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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Teuchos: Common Tools Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004 NTESS and the Teuchos contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
18 #include <Teuchos_ConfigDefs.hpp>
20 // If MPI is not enabled, disable the contents of this file.
23 #include "Teuchos_Comm.hpp"
29 #include "Teuchos_Workspace.hpp"
31 #include "Teuchos_as.hpp"
32 #include "Teuchos_Assert.hpp"
33 #include <mpi.h>
34 #include <iterator>
36 // This must be defined globally for the whole program!
40 # include "Teuchos_VerboseObject.hpp"
41 #endif
43 namespace Teuchos {
47 mpiErrorCodeToString (const int err);
49 namespace details {
63  TEUCHOSCOMM_LIB_DLL_EXPORT void safeCommFree (MPI_Comm* comm);
69  TEUCHOSCOMM_LIB_DLL_EXPORT int setCommErrhandler (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Errhandler handler);
71 } // namespace details
74 template<typename Ordinal, typename T>
75 void dumpBuffer(
76  const std::string &funcName, const std::string &buffName
77  ,const Ordinal bytes, const T buff[]
78  )
79 {
82  Teuchos::OSTab tab(out);
83  *out
84  << "\n" << funcName << "::" << buffName << ":\n";
85  tab.incrTab();
86  for( Ordinal i = 0; i < bytes; ++i ) {
87  *out << buffName << "[" << i << "] = '" << buff[i] << "'\n";
88  }
89  *out << "\n";
90 }
104 template<class OrdinalType>
105 class MpiCommStatus : public CommStatus<OrdinalType> {
106 public:
107  MpiCommStatus (MPI_Status status) : status_ (status) {}
110  virtual ~MpiCommStatus() {}
113  OrdinalType getSourceRank () { return status_.MPI_SOURCE; }
116  OrdinalType getTag () { return status_.MPI_TAG; }
119  OrdinalType getError () { return status_.MPI_ERROR; }
121 private:
123  MpiCommStatus ();
126  MPI_Status status_;
127 };
132 template<class OrdinalType>
133 inline RCP<MpiCommStatus<OrdinalType> >
134 mpiCommStatus (MPI_Status rawMpiStatus)
135 {
136  return rcp (new MpiCommStatus<OrdinalType> (rawMpiStatus));
137 }
154 template<class OrdinalType>
155 class MpiCommRequestBase : public CommRequest<OrdinalType> {
156 public:
158  MpiCommRequestBase () :
159  rawMpiRequest_ (MPI_REQUEST_NULL)
160  {}
163  MpiCommRequestBase (MPI_Request rawMpiRequest) :
164  rawMpiRequest_ (rawMpiRequest)
165  {}
174  MPI_Request releaseRawMpiRequest()
175  {
176  MPI_Request tmp_rawMpiRequest = rawMpiRequest_;
177  rawMpiRequest_ = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
178  return tmp_rawMpiRequest;
179  }
182  bool isNull() const {
183  return rawMpiRequest_ == MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
184  }
186  bool isReady() {
187  MPI_Status rawMpiStatus;
188  int flag = 0;
190  MPI_Test(&rawMpiRequest_, &flag, &rawMpiStatus);
192  return (flag != 0);
193  }
200  RCP<CommStatus<OrdinalType> > wait () {
201  MPI_Status rawMpiStatus;
202  // Whether this function satisfies the strong exception guarantee
203  // depends on whether MPI_Wait modifies its input request on error.
204  const int err = MPI_Wait (&rawMpiRequest_, &rawMpiStatus);
206  err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
207  "Teuchos: MPI_Wait() failed with error \""
208  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err));
209  // MPI_Wait sets the MPI_Request to MPI_REQUEST_NULL on success.
210  return mpiCommStatus<OrdinalType> (rawMpiStatus);
211  }
217  RCP<CommStatus<OrdinalType> > cancel () {
218  if (rawMpiRequest_ == MPI_REQUEST_NULL) {
219  return null;
220  }
221  else {
222  int err = MPI_Cancel (&rawMpiRequest_);
224  err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
225  "Teuchos: MPI_Cancel failed with the following error: "
226  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err));
228  // Wait on the request. If successful, MPI_Wait will set the
229  // MPI_Request to MPI_REQUEST_NULL. The returned status may
230  // still be useful; for example, one may call MPI_Test_cancelled
231  // to test an MPI_Status from a nonblocking send.
232  MPI_Status status;
233  err = MPI_Wait (&rawMpiRequest_, &status);
234  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
235  "Teuchos::MpiCommStatus::cancel: MPI_Wait failed with the following "
236  "error: " << mpiErrorCodeToString (err));
237  return mpiCommStatus<OrdinalType> (status);
238  }
239  }
242  virtual ~MpiCommRequestBase () {
243  if (rawMpiRequest_ != MPI_REQUEST_NULL) {
244  // We're in a destructor, so don't throw errors. However, if
245  // MPI_Cancel fails, it's probably a bad idea to call MPI_Wait.
246  const int err = MPI_Cancel (&rawMpiRequest_);
247  if (err == MPI_SUCCESS) {
248  // The MPI_Cancel succeeded. Now wait on the request. Ignore
249  // any reported error, since we can't do anything about those
250  // in the destructor (other than kill the program). If
251  // successful, MPI_Wait will set the MPI_Request to
252  // MPI_REQUEST_NULL. We ignore the returned MPI_Status, since
253  // if the user let the request fall out of scope, she must not
254  // care about the status.
255  //
256  // mfh 21 Oct 2012: The MPI standard requires completing a
257  // canceled request by calling a function like MPI_Wait,
258  // MPI_Test, or MPI_Request_free. MPI_Wait on a canceled
259  // request behaves like a local operation (it does not
260  // communicate or block waiting for communication). One could
261  // also call MPI_Request_free instead of MPI_Wait, but
262  // MPI_Request_free is intended more for persistent requests
263  // (created with functions like MPI_Recv_init).
264  (void) MPI_Wait (&rawMpiRequest_, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
265  }
266  }
267  }
269 private:
271  MPI_Request rawMpiRequest_;
272 };
289 template<class OrdinalType>
290 class MpiCommRequest : public MpiCommRequestBase<OrdinalType> {
291 public:
293  MpiCommRequest () :
294  MpiCommRequestBase<OrdinalType> (MPI_REQUEST_NULL),
295  numBytes_ (0)
296  {}
299  MpiCommRequest (MPI_Request rawMpiRequest,
300  const ArrayView<char>::size_type numBytesInMessage) :
301  MpiCommRequestBase<OrdinalType> (rawMpiRequest),
302  numBytes_ (numBytesInMessage)
303  {}
310  ArrayView<char>::size_type numBytes () const {
311  return numBytes_;
312  }
315  virtual ~MpiCommRequest () {}
317 private:
319  ArrayView<char>::size_type numBytes_;
320 };
330 template<class OrdinalType>
331 inline RCP<MpiCommRequest<OrdinalType> >
332 mpiCommRequest (MPI_Request rawMpiRequest,
333  const ArrayView<char>::size_type numBytes)
334 {
335  return rcp (new MpiCommRequest<OrdinalType> (rawMpiRequest, numBytes));
336 }
353 template<typename Ordinal>
354 class MpiComm : public Comm<Ordinal> {
355 public:
379  explicit MpiComm (MPI_Comm rawMpiComm);
395  MpiComm (const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> >& rawMpiComm);
414  MpiComm (const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> >& rawMpiComm,
415  const int defaultTag);
433  MpiComm (const MpiComm<Ordinal>& other);
436  RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > getRawMpiComm () const {
437  return rawMpiComm_;
438  }
504  void setErrorHandler (const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Errhandler> >& errHandler);
511  virtual int getRank() const;
514  virtual int getSize() const;
517  virtual void barrier() const;
520  virtual void broadcast(
521  const int rootRank, const Ordinal bytes, char buffer[]
522  ) const;
525  virtual void
526  gather (const Ordinal sendBytes, const char sendBuffer[],
527  const Ordinal recvBytes, char recvBuffer[],
528  const int root) const;
530  virtual void gatherAll(
531  const Ordinal sendBytes, const char sendBuffer[]
532  ,const Ordinal recvBytes, char recvBuffer[]
533  ) const;
535  virtual void reduceAll(
536  const ValueTypeReductionOp<Ordinal,char> &reductOp
537  ,const Ordinal bytes, const char sendBuffer[], char globalReducts[]
538  ) const;
540  virtual void scan(
541  const ValueTypeReductionOp<Ordinal,char> &reductOp
542  ,const Ordinal bytes, const char sendBuffer[], char scanReducts[]
543  ) const;
545  virtual void send(
546  const Ordinal bytes, const char sendBuffer[], const int destRank
547  ) const;
549  virtual void
550  send (const Ordinal bytes,
551  const char sendBuffer[],
552  const int destRank,
553  const int tag) const;
555  virtual void ssend(
556  const Ordinal bytes, const char sendBuffer[], const int destRank
557  ) const;
559  virtual void
560  ssend (const Ordinal bytes,
561  const char sendBuffer[],
562  const int destRank,
563  const int tag) const;
565  virtual int receive(
566  const int sourceRank, const Ordinal bytes, char recvBuffer[]
567  ) const;
569  virtual void readySend(
570  const ArrayView<const char> &sendBuffer,
571  const int destRank
572  ) const;
574  virtual void
575  readySend (const Ordinal bytes,
576  const char sendBuffer[],
577  const int destRank,
578  const int tag) const;
580  virtual RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > isend(
581  const ArrayView<const char> &sendBuffer,
582  const int destRank
583  ) const;
585  virtual RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> >
586  isend (const ArrayView<const char> &sendBuffer,
587  const int destRank,
588  const int tag) const;
590  virtual RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > ireceive(
591  const ArrayView<char> &Buffer,
592  const int sourceRank
593  ) const;
595  virtual RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> >
596  ireceive (const ArrayView<char> &Buffer,
597  const int sourceRank,
598  const int tag) const;
600  virtual void waitAll(
601  const ArrayView<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > > &requests
602  ) const;
604  virtual void
605  waitAll (const ArrayView<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >& requests,
606  const ArrayView<RCP<CommStatus<Ordinal> > >& statuses) const;
608  virtual RCP<CommStatus<Ordinal> >
609  wait (const Ptr<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >& request) const;
611  virtual RCP< Comm<Ordinal> > duplicate() const;
613  virtual RCP< Comm<Ordinal> > split(const int color, const int key) const;
615  virtual RCP< Comm<Ordinal> > createSubcommunicator(
616  const ArrayView<const int>& ranks) const;
623  std::string description() const;
627  // These should be private but the PGI compiler requires them be public
629  static int const minTag_ = 26000; // These came from Teuchos::MpiComm???
630  static int const maxTag_ = 26099; // ""
637  int getTag () const { return tag_; }
639 private:
644  void setupMembersFromComm();
645  static int tagCounter_;
654  RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > rawMpiComm_;
657  int rank_;
660  int size_;
669  int tag_;
672  RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Errhandler> > customErrorHandler_;
674  void assertRank(const int rank, const std::string &rankName) const;
676  // Not defined and not to be called!
677  MpiComm();
680 public:
681  static bool show_dump;
684 };
700 template<typename Ordinal>
701 RCP<MpiComm<Ordinal> >
702 createMpiComm(
703  const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > &rawMpiComm
704  );
720 template<typename Ordinal>
721 RCP<MpiComm<Ordinal> >
722 createMpiComm(
723  const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > &rawMpiComm,
724  const int defaultTag
725  );
755 template<typename Ordinal>
756 MPI_Comm
757 getRawMpiComm(const Comm<Ordinal> &comm);
760 // ////////////////////////
761 // Implementations
764 // Static members
767 template<typename Ordinal>
768 int MpiComm<Ordinal>::tagCounter_ = MpiComm<Ordinal>::minTag_;
771 // Constructors
774 template<typename Ordinal>
775 MpiComm<Ordinal>::
776 MpiComm (const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> >& rawMpiComm)
777 {
779  rawMpiComm.get () == NULL, std::invalid_argument,
780  "Teuchos::MpiComm constructor: The input RCP is null.");
782  *rawMpiComm == MPI_COMM_NULL, std::invalid_argument,
783  "Teuchos::MpiComm constructor: The given MPI_Comm is MPI_COMM_NULL.");
785  rawMpiComm_ = rawMpiComm;
787  // mfh 09 Jul 2013: Please resist the temptation to modify the given
788  // MPI communicator's error handler here. See Bug 5943. Note that
789  // an MPI communicator's default error handler is
790  // MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL, which immediately aborts on error (without
791  // returning an error code from the MPI function). Users who want
792  // MPI functions instead to return an error code if they encounter
793  // an error, should set the error handler to MPI_ERRORS_RETURN. DO
794  // NOT SET THE ERROR HANDLER HERE!!! Teuchos' MPI wrappers should
795  // always check the error code returned by an MPI function,
796  // regardless of the error handler. Users who want to set the error
797  // handler on an MpiComm may call its setErrorHandler method.
799  setupMembersFromComm ();
800 }
803 template<typename Ordinal>
804 MpiComm<Ordinal>::
805 MpiComm (const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> >& rawMpiComm,
806  const int defaultTag)
807 {
809  rawMpiComm.get () == NULL, std::invalid_argument,
810  "Teuchos::MpiComm constructor: The input RCP is null.");
812  *rawMpiComm == MPI_COMM_NULL, std::invalid_argument,
813  "Teuchos::MpiComm constructor: The given MPI_Comm is MPI_COMM_NULL.");
815  rawMpiComm_ = rawMpiComm;
816  // Set size_ (the number of processes in the communicator).
817  int err = MPI_Comm_size (*rawMpiComm_, &size_);
818  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
819  "Teuchos::MpiComm constructor: MPI_Comm_size failed with "
820  "error \"" << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
821  // Set rank_ (the calling process' rank).
822  err = MPI_Comm_rank (*rawMpiComm_, &rank_);
823  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
824  "Teuchos::MpiComm constructor: MPI_Comm_rank failed with "
825  "error \"" << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
826  tag_ = defaultTag; // set the default message tag
827 }
830 template<typename Ordinal>
831 MpiComm<Ordinal>::MpiComm (MPI_Comm rawMpiComm)
832 {
834  std::invalid_argument, "Teuchos::MpiComm constructor: The given MPI_Comm "
835  "is MPI_COMM_NULL.");
836  // We don't supply a "free" function here, since this version of the
837  // constructor makes the caller responsible for freeing rawMpiComm
838  // after use if necessary.
839  rawMpiComm_ = opaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> (rawMpiComm);
841  // mfh 09 Jul 2013: Please resist the temptation to modify the given
842  // MPI communicator's error handler here. See Bug 5943. Note that
843  // an MPI communicator's default error handler is
844  // MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL, which immediately aborts on error (without
845  // returning an error code from the MPI function). Users who want
846  // MPI functions instead to return an error code if they encounter
847  // an error, should set the error handler to MPI_ERRORS_RETURN. DO
848  // NOT SET THE ERROR HANDLER HERE!!! Teuchos' MPI wrappers should
849  // always check the error code returned by an MPI function,
850  // regardless of the error handler. Users who want to set the error
851  // handler on an MpiComm may call its setErrorHandler method.
853  setupMembersFromComm ();
854 }
857 template<typename Ordinal>
858 MpiComm<Ordinal>::MpiComm (const MpiComm<Ordinal>& other) :
859  rawMpiComm_ (opaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> (MPI_COMM_NULL)) // <- This will be set below
860 {
861  // These are logic errors, since they violate MpiComm's invariants.
862  RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > origCommPtr = other.getRawMpiComm ();
863  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(origCommPtr == null, std::logic_error,
864  "Teuchos::MpiComm copy constructor: "
865  "The input's getRawMpiComm() method returns null.");
866  MPI_Comm origComm = *origCommPtr;
867  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(origComm == MPI_COMM_NULL, std::logic_error,
868  "Teuchos::MpiComm copy constructor: "
869  "The input's raw MPI_Comm is MPI_COMM_NULL.");
871  // mfh 19 Oct 2012: Don't change the behavior of MpiComm's copy
872  // constructor for now. Later, we'll switch to the version that
873  // calls MPI_Comm_dup. For now, we just copy other's handle over.
874  // Note that the new MpiComm's tag is still different than the input
875  // MpiComm's tag. See Bug 5740.
876  if (true) {
877  rawMpiComm_ = origCommPtr;
878  }
879  else { // false (not run)
880  MPI_Comm newComm;
881  const int err = MPI_Comm_dup (origComm, &newComm);
882  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
883  "Teuchos::MpiComm copy constructor: MPI_Comm_dup failed with "
884  "the following error: " << mpiErrorCodeToString (err));
885  // No side effects until after everything has succeeded.
886  rawMpiComm_ = opaqueWrapper (newComm, details::safeCommFree);
887  }
889  setupMembersFromComm ();
890 }
893 template<typename Ordinal>
894 void MpiComm<Ordinal>::setupMembersFromComm ()
895 {
896  int err = MPI_Comm_size (*rawMpiComm_, &size_);
897  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
898  "Teuchos::MpiComm constructor: MPI_Comm_size failed with "
899  "error \"" << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
900  err = MPI_Comm_rank (*rawMpiComm_, &rank_);
901  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
902  "Teuchos::MpiComm constructor: MPI_Comm_rank failed with "
903  "error \"" << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
905  // Set the default tag to make unique across all communicators
906  if (tagCounter_ > maxTag_) {
907  tagCounter_ = minTag_;
908  }
909  tag_ = tagCounter_++;
910  // Ensure that the same tag is used on all processes.
911  //
912  // FIXME (mfh 09 Jul 2013) This would not be necessary if MpiComm
913  // were just to call MPI_Comm_dup (as every library should) when
914  // given its communicator. Of course, MPI_Comm_dup may also be
915  // implemented as a collective, and may even be more expensive than
916  // a broadcast. If we do decide to use MPI_Comm_dup, we can get rid
917  // of the broadcast below, and also get rid of tag_, tagCounter_,
918  // minTag_, and maxTag_.
919  MPI_Bcast (&tag_, 1, MPI_INT, 0, *rawMpiComm_);
920 }
923 template<typename Ordinal>
924 void
925 MpiComm<Ordinal>::
926 setErrorHandler (const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Errhandler> >& errHandler)
927 {
928  if (! is_null (errHandler)) {
929  const int err = details::setCommErrhandler (*getRawMpiComm (), *errHandler);
930  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
931  "Teuchos::MpiComm: Setting the MPI_Comm's error handler failed with "
932  "error \"" << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
933  }
934  // Wait to set this until the end, in case setting the error handler
935  // doesn't succeed.
936  customErrorHandler_ = errHandler;
937 }
939 //
940 // Overridden from Comm
941 //
943 template<typename Ordinal>
944 int MpiComm<Ordinal>::getRank() const
945 {
946  return rank_;
947 }
950 template<typename Ordinal>
951 int MpiComm<Ordinal>::getSize() const
952 {
953  return size_;
954 }
957 template<typename Ordinal>
958 void MpiComm<Ordinal>::barrier() const
959 {
961  "Teuchos::MpiComm<"<<OrdinalTraits<Ordinal>::name()<<">::barrier()"
962  );
963  const int err = MPI_Barrier (*rawMpiComm_);
964  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
965  "Teuchos::MpiComm::barrier: MPI_Barrier failed with error \""
966  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
967 }
970 template<typename Ordinal>
971 void MpiComm<Ordinal>::broadcast(
972  const int rootRank, const Ordinal bytes, char buffer[]
973  ) const
974 {
976  "Teuchos::MpiComm<"<<OrdinalTraits<Ordinal>::name()<<">::broadcast(...)"
977  );
978  const int err = MPI_Bcast (buffer, bytes, MPI_CHAR, rootRank, *rawMpiComm_);
979  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
980  "Teuchos::MpiComm::broadcast: MPI_Bcast failed with error \""
981  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
982 }
985 template<typename Ordinal>
986 void MpiComm<Ordinal>::gatherAll(
987  const Ordinal sendBytes, const char sendBuffer[],
988  const Ordinal recvBytes, char recvBuffer[]
989  ) const
990 {
992  "Teuchos::MpiComm<"<<OrdinalTraits<Ordinal>::name()<<">::gatherAll(...)"
993  );
994  TEUCHOS_ASSERT_EQUALITY((sendBytes*size_), recvBytes );
995  const int err =
996  MPI_Allgather (const_cast<char *>(sendBuffer), sendBytes, MPI_CHAR,
997  recvBuffer, sendBytes, MPI_CHAR, *rawMpiComm_);
998  // NOTE: 'sendBytes' is being sent above for the MPI arg recvcount (which is
999  // very confusing in the MPI documentation) for MPI_Allgether(...).
1001  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1002  "Teuchos::MpiComm::gatherAll: MPI_Allgather failed with error \""
1003  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1004 }
1007 template<typename Ordinal>
1008 void
1009 MpiComm<Ordinal>::gather (const Ordinal sendBytes,
1010  const char sendBuffer[],
1011  const Ordinal recvBytes,
1012  char recvBuffer[],
1013  const int root) const
1014 {
1015  (void) recvBytes; // silence compile warning for "unused parameter"
1018  "Teuchos::MpiComm<"<<OrdinalTraits<Ordinal>::name()<<">::gather(...)"
1019  );
1020  const int err =
1021  MPI_Gather (const_cast<char *> (sendBuffer), sendBytes, MPI_CHAR,
1022  recvBuffer, sendBytes, MPI_CHAR, root, *rawMpiComm_);
1023  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1024  "Teuchos::MpiComm::gather: MPI_Gather failed with error \""
1025  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1026 }
1029 template<typename Ordinal>
1030 void
1031 MpiComm<Ordinal>::
1032 reduceAll (const ValueTypeReductionOp<Ordinal,char> &reductOp,
1033  const Ordinal bytes,
1034  const char sendBuffer[],
1035  char globalReducts[]) const
1036 {
1037  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::reduceAll(...)" );
1038  int err = MPI_SUCCESS;
1040  if (bytes == 0) return;
1042  Details::MpiReductionOp<Ordinal> opWrap (reductOp);
1043  MPI_Op op = Details::setMpiReductionOp (opWrap);
1045  // FIXME (mfh 23 Nov 2014) Ross decided to mash every type into
1046  // char. This can cause correctness issues if we're actually doing
1047  // a reduction over, say, double. Thus, he creates a custom
1048  // MPI_Datatype here that represents a contiguous block of char, so
1049  // that MPI doesn't split up the reduction type and thus do the sum
1050  // wrong. It's a hack but it works.
1052  MPI_Datatype char_block;
1053  err = MPI_Type_contiguous (bytes, MPI_CHAR, &char_block);
1055  err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error, "Teuchos::reduceAll: "
1056  "MPI_Type_contiguous failed with error \"" << mpiErrorCodeToString (err)
1057  << "\".");
1058  err = MPI_Type_commit (&char_block);
1060  err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error, "Teuchos::reduceAll: "
1061  "MPI_Type_commit failed with error \"" << mpiErrorCodeToString (err)
1062  << "\".");
1064  if (sendBuffer == globalReducts) {
1065  // NOTE (mfh 31 May 2017) This is only safe if the communicator is
1066  // NOT an intercomm. The usual case is that communicators are
1067  // intracomms.
1068  err = MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, globalReducts, 1,
1069  char_block, op, *rawMpiComm_);
1070  }
1071  else {
1072  err = MPI_Allreduce (const_cast<char*> (sendBuffer), globalReducts, 1,
1073  char_block, op, *rawMpiComm_);
1074  }
1075  if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
1076  // Don't throw until we release the type resources we allocated
1077  // above. If freeing fails for some reason, let the memory leak
1078  // go; we already have more serious problems if MPI_Allreduce
1079  // doesn't work.
1080  (void) MPI_Type_free (&char_block);
1082  true, std::runtime_error, "Teuchos::reduceAll (MPI, custom op): "
1083  "MPI_Allreduce failed with error \"" << mpiErrorCodeToString (err)
1084  << "\".");
1085  }
1086  err = MPI_Type_free (&char_block);
1088  err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error, "Teuchos::reduceAll: "
1089  "MPI_Type_free failed with error \"" << mpiErrorCodeToString (err)
1090  << "\".");
1091 }
1094 template<typename Ordinal>
1095 void MpiComm<Ordinal>::scan(
1096  const ValueTypeReductionOp<Ordinal,char> &reductOp
1097  ,const Ordinal bytes, const char sendBuffer[], char scanReducts[]
1098  ) const
1099 {
1100  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::scan(...)" );
1102  Details::MpiReductionOp<Ordinal> opWrap (reductOp);
1103  MPI_Op op = Details::setMpiReductionOp (opWrap);
1104  const int err =
1105  MPI_Scan (const_cast<char*> (sendBuffer), scanReducts, bytes, MPI_CHAR,
1106  op, *rawMpiComm_);
1107  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1108  "Teuchos::MpiComm::scan: MPI_Scan() failed with error \""
1109  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1110 }
1113 template<typename Ordinal>
1114 void
1115 MpiComm<Ordinal>::send (const Ordinal bytes,
1116  const char sendBuffer[],
1117  const int destRank) const
1118 {
1119  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::send(...)" );
1122  if(show_dump) {
1123  dumpBuffer<Ordinal,char>(
1124  "Teuchos::MpiComm<Ordinal>::send(...)"
1125  ,"sendBuffer", bytes, sendBuffer
1126  );
1127  }
1128 #endif // TEUCHOS_MPI_COMM_DUMP
1130  const int err = MPI_Send (const_cast<char*>(sendBuffer), bytes, MPI_CHAR,
1131  destRank, tag_, *rawMpiComm_);
1132  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1133  "Teuchos::MpiComm::send: MPI_Send() failed with error \""
1134  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1135 }
1138 template<typename Ordinal>
1139 void
1140 MpiComm<Ordinal>::send (const Ordinal bytes,
1141  const char sendBuffer[],
1142  const int destRank,
1143  const int tag) const
1144 {
1145  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::send(...)" );
1146  const int err = MPI_Send (const_cast<char*> (sendBuffer), bytes, MPI_CHAR,
1147  destRank, tag, *rawMpiComm_);
1148  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1149  "Teuchos::MpiComm::send: MPI_Send() failed with error \""
1150  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1151 }
1154 template<typename Ordinal>
1155 void
1156 MpiComm<Ordinal>::ssend (const Ordinal bytes,
1157  const char sendBuffer[],
1158  const int destRank) const
1159 {
1160  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::ssend(...)" );
1163  if(show_dump) {
1164  dumpBuffer<Ordinal,char>(
1165  "Teuchos::MpiComm<Ordinal>::send(...)"
1166  ,"sendBuffer", bytes, sendBuffer
1167  );
1168  }
1169 #endif // TEUCHOS_MPI_COMM_DUMP
1171  const int err = MPI_Ssend (const_cast<char*>(sendBuffer), bytes, MPI_CHAR,
1172  destRank, tag_, *rawMpiComm_);
1173  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1174  "Teuchos::MpiComm::send: MPI_Ssend() failed with error \""
1175  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1176 }
1178 template<typename Ordinal>
1179 void
1180 MpiComm<Ordinal>::ssend (const Ordinal bytes,
1181  const char sendBuffer[],
1182  const int destRank,
1183  const int tag) const
1184 {
1185  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::ssend(...)" );
1186  const int err =
1187  MPI_Ssend (const_cast<char*>(sendBuffer), bytes, MPI_CHAR,
1188  destRank, tag, *rawMpiComm_);
1189  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1190  "Teuchos::MpiComm::send: MPI_Ssend() failed with error \""
1191  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1192 }
1194 template<typename Ordinal>
1196  const ArrayView<const char> &sendBuffer,
1197  const int destRank
1198  ) const
1199 {
1200  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::readySend" );
1203  if(show_dump) {
1204  dumpBuffer<Ordinal,char>(
1205  "Teuchos::MpiComm<Ordinal>::readySend(...)"
1206  ,"sendBuffer", bytes, sendBuffer
1207  );
1208  }
1209 #endif // TEUCHOS_MPI_COMM_DUMP
1211  const int err =
1212  MPI_Rsend (const_cast<char*>(sendBuffer.getRawPtr()), static_cast<int>(sendBuffer.size()),
1213  MPI_CHAR, destRank, tag_, *rawMpiComm_);
1214  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1215  "Teuchos::MpiComm::readySend: MPI_Rsend() failed with error \""
1216  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1217 }
1220 template<typename Ordinal>
1221 void MpiComm<Ordinal>::
1222 readySend (const Ordinal bytes,
1223  const char sendBuffer[],
1224  const int destRank,
1225  const int tag) const
1226 {
1227  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::readySend" );
1228  const int err =
1229  MPI_Rsend (const_cast<char*> (sendBuffer), bytes,
1230  MPI_CHAR, destRank, tag, *rawMpiComm_);
1231  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1232  "Teuchos::MpiComm::readySend: MPI_Rsend() failed with error \""
1233  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1234 }
1237 template<typename Ordinal>
1238 int
1239 MpiComm<Ordinal>::receive (const int sourceRank,
1240  const Ordinal bytes,
1241  char recvBuffer[]) const
1242 {
1243  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::receive(...)" );
1245  // A negative source rank indicates MPI_ANY_SOURCE, namely that we
1246  // will take an incoming message from any process, as long as the
1247  // tag matches.
1248  const int theSrcRank = (sourceRank < 0) ? MPI_ANY_SOURCE : sourceRank;
1250  MPI_Status status;
1251  const int err = MPI_Recv (recvBuffer, bytes, MPI_CHAR, theSrcRank, tag_,
1252  *rawMpiComm_, &status);
1253  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1254  "Teuchos::MpiComm::receive: MPI_Recv() failed with error \""
1255  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1258  if (show_dump) {
1259  dumpBuffer<Ordinal,char> ("Teuchos::MpiComm<Ordinal>::receive(...)",
1260  "recvBuffer", bytes, recvBuffer);
1261  }
1262 #endif // TEUCHOS_MPI_COMM_DUMP
1264  // Returning the source rank is useful in the MPI_ANY_SOURCE case.
1265  return status.MPI_SOURCE;
1266 }
1269 template<typename Ordinal>
1270 RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> >
1271 MpiComm<Ordinal>::isend (const ArrayView<const char> &sendBuffer,
1272  const int destRank) const
1273 {
1274  using Teuchos::as;
1275  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::isend(...)" );
1277  MPI_Request rawMpiRequest = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
1278  const int err =
1279  MPI_Isend (const_cast<char*> (sendBuffer.getRawPtr ()),
1280  as<Ordinal> (sendBuffer.size ()), MPI_CHAR,
1281  destRank, tag_, *rawMpiComm_, &rawMpiRequest);
1282  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1283  "Teuchos::MpiComm::isend: MPI_Isend() failed with error \""
1284  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1286  return mpiCommRequest<Ordinal> (rawMpiRequest, sendBuffer.size ());
1287 }
1290 template<typename Ordinal>
1291 RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> >
1293 isend (const ArrayView<const char> &sendBuffer,
1294  const int destRank,
1295  const int tag) const
1296 {
1297  using Teuchos::as;
1298  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::isend(...)" );
1300  MPI_Request rawMpiRequest = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
1301  const int err =
1302  MPI_Isend (const_cast<char*> (sendBuffer.getRawPtr ()),
1303  as<Ordinal> (sendBuffer.size ()), MPI_CHAR,
1304  destRank, tag, *rawMpiComm_, &rawMpiRequest);
1305  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1306  "Teuchos::MpiComm::isend: MPI_Isend() failed with error \""
1307  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1309  return mpiCommRequest<Ordinal> (rawMpiRequest, sendBuffer.size ());
1310 }
1313 template<typename Ordinal>
1314 RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> >
1315 MpiComm<Ordinal>::ireceive (const ArrayView<char> &recvBuffer,
1316  const int sourceRank) const
1317 {
1318  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::ireceive(...)" );
1320  // A negative source rank indicates MPI_ANY_SOURCE, namely that we
1321  // will take an incoming message from any process, as long as the
1322  // tag matches.
1323  const int theSrcRank = (sourceRank < 0) ? MPI_ANY_SOURCE : sourceRank;
1325  MPI_Request rawMpiRequest = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
1326  const int err =
1327  MPI_Irecv (const_cast<char*>(recvBuffer.getRawPtr()), recvBuffer.size(),
1328  MPI_CHAR, theSrcRank, tag_, *rawMpiComm_, &rawMpiRequest);
1329  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1330  "Teuchos::MpiComm::ireceive: MPI_Irecv() failed with error \""
1331  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1333  return mpiCommRequest<Ordinal> (rawMpiRequest, recvBuffer.size());
1334 }
1336 template<typename Ordinal>
1337 RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> >
1338 MpiComm<Ordinal>::ireceive (const ArrayView<char> &recvBuffer,
1339  const int sourceRank,
1340  const int tag) const
1341 {
1342  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::ireceive(...)" );
1344  // A negative source rank indicates MPI_ANY_SOURCE, namely that we
1345  // will take an incoming message from any process, as long as the
1346  // tag matches.
1347  const int theSrcRank = (sourceRank < 0) ? MPI_ANY_SOURCE : sourceRank;
1349  MPI_Request rawMpiRequest = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
1350  const int err =
1351  MPI_Irecv (const_cast<char*> (recvBuffer.getRawPtr ()), recvBuffer.size (),
1352  MPI_CHAR, theSrcRank, tag, *rawMpiComm_, &rawMpiRequest);
1353  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error,
1354  "Teuchos::MpiComm::ireceive: MPI_Irecv() failed with error \""
1355  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1357  return mpiCommRequest<Ordinal> (rawMpiRequest, recvBuffer.size ());
1358 }
1360 namespace {
1361  // Called by the two-argument MpiComm::waitAll() variant.
1362  template<typename Ordinal>
1363  void
1364  waitAllImpl (const ArrayView<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >& requests,
1365  const ArrayView<MPI_Status>& rawMpiStatuses)
1366  {
1367  typedef typename ArrayView<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >::size_type size_type;
1368  const size_type count = requests.size();
1369  // waitAllImpl() is not meant to be called by users, so it's a bug
1370  // for the two views to have different lengths.
1371  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(rawMpiStatuses.size() != count,
1372  std::logic_error, "Teuchos::MpiComm's waitAllImpl: rawMpiStatus.size() = "
1373  << rawMpiStatuses.size() << " != requests.size() = " << requests.size()
1374  << ". Please report this bug to the Tpetra developers.");
1375  if (count == 0) {
1376  return; // No requests on which to wait
1377  }
1379  // MpiComm wraps MPI and can't expose any MPI structs or opaque
1380  // objects. Thus, we have to unpack requests into a separate array.
1381  // If that's too slow, then your code should just call into MPI
1382  // directly.
1383  //
1384  // Pull out the raw MPI requests from the wrapped requests.
1385  // MPI_Waitall should not fail if a request is MPI_REQUEST_NULL, but
1386  // we keep track just to inform the user.
1387  bool someNullRequests = false;
1388  Array<MPI_Request> rawMpiRequests (count, MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
1389  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
1390  RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > request = requests[i];
1391  if (! is_null (request)) {
1392  RCP<MpiCommRequestBase<Ordinal> > mpiRequest =
1393  rcp_dynamic_cast<MpiCommRequestBase<Ordinal> > (request);
1394  // releaseRawMpiRequest() sets the MpiCommRequest's raw
1395  // MPI_Request to MPI_REQUEST_NULL. This makes waitAll() not
1396  // satisfy the strong exception guarantee. That's OK because
1397  // MPI_Waitall() doesn't promise that it satisfies the strong
1398  // exception guarantee, and we would rather conservatively
1399  // invalidate the handles than leave dangling requests around
1400  // and risk users trying to wait on the same request twice.
1401  rawMpiRequests[i] = mpiRequest->releaseRawMpiRequest();
1402  }
1403  else { // Null requests map to MPI_REQUEST_NULL
1404  rawMpiRequests[i] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
1405  someNullRequests = true;
1406  }
1407  }
1409  // This is the part where we've finally peeled off the wrapper and
1410  // we can now interact with MPI directly.
1411  //
1412  // One option in the one-argument version of waitAll() is to ignore
1413  // the statuses completely. MPI lets you pass in the named constant
1414  // MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE for the MPI_Status array output argument in
1415  // MPI_Waitall(), which would tell MPI not to bother with the
1416  // statuses. However, we want the statuses because we can use them
1417  // for detailed error diagnostics in case something goes wrong.
1418  const int err = MPI_Waitall (count, rawMpiRequests.getRawPtr(),
1419  rawMpiStatuses.getRawPtr());
1421  // In MPI_Waitall(), an error indicates that one or more requests
1422  // failed. In that case, there could be requests that completed
1423  // (their MPI_Status' error field is MPI_SUCCESS), and other
1424  // requests that have not completed yet but have not necessarily
1425  // failed (MPI_PENDING). We make no attempt here to wait on the
1426  // pending requests. It doesn't make sense for us to do so, because
1427  // in general Teuchos::Comm doesn't attempt to provide robust
1428  // recovery from failed messages.
1429  if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
1430  if (err == MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS) {
1431  //
1432  // When MPI_Waitall returns MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS (a standard error
1433  // class), it's telling us to check the error codes in the
1434  // returned statuses. In that case, we do so and generate a
1435  // detailed exception message.
1436  //
1437  // Figure out which of the requests failed.
1438  Array<std::pair<size_type, int> > errorLocationsAndCodes;
1439  for (size_type k = 0; k < rawMpiStatuses.size(); ++k) {
1440  const int curErr = rawMpiStatuses[k].MPI_ERROR;
1441  if (curErr != MPI_SUCCESS) {
1442  errorLocationsAndCodes.push_back (std::make_pair (k, curErr));
1443  }
1444  }
1445  const size_type numErrs = errorLocationsAndCodes.size();
1446  if (numErrs > 0) {
1447  // There was at least one error. Assemble a detailed
1448  // exception message reporting which requests failed,
1449  // their error codes, and their source
1450  std::ostringstream os;
1451  os << "Teuchos::MpiComm::waitAll: MPI_Waitall() failed with error \""
1452  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\". Of the " << count
1453  << " total request" << (count != 1 ? "s" : "") << ", " << numErrs
1454  << " failed. Here are the indices of the failed requests, and the "
1455  "error codes extracted from their returned MPI_Status objects:"
1456  << std::endl;
1457  for (size_type k = 0; k < numErrs; ++k) {
1458  const size_type errInd = errorLocationsAndCodes[k].first;
1459  os << "Request " << errInd << ": MPI_ERROR = "
1460  << mpiErrorCodeToString (rawMpiStatuses[errInd].MPI_ERROR)
1461  << std::endl;
1462  }
1463  if (someNullRequests) {
1464  os << " On input to MPI_Waitall, there was at least one MPI_"
1465  "Request that was MPI_REQUEST_NULL. MPI_Waitall should not "
1466  "normally fail in that case, but we thought we should let you know "
1467  "regardless.";
1468  }
1469  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error, os.str());
1470  }
1471  // If there were no actual errors in the returned statuses,
1472  // well, then I guess everything is OK. Just keep going.
1473  }
1474  else {
1475  std::ostringstream os;
1476  os << "Teuchos::MpiComm::waitAll: MPI_Waitall() failed with error \""
1477  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".";
1478  if (someNullRequests) {
1479  os << " On input to MPI_Waitall, there was at least one MPI_Request "
1480  "that was MPI_REQUEST_NULL. MPI_Waitall should not normally fail in "
1481  "that case, but we thought we should let you know regardless.";
1482  }
1483  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error, os.str());
1484  }
1485  }
1487  // Invalidate the input array of requests by setting all entries
1488  // to null.
1489  std::fill (requests.begin(), requests.end(), null);
1490  }
1494  // Called by the one-argument MpiComm::waitAll() variant.
1495  template<typename Ordinal>
1496  void
1497  waitAllImpl (const ArrayView<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >& requests)
1498  {
1499  typedef typename ArrayView<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >::size_type size_type;
1500  const size_type count = requests.size ();
1501  if (count == 0) {
1502  return; // No requests on which to wait
1503  }
1505  // MpiComm wraps MPI and can't expose any MPI structs or opaque
1506  // objects. Thus, we have to unpack requests into a separate
1507  // array. If that's too slow, then your code should just call
1508  // into MPI directly.
1509  //
1510  // Pull out the raw MPI requests from the wrapped requests.
1511  // MPI_Waitall should not fail if a request is MPI_REQUEST_NULL,
1512  // but we keep track just to inform the user.
1513  bool someNullRequests = false;
1514  Array<MPI_Request> rawMpiRequests (count, MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
1515  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
1516  RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > request = requests[i];
1517  if (! request.is_null ()) {
1518  RCP<MpiCommRequestBase<Ordinal> > mpiRequest =
1519  rcp_dynamic_cast<MpiCommRequestBase<Ordinal> > (request);
1520  // releaseRawMpiRequest() sets the MpiCommRequest's raw
1521  // MPI_Request to MPI_REQUEST_NULL. This makes waitAll() not
1522  // satisfy the strong exception guarantee. That's OK because
1523  // MPI_Waitall() doesn't promise that it satisfies the strong
1524  // exception guarantee, and we would rather conservatively
1525  // invalidate the handles than leave dangling requests around
1526  // and risk users trying to wait on the same request twice.
1527  rawMpiRequests[i] = mpiRequest->releaseRawMpiRequest ();
1528  }
1529  else { // Null requests map to MPI_REQUEST_NULL
1530  rawMpiRequests[i] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
1531  someNullRequests = true;
1532  }
1533  }
1535  // This is the part where we've finally peeled off the wrapper and
1536  // we can now interact with MPI directly.
1537  //
1538  // MPI lets us pass in the named constant MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE for
1539  // the MPI_Status array output argument in MPI_Waitall(), which
1540  // tells MPI not to bother writing out the statuses.
1541  const int err = MPI_Waitall (count, rawMpiRequests.getRawPtr(),
1544  // In MPI_Waitall(), an error indicates that one or more requests
1545  // failed. In that case, there could be requests that completed
1546  // (their MPI_Status' error field is MPI_SUCCESS), and other
1547  // requests that have not completed yet but have not necessarily
1548  // failed (MPI_PENDING). We make no attempt here to wait on the
1549  // pending requests. It doesn't make sense for us to do so,
1550  // because in general Teuchos::Comm doesn't attempt to provide
1551  // robust recovery from failed messages.
1552  if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
1553  std::ostringstream os;
1554  os << "Teuchos::MpiComm::waitAll: MPI_Waitall() failed with error \""
1555  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".";
1556  if (someNullRequests) {
1557  os << std::endl << "On input to MPI_Waitall, there was at least one "
1558  "MPI_Request that was MPI_REQUEST_NULL. MPI_Waitall should not "
1559  "normally fail in that case, but we thought we should let you know "
1560  "regardless.";
1561  }
1562  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error, os.str());
1563  }
1565  // Invalidate the input array of requests by setting all entries
1566  // to null. We delay this until the end, since some
1567  // implementations of CommRequest might hold the only reference to
1568  // the communication buffer, and we don't want that to go away
1569  // until we've waited on the communication operation.
1570  std::fill (requests.begin(), requests.end(), null);
1571  }
1573 } // namespace (anonymous)
1577 template<typename Ordinal>
1578 void
1579 MpiComm<Ordinal>::
1580 waitAll (const ArrayView<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >& requests) const
1581 {
1582  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::waitAll(requests)" );
1583  // Call the one-argument version of waitAllImpl, to avoid overhead
1584  // of handling statuses (which the user didn't want anyway).
1585  waitAllImpl<Ordinal> (requests);
1586 }
1589 template<typename Ordinal>
1590 void
1591 MpiComm<Ordinal>::
1592 waitAll (const ArrayView<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >& requests,
1593  const ArrayView<RCP<CommStatus<Ordinal> > >& statuses) const
1594 {
1595  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::waitAll(requests, statuses)" );
1597  typedef typename ArrayView<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >::size_type size_type;
1598  const size_type count = requests.size();
1600  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(count != statuses.size(),
1601  std::invalid_argument, "Teuchos::MpiComm::waitAll: requests.size() = "
1602  << count << " != statuses.size() = " << statuses.size() << ".");
1604  Array<MPI_Status> rawMpiStatuses (count);
1605  waitAllImpl<Ordinal> (requests, rawMpiStatuses());
1607  // Repackage the raw MPI_Status structs into the wrappers.
1608  for (size_type i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
1609  statuses[i] = mpiCommStatus<Ordinal> (rawMpiStatuses[i]);
1610  }
1611 }
1614 template<typename Ordinal>
1615 RCP<CommStatus<Ordinal> >
1616 MpiComm<Ordinal>::wait (const Ptr<RCP<CommRequest<Ordinal> > >& request) const
1617 {
1618  TEUCHOS_COMM_TIME_MONITOR( "Teuchos::MpiComm::wait(...)" );
1620  if (is_null (*request)) {
1621  return null; // Nothing to wait on ...
1622  }
1623  else {
1624  RCP<CommStatus<Ordinal> > status = (*request)->wait ();
1625  // mfh 22 Oct 2012: The unit tests expect waiting on the
1626  // CommRequest to invalidate it by setting it to null.
1627  *request = null;
1628  return status;
1629  }
1630 }
1632 template<typename Ordinal>
1633 RCP< Comm<Ordinal> >
1634 MpiComm<Ordinal>::duplicate() const
1635 {
1636  MPI_Comm origRawComm = *rawMpiComm_;
1637  MPI_Comm newRawComm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
1638  const int err = MPI_Comm_dup (origRawComm, &newRawComm);
1639  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::runtime_error, "Teuchos"
1640  "::MpiComm::duplicate: MPI_Comm_dup failed with the following error: "
1641  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err));
1643  // Wrap the raw communicator, and pass the (const) wrapped
1644  // communicator to MpiComm's constructor. We created the raw comm,
1645  // so we have to supply a function that frees it after use.
1646  RCP<OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > wrapped =
1647  opaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> (newRawComm, details::safeCommFree);
1648  // Since newComm's raw MPI_Comm is the result of an MPI_Comm_dup,
1649  // its messages cannot collide with those of any other MpiComm.
1650  // This means we can assign its tag without an MPI_Bcast.
1651  RCP<MpiComm<Ordinal> > newComm =
1652  rcp (new MpiComm<Ordinal> (wrapped.getConst (), minTag_));
1653  return rcp_implicit_cast<Comm<Ordinal> > (newComm);
1654 }
1657 template<typename Ordinal>
1658 RCP< Comm<Ordinal> >
1659 MpiComm<Ordinal>::split(const int color, const int key) const
1660 {
1661  MPI_Comm newComm;
1662  const int splitReturn =
1663  MPI_Comm_split (*rawMpiComm_,
1664  color < 0 ? MPI_UNDEFINED : color,
1665  key,
1666  &newComm);
1668  splitReturn != MPI_SUCCESS,
1669  std::logic_error,
1670  "Teuchos::MpiComm::split: Failed to create communicator with color "
1671  << color << "and key " << key << ". MPI_Comm_split failed with error \""
1672  << mpiErrorCodeToString (splitReturn) << "\".");
1673  if (newComm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
1674  return RCP< Comm<Ordinal> >();
1675  } else {
1676  RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > wrapped =
1677  opaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> (newComm, details::safeCommFree);
1678  // Since newComm's raw MPI_Comm is the result of an
1679  // MPI_Comm_split, its messages cannot collide with those of any
1680  // other MpiComm. This means we can assign its tag without an
1681  // MPI_Bcast.
1682  return rcp (new MpiComm<Ordinal> (wrapped, minTag_));
1683  }
1684 }
1687 template<typename Ordinal>
1688 RCP< Comm<Ordinal> >
1689 MpiComm<Ordinal>::createSubcommunicator(const ArrayView<const int> &ranks) const
1690 {
1691  int err = MPI_SUCCESS; // For error codes returned by MPI functions
1693  // Get the group that this communicator is in.
1694  MPI_Group thisGroup;
1695  err = MPI_Comm_group (*rawMpiComm_, &thisGroup);
1696  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::logic_error,
1697  "Failed to obtain the current communicator's group. "
1698  "MPI_Comm_group failed with error \""
1699  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1701  // Create a new group with the specified members.
1702  MPI_Group newGroup;
1703  // It's rude to cast away const, but MPI functions demand it.
1704  //
1705  // NOTE (mfh 14 Aug 2012) Please don't ask for &ranks[0] unless you
1706  // know that ranks.size() > 0. That's why I'm using getRawPtr().
1707  err = MPI_Group_incl (thisGroup, ranks.size(),
1708  const_cast<int*> (ranks.getRawPtr ()), &newGroup);
1709  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::logic_error,
1710  "Failed to create subgroup. MPI_Group_incl failed with error \""
1711  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1713  // Create a new communicator from the new group.
1714  MPI_Comm newComm;
1715  try {
1716  err = MPI_Comm_create (*rawMpiComm_, newGroup, &newComm);
1717  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::logic_error,
1718  "Failed to create subcommunicator. MPI_Comm_create failed with error \""
1719  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1720  } catch (...) {
1721  // Attempt to free the new group before rethrowing. If
1722  // successful, this will prevent a memory leak due to the "lost"
1723  // group that was allocated successfully above. Since we're
1724  // throwing std::logic_error anyway, we can only promise
1725  // best-effort recovery; thus, we don't check the error code.
1726  (void) MPI_Group_free (&newGroup);
1727  (void) MPI_Group_free (&thisGroup);
1728  throw;
1729  }
1731  // We don't need the group any more, so free it.
1732  err = MPI_Group_free (&newGroup);
1733  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::logic_error,
1734  "Failed to free subgroup. MPI_Group_free failed with error \""
1735  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1736  err = MPI_Group_free (&thisGroup);
1737  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(err != MPI_SUCCESS, std::logic_error,
1738  "Failed to free subgroup. MPI_Group_free failed with error \""
1739  << mpiErrorCodeToString (err) << "\".");
1741  if (newComm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
1742  return RCP<Comm<Ordinal> > ();
1743  } else {
1744  using Teuchos::details::safeCommFree;
1745  typedef OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> ow_type;
1746  RCP<const ow_type> wrapper =
1747  rcp_implicit_cast<const ow_type> (opaqueWrapper (newComm, safeCommFree));
1748  // Since newComm's raw MPI_Comm is the result of an
1749  // MPI_Comm_create, its messages cannot collide with those of any
1750  // other MpiComm. This means we can assign its tag without an
1751  // MPI_Bcast.
1752  return rcp (new MpiComm<Ordinal> (wrapper, minTag_));
1753  }
1754 }
1757 // Overridden from Describable
1760 template<typename Ordinal>
1761 std::string MpiComm<Ordinal>::description() const
1762 {
1763  std::ostringstream oss;
1764  oss
1765  << typeName(*this)
1766  << "{"
1767  << "size="<<size_
1768  << ",rank="<<rank_
1769  << ",rawMpiComm="<<static_cast<MPI_Comm>(*rawMpiComm_)
1770  <<"}";
1771  return oss.str();
1772 }
1776 template<typename Ordinal>
1777 bool MpiComm<Ordinal>::show_dump = false;
1778 #endif
1781 // private
1784 template<typename Ordinal>
1785 void MpiComm<Ordinal>::assertRank(const int rank, const std::string &rankName) const
1786 {
1788  ! ( 0 <= rank && rank < size_ ), std::logic_error
1789  ,"Error, "<<rankName<<" = " << rank << " is not < 0 or is not"
1790  " in the range [0,"<<size_-1<<"]!"
1791  );
1792 }
1795 } // namespace Teuchos
1798 template<typename Ordinal>
1800 Teuchos::createMpiComm(
1801  const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > &rawMpiComm
1802  )
1803 {
1804  if( rawMpiComm.get()!=NULL && *rawMpiComm != MPI_COMM_NULL )
1805  return rcp(new MpiComm<Ordinal>(rawMpiComm));
1806  return Teuchos::null;
1807 }
1810 template<typename Ordinal>
1812 Teuchos::createMpiComm(
1813  const RCP<const OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > &rawMpiComm,
1814  const int defaultTag
1815  )
1816 {
1817  if( rawMpiComm.get()!=NULL && *rawMpiComm != MPI_COMM_NULL )
1818  return rcp(new MpiComm<Ordinal>(rawMpiComm, defaultTag));
1819  return Teuchos::null;
1820 }
1823 template<typename Ordinal>
1824 MPI_Comm
1825 Teuchos::getRawMpiComm(const Comm<Ordinal> &comm)
1826 {
1827  return *(
1828  dyn_cast<const MpiComm<Ordinal> >(comm).getRawMpiComm()
1829  );
1830 }
1833 #endif // HAVE_TEUCHOS_MPI
1834 #endif // TEUCHOS_MPI_COMM_HPP
RCP< T > rcp(const boost::shared_ptr< T > &sptr)
Conversion function that takes in a boost::shared_ptr object and spits out a Teuchos::RCP object...
std::string typeName(const T &t)
Template function for returning the concrete type name of a passed-in object.
bool is_null(const std::shared_ptr< T > &p)
Returns true if p.get()==NULL.
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(throw_exception_test, Exception, msg)
Macro for throwing an exception with breakpointing to ease debugging.
Teuchos header file which uses auto-configuration information to include necessary C++ headers...
Tabbing class for helping to create formated, indented output for a basic_FancyOStream object...
std::vector< std::string > split(const std::string &str, const std::string &delimiters, const size_t start)
Split the given string using the given set of delimiters.
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
T_To & dyn_cast(T_From &from)
Dynamic casting utility function meant to replace dynamic_cast&lt;T&amp;&gt; by throwing a better documented er...
static RCP< FancyOStream > getDefaultOStream()
Get the default output stream object.
void send(const Packet sendBuffer[], const Ordinal count, const int destRank, const int tag, const Comm< Ordinal > &comm)
Variant of send() that takes a tag (and restores the correct order of arguments). ...
TypeTo as(const TypeFrom &t)
Convert from one value type to another.
RCP< CommRequest< Ordinal > > ireceive(const ArrayRCP< Packet > &recvBuffer, const int sourceRank, const int tag, const Comm< Ordinal > &comm)
Variant of ireceive that takes a tag argument (and restores the correct order of arguments).
Defines basic traits for the ordinal field type.
RCP< Teuchos::CommRequest< int > > isend(const ArrayRCP< const double > &sendBuffer, const int destRank, const int tag, const Comm< int > &comm)
void ssend(const Packet sendBuffer[], const Ordinal count, const int destRank, const int tag, const Comm< Ordinal > &comm)
Variant of ssend() that takes a tag (and restores the correct order of arguments).
Smart reference counting pointer class for automatic garbage collection.
RCP< MpiCommRequest > mpiCommRequest(MPI_Request rawMpiRequest, const ArrayRCP< const char > &buffer)
Implementation detail of Teuchos&#39; MPI wrapper.
#define TEUCHOS_ASSERT_EQUALITY(val1, val2)
This macro is checks that to numbers are equal and if not then throws an exception with a good error ...
Defines basic traits returning the name of a type in a portable and readable way. ...
Definition of Teuchos::as, for conversions between types.
void readySend(const Packet sendBuffer[], const Ordinal count, const int destRank, const int tag, const Comm< Ordinal > &comm)
Variant of readySend() that accepts a message tag.