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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Teuchos: Common Tools Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004 NTESS and the Teuchos contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
10 // Kris
11 // 07.08.03 -- Move into Teuchos package/namespace
13 #include "Teuchos_Object.hpp"
15 namespace Teuchos {
17 // Set TracebackMode value to default.
18 int Object::tracebackMode = -1;
20 Object::Object (int tracebackModeIn)
21 {
22  tracebackMode = (tracebackModeIn != -1) ? tracebackModeIn : tracebackMode;
23 }
25 Object::Object (const char* label_in, int tracebackModeIn) :
26  label_ (label_in) // this does a deep copy of the input string
27 {
28  tracebackMode = (tracebackModeIn != -1) ? tracebackModeIn : tracebackMode;
29 }
31 Object::Object (const std::string& label_in, int tracebackModeIn) :
32  label_ (label_in)
33 {
34  tracebackMode = (tracebackModeIn != -1) ? tracebackModeIn : tracebackMode;
35 }
37 void Object::setLabel (const char* theLabel) {
38  label_ = std::string (theLabel);
39 }
41 void Object::setTracebackMode (int tracebackModeValue)
42 {
43  if (tracebackModeValue < 0) {
44  tracebackModeValue = 0;
45  }
46  Object tempObject (tracebackModeValue);
47 }
50 {
51  int temp = Object::tracebackMode;
52  if (temp == -1) {
53  temp = Teuchos_DefaultTracebackMode;
54  }
55  return(temp);
56 }
58 void Object::print (std::ostream& /* os */) const
59 {
60  // os << label_; // No need to print label, since std::ostream does it already
61 }
63 int Object::reportError (const std::string message, int errorCode) const
64 {
65  using std::cerr;
66  using std::endl;
68  // mfh 23 Nov 2014: I found the following message here:
69  //
70  // NOTE: We are extracting a C-style std::string from Message because
71  // the SGI compiler does not have a real std::string class with
72  // the << operator. Some day we should get rid of ".c_str()"
73  //
74  // All the compilers we support now have a correct implementation of
75  // std::string, so I've corrected the code below to use std::string
76  // instead.
78  if (tracebackMode == 1 && errorCode < 0) {
79  // Report fatal error
80  cerr << endl << "Error in Teuchos Object with label: " << label_
81  << endl << "Teuchos Error: " << message << " Error Code: "
82  << errorCode << endl;
83  return errorCode;
84  }
85  if (tracebackMode == 2 && errorCode != 0) {
86  cerr << endl << "Error in Teuchos Object with label: " << label_
87  << endl << "Teuchos Error: " << message << " Error Code: "
88  << errorCode << endl;
89  return errorCode;
90  }
91  return errorCode;
92 }
94 const char* Object::label () const
95 {
96  return label_.c_str ();
97 }
99 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Teuchos::Object& obj)
100 {
101  os << obj.label () << std::endl;
102  obj.print (os);
103  return os;
104 }
106 } // namespace Teuchos
static int tracebackMode
virtual const char * label() const
Access the object&#39;s label (LEGACY; return std::string instead).
virtual void print(std::ostream &os) const
Print the object to the given output stream.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, BigUInt< n > a)
The base Teuchos class.
Object(int tracebackModeIn=-1)
Default Constructor.
virtual int reportError(const std::string message, int errorCode) const
Report an error with this Object.
static int getTracebackMode()
Get the value of the Object error traceback report mode.
std::string label_
The Object&#39;s current label.
The base Teuchos object.
static void setTracebackMode(int tracebackModeValue)
Set the value of the Object error traceback report mode.
virtual void setLabel(const char *theLabel)