RTOpPack | |
  ReductTarget | Abstract base class for all reduction objects |
  RTOpT | Templated interface to vector reduction/transformation operators {abstract} |
  UnknownError | |
  InvalidUsage | |
  InvalidNumVecs | |
  InvalidNumTargVecs | |
  IncompatibleVecs | |
  IncompatibleReductObj | |
  ConstSubVectorView | Class for a non-changeable sub-vector |
  SubVectorView | Class for a changeable sub-vector |
  ConstSubMultiVectorView | Class for a non-changeable sub-multi-vector (submatrix) |
  SubMultiVectorView | Class for a changeable sub-vector |
  PrimitiveTypeTraits | A templated traits class for decomposing object into an array of primitive objects |
  PrimitiveTypeTraits< Scalar, Scalar > | Specialization where the scalar type is the same as the concrete object type |
  PrimitiveTypeTraits< Scalar, index_type > | Specialization for index_type concrete object |
  ROpGetElementEleWiseReductionOp | |
  ROpGetElement | Returns the value of the element at index global_i |
  ROpGetSubVector | Reduction operator that extracts a sub-vector in the range of global zero-based indexes [l,u] |
  ROpMaxIndexEleWiseReductionOp | |
  ROpMaxIndexReductObjReductionOp | |
  ROpMaxIndex | Returns the maximum element and its index: result.scalar = x(k) and result.index = k such that x(k) >= x(i) for i=0...n-1 and k is the minimum index to break ties |
  ROpMaxIndexLessThanBoundEleWiseReductionOp | |
  ROpMaxIndexLessThanBound | Returns the maximum element less than some bound along with its index: result.scalar = x(k) and result.index = k such that x(k) >= x(i) for all i where x(i) < bound and k is the minimum index to break ties |
  ROpMinIndexEleWiseReductionOp | |
  ROpMinIndexReductObjReductionOp | |
  ROpMinIndex | Returns the minimum element and its index: result.scalar = x(k) and result.index = k such that x(k) <= x(i) for i=0...n-1 and k is the minimum index to break ties |
  ROpMinIndexGreaterThanBoundEleWiseReductionOp | |
  ROpMinIndexGreaterThanBound | Returns the minimum element greater than some bound along with its index: result.scalar = x(k) and result.index = k such that x(k) <= x(i) for all i where x(i) > bound and k is the minimum index to break ties |
  ROpNorm2EleWiseReduction | |
  ROpNorm2 | Two (Euclidean) norm reduction operator: result = sqrt( sum( conj(v0[i])*v0[i], i=0...n-1 ) ) |
  ROpWeightedNorm2EleWiseReduction | |
  ROpWeightedNorm2 | Weighted Two (Euclidean) norm reduction operator: result = sqrt( sum( v0[i]*conj(v1[i])*v1[i], i=0...n-1 ) ) |
  TOpAddScalarEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation operator for TOpAddScalar |
  TOpAddScalar | Add a scalar to a vector transformation operator: z0[i] += alpha, i=0...n-1 |
  TOpAssignScalarEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation operator for TOpAssignScalar |
  TOpAssignScalar | Assign a scalar to a vector transformation operator: z0[i] = alpha, i=0...n-1 |
  TOpAXPYEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation operator for TOpAXPY |
  TOpAXPY | AXPY transformation operator: z0[i] += alpha*v0[i], i=0...n-1 |
  TOpEleWiseConjProdEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation operator for TOpEleWiseConjProd |
  TOpEleWiseConjProd | Element-wise product transformation operator: z0[i] += alpha*conj(v0[i])*v1[i], i=0...n-1 |
  TOpEleWiseDivideEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation operator for TOpEleWiseDivide |
  TOpEleWiseDivide | Element-wise division transformation operator: z0[i] += alpha*v0[i]/v1[i], i=0...n-1 |
  TOpEleWiseProdEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation operator for TOpEleWiseProd |
  TOpEleWiseProd | Element-wise product transformation operator: z0[i] += alpha*v0[i]*v1[i], i=0...n-1 |
  TOpEleWiseProdUpdateEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation operator for TOpEleWiseProdUpdate |
  TOpEleWiseProdUpdate | Element-wise product update transformation operator: z0[i] *= alpha*v0[i], i=0...n-1 |
  TOpEleWiseScaleEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise vector scaling op for TOpEleWiseScaling |
  TOpEleWiseScale | Element-wise vector scaling: z0[i] *= v0[i], i=0...n-1 |
  TOpLinearCombination | Linear combination transformation operator: z0[i] = beta*z0[i] |
  TOpPairWiseMaxPairWiseTransformation | Pair-wise transformation operator for TOpPairWiseMax |
  TOpPairWiseMax | Pair-wise Maximum transformation operator: z0[i] = alpha*max(v0[i],v1[i]), i=0...n-1 |
  TOpPairWiseMaxUpdatePairWiseTransformation | Pair-wise transformation operator for TOpPairWiseMaxUpdate |
  TOpPairWiseMaxUpdate | Pair-wise Maximum update transformation operator: z0[i] = alpha*max(z0[i],v0[i]), i=0...n-1 |
  TOpRandomize | Generate a random vector in the range [l,u]: z0[i] = 0.5*((u-l)*Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::random()+(u+l)), i=0...n-1 |
  TOpScaleVectorEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation operator for TOpScaleVector |
  TOpScaleVector | Simple transformation operator that scales every vector element by a scalar alpha |
  TOpSetAssendingValuesEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation for TOpSetAssendingValues |
  TOpSetAssendingValues | Set the elements of a vector to: z0[i] = i+offset+1, i=0...n-1 |
  TOpSetElementEleWiseTransformation | Element-wise transformation for TOpSetElement |
  TOpSetElement | Set the elements of a vector to: z0[i] = i+global_i+1, i=0...n-1 |
  TOpSetSubVector | Advanced transformation operator that assigns elements from a sparse explicit vector |
  RTOpServer | Server for creating RTOpT objects given just the operators name |
  RTOpSubRangeDecorator | Decorator subclass that restricts the range of elements to apply the underlying RTOpT object to |
  ScalarIndex | Simple struct for a Scalar and an Ordinal object |
  PrimitiveTypeTraits< Scalar, ScalarIndex< Scalar > > | Partial specialization of PrimitiveTypeTraits for ScalarIndex |
  DefaultReductTarget | Simple ReductTarget subclass for simple scalar objects |
  BasicReductObjReductionOp | |
  BasicReductObjReductionOp< ConcreteReductObj, REDUCT_TYPE_SUM > | |
  BasicReductObjReductionOp< ConcreteReductObj, REDUCT_TYPE_MAX > | |
  BasicReductObjReductionOp< ConcreteReductObj, REDUCT_TYPE_MIN > | |
  SumScalarReductObjReduction | Null reduction object reduction operator |
  ROpScalarReductionWithOpBase | |
  ROp_1_ScalarReduction | Base class for scalar reduction RTOps with one input vector |
  ROp_1_CoordVariantScalarReduction | Base class for coordinate-variant scalar reduction RTOps with one input vector |
  ROp_2_ScalarReduction | Base class for scalar reduction RTOps with two input vectors |
  TOp_0_1_Base | Base class for transformations for 0 input and 1 output vector |
  TOp_0_1_CoordVariantBase | Base class for coordinate variant transformations for 0 input and 1 output vector |
  TOp_1_1_Base | Base class for transformations for 1 input and 1 output vector |
  TOp_2_1_Base | Base class for transformations for 2 input and 1 output vector |
  TOp_3_1_Base | Base class for transformations for 3 input and 1 output vector |
  SparseSubVectorT | Class for a (sparse or dense) sub-vector |
  ReductTargetSerializer | Serializer subclass for ReductTarget objects |
  ReductTargetReductionOp | ReductionOp subclass for ReductTarget objects |
  TOpUnaryFuncPtr | RTOpT subclass for unary transformation functions using a function pointer |
 Teuchos | |
  details | |
   complex< T > > | |
  MatrixMarket | |
  YAMLParameterList | |
   string > | |
  false_type > | |
  true_type > | |
  false_type > | |
  true_type > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string > | |
  string, char[N]> | |
  reverse_iterator< Iter > > | |
  string > | |
  pair< T1, T2 > > | |
  string > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  pair< P1, P2 > > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  DefaultSerializerType > | |
  pair< Packet, Packet > > | |
  pair< Packet, Packet >, ConvertToPacket > | |
  complex< float > > | |
  complex< double > > | |
 Trilinos | |
  Details | |