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fei::Pattern Class Reference

#include <fei_Pattern.hpp>

Public Types

enum  PatternType

Public Member Functions

 Pattern (int numIDs, int idType, snl_fei::RecordCollection *records)
 Pattern (int numIDs, int idType, snl_fei::RecordCollection *records, int fieldID, int fieldSize)
 Pattern (int numIDs, int idType, snl_fei::RecordCollection *records, const int *numFieldsPerID, const int *fieldIDs, const int *fieldSizes)
 Pattern (int numIDs, const int *idTypes, snl_fei::RecordCollection *const *records, const int *numFieldsPerID, const int *fieldIDs, const int *fieldSizes)
PatternType getPatternType () const
int getNumIDs () const
const int * getIDTypes () const
snl_fei::RecordCollection *const * getRecordCollections () const
const int * getNumFieldsPerID () const
const int * getFieldIDs () const
const int * getNumIndicesPerID () const
int getTotalNumFields () const
int getNumIndices () const
bool operator== (const Pattern &rhs) const
bool operator!= (const Pattern &rhs) const

Detailed Description

Stencil-like pattern definition/description. Describes the layout of a set of field-identifiers associated with a set of identifiers and identifier-types.

Example: Can be used to describe the layout of nodes with associated fields on an element ('element' as in finite-elements).

Definition at line 29 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enumeration of different pattern-types

Definition at line 32 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

fei::Pattern::Pattern ( int  numIDs,
int  idType,
snl_fei::RecordCollection records 

Constructor, Pattern::PatternType == NO_FIELD

Definition at line 12 of file fei_Pattern.cpp.

fei::Pattern::Pattern ( int  numIDs,
int  idType,
snl_fei::RecordCollection records,
int  fieldID,
int  fieldSize 
  Constructor, Pattern::PatternType == SIMPLE

There is only one id-type, and only one field.

Definition at line 51 of file fei_Pattern.cpp.

fei::Pattern::Pattern ( int  numIDs,
int  idType,
snl_fei::RecordCollection records,
const int *  numFieldsPerID,
const int *  fieldIDs,
const int *  fieldSizes 
  Constructor, Pattern::PatternType == SINGLE_IDTYPE

There is only one id-type, but there may be multiple fields per id.

Definition at line 93 of file fei_Pattern.cpp.

fei::Pattern::Pattern ( int  numIDs,
const int *  idTypes,
snl_fei::RecordCollection *const *  records,
const int *  numFieldsPerID,
const int *  fieldIDs,
const int *  fieldSizes 

Constructor, Pattern::PatternType == GENERAL There may be multiple id-types as well as multiple fields-per-id.

Definition at line 154 of file fei_Pattern.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

PatternType fei::Pattern::getPatternType ( ) const

Return pattern-type-identifying enum

Definition at line 61 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

int fei::Pattern::getNumIDs ( ) const

Return the number of identifiers described by this pattern.

Definition at line 64 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

const int* fei::Pattern::getIDTypes ( ) const

Return pointer to list of length getNumIDs()

Definition at line 67 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

snl_fei::RecordCollection* const* fei::Pattern::getRecordCollections ( ) const

Return pointer to list of length getNumIDs()

Definition at line 70 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

const int* fei::Pattern::getNumFieldsPerID ( ) const

Return list of length getNumIDs()

Definition at line 73 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

const int* fei::Pattern::getFieldIDs ( ) const

Return list of length getTotalNumFields()

Definition at line 76 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

const int* fei::Pattern::getNumIndicesPerID ( ) const

Return list of length getNumIDs()

Definition at line 79 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

int fei::Pattern::getTotalNumFields ( ) const

total-num-fields = sum(numFieldsPerID)

Definition at line 85 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

int fei::Pattern::getNumIndices ( ) const

Return the total number of scalar indices represented by this pattern. This is the number of identifiers if no fields are associated with them, otherwise it is the sum of the field-sizes of the fields associated with the identifiers.

Definition at line 92 of file fei_Pattern.hpp.

bool fei::Pattern::operator== ( const Pattern rhs) const

return true if the 'rhs' pattern is the same as 'this' pattern.

Definition at line 229 of file fei_Pattern.cpp.

bool fei::Pattern::operator!= ( const Pattern rhs) const

return true if the 'rhs' pattern is different than 'this' pattern.

Definition at line 239 of file fei_Pattern.cpp.

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