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FEData Class Reference

#include <FEData.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for FEData:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 FEData (MPI_Comm comm)
int parameters (int numParams, char **params)
int setLookup (Lookup &lookup)
int describeStructure (int numElemBlocks, const int *numElemsPerBlock, const int *numNodesPerElem, const int *elemMatrixSizePerBlock, int totalNumNodes, int numSharedNodes, int numMultCRs)
int setConnectivity (int elemBlockID, int elemID, int numNodes, const int *nodeNumbers, const int *numDofPerNode, const int *dof_ids)
int setElemMatrix (int elemBlockID, int elemID, int numNodes, const int *nodeNumbers, const int *dofPerNode, const int *dof_ids, const double *const *coefs)
int setElemVector (int elemBlockID, int elemID, int numNodes, const int *nodeNumbers, const int *dofPerNode, const int *dof_ids, const double *coefs)
int setDirichletBCs (int numBCs, const int *nodeNumbers, const int *dofOffsets, const double *values)
int sumIntoMatrix (int numRowNodes, const int *rowNodeNumbers, const int *rowDofOffsets, const int *numColNodesPerRow, const int *colNodeNumbers, const int *colDofOffsets, const double *coefs)
int loadComplete ()
int launchSolver (int &solveStatus, int &iterations)
int reset ()
int deleteConstraints ()
int getSolnEntry (int nodeNumber, int dofOffset, double &value)
int getMultiplierSoln (int CRID, double &lagrangeMultiplier)
int putNodalFieldData (int fieldID, int fieldSize, int numNodes, const int *nodeNumbers, const double *coefs)
int setMultiplierCR (int CRID, int numNodes, const int *nodeNumbers, const int *dofOffsets, const double *coefWeights, double rhsValue)
int setPenaltyCR (int CRID, int numNodes, const int *nodeNumbers, const int *dofOffsets, const double *coefWeights, double penaltyValue, double rhsValue)

Detailed Description

Simply a test harness to use for checking the FEI layer's usage of the FiniteElementData interface.

Definition at line 28 of file FEData.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FEData::FEData ( MPI_Comm  comm)


Definition at line 31 of file FEData.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

int FEData::parameters ( int  numParams,
char **  params 

For setting argc/argv style parameters.

numParamsNumber of strings in the params argument
paramsA list of strings which will usually contain space-separated key-value pairs. Example: "debugOutput /usr/users/me/work_dir"

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 20 of file FEData.cpp.

int FEData::setLookup ( Lookup lookup)

Supply the FiniteElementData implementation with an object (created and owned by the caller) that can be used to obtain various information about problem layout, shared finite-element nodes, etc. For details, see the documentation for the Lookup interface.

lookupInput. Reference to an implementation of the Lookup interface

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 68 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::describeStructure ( int  numElemBlocks,
const int *  numElemsPerBlock,
const int *  numNodesPerElem,
const int *  elemMatrixSizePerBlock,
int  totalNumNodes,
int  numSharedNodes,
int  numMultCRs 

For describing the general structure of the finite-element problem that is to be assembled.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 78 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::setConnectivity ( int  elemBlockID,
int  elemID,
int  numNodes,
const int *  nodeNumbers,
const int *  numDofPerNode,
const int *  dof_ids 

For passing element-connectivity arrays.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 100 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::setElemMatrix ( int  elemBlockID,
int  elemID,
int  numNodes,
const int *  nodeNumbers,
const int *  numDofPerNode,
const int *  dof_ids,
const double *const *  coefs 

For passing element-stiffness arrays.

elemBlockIDIdentifier for the element-block that these elements belong to.
elemIDLocally zero-based identifier for this element.
numNodesNumber of nodes on this element.
nodeNumbersList of length numNodes
numDofPerNodeList of length numNodes.
dof_idsList of length sum(numDofPerNode[i])
coefsC-style table (list of pointers). Each row of the table is of length sum(dofPerNode[i]), and that is also the number of rows.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 126 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::setElemVector ( int  elemBlockID,
int  elemID,
int  numNodes,
const int *  nodeNumbers,
const int *  numDofPerNode,
const int *  dof_ids,
const double *  coefs 

For passing element-load vectors.

elemBlockIDIdentifier for the element-block that this element belongs to.
elemIDLocally zero-based identifier for this element.
numNodesNumber of nodes on this element.
coefsPacked list, length sum(dofPerNode[i]).

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 161 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::setDirichletBCs ( int  numBCs,
const int *  nodeNumbers,
const int *  dof_ids,
const double *  values 

Specify dirichlet boundary-condition values.

numBCsNumber of boundary-condition values.
nodeNumbersList of length numBCs.
dof_idsList of length numBCs.
valuesList of length numBCs.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 191 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::sumIntoMatrix ( int  numRowNodes,
const int *  rowNodeNumbers,
const int *  row_dof_ids,
const int *  numColNodesPerRow,
const int *  colNodeNumbers,
const int *  col_dof_ids,
const double *  coefs 

Sum coefficients into the matrix. This may be used to pass a dense rectangular block of coefs, or a diagonal band of coefs, or an arbitrary sparse block of coefs.

rowNodeNumbersList of length numRowNodes
row_dof_idsList of length numRowNodes
numColNodesPerRowList of length numRowNodes
colNodeNumbersList of length sum(numColNodesPerRow[i])
col_dof_idsList of length sum(numColNodesPerRow[i])
coefsList of length sum(numColNodesPerRow[i])

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 206 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::loadComplete ( )

Function called to signal to the FiniteElementData implementation that data-loading is complete and any synchronization or other final operations may be performed now. This is a collective function, must be called by all processors.

error-code 0 if successful

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 258 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::launchSolver ( int &  solveStatus,
int &  iterations 

Function called to request the launching of the linear solver.

solveStatusOutput, should indicate the status of the solve. A successful solve is usually indicated by a value of 0.
iterationsOutput, how many iterations were performed.
error-code, 0 if convergence tolerance was achieved within the specified maximum number of iterations. If error return is non-zero, the calling application will be expected to check solveStatus, and consult the solver-library's documentation to figure out exactly what happened.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 274 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::reset ( )

Function to signal that all coefficient values should be zero'd in preparation for a new assemble/solve phase. This is to handle cases where no structural information is changing from one time-step to the next, but new coefficient values need to be loaded for the next solve.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 284 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::deleteConstraints ( )

Function to signal that lagrange multiplier constraints should be deleted.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 302 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::getSolnEntry ( int  nodeNumber,
int  dof_id,
double &  value 

Get solution value from the underlying solver.


Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 308 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::getMultiplierSoln ( int  CRID,
double &  lagrangeMultiplier 

Get solution value of a Lagrange Multiplier from the solver.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 320 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::putNodalFieldData ( int  fieldID,
int  fieldSize,
int  numNodes,
const int *  nodeNumbers,
const double *  coefs 

Pass nodal data that probably doesn't mean anything to the FEI implementation, but may mean something to the linear solver. Examples: geometric coordinates, nullspace data, etc.

fieldIDIdentifier for the field that describes this data. Lists of field identifiers and field sizes defined for the finite-element problem may be obtained from the Lookup interface that is supplied to the ESI_Broker by the FEI implementation.
nodeNumbersList of nodes for which data is being supplied.
dataList of length numNodes * (size of field 'fieldID')

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 337 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::setMultiplierCR ( int  CRID,
int  numNodes,
const int *  nodeNumbers,
const int *  dof_ids,
const double *  coefWeights,
double  rhsValue 

Specify lagrange-multipler constraint-relation.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 357 of file FEData.hpp.

int FEData::setPenaltyCR ( int  CRID,
int  numNodes,
const int *  nodeNumbers,
const int *  dof_ids,
const double *  coefWeights,
double  penaltyValue,
double  rhsValue 

Specify penalty constraint-relation.

Implements FiniteElementData.

Definition at line 375 of file FEData.hpp.

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