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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
|oCArrayThe preferred multi-dimensional Array interface with compile-time user-defined dimension ordinates
|oCArrayDimTagAbstract base class for array dimension tags supplied to the Array template class
|oCArrayDimensionAn anonymous array dimension tag, which is NOT the recommended usage
|oCArray< Scalar, array_order, void, void, void, void, void, void, void, void >The multi-dimensional Array interface with runtime user-defined dimension ordinates. Typically used when runtime-polymorphic arrays are passed to functions
|oCArray< Scalar, RankZero, void, void, void, void, void, void, void, void >Specialization for an array with Rank = 0
|oCNodeTopological traits: Dimension = 0, Vertices = 0, Nodes = 0
|oCParticleTopological traits: Dimension = 0, Vertices = 1, Nodes = 1
|oCLineTopological traits: Dimension = 1, Vertices = 2, Nodes = 2 or 3
|oCBeamTopological traits: Dimension = 2, Edges = 1, Vertices = 2, and Nodes = 2 or 3
|oCShellLineTopological traits: Dimension = 2, Edges = 2, Vertices = 2, and Nodes = 2 or 3
|oCTriangleTopological traits: Dimension = 2, Edges = 3, Vertices = 3, and Nodes = 3 or 6
|oCShellTriangleTopological traits: Dimension = 3, Sides = 2, Edges = 3, Vertices = 3, and Nodes = 3 or 6
|oCQuadrilateralTopological traits: Dimension = 2, Edges = 4, Vertices = 4, and Nodes = 4, 8, or 9
|oCShellQuadrilateralTopological traits: Dimension = 2, Sides = 2, Edges = 4, Vertices = 4, and Nodes = 4, 8, or 9
|oCTetrahedronTopological traits: Dimension = 3, Sides = 4, Edges = 6, Vertices = 4, and Nodes = 4 or 10
|oCPyramidTopological traits: Dimension = 3, Sides = 5, Edges = 8, Vertices = 5, and Nodes = 5, 13, or 14
|oCWedgeTopological traits: Dimension = 3, Sides = 5, Edges = 9, Vertices = 6, and Nodes = 6, 15, or 18
|oCHexahedronTopological traits: Dimension = 3, Sides = 6, Edges = 12, Vertices = 8, and Nodes = 8, 20, or 27
|oCCellTopologyProvide input checked access (in debug mode) to cell topology data and a procedure to create custom cell topologies
|oCCellTopologyTraitsCompile-time traits for a cell topology
||oCedgeEdge subcell information
||oCpermutationNode permutations for proper subcells
||oCsideSide subcell information
||\CsubcellSubcell information
|oCIndexListCompile-time list of indices
|oCIndexListLengthLength of list. Defines enum { value };
|oCIndexListAtAccess member of compile-time list of indices.
Defines enum { value = Jth member };
|oCCopyCopy into an array
|oCSumSum into an array
|oCProdScale into an array
|oCBitOrBitwise-or into an array
|oCBitAndBitwise-and into an array
|oCMaxTake maximum value of each member of two arrays
|oCMinTake minimum value of each member of two arrays
|oCInnerProductInner product of two arrays
|oCCompareLexicographical comparison of two arrays
|oCSameTypeMember enum { value = ... }; is true if T1 and T2 are the same type
|oCTypeListA link within a linked list of types
|oCTypeListLengthMember enum { value = ... }; is the length of the type list
|oCTypeListAtMember typedef ... type ; is the type of the member of ListType at location ordinal if ordinal is less than the type list length
|oCTypeListIndexMember enum { value = ... }; is the location within ListType of occurance I of type TestValue . If this occurance does not exist then value = -1
|oCTypeListCountMember enum { value = ... }; is the number of occurances of TestValue within ListType
|oCTypeListMemberMember enum { value = ... }; is true if TestValue is a member of ListType
|oCTypeListUniqueMember enum { value = ... }; is true if each member of ListType appears exactly once
|oCTypeListDisjointMember enum { value = ... }; is true if all members of ListA are not a member ListB
|oCTypeListFirstMember typedef ... type ; is the first member of ListType
|oCTypeListLastMember typedef ... type ; is the last member of ListType
|oCTypeListAppendMember typedef ... type ; is defined by appending T to the end of ListA
|oCTypeListJoinMember typedef ... type ; is defined by joining ListB to the end of ListA
|oCTypeListEraseAtMember typedef ... type ; is defined by erasing member at ordinal from ListType
|oCTypeListCleanMember typedef ... type ; is defined by truncating ListType at the first occurance of TypeListEnd . Used by MakeTypeList to generate a clean type list
|\CMakeTypeListMember typedef ... type ; is a type list constructed from the template arguments
oCCellTopologyDataA simple 'C' struct of cell topology attributes
oCCellTopologyData_PermutationArray of node permutations
\CCellTopologyData_SubcellSubcell information