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HexBeamCR Class Reference

#include <HexBeamCR.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for HexBeamCR:
Inheritance graph

Detailed Description

HexBeamCR is a data generator used for testing the FEI. It generates data that represents a beam of hex elements. More precisely, it's a cube that can be elongated in one dimension, forming an arbitrarily long 3D beam. The dimensions of the beam are WxWxD. In parallel runs, the beam is divided such that each processor has roughly D/numprocs "slices" each with WxW elements.

HexBeamCR is the same as HexBeam, except that when slices are made to form a parallel decomposition, the slices are bound together using constraint-relations. i.e., the slices that are separated by processor boundaries do not share common nodes as they do in the case of HexBeam. Instead the opposing faces have distinct (non-shared) nodes which are tied together by the constraints. In addition, HexBeamCR has a constraint-bound slice in the middle of each processor's partition so that there are constraints even in the case of a serial run on a single processor.

Definition at line 33 of file HexBeamCR.hpp.

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