4 #define OUR_CHK_ERR(a) { { int epetra_err = a; \
5 if (epetra_err != 0) { std::cerr << "Amesos ERROR " << epetra_err << ", " \
6 << __FILE__ << ", line " << __LINE__ << std::endl; \
7 relresidual=1e15; return(1);} }\
38 int iam = Comm.
MyPID() ;
58 Abase = Afactory.
Create( AmesosClass, Problem ) ;
60 std::string AC = AmesosClass ;
61 if ( AC ==
"Amesos_Mumps" ) {
62 ParamList.
true );
66 double relresidual = 0 ;
86 xexact.PutScalar(1.0);
91 Amat->
Multiply( transpose, xexact, b ) ;
94 std::cout << __FILE__ <<
"::" << __LINE__ <<
"b = " << std::endl ;
95 b.
Print( std::cout ) ;
96 std::cout << __FILE__ <<
"::" << __LINE__ <<
"xexact = " << std::endl ;
97 xexact.
Print( std::cout ) ;
98 std::cout << __FILE__ <<
"::" << __LINE__ <<
"x = " << std::endl ;
99 x.
Print( std::cout ) ;
122 Amat->
Multiply( transpose, x, bcheck ) ;
127 difference.Update( 1.0, x, -1.0, xexact, 0.0 ) ;
128 difference.Norm2( &norm_diff ) ;
129 x.Norm2( &norm_one ) ;
131 relresidual = norm_diff / norm_one ;
134 if ( relresidual * Rcond > 1e-16 ) {
135 if (verbose) std::cout << __FILE__ <<
"::"<< __LINE__
136 <<
" norm( x - xexact ) / norm(x) = "
137 << norm_diff /norm_one << std::endl ;
165 std::string AC = AmesosClass ;
167 if (epetra_err != 0) {
168 std::cerr <<
"Amesos ERROR " << epetra_err <<
", " << __FILE__ <<
", line " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
void SetLHS(Epetra_MultiVector *X)
void SetOperator(Epetra_RowMatrix *A)
virtual int Solve()=0
Solves A X = B (or AT x = B)
int Multiply(bool TransA, const Epetra_Vector &x, Epetra_Vector &y) const
ParameterList & set(std::string const &name, T const &value, std::string const &docString="", RCP< const ParameterEntryValidator > const &validator=null)
virtual void Print(std::ostream &os) const
virtual int NumericFactorization()=0
Performs NumericFactorization on the matrix A.
virtual int SymbolicFactorization()=0
Performs SymbolicFactorization on the matrix A.
virtual int SetParameters(Teuchos::ParameterList &ParameterList)=0
Updates internal variables.
int PartialFactorization(const char *AmesosClass, const Epetra_Comm &Comm, bool transpose, bool verbose, Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList, Epetra_CrsMatrix *&Amat, double Rcond)
const Epetra_Map & OperatorDomainMap() const
virtual int MyPID() const =0
Factory for binding a third party direct solver to an Epetra_LinearProblem.
virtual int SetUseTranspose(bool UseTranspose)=0
If set true, X will be set to the solution of AT X = B (not A X = B)
void SetRHS(Epetra_MultiVector *B)
Amesos_BaseSolver * Create(const char *ClassType, const Epetra_LinearProblem &LinearProblem)
Amesos Create method.
const Epetra_Map & OperatorRangeMap() const
int PartialFactorizationOneStep(const char *AmesosClass, const Epetra_Comm &Comm, bool transpose, bool verbose, Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList, Epetra_CrsMatrix *&Amat, double Rcond, int Steps)
Amesos_BaseSolver: A pure virtual class for direct solution of real-valued double-precision operators...