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Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
fei::VectorTraits< LinearSystemCore > Struct Template Reference

#include <fei_VectorTraits_LinSysCore.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * typeName ()
static int setValues (LinearSystemCore *vec, int firstLocalOffset, double scalar, bool isSolnVector=false)
static int putValuesIn (LinearSystemCore *vec, int firstLocalOffset, int numValues, const int *indices, const double *values, bool sum_into, bool isSolnVector=false, int vectorIndex=0)
static int copyOut (LinearSystemCore *vec, int firstLocalOffset, int numValues, const int *indices, double *values, bool isSolnVector=false, int vectorIndex=0)
static int update (LinearSystemCore *vec, double a, const LinearSystemCore *x, double b)

Detailed Description

struct fei::VectorTraits< LinearSystemCore >

This struct specialization defines vector traits for LinearSystemCore vectors (well, "vector-views" to be more precise).

Definition at line 22 of file fei_VectorTraits_LinSysCore.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

static const char* fei::VectorTraits< LinearSystemCore >::typeName ( )

Return a string type-name for the vector.

Definition at line 25 of file fei_VectorTraits_LinSysCore.hpp.

static int fei::VectorTraits< LinearSystemCore >::setValues ( LinearSystemCore vec,
int  firstLocalOffset,
double  scalar,
bool  isSolnVector = false 

Set a specified scalar value throughout the vector.

Definition at line 30 of file fei_VectorTraits_LinSysCore.hpp.

static int fei::VectorTraits< LinearSystemCore >::putValuesIn ( LinearSystemCore vec,
int  firstLocalOffset,
int  numValues,
const int *  indices,
const double *  values,
bool  sum_into,
bool  isSolnVector = false,
int  vectorIndex = 0 

Sum values into the vector, adding to any that may already exist at the specified indices.

Definition at line 44 of file fei_VectorTraits_LinSysCore.hpp.

static int fei::VectorTraits< LinearSystemCore >::copyOut ( LinearSystemCore vec,
int  firstLocalOffset,
int  numValues,
const int *  indices,
double *  values,
bool  isSolnVector = false,
int  vectorIndex = 0 

Copy values from the specified indices out into the user-allocated array 'values'.

Definition at line 75 of file fei_VectorTraits_LinSysCore.hpp.

static int fei::VectorTraits< LinearSystemCore >::update ( LinearSystemCore vec,
double  a,
const LinearSystemCore x,
double  b 

Update 'vec' = b*'vec' + a*x

Definition at line 96 of file fei_VectorTraits_LinSysCore.hpp.

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