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Teuchos Memory Management Utilities


 Conversion utilities for going between Teuchos::RCP and boost::shared_ptr.
 Conversion utilities for going between Teuchos::RCP and std::shared_ptr.
 Set of utilities for allocating temporary workspace.
 The goal of this set of utilities is to allow the user to create arrays of uninitialized or default initialized objects as automatic variables on the stack to be used for temporary workspace without requiring expensive calls opeator new or operator delete.


class  Teuchos::InvalidArrayStringRepresentation
class  Teuchos::Array< T >
 Replacement for std::vector that is compatible with the Teuchos Memory Management classes. More...
class  Teuchos::TypeNameTraits< Array< T > >
 TypeNameTraits specialization for Array. More...
class  Teuchos::ArrayRCP< T >
 Reference-counted smart pointer for managing arrays. More...
class  Teuchos::ArrayRCP< const T >
 Partial specialization of ArrayRCP for const T. More...
class  Teuchos::ArrayView< T >
 Nonowning array view. More...
class  Teuchos::ArrayView< const T >
 Partial specialization of ArrayView for const T. More...
class  Teuchos::ExceptionBase
 Base exception class for Teuchos. More...
class  Teuchos::DuplicateOwningRCPError
 Thrown if a duplicate owning RCP is creatd the the same object. More...
class  Teuchos::NullReferenceError
 Null reference error exception class. More...
class  Teuchos::NonconstAccessError
 Null reference error exception class. More...
class  Teuchos::RangeError
 Range error exception class. More...
class  Teuchos::DanglingReferenceError
 Dangling reference error exception class. More...
class  Teuchos::IncompatibleIteratorsError
 Incompatiable iterators error exception class. More...
class  Teuchos::NullIteratorTraits< Iter >
 Base traits class for getting a properly initialized null pointer. More...
class  Teuchos::NullIteratorTraits< std::reverse_iterator< Iter > >
 Partial specialization for std::reverse_iterator. More...
class  Teuchos::RCP< T >
 Smart reference counting pointer class for automatic garbage collection. More...
class  Teuchos::NullIteratorTraits< RCP< T > >
 Traits specialization for RCP. More...
class  Teuchos::DeallocNull< T >
 Policy class for deallocator for non-owned RCPs. More...
class  Teuchos::DeallocDelete< T >
 Policy class for deallocator that uses delete to delete a pointer which is used by RCP. More...
class  Teuchos::DeallocArrayDelete< T >
 Deallocator class that uses delete [] to delete memory allocated uisng new [] More...
class  Teuchos::DeallocFunctorDelete< T, DeleteFunctor >
 Deallocator subclass that Allows any functor object (including a function pointer) to be used to free an object. More...
class  Teuchos::DeallocFunctorHandleDelete< T, DeleteHandleFunctor >
 Deallocator subclass that Allows any functor object (including a function pointer) to be used to free a handle (i.e. pointer to pointer) to an object. More...
class  Teuchos::EmbeddedObjDealloc< T, Embedded, Dealloc >
 A deallocator class that wraps a simple value object and delegates to another deallocator object. More...
class  Teuchos::ToStringTraits< ERCPStrength >
 Traits class specialization for toString(...) function for converting from ERCPStrength to std::string. More...
class  Teuchos::RCPNode
 Node class to keep track of address and the reference count for a reference-counted utility class and delete the object. More...
class  Teuchos::RCPNodeTracer
 Debug-mode RCPNode tracing class. More...
class  Teuchos::RCPNodeTmpl< T, Dealloc_T >
 Templated implementation class of RCPNode that has the responsibility for deleting the reference-counted object. More...
class  Teuchos::ActiveRCPNodesSetup
 Sets up node tracing and prints remaining RCPNodes on destruction. More...
class  Teuchos::Tuple< T, N >
 Statically sized simple array (tuple) class. More...
class  Teuchos::OpaqueWrapper< Opaque >
 Base class for wrapped opaque objects. More...
class  Teuchos::RCPNodeHandle
 Handle class that manages the RCPNode's reference counting. More...


enum  Teuchos::EPrePostDestruction
 Used to specify a pre or post destruction of extra data. More...
enum  Teuchos::ERCPStrength
 Used to specify if the pointer is weak or strong. More...
enum  Teuchos::ERCPNodeLookup
 Used to determine if RCPNode lookup is performed or not. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

Used to specify a pre or post destruction of extra data.

Definition at line 47 of file Teuchos_RCPNode.hpp.

Used to specify if the pointer is weak or strong.

Definition at line 53 of file Teuchos_RCPNode.hpp.

Used to determine if RCPNode lookup is performed or not.

Definition at line 59 of file Teuchos_RCPNode.hpp.