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test_Factory Class Reference

#include <test_Factory.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for test_Factory:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

const char * getName ()

Detailed Description

Tester for fei::Factory.
The runtests() method constructs and tests a couple of factory 
implementations that are contained in the fei source distribution.

This class can also be used to test an arbitrary fei::Factory
implementation as follows:

construct your specialized fei::Factory: fei::Factory* factory = new my_special_factory(...);

construct the test_Factory class: test_Factory factory_tester(comm);

run the test method: try { factory_tester.factory_test1(factory); } catch(std::runtime_error& exc) { std::cout << "factory test failed, exception: " << exc.what() <<std::endl; }

The factory_test1 method will print a small amount of information to cout, describing the tests that it is performing.

Definition at line 44 of file test_Factory.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

const char* test_Factory::getName ( )

A name describing this test.

Implements tester.

Definition at line 49 of file test_Factory.hpp.

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