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snl_fei::LinearSystem_General Class Reference

#include <snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for snl_fei::LinearSystem_General:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 LinearSystem_General (fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph > &matrixGraph)
virtual ~LinearSystem_General ()
int loadEssentialBCs (int numIDs, const int *IDs, int idType, int fieldID, int offsetIntoField, const double *prescribedValues)
int loadEssentialBCs (int numIDs, const int *IDs, int idType, int fieldID, const int *offsetIntoField, const double *prescribedValues)
int loadLagrangeConstraint (int constraintID, const double *weights, double rhsValue)
int loadPenaltyConstraint (int constraintID, const double *weights, double penaltyValue, double rhsValue)
int loadComplete (bool applyBCs=true, bool globalAssemble=true)
int parameters (int numParams, const char *const *paramStrings)
int parameters (const fei::ParameterSet &params)
int setBCValuesOnVector (fei::Vector *vector)
bool eqnIsEssentialBC (int globalEqnIndex) const
void getEssentialBCs (std::vector< int > &bcEqns, std::vector< double > &bcVals) const
void getConstrainedEqns (std::vector< int > &crEqns) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from fei::LinearSystem
 LinearSystem (fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph > &matrixGraph)
virtual ~LinearSystem ()
virtual void setMatrix (fei::SharedPtr< fei::Matrix > &matrix)
virtual fei::SharedPtr
< fei::Matrix
getMatrix ()
virtual fei::SharedPtr< const
getMatrix () const
virtual void setRHS (fei::SharedPtr< fei::Vector > &rhs)
virtual fei::SharedPtr
< fei::Vector
getRHS ()
virtual fei::SharedPtr< const
getRHS () const
virtual void setSolutionVector (fei::SharedPtr< fei::Vector > &soln)
virtual fei::SharedPtr
< fei::Vector
getSolutionVector ()
virtual fei::SharedPtr< const
getSolutionVector () const
virtual int putAttribute (const char *name, void *attribute)
virtual int getAttribute (const char *name, void *&attribute)

Detailed Description

implementation of fei::LinearSystem interface

Definition at line 27 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::LinearSystem_General ( fei::SharedPtr< fei::MatrixGraph > &  matrixGraph)


Definition at line 36 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::~LinearSystem_General ( )


Definition at line 67 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::loadEssentialBCs ( int  numIDs,
const int *  IDs,
int  idType,
int  fieldID,
int  offsetIntoField,
const double *  prescribedValues 

Essential (dirichlet) boundary-condition function.

Reimplemented from fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 162 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

int snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::loadEssentialBCs ( int  numIDs,
const int *  IDs,
int  idType,
int  fieldID,
const int *  offsetIntoField,
const double *  prescribedValues 

Essential (dirichlet) boundary-condition function.

Reimplemented from fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 180 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

int snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::loadLagrangeConstraint ( int  constraintID,
const double *  weights,
double  rhsValue 

load lagrange-multiplier constraint coefficients

Implements fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 849 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

int snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::loadPenaltyConstraint ( int  constraintID,
const double *  weights,
double  penaltyValue,
double  rhsValue 

load penalty constraint coefficients

Implements fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 898 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

int snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::loadComplete ( bool  applyBCs = true,
bool  globalAssemble = true 
  Signal that all boundary-conditions and constraint coefficients have

been loaded, and they may now be applied to the linear system.

Implements fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 200 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

int snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::parameters ( int  numParams,
const char *const *  paramStrings 
  Set parameters on this object. Currently two parameters are recognized:

"debugOutput 'path'" where 'path' is the path to the location where debug-log files will be produced.
"name 'string'" where 'string' is an identifier that will be used in debug-log file-names.

Implements fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 73 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

int snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::parameters ( const fei::ParameterSet params)

parameters implementation

Implements fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 128 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

int snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::setBCValuesOnVector ( fei::Vector vector)

use stored BC values to modify specified vector

Implements fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 321 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

bool snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::eqnIsEssentialBC ( int  globalEqnIndex) const

query whether specified eqn index has prescribed BC value

Implements fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 339 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

void snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::getEssentialBCs ( std::vector< int > &  bcEqns,
std::vector< double > &  bcVals 
) const

Retrieve eqn-indices and values for BC equations

Implements fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 349 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

void snl_fei::LinearSystem_General::getConstrainedEqns ( std::vector< int > &  crEqns) const

Retrieve eqn-indices for constraints

Implements fei::LinearSystem.

Definition at line 368 of file snl_fei_LinearSystem_General.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: