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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Teuchos: Common Tools Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004 NTESS and the Teuchos contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
10 #include "AlgorithmA.hpp"
15 // This is a typical function that would be present in Trilinos right now what
16 // does not know about FancyOStream and does not derive from VerboseObject.
17 // However, because of the magic of FancyOStream, this output will be indented
18 // correctly!
19 void someDumbFunction( std::ostream &out, const std::string &indentSpacer )
20 {
21  out << "\nEntering someDumbFunction(...)\n";
22  {
23  out << std::endl << indentSpacer << "I am \"dumb\" code that knows nothing of FancyOStream and does indenting manually! ...\n";
24  }
25  out << "\nLeaving someDumbFunction(...)\n";
26  // Note that this output will be indented correctly even through it knows nothing of FancyOStream
27 }
29 // This is a function who's interface was written before there was a
30 // FancyOStream and therefore is written in terms of std::ostream. However,
31 // in this case the implementation has been modifed to use FancyOStream as
32 // shown.
33 void someLessDumbFunction( std::ostream &out_arg )
34 {
35  using Teuchos::OSTab;
36  // Get a FancyOStream from out_arg or create a new one ...
38  out = Teuchos::getFancyOStream(Teuchos::rcp(&out_arg,false));
39  // Do our tab indent and our name.
40  OSTab tab(out,1,"LDUMBALGO");
41  *out << "\nEntering someLessDumbFunction(...)\n";
42  {
43  Teuchos::OSTab(out_arg).o()
44  << std::endl << "I am less \"dumb\" code that knows about FancyOStream but my interface does not support it directly! ...\n";
45  *Teuchos::tab(out)
46  << std::endl << "Another print from this less \"dumb\" code ...\n";
47  }
48  *out << "\nLeaving someLessDumbFunction(...)\n";
49 }
52 namespace {
54 const std::string AlgoType_name = "Algo Type";
55 const std::string AlgoType_default = "Bob";
57 const std::string AlgoTol_name = "Algo Tol";
58 const double AlgoTol_default = 1e-5;
60 } // namespace
63 const std::string AlgorithmA::toString( AlgorithmA::EAlgoType algoType )
64 {
65  switch(algoType) {
66  case ALGO_BOB: return "Bob";
67  case ALGO_JOHN: return "John";
68  case ALGO_HARRY: return "Harry";
69  default: TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT("Should never get here!");
70  }
71  return ""; // never be called!
72 }
76  : algoType_(ALGO_BOB), algoTol_(AlgoTol_default)
77 {
78  this->setLinePrefix("ALGO_A"); // I tell me who I am for line prefix outputting
79 }
84  )
85 {
86  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(is_null(paramList));
87  // Validate and set the parameter defaults. Here, the parameters are
88  // validated and the state of *this is not changed unless the parameter
89  // validation succeeds. Also, any validators that are defined for various
90  // parameters are passed along so that they can be used in extracting
91  // values!
93  paramList_ = paramList;
94  // Get the enum value for the algorithm type. Here, the actual type stored
95  // for the algorithm type in the parameter list is an std::string but this
96  // helper function does all the work of extracting the validator set in
97  // getValidParameters() and set on *paramList_ through the
98  // validateParametersAndSetDefaults(...) function above!
99  algoType_ = Teuchos::getIntegralValue<EAlgoType>(*paramList_,AlgoType_name);
100  // Get the tolerance for the algorithm. Here, the actual type of the
101  // parameter stored on input could be many different types. Here, I can
102  // just assume that it is a double since it would have been converted to a
103  // double above in validateParametersAndSetDefaults(...).
104  algoTol_ = Teuchos::getParameter<double>(*paramList_,AlgoTol_name);
105  // Read the sublist for verbosity settings.
106  Teuchos::readVerboseObjectSublist(&*paramList_,this);
107 #ifdef TEUCHOS_DEBUG
108  paramList_->validateParameters(*this->getValidParameters());
109 #endif
110 }
115 {
116  return paramList_;
117 }
122 {
125  return paramList;
126 }
131 {
132  return paramList_;
133 }
138 {
140  using Teuchos::setStringToIntegralParameter;
141  using Teuchos::tuple;
142  static RCP<const ParameterList> validParams;
143  if (is_null(validParams)) {
144  RCP<ParameterList>
145  pl = Teuchos::rcp(new ParameterList("AlgorithmA"));
146  setStringToIntegralParameter<EAlgoType>(
147  AlgoType_name, AlgoType_default,
148  "The algorithm type to use",
149  tuple<std::string>("Bob", "John", "Harry"),
150  tuple<EAlgoType>(ALGO_BOB, ALGO_JOHN, ALGO_HARRY),
151  &*pl
152  );
153  Teuchos::setDoubleParameter(
154  AlgoTol_name, AlgoTol_default,
155  "The tolerance for the algorithm.",
156  &*pl
157  );
158  Teuchos::setupVerboseObjectSublist(&*pl);
159  validParams = pl;
160  }
161  return validParams;
162 }
166 {
167  using Teuchos::OSTab;
168  // Get the verbosity that we are going to use
169  Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = this->getVerbLevel();
170  // Here I grab the stream that I will use for outputting. It is a good
171  // idea to grab the RCP to this object just to be safe.
173  // Here I set my line prefix and a single indent. The convention will
174  // be that a called function will set its own indent. This convention makes
175  // the most sense.
176  OSTab tab = this->getOSTab(); // This sets the line prefix and adds one tab
177  if(out.get() && includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW,true))
178  *out << "\nEntering AlgorithmA::doAlgorithm() with verbLevel="<<Teuchos::toString(verbLevel)<<"\n";
179  {
180  // Here I use a simple macro for the typical case of one tab indent to
181  // save typing. The idea is that this should be as easy to write as
182  // OSTab tab; but is more general.
184  if(out.get() && includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW,true))
185  *out
186  << "\nI am \"smart\" code that knows about FancyOStream and OSTab ...\n"
187  << "\nDoing algorithm of type \""<<toString(algoType_)<<"\""
188  << "\nUsing tolerance of " << algoTol_ << "\n";
189  {
190  // Here I temporaraly turn off tabbing so that I can print an imporant warning message.
191  OSTab tab2 = this->getOSTab(OSTab::DISABLE_TABBING);
192  if(out.get() && includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW,true))
193  *out << "\n***\n*** Warning, I am doing something very dangerous so watch out!!!\n***\n";
194  }
195  if(out.get() && includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW,true))
196  *out << "\nHere I am doing some more stuff and printing with indenting turned back on!\n";
197  {
198  // Here I am going to be calling a dumb piece of code that does not
199  // know about the FancyOStream system and will not use tabs or
200  // anything like that. There is a lot of code in Trilinos that
201  // falls in this category. The first thing I do is manually indent
202  // the stream one tab and set a line prefix for the dumb code since
203  // it may not do this itself.
204  OSTab tab2 = this->getOSTab(1,"DUMBALGO");
205  // Now a Pass in the updated FancyOStream object, which is properly
206  // indented now, through the std::ostream interface. I also pass in
207  // the std::string that is being used for creating tabs. The output from
208  // this function will be indented correctly without the dumb code
209  // knowing it!
210  someDumbFunction(*out,out->getTabIndentStr());
211  }
212  // Here I am calling a less dumb piece of code who's interface does
213  // not support FancyOStream but the implementation does. Note that
214  // this function also follows the convention of doing an initial
215  // indent.
216  someLessDumbFunction(*out);
217  }
218  if(out.get() && includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW,true))
219  *out << "\nLeaving AlgorithmA::doAlgorithm()\n";
220 }
Verbosity level.
bool is_null(const boost::shared_ptr< T > &p)
Returns true if p.get()==NULL.
Generate only a minimal amount of output.
void setParameterList(Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > const &paramList)
Set parameters from a parameter list and return with default values.
Definition: AlgorithmA.cpp:82
EAlgoType algoType_
Definition: AlgorithmA.hpp:63
Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > unsetParameterList()
Unset the parameter list that was set using setParameterList().
Definition: AlgorithmA.cpp:121
T * get() const
Get the raw C++ pointer to the underlying object.
basic_OSTab< char > OSTab
const std::basic_string< char_type, traits_type > & getTabIndentStr() const
Get the tab indent string.
virtual VerboseObjectBase & setLinePrefix(const std::string &linePrefix)
Set line prefix name for this object.
void someDumbFunction(std::ostream &out, const std::string &indentSpacer)
Definition: AlgorithmA.cpp:19
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > getValidParameters() const
Return a ParameterList containing all of the valid parameters that this-&gt;setParameterList(...) will accept, along with any validators.
Definition: AlgorithmA.cpp:137
std::string toString(const HashSet< Key > &h)
virtual OSTab getOSTab(const int tabs=1, const std::string &linePrefix="") const
Create a tab object which sets the number of tabs and optionally the line prefix. ...
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > getParameterList() const
Get const version of the parameter list that was set using setParameterList().
Definition: AlgorithmA.cpp:130
void validateParametersAndSetDefaults(ParameterList const &validParamList, int const depth=1000)
Validate the parameters in this list given valid selections in the input list and set defaults for th...
A list of parameters of arbitrary type.
TEUCHOSCORE_LIB_DLL_EXPORT bool includesVerbLevel(const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel, const EVerbosityLevel requestedVerbLevel, const bool isDefaultLevel=false)
Return true if the verbosity level includes the given level.
static const std::string toString(AlgorithmA::EAlgoType algoType)
Definition: AlgorithmA.cpp:63
double algoTol_
Definition: AlgorithmA.hpp:64
void someLessDumbFunction(std::ostream &out_arg)
Definition: AlgorithmA.cpp:33
Smart reference counting pointer class for automatic garbage collection.
RCP< basic_FancyOStream< CharT, Traits > > tab(const RCP< basic_FancyOStream< CharT, Traits > > &out, const int tabs=1, const std::basic_string< CharT, Traits > linePrefix="")
Create a tab for an RCP-wrapped basic_FancyOStream object to cause the indentation of all output auto...
Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > paramList_
Definition: AlgorithmA.hpp:62
virtual EVerbosityLevel getVerbLevel() const
Get the verbosity level.
void doAlgorithm()
Definition: AlgorithmA.cpp:165
virtual RCP< FancyOStream > getOStream() const
Return the output stream to be used for out for *this object.
Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > getNonconstParameterList()
Get a nonconst version of the parameter list that was set using setParameterList().
Definition: AlgorithmA.cpp:114
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(throw_exception_test)
This macro is designed to be a short version of TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION() that is easier to call...