhOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< ASinhOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< ASinhOp< T, E > > | |
    ATanhOp | |
    ATanhOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< ATanhOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< ATanhOp< T, E > > | |
    AbsOp | |
    AbsOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< AbsOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< AbsOp< T, E > > | |
    FAbsOp | |
    FAbsOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< FAbsOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< FAbsOp< T, E > > | |
    CbrtOp | |
    CbrtOp< T, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< CbrtOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< CbrtOp< T, E > > | |
    SafeSqrtOp | |
    SafeSqrtOp< T, ExprSpecDefault, true > | |
    SafeSqrtOp< T, ExprSpecDefault, false > | |
    ExprLevel< SafeSqrtOp< T, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< SafeSqrtOp< T, E > > | |
    AdditionOp | |
    AdditionOp< T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    AdditionOp< T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    AdditionOp< T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< AdditionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< AdditionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    SubtractionOp | |
    SubtractionOp< T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    SubtractionOp< T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    SubtractionOp< T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< SubtractionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< SubtractionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    MultiplicationOp | |
    MultiplicationOp< T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    MultiplicationOp< T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    MultiplicationOp< T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< MultiplicationOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< MultiplicationOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    DivisionOp | |
    DivisionOp< T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    DivisionOp< T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    DivisionOp< T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< DivisionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< DivisionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    Atan2Op | |
    Atan2Op< T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    Atan2Op< T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    Atan2Op< T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< Atan2Op< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< Atan2Op< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    MaxOp | |
    MaxOp< T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    MaxOp< T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    MaxOp< T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< MaxOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< MaxOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    MinOp | |
    MinOp< T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    MinOp< T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    MinOp< T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< MinOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< MinOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    PowerOp | |
    PowerOp< T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault, true > | |
    PowerOp< T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault, true > | |
    PowerOp< T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault, true > | |
    PowerOp< T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault, false > | |
    PowerOp< T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault, false > | |
    PowerOp< T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault, false > | |
    ExprLevel< PowerOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< PowerOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IfThenElseOp | |
    IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, false, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, false, true, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, true, false, ExprSpecDefault > | |
    ExprLevel< IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    IsFadExpr< IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
    Multiplicationp | |
    StaticFixedStorage | Derivative array storage class using static, fixed memory allocation |
     apply | Turn StaticFixedStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
     apply_N | Replace static derivative length |
    StaticStorage | Derivative array storage class using static memory allocation |
     apply | Turn StaticStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
     apply_N | Replace static derivative length (interpreted as a fixed length) |
    VectorDynamicStorage | Derivative array storage class using dynamic memory allocation |
     apply | Turn DynamicStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
     apply_N | Replace static derivative length |
    ViewFadPtr | |
    ViewStorage | Derivative array storage class that is a view into a contiguous memory allocation. It does not provide proper value semantics and thus should not be used in a general-purpose scalar type |
     apply | Turn ViewStorage into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
     apply_N | Replace static derivative length |
   ArrayTraits | |
   ArrayValueType | |
   BLAS | Fad specializations for Teuchos::BLAS wrappers |
   ArrayValueType< Sacado::Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | |
   ArrayValueType< Sacado::Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | |
   ArrayValueType< Sacado::Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | |
   ArrayValueType< Sacado::Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | |
   ArrayValueType< Sacado::ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | |
   ArrayValueType< Sacado::ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | |
   ArrayValueType< Sacado::ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | |
   ArrayValueType< Sacado::CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | |
   DFad | |
   DVFad | Forward-mode AD class using dynamic memory allocation and expression templates |
    apply | Turn DVFad into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   BaseExpr< GeneralFad< T, Fad::VectorDynamicStorage< T > > > | |
   ExprLevel< DVFad< T > > | |
   IsFadExpr< DVFad< T > > | |
   DynamicStorage | Derivative array storage class using dynamic memory allocation |
   BaseExpr | Meta-function for determining concrete base expression |
   ExprSpecDefault | |
   ExprSpec | |
   Expr | Wrapper for a generic expression template |
   ExprSpec< Expr< ExprT, Spec > > | |
   ExprLevel | Meta-function for determining nesting with an expression |
   ExprLevel< Expr< T > > | |
   IsFadExpr | Determine whether a given type is an expression |
   IsFadExpr< Expr< T > > | |
   ConstExpr | Constant expression template |
   GeneralFad | Forward-mode AD class templated on the storage for the derivative array |
   Expr< GeneralFad< T, Storage > > | GeneralFad expression template specialization |
   Fad_LAPACK | Fad specializations for Teuchos::LAPACK wrappers |
   UnaryPlusOp | |
   ExprSpec< UnaryPlusOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< UnaryPlusOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   UnaryMinusOp | |
   ExprSpec< UnaryMinusOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< UnaryMinusOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExpOp | |
   ExprSpec< ExpOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< ExpOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   LogOp | |
   ExprSpec< LogOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< LogOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   Log10Op | |
   ExprSpec< Log10Op< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< Log10Op< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   SqrtOp | |
   ExprSpec< SqrtOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< SqrtOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   CosOp | |
   ExprSpec< CosOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< CosOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   SinOp | |
   ExprSpec< SinOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< SinOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   TanOp | |
   ExprSpec< TanOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< TanOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ACosOp | |
   ExprSpec< ACosOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< ACosOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ASinOp | |
   ExprSpec< ASinOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< ASinOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ATanOp | |
   ExprSpec< ATanOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< ATanOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   CoshOp | |
   ExprSpec< CoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< CoshOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   SinhOp | |
   ExprSpec< SinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< SinhOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   TanhOp | |
   ExprSpec< TanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< TanhOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ACoshOp | |
   ExprSpec< ACoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< ACoshOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ASinhOp | |
   ExprSpec< ASinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< ASinhOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ATanhOp | |
   ExprSpec< ATanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< ATanhOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   AbsOp | |
   ExprSpec< AbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< AbsOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   FAbsOp | |
   ExprSpec< FAbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< FAbsOp< ExprT >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   SafeSqrtOp | |
   ExprSpec< SafeSqrtOp< ExprT > > | |
   Expr< SafeSqrtOp< ExprT, true >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   Expr< SafeSqrtOp< ExprT, false >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   AdditionOp | |
   ExprSpec< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< AdditionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   SubtractionOp | |
   ExprSpec< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< SubtractionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   DivisionOp | |
   ExprSpec< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< DivisionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   Atan2Op | |
   ExprSpec< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< Atan2Op< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   MaxOp | |
   ExprSpec< MaxOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< MaxOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< MaxOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   MinOp | |
   ExprSpec< MinOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< MinOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< MinOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   MultiplicationOp | |
   ExprSpec< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   ExprSpec< MultiplicationOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   PowerOp | |
   ExprSpec< PowerOp< ExprT1, ExprT2 > > | |
   ExprSpec< PowerOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 > > > | |
   ExprSpec< PowerOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2 > > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ExprT2, true >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 >, true >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2, true >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ExprT2, false >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< T2 >, false >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< ConstExpr< T1 >, ExprT2, false >, ExprSpecDefault > | |
   Multiplicationp | |
   SFadExprTag | A tag for specializing Expr for SFad expressions |
   SFad | |
   Expr< SFadExprTag< T, Num >, ExprSpecDefault > | Expression template forward-mode AD class with static memory allocation |
   SimpleFad | Forward-mode AD class using dynamic memory allocation but no expression templates |
    apply | Turn SimpleFad into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   SLFad | |
   StaticStorage | Derivative array storage class using static memory allocation |
   Vector | A class for storing a contiguously allocated array of Fad objects. This is a general definition that will work for all Fad types, and is merely a wrapper around std::vector. A specialization for Sacado::Fad::DVFad providing contiguous allocation of values and derivatives is below |
   Vector< OrdinalType, Sacado::Fad::DVFad< ValueType > > | A class for storing a contiguously allocated array of Fad objects where the values and derivative arrays for each Fad object are stored in contiguous memory. To preserve this structure, many vector operations aren't supported (like resizing) |
   VectorDynamicStorage | Derivative array storage class using dynamic memory allocation |
   ViewFad | |
   ViewStorage | Derivative array storage class that is a view into a contiguous memory allocation. It does not provide proper value semantics and thus should not be used in a general-purpose scalar type |
  FAD_NS | |
   DFad | Forward-mode AD class using dynamic memory allocation and expression templates |
    apply | Turn DFad into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
    apply_N | Replace static derivative length |
   BaseExpr< GeneralFad< T, Fad::DynamicStorage< T > > > | |
   ExprLevel< DFad< T > > | |
   IsFadExpr< DFad< T > > | |
   ViewFad | Forward-mode AD class using dynamic memory allocation and expression templates |
    apply | Turn ViewFad into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   SFad | Forward-mode AD class using static memory allocation |
    apply | Turn SFad into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
    apply_N | Replace static derivative length |
   ExprLevel< SFad< T, N > > | |
   IsFadExpr< SFad< T, N > > | |
   StaticStorage | |
   SLFad | Forward-mode AD class using static memory allocation with long arrays and expression templates |
    apply | Turn SLFad into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
    apply_N | Replace static derivative length |
   BaseExpr< GeneralFad< T, Fad::StaticStorage< T, N > > > | |
   ExprLevel< SLFad< T, N > > | |
   IsFadExpr< SLFad< T, N > > | |
   ViewFadPtr | |
   BaseExpr< GeneralFad< T, Fad::ViewStorage< T, l, s, U > > > | |
   ExprLevel< ViewFad< T, l, s, U > > | |
   IsFadExpr< ViewFad< T, l, s, U > > | |
  FlopCounterPack | |
   ScalarFlopCounter | Templated flop counter class |
    apply | Turn ScalarFlopCounter into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   FlopCounts | Class storing flop counts and summary flop counts |
  LFad | Namespace for logical forward-mode AD classes |
   Expr | Wrapper for a generic expression template |
   ExprLevel | Meta-function for determining nesting with an expression |
   ExprLevel< Expr< T > > | |
   IsFadExpr | Determine whether a given type is an expression |
   IsFadExpr< Expr< T > > | |
   LogicalSparse | User inteface class for computing the logical sparsity pattern of a derivative via forward-mode AD |
    apply | Turn LogicalSparse into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   LogicalSparseImp | Implementation class for computing the logical sparsity of a derivative using forward-mode AD |
   Expr< LogicalSparseImp< ValT, LogT > > | Expression template specialization for LogicalSparse |
   ExprLevel< LogicalSparse< T, L > > | |
   UnaryPlusOp | |
   Expr< UnaryPlusOp< ExprT > > | |
   UnaryMinusOp | |
   Expr< UnaryMinusOp< ExprT > > | |
   ExpOp | |
   Expr< ExpOp< ExprT > > | |
   LogOp | |
   Expr< LogOp< ExprT > > | |
   Log10Op | |
   Expr< Log10Op< ExprT > > | |
   SqrtOp | |
   Expr< SqrtOp< ExprT > > | |
   CosOp | |
   Expr< CosOp< ExprT > > | |
   SinOp | |
   Expr< SinOp< ExprT > > | |
   TanOp | |
   Expr< TanOp< ExprT > > | |
   ACosOp | |
   Expr< ACosOp< ExprT > > | |
   ASinOp | |
   Expr< ASinOp< ExprT > > | |
   ATanOp | |
   Expr< ATanOp< ExprT > > | |
   CoshOp | |
   Expr< CoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   SinhOp | |
   Expr< SinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   TanhOp | |
   Expr< TanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   ACoshOp | |
   Expr< ACoshOp< ExprT > > | |
   ASinhOp | |
   Expr< ASinhOp< ExprT > > | |
   ATanhOp | |
   Expr< ATanhOp< ExprT > > | |
   AbsOp | |
   Expr< AbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   FAbsOp | |
   Expr< FAbsOp< ExprT > > | |
   AdditionOp | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< AdditionOp< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   SubtractionOp | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< SubtractionOp< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   MultiplicationOp | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< MultiplicationOp< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   DivisionOp | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< DivisionOp< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Atan2Op | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< Atan2Op< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   PowerOp | |
   Expr< PowerOp< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< PowerOp< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   MaxOp | |
   Expr< MaxOp< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< MaxOp< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   MinOp | |
   Expr< MinOp< Expr< T1 >, Expr< T2 > > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< Expr< T1 >, typename Expr< T1 >::value_type > > | |
   Expr< MinOp< typename Expr< T2 >::value_type, Expr< T2 > > > | |
  mpl | |
   apply0 | |
   apply1 | |
   apply2 | |
   apply3 | |
   apply4 | |
   apply5 | |
   apply | |
   apply_wrap0 | |
   apply_wrap1 | |
   apply_wrap2 | |
   apply_wrap3 | |
   apply_wrap4 | |
   apply_wrap5 | |
   apply_wrap | |
   apply_wrap< F, A1, A2, A3, A4, mpl::none > | |
   apply_wrap< F, A1, A2, A3, mpl::none, mpl::none > | |
   apply_wrap< F, A1, A2, mpl::none, mpl::none, mpl::none > | |
   apply_wrap< F, A1, mpl::none, mpl::none, mpl::none, mpl::none > | |
   apply_wrap< F, mpl::none, mpl::none, mpl::none, mpl::none, mpl::none > | |
   at_impl | |
   at | |
   begin_impl | |
   begin | |
   hk | |
   hk< k, arg< N >, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
   hk< k, arg<-1 >, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
   bind1 | |
    apply | |
   bind2 | |
    apply | |
   bind3 | |
    apply | |
   bind4 | |
    apply | |
   bind5 | |
    apply | |
   deref | |
   disable_if_c | |
   disable_if_c< false, T > | |
   disable_if | |
   lazy_disable_if_c | |
   lazy_disable_if_c< false, T > | |
   lazy_disable_if | |
   enable_if_c | |
   enable_if_c< true, T > | |
   enable_if | |
   lazy_enable_if_c | |
   lazy_enable_if_c< true, T > | |
   lazy_enable_if | |
   end_impl | |
   end | |
   TypeSequenceDoesNotContainType | |
   find | |
   find< Seq, T, Iter1, Iter1 > | |
   for_each | |
   for_each< Seq, Iter1, Iter1 > | |
   for_each_no_kokkos | |
   for_each_no_kokkos< Seq, Iter1, Iter1 > | |
   has_equal_to | |
   has_equal_to< T1, T2, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T1 >()==std::declval< T2 >())> > | |
   Found | |
   has_type | |
   mpl_if_c | |
   mpl_if_c< true, T1, T2 > | |
   mpl_if_c< false, T1, T2 > | |
   mpl_if | |
   integral_c | |
   integral_nonzero_constant | |
   integral_nonzero_constant< T, zero, false > | |
   convertible_impl | |
    checker | |
   is_convertible | |
   is_placeholder | |
   is_placeholder< arg< N > > | |
   is_placeholder< F< T1 > > | |
   is_placeholder< F< T1, T2 > > | |
   is_placeholder< F< T1, T2, T3 > > | |
   is_placeholder< F< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | |
   is_placeholder< F< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > | |
   is_same | |
   is_same< T, T > | |
   lambda | |
   lambda< F< T1 > > | |
   lambda< F< T1, T2 > > | |
   lambda< F< T1, T2, T3 > > | |
   lambda< F< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | |
   lambda< F< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > | |
   next | |
   none | |
   arg | |
   arg< 1 > | |
    apply | |
   arg< 2 > | |
    apply | |
   arg< 3 > | |
    apply | |
   arg< 4 > | |
    apply | |
   arg< 5 > | |
    apply | |
   push_back_impl | |
   push_back | |
   quote0 | |
    apply | |
   quote1 | |
    apply | |
   quote2 | |
    apply | |
   quote3 | |
    apply | |
   quote4 | |
    apply | |
   quote5 | |
    apply | |
   quote | |
   quote< F< T1 > > | |
   quote< F< T1, T2 > > | |
   quote< F< T1, T2, T3 > > | |
   quote< F< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | |
   quote< F< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > | |
   range_c_tag | |
   range_c | |
   range_c_iterator | |
   size_impl< range_c_tag > | |
    apply | |
   begin_impl< range_c_tag > | |
    apply | |
   end_impl< range_c_tag > | |
    apply | |
   next< range_c_iterator< Range, Pos > > | |
   at_impl< range_c_tag, Pos > | |
    apply | |
   deref< range_c_iterator< Range, Pos > > | |
   size_impl | |
   size | |
   add_type | |
   type_wrap_impl | |
   type_wrap_impl< true, T > | |
   type_wrap_impl< false, T > | |
   type_wrap | |
   vector_at | |
   vector_at< mpl::vector< T, Args...>, 0 > | |
   vector_at< mpl::vector< T, Args...>, Pos > | |
   vector_push_back | |
   vector_push_back< mpl::vector< Args...>, T > | |
   vector_size | |
   make_void | |
  Rad | Specialization of Promote to ADvar types |
   ADvari | |
   IndepADvar | |
   DoubleAvoid | |
   RAD_DoubleIgnore | |
   DoubleAvoid< double > | |
   DoubleAvoid< int > | |
   DoubleAvoid< long > | |
   ConstADvar | |
   ConstADvari | |
   ADvar | |
    apply | Turn ADvar into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   ADvar1 | |
   ADvar1s | |
   ADvar2 | |
   ADvar2q | |
   ADvarn | |
   Derp | |
   ADmemblock | |
   ADcontext | |
   CADcontext | |
   IndepADvar_base0 | |
   IndepADvar_base | |
  Rad2 | Specialization of Promote to ADvar types |
   RAD_DoubleIgnore | RAD_NO_USING_STDCC |
   DoubleAvoid | |
   DoubleAvoid< double > | |
   IndepADvar | |
   ConstADvar | |
   ConstADvari | |
   ADvar | |
    apply | Turn ADvar into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   ADvar1 | |
   ADvar1g | |
   ADvar1s | |
   ADvar2 | |
   ADvar2g | |
   ADvar2q | |
   ADvari | |
   ADvari_block | |
   ADvarn | |
   Derp | |
   ADmemblock | |
   ADcontext | |
   CADcontext | |
  Rad2d | |
   ADmemblock | |
   ADvari_block | |
   ADcontext | |
   CADcontext | |
   Derp | |
   ADvari | |
   ADvar1 | |
   ConstADvari | |
   IndepADvar | |
   ADvar | |
   ConstADvar | |
   ADvar1s | |
   ADvar1g | |
   ADvar2 | |
   ADvar2q | |
   ADvar2g | |
   ADvarn | |
  Radnt | |
   ADmemblock | |
   ADcontext | |
   CADcontext | |
   Derp | |
   ADvari | |
   ADvar1 | |
   ConstADvari | |
   IndepADvar | |
   ADvar | |
   ConstADvar | |
   ADvar1s | |
   ADvar2 | |
   ADvar2q | |
   ADvarn | |
  RadVec | Specialization of Promote to ADvar types |
   RAD_DoubleIgnore | |
   DoubleAvoid | |
   DoubleAvoid< double > | |
   IndepADvar | |
   ConstADvar | |
   ConstADvari | |
   ADvar | |
    apply | Turn ADvar into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   ADvari | |
   ADvar1 | |
   ADvar1s | |
   ADvar2 | |
   ADvar2q | |
   ADvarn | |
   Derp | |
   ADmemblock | |
   ADcontext | |
   CADcontext | |
  Tay | Namespace for Taylor polynomial AD classes |
   Taylor | Taylor polynomial class |
    apply | Turn Taylor into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
    TaylorData | |
   UnaryPlusOp | |
   UnaryMinusOp | |
   CacheTaylor | Forward-mode AD class using dynamic memory allocation |
    apply | Turn CacheTaylor into a meta-function class usable with mpl::apply |
   CacheTaylorImplementation | Taylor polynomial class using caching expression templates |
   Expr< CacheTaylorImplementation< T > > | CacheTaylor expression template specialization |
   Expr | Wrapper for a generic expression template |
   ConstExpr | Constant expression template |
   UnaryExpr | Unary expression template |
   BinaryExpr | Binary expression template |
   BinaryExpr< ConstExpr< typename ExprT2::value_type >, ExprT2, Op > | Binary expression template with first argument constant |
   BinaryExpr< ExprT1, ConstExpr< typename ExprT1::value_type >, Op > | Binary expression template with second argument constant |
   ExpOp | |
   LogOp | |
   SqrtOp | |
   CosOp | |
   SinOp | |
   CoshOp | |
   SinhOp | |
   FAbsOp | |
   AdditionOp | |
   AdditionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< typename ExprT1::value_type > > | |
   AdditionOp< ConstExpr< typename ExprT2::value_type >, ExprT2 > | |
   SubtractionOp | |
   SubtractionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< typename ExprT1::value_type > > | |
   SubtractionOp< ConstExpr< typename ExprT2::value_type >, ExprT2 > | |
   MultiplicationOp | |
   MultiplicationOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< typename ExprT1::value_type > > | |
   MultiplicationOp< ConstExpr< typename ExprT2::value_type >, ExprT2 > | |
   DivisionOp | |
   DivisionOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< typename ExprT1::value_type > > | |
   DivisionOp< ConstExpr< typename ExprT2::value_type >, ExprT2 > | |
   MaxOp | |
   MaxOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< typename ExprT1::value_type > > | |
   MaxOp< ConstExpr< typename ExprT2::value_type >, ExprT2 > | |
   MinOp | |
   MinOp< ExprT1, ConstExpr< typename ExprT1::value_type > > | |
   MinOp< ConstExpr< typename ExprT2::value_type >, ExprT2 > | |
   ASinQuadOp | |
   ACosQuadOp | |
   ATanQuadOp | |
   PowExprType | |
   PowExprType< typename ExprT2::value_type, ExprT2 > | |
   PowExprType< ExprT1, typename ExprT1::value_type > | |
   Log10ExprType | |
   TanExprType | |
   ASinExprType | |
   ACosExprType | |
   ATanExprType | |
   TanhExprType | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::Expr< T > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::Expr< T > > | |
  ScalarType< Fad::Exp::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Promote to Expr types |
  ValueType< Fad::Exp::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to Expr types |
  IsADType< Fad::Exp::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  IsScalarType< Fad::Exp::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsScalarType to Expr types |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsSimdType to Expr types |
  Value< Fad::Exp::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Value to Expr types |
  ScalarValue< Fad::Exp::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Expr types |
  IsView< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< S > > | |
  IsFad< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< S > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< S > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< S > > | |
  ScalarType< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of Promote to GeneralFad types |
  ValueType< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of Storageype to GeneralFad types |
  IsADType< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of IsADType to GeneralFad types |
  IsScalarType< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of IsScalarType to GeneralFad types |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of IsSimdType to GeneralFad types |
  Value< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of Value to GeneralFad types |
  ScalarValue< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to GeneralFad types |
  StringName< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of StringName to GeneralFad types |
  IsEqual< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of IsEqual to GeneralFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to GeneralFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to GeneralFad types |
  StaticSize< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of StaticSize to GeneralFad types |
  StaticSize< const Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Storage > > | Specialization of StaticSize to GeneralFad types |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::UnaryPlusOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::UnaryPlusOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::UnaryPlusOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::UnaryMinusOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::UnaryMinusOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::UnaryMinusOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::ExpOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::ExpOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::ExpOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::LogOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::LogOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::LogOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::Log10Op< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::Log10Op< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::Log10Op< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::SqrtOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::SqrtOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::SqrtOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::CosOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::CosOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::CosOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::SinOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::SinOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::SinOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::TanOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::TanOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::TanOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::ACosOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::ACosOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::ACosOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::ASinOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::ASinOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::ASinOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::ATanOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::ATanOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::ATanOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::CoshOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::CoshOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::CoshOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::SinhOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::SinhOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::SinhOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::TanhOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::TanhOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::TanhOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::ACoshOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::ACoshOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::ACoshOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::ASinhOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::ASinhOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::ASinhOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::ATanhOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::ATanhOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::ATanhOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::AbsOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::AbsOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::AbsOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::FAbsOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::FAbsOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::FAbsOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::CbrtOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::CbrtOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::CbrtOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::SafeSqrtOp< T, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::SafeSqrtOp< T, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::SafeSqrtOp< T, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::AdditionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::AdditionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::AdditionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::SubtractionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::SubtractionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::SubtractionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::MultiplicationOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::MultiplicationOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::MultiplicationOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::DivisionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::DivisionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::DivisionOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::Atan2Op< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::Atan2Op< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::Atan2Op< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::MaxOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::MaxOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::MaxOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::MinOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::MinOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::MinOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::PowerOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::PowerOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Exp::PowerOp< T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Exp::IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::IfThenElseOp< CondT, T1, T2, c1, c2, E > > | |
  IsSimdType | Base template specification for IsSimdType |
  ViewFadType | Get view type for any Fad type |
  ViewFadType< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< S >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  ViewFadType< const Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< S >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Exp::GeneralFad< Fad::Exp::ViewStorage< T, static_length, static_stride, U > > > | |
  ScalarType< Fad::Exp::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of ScalarType to ViewFad types |
  ValueType< Fad::Exp::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | |
  ParameterRegistration | Parameter class for simple registration of a parameter with a Parameter Library. Requires a parameter name a ParameterAccessor object |
  ParameterAccessor | Abstract class that provides access to a parameter value in a code for the parameter library. An object of this type is required to construct a ParameterRegistration object |
  ParameterFamilyBase | |
  ParameterLibraryBase | Class to provide a centralized library for setting/retrieving numerical parameter values |
  ParameterVectorBase | A class to store the active parameters in a code in an ordered fashion, along with their "base" values, i.e., the floating point value upon which the templated values are based |
   Entry | Container for parameter entries |
  DefaultEvalTypeTraits | Base traits definition mapping evaluation types to value types |
   apply | |
  AbstractScalarParameterEntry | Abstract interface for all entries in Sacado::ScalarParameterFamily |
  ScalarParameterEntry | A base class for scalar parameter values |
  ScalarParameterFamily | Specialization of Sacado::ParameterFamilyBase for scalar parameters |
  ScalarParameterLibrary | Specialization of Sacado::ParameterLibraryBase for scalar parameters |
  ScalarParameterVector | Specialization of Sacado::ParameterVectorBase for scalar parameters |
  Base | Base class for Sacado types to control overload resolution |
  ScalarType< CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Promote to DFad types |
  ValueType< CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ValueType to DFad types |
  IsADType< CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsADType to DFad types |
  IsScalarType< CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsADType to DFad types |
  Value< CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Value to DFad types |
  ScalarValue< CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to DFad types |
  StringName< CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of StringName to DFad types |
  IsEqual< CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsEqual to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DFad types |
  IsExpr< CacheFad::Expr< T > > | |
  BaseExprType< CacheFad::Expr< T > > | |
  ScalarType< CacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Promote to Expr types |
  ValueType< CacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to Expr types |
  IsADType< CacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  IsScalarType< CacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  Value< CacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Value to Expr types |
  ScalarValue< CacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Expr types |
  ScalarType< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Promote to SFad types |
  ValueType< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ValueType to SFad types |
  IsADType< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SFad types |
  IsScalarType< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SFad types |
  Value< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Value to SFad types |
  ScalarValue< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to SFad types |
  StringName< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StringName to SFad types |
  IsEqual< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsEqual to SFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SFad types |
  StaticSize< CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StaticSize to SFad types |
  StaticSize< const CacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StaticSize to SFad types |
  ScalarType< CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Promote to SLFad types |
  ValueType< CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ValueType to SLFad types |
  IsADType< CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SLFad types |
  IsScalarType< CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SLFad types |
  Value< CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Value to SLFad types |
  ScalarValue< CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to SLFad types |
  StringName< CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StringName to SLFad types |
  IsEqual< CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsEqual to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SLFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const CacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SLFad types |
  ScalarType< CacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of Promote to ViewFad types |
  ValueType< CacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of ValueType to ViewFad types |
  IsADType< CacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsADType to ViewFad types |
  IsScalarType< CacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsADType to ViewFad types |
  Value< CacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of Value to ViewFad types |
  ScalarValue< CacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to ViewFad types |
  StringName< CacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of StringName to ViewFad types |
  IsEqual< CacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsEqual to ViewFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< CacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to ViewFad types |
  dummy_arg | A dummy argument that can be converted to any scalar type |
  dummy | A meta-function that defines U as its type |
  dummy< T, T > | Specialization to provide a dummy argument when types are the same |
  ds_array | Dynamic array allocation class that works for any type |
  ds_array< T, true > | Dynamic array allocation class that is specialized for scalar i.e., fundamental or built-in types (float, double, etc...) |
  ScalarType< ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Promote to DFad types |
  ValueType< ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ValueType to DFad types |
  IsADType< ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsADType to DFad types |
  IsScalarType< ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsADType to DFad types |
  Value< ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Value to DFad types |
  ScalarValue< ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to DELRCacheFad types |
  StringName< ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of StringName to DFad types |
  IsEqual< ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsEqual to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const ELRCacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DFad types |
  IsExpr< ELRCacheFad::Expr< T > > | |
  BaseExprType< ELRCacheFad::Expr< T > > | |
  ScalarType< ELRCacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Promote to Expr types |
  ValueType< ELRCacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to Expr types |
  IsADType< ELRCacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  IsScalarType< ELRCacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  Value< ELRCacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Value to Expr types |
  ScalarValue< ELRCacheFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Expr types |
  ScalarType< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Promote to SFad types |
  ValueType< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ValueType to SFad types |
  IsADType< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SFad types |
  IsScalarType< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SFad types |
  Value< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Value to SFad types |
  ScalarValue< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to SFad types |
  StringName< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StringName to SFad types |
  IsEqual< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsEqual to SFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SFad types |
  StaticSize< ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StaticSize to SFad types |
  StaticSize< const ELRCacheFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StaticSize to SFad types |
  ScalarType< ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Promote to SLFad types |
  ValueType< ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ValueType to SLFad types |
  IsADType< ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SLFad types |
  IsScalarType< ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SLFad types |
  Value< ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Value to SLFad types |
  ScalarValue< ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to SLFad types |
  StringName< ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StringName to SLFad types |
  IsEqual< ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsEqual to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SLFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const ELRCacheFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SLFad types |
  ScalarType< ELRCacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of Promote to ViewFad types |
  ValueType< ELRCacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of ValueType to ViewFad types |
  IsADType< ELRCacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsADType to ViewFad types |
  IsScalarType< ELRCacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsADType to ViewFad types |
  Value< ELRCacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of Value to ViewFad types |
  ScalarValue< ELRCacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to ViewFad types |
  StringName< ELRCacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of StringName to ViewFad types |
  IsEqual< ELRCacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsEqual to ViewFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< ELRCacheFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to ViewFad types |
  ScalarType< ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Promote to DFad types |
  ValueType< ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ValueType to DFad types |
  IsADType< ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsADType to DFad types |
  IsScalarType< ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsADType to DFad types |
  Value< ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Value to DFad types |
  ScalarValue< ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to DELRFad types |
  StringName< ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of StringName to DFad types |
  IsEqual< ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsEqual to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DFad types |
  IsExpr< ELRFad::Expr< T > > | |
  BaseExprType< ELRFad::Expr< T > > | |
  ScalarType< ELRFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Promote to Expr types |
  ValueType< ELRFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to Expr types |
  IsADType< ELRFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  IsScalarType< ELRFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  Value< ELRFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Value to Expr types |
  ScalarValue< ELRFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Expr types |
  ScalarType< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Promote to SFad types |
  ValueType< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ValueType to SFad types |
  IsADType< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SFad types |
  IsScalarType< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SFad types |
  Value< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Value to SFad types |
  ScalarValue< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to SFad types |
  StringName< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StringName to SFad types |
  IsEqual< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsEqual to SFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SFad types |
  StaticSize< ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StaticSize to SFad types |
  StaticSize< const ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StaticSize to SFad types |
  ScalarType< ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Promote to SLFad types |
  ValueType< ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ValueType to SLFad types |
  IsADType< ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SLFad types |
  IsScalarType< ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SLFad types |
  Value< ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Value to SLFad types |
  ScalarValue< ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to SLFad types |
  StringName< ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StringName to SLFad types |
  IsEqual< ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsEqual to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SLFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SLFad types |
  ScalarType< ELRFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of Promote to ViewFad types |
  ValueType< ELRFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of ValueType to ViewFad types |
  IsADType< ELRFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsADType to ViewFad types |
  IsScalarType< ELRFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsADType to ViewFad types |
  Value< ELRFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of Value to ViewFad types |
  ScalarValue< ELRFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to ViewFad types |
  StringName< ELRFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of StringName to ViewFad types |
  IsEqual< ELRFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsEqual to ViewFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< ELRFad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to ViewFad types |
  IsFad< FAD_NS::DFad< T > > | |
  IsExpr< FAD_NS::DFad< T > > | |
  BaseExprType< FAD_NS::DFad< T > > | |
  ViewFadType< Sacado::FAD_NS::DFad< ValueType >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  ViewFadType< const Sacado::FAD_NS::DFad< ValueType >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  ScalarType< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Promote to DFad types |
  ValueType< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ValueType to DFad types |
  IsADType< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsADType to DFad types |
  IsScalarType< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsScalarType to DFad types |
  IsSimdType< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsSimdType to DFad types |
  Value< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Value to DFad types |
  ScalarValue< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to DFad types |
  StringName< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of StringName to DFad types |
  IsEqual< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsEqual to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DFad types |
  IsExpr< Fad::DVFad< T > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::DVFad< T > > | |
  ViewFadType< Sacado::Fad::DVFad< ValueType >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  ViewFadType< const Sacado::Fad::DVFad< ValueType >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  ScalarType< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Promote to DVFad types |
  ValueType< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ValueType to DVFad types |
  IsADType< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsADType to DVFad types |
  IsScalarType< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsScalarType to DVFad types |
  IsSimdType< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsSimdType to DVFad types |
  Value< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Value to DVFad types |
  ScalarValue< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to DVFad types |
  StringName< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of StringName to DVFad types |
  IsEqual< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsEqual to DVFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DVFad types |
  IsFad< Fad::DVFad< T > > | |
  IsExpr< Fad::Expr< T > > | |
  BaseExprType< Fad::Expr< T > > | |
  ValueType< Fad::ConstExpr< T > > | |
  ScalarType< Fad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Promote to Expr types |
  ValueType< Fad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to Expr types |
  IsADType< Fad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  IsScalarType< Fad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsSclarType to Expr types |
  IsSimdType< Fad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsSimdType to Expr types |
  Value< Fad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Value to Expr types |
  ScalarValue< Fad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Expr types |
  IsFad< FAD_NS::SFad< T, N > > | |
  IsExpr< FAD_NS::SFad< T, N > > | |
  BaseExprType< FAD_NS::SFad< T, N > > | |
  ViewFadType< Sacado::FAD_NS::SFad< ValueType, N >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  ViewFadType< const Sacado::FAD_NS::SFad< ValueType, N >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  ScalarType< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Promote to SFad types |
  ValueType< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ValueType to SFad types |
  IsADType< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SFad types |
  IsScalarType< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsScalarType to SFad types |
  IsSimdType< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsSimdType to SFad types |
  Value< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Value to SFad types |
  ScalarValue< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to SFad types |
  StringName< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StringName to SFad types |
  IsEqual< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsEqual to SFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SFad types |
  StaticSize< Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StaticSize to SFad types |
  StaticSize< const Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StaticSize to SFad types |
  ScalarType< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Promote to SimpleFad types |
  ValueType< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ValueType to SimpleFad types |
  IsADType< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsADType to SimpleFad types |
  IsScalarType< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsScalarType to SimpleFad types |
  IsSimdType< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsSimdType to SimpleFad types |
  Value< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of Value to SimpleFad types |
  ScalarValue< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to SimpleFad types |
  StringName< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of StringName to SimpleFad types |
  IsEqual< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsEqual to SimpleFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SimpleFad types |
  IsFad< Fad::SimpleFad< ValueT > > | Specialization of IsFad to SimpleFad types |
  IsFad< FAD_NS::SLFad< T, N > > | |
  IsExpr< FAD_NS::SLFad< T, N > > | |
  BaseExprType< FAD_NS::SLFad< T, N > > | |
  ViewFadType< Sacado::FAD_NS::SLFad< ValueType, N >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  ViewFadType< const Sacado::FAD_NS::SLFad< ValueType, N >, length, stride > | The View Fad type associated with this type |
  ScalarType< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Promote to SLFad types |
  ValueType< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ValueType to SLFad types |
  IsADType< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsADType to SLFad types |
  IsScalarType< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsScalarType to SLFad types |
  IsSimdType< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsSimdType to SLFad types |
  Value< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of Value to SLFad types |
  ScalarValue< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to SLFad types |
  StringName< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of StringName to SLFad types |
  IsEqual< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsEqual to SLFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SLFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< const Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to SLFad types |
  IsView< Sacado::FAD_NS::ViewFad< T, l, s, U > > | |
  IsFad< FAD_NS::ViewFad< T, l, s, U > > | |
  IsExpr< FAD_NS::ViewFad< T, l, s, U > > | |
  BaseExprType< FAD_NS::ViewFad< T, l, s, U > > | |
  ScalarType< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of Promote to ViewFad types |
  ValueType< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of ValueType to ViewFad types |
  IsADType< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsADType to ViewFad types |
  IsScalarType< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsScalarType to ViewFad types |
  IsSimdType< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsSimdType to ViewFad types |
  Value< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of Value to ViewFad types |
  ScalarValue< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to ViewFad types |
  StringName< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of StringName to ViewFad types |
  IsEqual< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsEqual to ViewFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< Fad::ViewFad< ValueT, Size, Stride, Base > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to ViewFad types |
  Handle | A generic handle class |
  ScalarType< LFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Promote to Expr types |
  ValueType< LFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to Expr types |
  IsADType< LFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  IsScalarType< LFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Expr types |
  Value< LFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of Value to Expr types |
  ScalarValue< LFad::Expr< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Expr types |
  IsExpr< LFad::Expr< T > > | |
  BaseExprType< LFad::Expr< T > > | |
  IsExpr< LFad::LogicalSparse< T, L > > | |
  BaseExprType< LFad::LogicalSparse< T, L > > | |
  ScalarType< LFad::LogicalSparse< ValT, LogT > > | Specialization of Promote to LogicalSparse types |
  ValueType< LFad::LogicalSparse< ValT, LogT > > | Specialization of ValueType to LogicalSparse types |
  IsADType< LFad::LogicalSparse< ValT, LogT > > | Specialization of IsADType to LogicalSparse types |
  IsScalarType< LFad::LogicalSparse< ValT, LogT > > | Specialization of IsADType to LogicalSparse types |
  Value< LFad::LogicalSparse< ValT, LogT > > | Specialization of Value to LogicalSparse types |
  ScalarValue< LFad::LogicalSparse< ValT, LogT > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to DFad types |
  StringName< LFad::LogicalSparse< ValT, LogT > > | Specialization of StringName to DFad types |
  IsEqual< LFad::LogicalSparse< ValT, LogT > > | Specialization of IsEqual to DFad types |
  IsStaticallySized< LFad::LogicalSparse< ValT, LogT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to DFad types |
  ScalarType< FlopCounterPack::ScalarFlopCounter< ScalarT > > | Specialization of Promote to ScalarFlopCounter types |
  ValueType< FlopCounterPack::ScalarFlopCounter< ScalarT > > | Specialization of ValueType to ScalarFlopCounter types |
  IsADType< FlopCounterPack::ScalarFlopCounter< ScalarT > > | Specialization of IsADType to ScalarFlopCounter types |
  IsScalarType< FlopCounterPack::ScalarFlopCounter< ScalarT > > | Specialization of IsADType to ScalarFlopCounter types |
  Value< FlopCounterPack::ScalarFlopCounter< ScalarT > > | Specialization of Value to ScalarFlopCounter types |
  ScalarValue< FlopCounterPack::ScalarFlopCounter< ScalarT > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to ScalarFlopCounter types |
  StringName< FlopCounterPack::ScalarFlopCounter< ScalarT > > | Specialization of StringName to ScalarFlopCounter types |
  IsStaticallySized< FlopCounterPack::ScalarFlopCounter< ScalarT > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to ScalarFlopCounter types |
  ss_array | Static array allocation class that works for any type |
  ss_array< T, true > | Static array allocation class that is specialized for scalar i.e., fundamental or built-in types (float, double, etc...) |
  IsExpr< Tay::Expr< T > > | |
  BaseExprType< Tay::Expr< T > > | |
  ScalarType< Tay::CacheTaylor< T > > | Specialization of Promote to CacheTaylor types |
  ValueType< Tay::CacheTaylor< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to DFad types |
  IsADType< Tay::CacheTaylor< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to DFad types |
  IsScalarType< Tay::CacheTaylor< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to DFad types |
  Value< Tay::CacheTaylor< T > > | Specialization of Value to DFad types |
  ScalarValue< Tay::CacheTaylor< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to CacheTaylor types |
  StringName< Tay::CacheTaylor< T > > | Specialization of StringName to CacheTaylor types |
  IsEqual< Tay::CacheTaylor< T > > | Specialization of IsEqual to Taylor types |
  IsStaticallySized< Tay::CacheTaylor< T > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to Taylor types |
  ScalarType< Tay::Taylor< T > > | Specialization of Promote to Taylor types |
  ValueType< Tay::Taylor< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to Taylor types |
  IsADType< Tay::Taylor< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Taylor types |
  IsScalarType< Tay::Taylor< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to Taylor types |
  Value< Tay::Taylor< T > > | Specialization of Value to Taylor types |
  ScalarValue< Tay::Taylor< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to Taylor types |
  StringName< Tay::Taylor< T > > | Specialization of StringName to Taylor types |
  IsEqual< Tay::Taylor< T > > | Specialization of IsEqual to Taylor types |
  IsStaticallySized< Tay::Taylor< T > > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized to Taylor types |
  OverrideDefaultPromote< Rad2::ADvari< T > & > | |
  Promote< Rad2::ADvar< T >, Rad2::ADvari< T > & > | |
  Promote< Rad2::ADvari< T > &, Rad2::ADvar< T > > | |
  Promote< Rad2::ADvari< T > &, typenameRad2::ADvari< T >::value_type > | |
  Promote< typenameRad2::ADvari< T >::value_type, Rad2::ADvari< T > & > | |
  Promote< Rad2::ADvari< T > &, typename dummy< typenameRad2::ADvari< T >::value_type, typenameRad2::ADvari< T >::scalar_type >::type > | |
  Promote< typename dummy< typenameRad2::ADvari< T >::value_type, typenameRad2::ADvari< T >::scalar_type >::type, Rad2::ADvari< T > & > | |
  ScalarType< Rad2::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of ScalarType to ADvar types |
  ScalarType< Rad2::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of ScalarType to ADvari types |
  ValueType< Rad2::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to ADvar types |
  ValueType< Rad2::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to ADvari types |
  IsADType< Rad2::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvar types |
  IsADType< Rad2::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvari types |
  IsScalarType< Rad2::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvar types |
  IsScalarType< Rad2::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvari types |
  Value< Rad2::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of Value to ADvar types |
  MarkConstant< Rad2::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of MarkConstant to ADvar types |
  MarkConstant< Rad2::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of MarkConstant to ADvari types |
  ScalarValue< Rad2::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to ADvar types |
  StringName< Rad2::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of StringName to ADvar types |
  OverrideDefaultPromote< Rad::ADvari< T > & > | |
  Promote< Rad::ADvar< T >, Rad::ADvari< T > & > | |
  Promote< Rad::ADvari< T > &, Rad::ADvar< T > > | |
  Promote< Rad::ADvari< T > &, typenameRad::ADvari< T >::value_type > | |
  Promote< typenameRad::ADvari< T >::value_type, Rad::ADvari< T > & > | |
  Promote< Rad::ADvari< T > &, typename dummy< typenameRad::ADvari< T >::value_type, typenameRad::ADvari< T >::scalar_type >::type > | |
  Promote< typename dummy< typenameRad::ADvari< T >::value_type, typenameRad::ADvari< T >::scalar_type >::type, Rad::ADvari< T > & > | |
  ScalarType< Rad::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of ScalarType to ADvar types |
  ScalarType< Rad::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of ScalarType to ADvari types |
  ValueType< Rad::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to ADvar types |
  ValueType< Rad::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to ADvari types |
  IsADType< Rad::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvar types |
  IsADType< Rad::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvari types |
  IsScalarType< Rad::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvar types |
  IsScalarType< Rad::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvari types |
  Value< Rad::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of Value to ADvar types |
  MarkConstant< Rad::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of MarkConstant to ADvar types |
  MarkConstant< Rad::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of MarkConstant to ADvari types |
  ScalarValue< Rad::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to ADvar types |
  StringName< Rad::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of StringName to ADvar types |
  OverrideDefaultPromote< RadVec::ADvari< T > & > | |
  Promote< RadVec::ADvar< T >, RadVec::ADvari< T > & > | |
  Promote< RadVec::ADvari< T > &, RadVec::ADvar< T > > | |
  Promote< RadVec::ADvari< T > &, typenameRadVec::ADvari< T >::value_type > | |
  Promote< typenameRadVec::ADvari< T >::value_type, RadVec::ADvari< T > & > | |
  Promote< RadVec::ADvari< T > &, typename dummy< typenameRadVec::ADvari< T >::value_type, typenameRadVec::ADvari< T >::scalar_type >::type > | |
  Promote< typename dummy< typenameRadVec::ADvari< T >::value_type, typenameRadVec::ADvari< T >::scalar_type >::type, RadVec::ADvari< T > & > | |
  ScalarType< RadVec::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of ScalarType to ADvar types |
  ScalarType< RadVec::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of ScalarType to ADvari types |
  ValueType< RadVec::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to ADvar types |
  ValueType< RadVec::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of ValueType to ADvari types |
  IsADType< RadVec::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvar types |
  IsADType< RadVec::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvari types |
  IsScalarType< RadVec::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvar types |
  IsScalarType< RadVec::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of IsADType to ADvari types |
  Value< RadVec::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of Value to ADvar types |
  MarkConstant< RadVec::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of MarkConstant to ADvar types |
  MarkConstant< RadVec::ADvari< T > > | Specialization of MarkConstant to ADvari types |
  ScalarValue< RadVec::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of ScalarValue to ADvar types |
  StringName< RadVec::ADvar< T > > | Specialization of StringName to ADvar types |
  IsExpr | Is a type an expression |
  IsView | Determine whether a given type is a view |
  BaseExprType | Get the base Fad type from a view/expression |
  OverrideDefaultPromote | Specialize this for a given type T to disable default Promote rules |
  Promote | Base template specification for Promote |
  Promote< A, A, typename mpl::enable_if_c< !OverrideDefaultPromote< A >::value >::type > | Specialization of Promote for a single type |
  Promote< A, B, typename mpl::enable_if_c< mpl::is_convertible< A, B >::value &&!mpl::is_convertible< B, A >::value &&!OverrideDefaultPromote< A >::value &&!OverrideDefaultPromote< B >::value >::type > | Specialization of Promote when A is convertible to B but not vice-versa |
  Promote< A, B, typename mpl::enable_if_c< mpl::is_convertible< B, A >::value &&!mpl::is_convertible< A, B >::value &&!OverrideDefaultPromote< A >::value &&!OverrideDefaultPromote< B >::value >::type > | Specialization of Promote when B is convertible to A but not vice-versa |
  Promote< A, B, typename mpl::enable_if_c< mpl::is_convertible< A, B >::value &&mpl::is_convertible< B, A >::value &&!mpl::is_same< A, B >::value &&(IsExpr< A >::value||IsExpr< B >::value) >::type > | Specialization of Promote when A and B are convertible to each other, and one of them is an expression |
  Promote< A, B, typename mpl::enable_if_c< !mpl::is_convertible< A, B >::value &&!mpl::is_convertible< B, A >::value &&IsExpr< A >::value &&mpl::is_convertible< B, typename BaseExprType< typename A::value_type >::type >::value >::type > | Specialization of Promote when A is an expression and B is convertible to its value-type, e.g., Promote< fad-expression, double > (using BaseExprType to remove ViewFad) |
  Promote< A, B, typename mpl::enable_if_c< !mpl::is_convertible< A, B >::value &&!mpl::is_convertible< B, A >::value &&IsExpr< B >::value &&mpl::is_convertible< A, typename BaseExprType< typename B::value_type >::type >::value >::type > | Specialization of Promote when B is an expression and A is convertible to its value-type, e.g., Promote< double, fad-expression > (using BaseExprType to remove ViewFad) |
  Promote< A, B, typename mpl::enable_if_c< !mpl::is_convertible< A, B >::value &&!mpl::is_convertible< B, A >::value &&IsExpr< A >::value &&IsExpr< B >::value &&mpl::is_same< typename BaseExprType< typename A::value_type >::type, typename BaseExprType< typename B::value_type >::type >::value >::type > | Specialization of Promote when A and B are (different) expressions, with the same value type, e.g, Promote< fad-expr1, fad-expr2 > (using BaseExprType to remove ViewFad) |
  Promote< double, float, void > | |
  Promote< float, double, void > | |
  Promote< double, long, void > | |
  Promote< long, double, void > | |
  Promote< double, int, void > | |
  Promote< int, double, void > | |
  Promote< float, long, void > | |
  Promote< long, float, void > | |
  Promote< float, int, void > | |
  Promote< int, float, void > | |
  ScalarType | Base template specification for ScalarType |
  ScalarType< const T > | Specialization of ScalarType for const types |
  ValueType | Base template specification for ValueType |
  ValueType< const T > | Specialization of ValueType for const types |
  IsADType | Base template specification for IsADType |
  IsScalarType | Base template specification for IsScalarType |
  Value | Base template specification for Value |
  Value< const T > | Specialization of Value for const types |
  ScalarValue | Base template specification for ScalarValue |
  ScalarValue< const T > | Specialization of ScalarValue for const types |
  MarkConstant | Base template specification for marking constants |
  StringName | Base template specification for string names of types |
  IsEqual | Base template specification for testing equivalence |
  IsStaticallySized | Base template specification for testing whether type is statically sized |
  IsStaticallySized< const T > | Specialization of IsStaticallySized for const types |
  StaticSize | Base template specification for static size |
  IsFad | Base template specification for whether a type is a Fad type |
  IsFad< const T > | Base template specification for whether a type is a Fad type |
  RemoveConst | Remove const from a type |
  RemoveConst< const T > | Remove const from a type |
  ScalarType< char > | |
  ValueType< char > | |
  IsADType< char > | |
  IsScalarType< char > | |
  Value< char > | |
  ScalarValue< char > | |
  StringName< char > | |
  IsEqual< char > | |
  IsStaticallySized< char > | |
  ScalarType< float > | |
  ValueType< float > | |
  IsADType< float > | |
  IsScalarType< float > | |
  Value< float > | |
  ScalarValue< float > | |
  StringName< float > | |
  IsEqual< float > | |
  IsStaticallySized< float > | |
  ScalarType< double > | |
  ValueType< double > | |
  IsADType< double > | |
  IsScalarType< double > | |
  Value< double > | |
  ScalarValue< double > | |
  StringName< double > | |
  IsEqual< double > | |
  IsStaticallySized< double > | |
  ScalarType< int > | |
  ValueType< int > | |
  IsADType< int > | |
  IsScalarType< int > | |
  Value< int > | |
  ScalarValue< int > | |
  StringName< int > | |
  IsEqual< int > | |
  IsStaticallySized< int > | |
  ScalarType< unsigned int > | |
  ValueType< unsigned int > | |
  IsADType< unsigned int > | |
  IsScalarType< unsigned int > | |
  Value< unsigned int > | |
  ScalarValue< unsigned int > | |
  StringName< unsigned int > | |
  IsEqual< unsigned int > | |
  IsStaticallySized< unsigned int > | |
  ScalarType< long > | |
  ValueType< long > | |
  IsADType< long > | |
  IsScalarType< long > | |
  Value< long > | |
  ScalarValue< long > | |
  StringName< long > | |
  IsEqual< long > | |
  IsStaticallySized< long > | |
  ScalarType< unsigned long > | |
  ValueType< unsigned long > | |
  IsADType< unsigned long > | |
  IsScalarType< unsigned long > | |
  Value< unsigned long > | |
  ScalarValue< unsigned long > | |
  StringName< unsigned long > | |
  IsEqual< unsigned long > | |
  IsStaticallySized< unsigned long > | |
  ScalarType< bool > | |
  ValueType< bool > | |
  IsADType< bool > | |
  IsScalarType< bool > | |
  Value< bool > | |
  ScalarValue< bool > | |
  StringName< bool > | |
  IsEqual< bool > | |
  IsStaticallySized< bool > | |
  integral_nonzero | |
  integral_nonzero< T, zero, false > | |
  TemplateIterator | |
  ConstTemplateIterator | |
  TemplateManager | Container class to manager template instantiations of a template class |
   DefaultBuilderOp | The default builder class for building objects for each ScalarT |
 std | |
  is_same< Kokkos::LayoutContiguous< Layout, Stride >, Layout > | |
  is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutContiguous< Layout, Stride > > | |
  is_same< Kokkos::LayoutNatural< Layout >, Layout > | |
  is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutNatural< Layout > > | |
 Teuchos | |
  BLAS< OrdinalType, Sacado::Fad::DFad< ValueT > > | |
  BLAS< OrdinalType, Sacado::Fad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | |
  BLAS< OrdinalType, Sacado::Fad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | |
  BLAS< OrdinalType, Sacado::Fad::DVFad< ValueT > > | |
  BLAS< OrdinalType, Sacado::ELRFad::DFad< ValueT > > | |
  BLAS< OrdinalType, Sacado::ELRFad::SFad< ValueT, Num > > | |
  BLAS< OrdinalType, Sacado::ELRFad::SLFad< ValueT, Num > > | |
  BLAS< OrdinalType, Sacado::CacheFad::DFad< ValueT > > | |
  LAPACK< OrdinalType, Sacado::Fad::DFad< ScalarType > > | |
 ADvari_head | |