Stratimikos Package Browser (Single Doxygen Collection)
Version of the Day
Belos | |
MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType > > | Specialization of MultiVecTraits using Thyra::MultiVectorBase |
OperatorTraits< ScalarType, Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType >, Thyra::LinearOpBase< ScalarType > > | Specialization of OperatorTraits for Thyra objects |
Stratimikos | |
LinearSolverBuilderHelpers | |
LinearSolverBuilder | Concrete subclass of Thyra::LinearSolverBuilderBase for creating Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase objects and Thyra::PreconditionerFactoryBase objects on demand for various Trilinos linear solver and preconditioner packages |
Teuchos | |
details | |
MatrixMarket | |
YAMLParameterList | |
Thyra | |
Amesos | |
Amesos2 | |
AmesosLinearOpWithSolve | Concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass that adapts any Amesos_BaseSolver object |
AmesosLinearOpWithSolveFactory | Concrete LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase adapter subclass that uses Amesos direct solvers |
Amesos2LinearOpWithSolve | Concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass in terms of Amesos2 |
Amesos2LinearOpWithSolveFactory | |
AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve | Concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass implemented using AztecOO |
AztecOOLinearOpWithSolveFactory | LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase subclass implemented in terms of AztecOO |
BelosLinearOpWithSolve | Concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass in terms of Belos |
BelosLinearOpWithSolveFactory | LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase subclass implemented in terms of Belos |
GeneralSolveCriteriaBelosStatusTest | Subclass of Belos::StatusTest that implements every possible form of SolveCriteria that exists by forcing the computation of X and R |
TsqrAdaptor | Stub adaptor from Thyra::MultiVectorBase to TSQR |
BelosTpetraPreconditionerFactory | Concrete preconditioner factory subclass based on Belos. (Yes, Belos solvers can also be used as preconditioners!) |
BelosTpetraKrylov | |
BelosTpetraGmres | |
BelosTpetraGmresPipeline | |
BelosTpetraGmresSingleReduce | |
BelosTpetraGmresSstep | |
MockNormInfReductionFunctional | Mock NormInf ReductionFunctional subclass used for unit testing |
MockMaxNormInfEpsReductionFunctional | Mock max(NormInf, eps) ReductionFunctional subclass used for unit testing |
IfpackPreconditionerFactory | Concrete preconditioner factory subclass based on Ifpack |
MLPreconditionerFactory | Concrete preconditioner factory subclass based on ML |
Trilinos | |
Details | |
base | |
MatrixTestPacket |