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fei::SparseRowGraph Class Reference

#include <fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 SparseRowGraph ()
 SparseRowGraph (const SparseRowGraph &src)
virtual ~SparseRowGraph ()
bool operator== (const fei::SparseRowGraph &othergraph) const
bool operator!= (const fei::SparseRowGraph &othergraph) const

Public Attributes

std::vector< int > rowNumbers
std::vector< int > rowOffsets
std::vector< int > packedColumnIndices
bool blockEntries

Detailed Description

Extremely simple data container that represents a sparse row-oriented matrix-graph. Purely serial. If it is used to store the local portion of a distributed matrix-graph, the calling code is responsible for all knowledge related to parallelism.

Definition at line 23 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

fei::SparseRowGraph::SparseRowGraph ( )

Default constructor

Definition at line 26 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

fei::SparseRowGraph::SparseRowGraph ( const SparseRowGraph src)

Copy constructor

Definition at line 31 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

virtual fei::SparseRowGraph::~SparseRowGraph ( )


Definition at line 37 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool fei::SparseRowGraph::operator== ( const fei::SparseRowGraph othergraph) const

comparison operator

Definition at line 65 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

bool fei::SparseRowGraph::operator!= ( const fei::SparseRowGraph othergraph) const

not-equal operator

Definition at line 73 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<int> fei::SparseRowGraph::rowNumbers

Local row-numbers.

Definition at line 46 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

std::vector<int> fei::SparseRowGraph::rowOffsets

The starting offset of each row in the packedColumnIndices vector. The i-th row corresponds to positions rowOffsets[i] through rowOffsets[i+1]-1. Note that rowOffsets should have length rowNumbers.size()+1, and rowOffsets[rowNumbers.size()] == packedColumnIndices.size().

Definition at line 54 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

std::vector<int> fei::SparseRowGraph::packedColumnIndices

Contiguous array of column-indices for all local rows. See the comments for the 'rowOffsets' attribute, for information about accessing column-indices for a particular row, etc.

Definition at line 59 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

bool fei::SparseRowGraph::blockEntries

whether this graph represents a block-entry matrix.

Definition at line 62 of file fei_SparseRowGraph.hpp.

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